Is Making Money Online Easy? My Personal Experience

Do you believe in making money online? Is making money online easy? Do you think you can make money or even make a living from earning money online? Or do you still think it’s all just a lie and a scam?

You are in the right place because I want to share with you my personal experience when it comes to online earnings. When and how did I start making money online, what online jobs did I do and how much did I earn from those jobs.

And the most important thing that I think interests you all is whether it is worth investing effort in internet earnings and where to start?

A lot of people contacted me and asked me to share my experience on my blog about making money online and that’s why I came up with the idea to “open my soul” in this article and clarify some things about internet business as well as how I made success online.

I hope that this article will not be too long, but even if it is, don’t regret reading the text from the beginning to the end, because it can change your attitude and opinion about internet earnings.

Let’s Start From The Beginning…

If you follow my blog regularly, by now you have already realized that I am an ordinary guy who is 26 years old and who runs a successful blog (without false modesty). I made my living online and I am really very happy with my online job and that is blogging.

But what was it before I got into online “waters” and before I became a successful blogger?

I have always dreamed of working online, from home, even while I was in high school. At the time, I had no evidence that it was possible to make money online, but I deeply believed that it was possible because I was online and I read and listened to people make real small fortunes online.

As a high school student, I searched the internet for many ways to make money online, but I was not successful in that, and you will find out why in the following text….

Unfortunately for me, I did not enroll in either the desired high school or the desired college. I spent 4 years in the Mechanical School, majoring in mechanical engineering, which did not interest me at all, but “some” school had to be completed…

I also finished that high school and it was my turn to go to college. I had some special interests in web design, so I enrolled in that department at the Faculty of ICT in Belgrade.

A year passed, I passed all the exams on time, but I understood that I am not interested in that either. I finished the remaining 2 years and finally get that diploma in my hands, although I honestly wasn’t looking forward to it…

Job Search in the Profession (Unsuccessful!)

After graduating from college, I started to apply in many places that have to do with my profession (web design), as far as high school is concerned, there was not a single job related to that profession.

I received a couple of times and calls from various companies, but how (un)lucky I was that they always looked for workers with experience or received those mothers’ and fathers’ sons and daughters through a relationship. (I don’t want to offend anyone but that’s the way it is).

job search

Maybe someone will think now, so is it possible that you couldn’t find a job in a profession that is realistic, very popular today.

I did, I got it, I worked for 3 months and left for the reason that the employer asked for overtime work, unpaid of course.

I don’t want it to turn out that I’m whining about something now and that nothing works for me, there are a lot of people who do this and many other jobs in the profession, but, everyone is of a different character, we are not all the same.

I saw that time passes and that there is nothing from work in my profession…

Job Search Outside the Profession (Successful But…)

There is a job for everyone who wants to work, so say my parents who trumpeted to me about it because I failed to get a job in my profession after finishing college.

I decided to start looking for jobs outside my profession, just to get that job that will bring me a regular monthly salary. What jobs do you think I could apply for outside my profession? And worst of all, I have no experience in any job!

Physicist, assistant, waiter, kitchen assistant, call operator, warehouseman, etc.… these are all jobs I have tried and worked on. I don’t want to lie, the salaries were good, even the employers in some of these jobs were nice and kind to me, which is a rarity today.

Yes, I had a job, I had a salary, but what bothered me a lot was that I was still NOT HAPPY and satisfied. Getting up in the morning at 5 am, arriving in the evening around 5 pm, 6 pm, working overtime, working on the weekends, I just wasn’t happy with my business life.

I remembered that as a high school I dreamed of working from home, on the Internet, but I also remembered that I had no success on the Internet and that everyone convinced me that it is NOT possible to make money on the Internet.

However, I did not give up…

Googling All Day and Night (Online Job Search)

I realized in my head that I wanted to work online and that’s how it had to be. Today I enjoy online earnings but before that, I struggled a lot…

My search for online jobs started and of course, like everyone else, my first search was “how to make money online“, a million results came out, but I browsed one by one and looked for a solution to my problem.

I was “green” then, I didn’t know that someone could cheat me online, take my money but I was wrong.

I’ve been cheated online too many times and do you know why? Because I was looking for QUICK ways to make money online and today I know that is not possible.

I tell you right away if you’re looking to find ways to make quick money online, give up right away because that’s impossible.

What I did first on the internet, the online jobs I found were filling out surveys, earning by clicking on ads, earning from playing games, clicking videos, listening to music, installing various software, etc.,…. The total earnings from all of this were $1, after a month. Yes, you read that right, just one dollar a month.

These were free ways to make money online, I was honestly desperate because I thought it was really impossible to make money online.

Then I decided to pay for some software and products that of course promised a big profit as soon as the money was paid. As much as I desperately wanted to see results and money online, I “threw” money.

Want To Make Passive Income Online? Click Here And Find Out How!

My Conclusion After 6 Months of Searching Online Jobs

Making money online is not easy at all! It is not impossible to make money online, I am living proof of that, but you need to make an effort to find proven ways to make money online and to warm up your chair well.

Let me tell you right away if you think you will make money by looking at some ads and filling out some surveys, there is none of that, you better look for an offline job that has nothing to do with the internet.

I was not serious, I wanted to make money and make a living on the Internet, but I was waiting for someone to offer me a magical solution, to do nothing, that is, to click something and the money would just drip. That does not exist!

I believe and know that today there are people who think the same as I thought a couple of years ago. To sit at the computer, and google how to make money on the Internet by clicking something there, now I see how much nonsense it is.

Who will give you money for free? Absolutely no one! You MUST earn it, whether you work online or in a restaurant!

I made this article for that very reason to MOTIVATE people who want to start making money online, to start with real jobs and not with short-term jobs that will only bring them cents…

I had decided to give up looking for online jobs because everything I had done until then did not bring me the results I wanted. I wanted to be fast money and I realized that it was not possible to achieve that.

End of 2016… (Finding the Wealthy Affiliate Platform)

As I googled on the internet about online jobs, I don’t know how but I came across a platform called Wealthy Affiliate. It is a platform that contains all the training on how to create a blog in any field and make money by promoting products/services of various companies/brands.

I have read and heard about how bloggers make huge sums of money from their blogs but again, it seemed to me that something like that was impossible for me, I have no experience in creating blogs, I need to write there, know SEO optimization, and much more.

I registered on the platform for free and I really liked the first experience. I immediately saw that the platform was professionally done, although I was skeptical. I thought, there must be some fraudsters behind this…

I immediately filled out my profile and started following the training, which they say is phenomenal and has proven results when it comes to blogging (which later turned out to be true).

I also started to ask about the platform that normally has a live chat, I asked if this works and how much I can earn.

Can you imagine what answers I got? DO NOT EXPECT earnings in the first 3-6 months… What? I came to make money in at least a month, and it turned out that I needed to work and follow training in order to make money in a couple of months?

It was impossible for me, I wasn’t ready to work for so long for free, I didn’t have the patience for it… I left the platform, hung out on the net again for 2-3 weeks, and looked for magical online jobs that would bring me instant earnings. Again, without success…

After a while, I decided to google about the Wealthy Affiliate platform because “something” was pulling me towards it, as if I felt it was it, I just wasn’t 100% sure. I have read many experiences on the internet related to success with this platform. There were the black ones, the bad ones, but there were also the very motivating and positive ones.

It was interesting to me that anyone who wrote that he had achieved success with this platform, it took him a couple of months to do so. I decided to go back to the platform and invest at least those 3 months in this and see how it all works.

That was the best decision I made! In the pictures below you can see why!

Read More About Wealthy Affiliate Platform Here!

Every Beginning Is Hard

I started with the training offered by the Wealthy Affiliate platform. Honestly, it was very interesting for me to read and listen to video tutorials that contain lessons.

I have to admit that I got along very quickly on the platform, both with the training and with the other members of the platform. There really are people from all over the world and everyone is ready to answer questions and offer help.

I finished my first lessons and created my first blog that was in Serbian. The topic of my blog was weight loss, somehow it has always interested me, so I decided to write about it. Let me not forget to say that the training helped me a lot in how to write texts for my blog as well as how to choose a niche for my blog (weight loss).

I’ve always hated to write, but believe me, with their training, it’s super easy.

As I said, I finished those lessons in the first level (Level 1 and there are 5 Levels) and I need to go to the others when it says, become a Premium member for only $19 for the first month. Okeeey now and I wasn’t that happy because why isn’t it free?

Let me say right away, not to procrastinate, the free membership is free and as a free member, you only have access to the first 10 lessons.

Premium membership costs $19 for the first month and $49 per month each month.

I liked the training and I pay those $19, when I threw hundreds of euros at all sorts of nonsense I can give $19 for this.

The moment I became a Premium member, I got complete access to the platform as well as the entire training.

I didn’t want to waste time and immediately threw myself into training. Let me say right away, the training is PHENOMENAL, I was really very satisfied, just like now. (I have been a member of the platform for more than 5 years).

My blog started to show up on the internet and get visitors after the FIRST month! I was overjoyed when I received the first comment from a blog visitor. My blog was visible to the whole world! And most importantly, people read my texts and praised my blog!

Of course, there was no profit, yet!… Training on the Wealthy Affiliate platform teaches about how to attract people to your blog, through Google, but also how to promote products that are relevant to your blog topic.

So I came up with the idea to promote weight loss shakes on my blog. It was the popular Herbalife shake. I simply researched everything about this product on the internet and posted it all on my blog.

Before that, I registered with Herbalife for free, after which they gave me my unique affiliate link to track product sales. So, I put that link on my blog and for everyone who buys a product through that link, I earn a percentage of sales.

It must have been 2 weeks when I received an email from Herbalife that I had a successful sale. My earnings were $12. At that moment, I was as happy as if I had earned a million dollars and not just $12.

It was at that point that I realized that training from the Wealthy Affiliate platform really worked, even though it took me 2 months to make my first sale and earnings on my blog.

I realized blogging was for me!

If someone had told me 5 years ago that I would make money this way, I would never have believed him. I don’t consider myself the most successful blogger, when you are a blogger you are always learning new things but I am definitely happy with my business status and earnings.

FAQ About Making Money Online

Is this the only way to make money online?

Of course not, it is possible to make money online and there are various ways you can make money online but this is my way and I recommend it to everyone and I will always recommend it to anyone who wants to do online business and make money from home because it is, in my opinion, the best. Blogging is the business of the future!

Do you need to invest money to make money online?

Honestly, yes! You may also find a way to make money without investing but that earnings without investing will be slow and small.

If you invest money in an online business, you will get much more! The investment I made in the Wealthy Affiliate platform paid off for me and it pays off for me today because, without this platform, there would be no blog of mine that pays my monthly bills today.

How long does it take to make money online?

Depends! Not from me, not from Wealthy Affiliate, not from someone else, ONLY from you! The more work and effort you put into an online business, the more you will get. Remember that education and learning come first.

I was chasing fast ways to make money online, I was just wasting my time, don’t make the same mistake, work for 2,3,4 months if you have to, and don’t give up even if there are no results right at the beginning.

Is there any magic trick that will help you make money online sitting and doing nothing?

Absolutely no! If you manage to find him, please let me know so that we can sit together, we don’t do anything and the money just falls from the sky…

My Final Words

This was a long article, I hope you read it from the beginning because it is important to me that you do not skip anything.

Everything I wrote is important and I hope that my blog will help you start with online earnings, but with real online earnings and not nonsense like earning a few dollars a month.

You can definitely make money and live from internet earnings, you need to find the right thing and stick to it.

My choice is Wealthy Affiliate and I hope it will become yours as well, because that is the goal and meaning of my blog, to encourage and motivate people to start blogging, it is in my opinion the fastest and easiest way to make real money online, only what you need is good and quality training (WA training), motivation and desire to succeed.

You have to understand that you can’t make money right away, fast. As I mentioned above, you need to work for a couple of months even though there is no salary, the salary comes later, it certainly comes, only if you don’t give up!

If you are interested in blogging, Wealthy Affiliate, and want to make money the way I do, at the link below you can read the detailed article I wrote on the Wealthy Affiliate platform. Here you will find all the information related to this platform as well as their training.

All You Need In One Place! Wealthy Affiliate Platform!

If you have any questions about online earnings, the Wealthy Affiliate platform, or something that is unclear to you, feel free to write me below in the comments and I will do my best to answer you as soon as possible!

12 thoughts on “Is Making Money Online Easy? My Personal Experience”

  1. The wealthy affiliate platform is truly amazing helping you to live your dreams by following their training, however, it takes a lot of hard work to get where you want to go. But as long as you are willing to work hard and smart you will reach your goals. Thanks so much for sharing your success story and for letting us know that anyone can earn a full-time income from home as long as they are willing to follow the training and put in the time.

  2. Hey Daniel. Thank you for sharing your story. I have also been searching online during the pandemic for ways to earn money. And blogging seemed something cool. But at the same time, back-breaking. But your experience has encouraged me to give this a try. And I like that we can choose a topic we enjoy.

  3. Hi Daniel

    Thank you for sharing your online journey! There is no quick way to make money. If you want to make an income, then you must put in time, patience, and investment as well.

    My website was almost 7 months year-old before I received my first payout. And it wouldn’t have been possible if I gave up in the beginning. Thus, never give up and always learn to do something new. I have two websites now and I hope to achieve a good payout for the second website as well.

    • That’s right, Bernard! We should have in mind that consistent work always pays off. The worst thing we can do is to give up. I wish you the best luck with your sites.

  4. Hi Daniel. My personal experience has been almost the same as yours. I really struggled before I found a rewarding method that was legit and straightforward. On top of that, it also took many months of consistent work without any rewarding results until I finally struck gold. So it does take time to make good money even after finding the right platform and you have to put in a lot of work just like any other industry in the offline world. That’s what I’ve personally learned.

  5. Hey Daniel! I am glad someone finally decided to put in words what a large population thinks! Making extra money is key for all of us, especially under the circumstances we are living in nowadays and taking advantage of Remote Working!

     “Googling All Day and Night” nice way to put it and give hope to people who do wish to make extra money!

    Thanks again!

  6. What a powerful read that was, thanks for being so open and honest about your journey so far. I am already signed up as a premium member with Wealthy Affiliate and I cannot echo your comments enough on how phenomenal the training is on this platform.

    Like so many others I thought it would be easy to earn money online but I vastly underestimated the need for a mentor and significant training. Don’t fall into the trap of the get rich quick offers, instead take a look at articles like this which offer real world experiences and offer fantastic advice with regards to what steps to take and what you should definitely avoid at all costs.

    Thanks again.


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