App Coiner Review – Scam or Legit?

Welcome to my in-depth review of App Coiner, a platform that claims to offer an intriguing opportunity to earn money by testing and reviewing apps.

In an online world brimming with promises of easy income, it’s crucial to distinguish between legitimate opportunities and potential pitfalls.

If you’re exploring ways to monetize your time online, particularly through app testing, this review is tailored for you.

I’ve meticulously investigated App Coiner, delving into its offerings, legitimacy, and overall value proposition.

Whether you’re a student, a part-time seeker, or just curious about making money online, join me as I dissect the realities of App Coiner and provide you with the insights you need.

About Reviewer (Me!)

Hi, I’m Daniel, the voice and experience behind

With a rich background in affiliate marketing and blogging, I’ve spent years mastering the art of online income generation.

My journey has been filled with exploring numerous online courses and strategies, giving me a well-rounded perspective on what truly works in the digital marketing world.

My expertise isn’t just theoretical; it’s grounded in real-world successes and challenges. As an affiliate marketer and blogger, I’ve learned to discern the value of online courses, separating the practical from the purely theoretical.

This review of App Coiner comes from a place of experience and genuine intent to guide others in their online career pursuits.

Is App Coiner a Scam?

Yes, App Coiner raises several red flags that suggest it might not be a legitimate opportunity.

The first concern with App Coiner is the lack of transparency regarding its ownership and management.

Trustworthy platforms typically provide clear information about their founders or managing company, contributing to their credibility. The absence of such details in App Coiner’s case is a significant warning sign.

Another issue is the striking similarity between App Coiner and other websites, like

This resemblance goes beyond mere coincidence, hinting at a possible rehash of the same questionable platform. Legitimate businesses usually strive to maintain uniqueness and authenticity, which is not evident here.

Additionally, a major shortfall of App Coiner is its failure to provide essential training for generating website traffic. The platform suggests that users can earn by simply writing reviews and sharing them.

However, without proper guidance on SEO and traffic generation, the likelihood of these reviews being seen and monetized is minimal.

Furthermore, a search for user testimonials or success stories yields predominantly negative reviews and experiences.

The absence of positive feedback or successful case studies from users is a glaring concern, suggesting that the platform may not deliver on its promises.

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What Is App Coiner?

App Coiner positions itself as a “get-paid-to” (GPT) platform, promising users the opportunity to earn money by downloading, testing, and reviewing various mobile applications.

The premise is straightforward: users select apps from the platform’s database, use them, and then write reviews about their experiences. These reviews are then supposedly used to generate income, leveraging the users’ feedback.

The platform claims to simplify the process into three steps: choosing an app from their extensive library, writing a review on your personalized App Coiner website, and earning money as your reviews garner traffic and engagement.

This setup suggests a mix of app testing and affiliate marketing, where the reviews written by users potentially drive sales or actions that lead to monetization.

However, the specifics of how App Coiner facilitates these processes, particularly in terms of traffic generation and actual earnings, remain vague.

While the concept appears straightforward and potentially lucrative at first glance, the lack of detailed operational transparency raises questions about its effectiveness and legitimacy as a money-making tool.

How Does App Coiner Work?

App Coiner’s operation model is based on a seemingly simple process, but it involves several steps that users must understand.

  1. Registration and Payment: To begin, users are required to sign up with their email and pay a fee of $27. This registration grants access to the App Coiner platform.
  2. Accessing the Database and Review Site: Upon payment, users gain entry to a database filled with various apps waiting to be tested and reviewed. Alongside this, App Coiner provides a cloud-based, Done For You (DFY) review website where these reviews are to be published.
  3. Selecting and Testing Apps: Users choose apps from the database that interest them. These apps must be downloaded, installed, and thoroughly tested on a personal device, such as a smartphone or tablet.
  4. Writing and Publishing Reviews: After testing an app, the user then writes a review of their experience and publishes it on their provided App Coiner website. It’s suggested that these reviews be detailed, ideally around 500 words, to ensure comprehensiveness.
  5. Generating Traffic and Earning Money: The final step, and perhaps the most challenging, is attracting traffic to these reviews. App Coiner implies that the more traffic your reviews receive, the more you can potentially earn. This earning could be through affiliate links, clicks on ads, or direct promotions within the review. However, App Coiner does not provide substantial training or support in SEO or traffic generation, which are critical to the success of any online content.

The process, while straightforward in theory, hinges heavily on the user’s ability to attract traffic to their reviews.

Without proper guidance and tools for SEO and digital marketing, this can be a significant hurdle, especially for those new to online content creation and affiliate marketing.

How Much App Coiner Costs?

App Coiner presents a straightforward pricing model with a one-time entry fee, but there are additional aspects to consider.

  1. Initial Access Fee: To gain access to the App Coiner platform, users are required to pay a one-time fee of $27. This fee unlocks access to the app review database and the personal review website where users can publish their reviews.
  2. Hidden Upsells: While the initial cost is set at $27, users should be aware of potential hidden upsells. These additional costs may come in the form of advanced features, additional tools, or resources that are not included in the basic package but are offered once you are a member. The exact nature and cost of these upsells are not explicitly detailed upfront, which is something potential users should be mindful of.
  3. No Recurring Subscription: Unlike many online platforms, App Coiner does not operate on a subscription model. The one-time fee is the primary cost for the basic service, barring any additional upsells that users might encounter.

In summary, the core cost to get started with App Coiner is $27.

However, potential users should be cautious of additional expenses that may arise after joining, as these upsells could increase the overall investment needed to fully utilize the platform.

Who Is App Coiner For?

App Coiner, with its model of earning through app testing and reviewing, is targeted towards a specific audience:

  1. Tech Enthusiasts and App Users: Individuals who have a keen interest in mobile apps and enjoy exploring new applications might find App Coiner appealing. This platform provides an opportunity to explore a variety of apps while potentially earning money.
  2. Aspiring Affiliate Marketers: Those who are looking to step into the world of affiliate marketing could consider App Coiner as a starting point. The platform combines app reviews with the potential for affiliate earnings, offering a unique blend of content creation and marketing.
  3. Content Creators and Bloggers: Writers and bloggers who are comfortable with creating detailed reviews and have an interest in tech and apps might find this platform suitable. It offers a chance to create content around app experiences.
  4. Individuals Seeking Side Income: For people looking for ways to earn extra money online, App Coiner proposes a method to monetize time spent on testing and reviewing apps.

However, it’s important to note that App Coiner might not be ideal for beginners in digital marketing, especially those unfamiliar with SEO and traffic generation techniques.

Without these skills, it can be challenging to successfully attract visitors to the reviews and monetize them effectively.

Therefore, while App Coiner seems to cater to a broad audience, it’s more suited for those with some existing knowledge or experience in online content creation and marketing.

Do I Recommend App Coiner?

After thoroughly examining App Coiner, I have to say that I do not recommend it. The main reason for this decision is the platform’s lack of transparency and support in crucial areas essential for success in this kind of venture.

Primarily, the absence of clear information about the platform’s ownership and the background of its creators is a significant concern.

Trustworthy online platforms generally provide transparent details about their founders, which helps in building credibility and trust. App Coiner’s failure to do so is a red flag.

Furthermore, the platform does not adequately equip users with the necessary skills or tools for generating traffic to their review sites.

Success in affiliate marketing and content creation heavily relies on attracting and maintaining a steady flow of online traffic.

Without proper guidance or training in SEO and digital marketing, it’s incredibly challenging for users, especially those new to this field, to gain visibility and monetize their content effectively.

App Coiner Pros and Cons


  1. Access to a Variety of Apps: Users have the opportunity to explore and review a wide range of applications, which can be appealing for app enthusiasts.
  2. Potential for Affiliate Earnings: The platform offers a blend of app reviewing and potential affiliate marketing, providing a unique avenue for monetization.
  3. Done-For-You Review Website: App Coiner provides users with a ready-made website for publishing app reviews, simplifying the setup process.


  1. Lack of Ownership Transparency: There is no clear information about who owns or operates App Coiner, raising questions about its credibility.
  2. Insufficient Traffic Generation Training: The platform does not offer adequate guidance on SEO or strategies to attract traffic to the review websites, a crucial element for success in this field.
  3. Hidden Upsells: Additional costs beyond the initial fee are not clearly disclosed, potentially leading to unexpected expenses.
  4. Limited User Testimonials: There is a notable lack of positive user reviews or success stories, which casts doubt on the platform’s effectiveness.

App Coiner Review – Conclusion

In conclusion, while App Coiner presents an intriguing concept of earning money by testing and reviewing apps, there are significant concerns that cannot be overlooked.

The platform’s lack of transparency about its ownership, inadequate support in key areas like SEO and traffic generation, and the potential for hidden additional costs raise serious doubts about its legitimacy and effectiveness.

Although the prospect of having a ready-made platform for reviewing apps may seem appealing, the challenges in actually monetizing these reviews, especially for those without digital marketing experience, are substantial.

The absence of positive testimonials or proven success stories further diminishes the platform’s appeal.

Given these factors, it’s hard to endorse App Coiner as a reliable or profitable method for making money online.

For individuals interested in affiliate marketing and content creation, there are more transparent and supportive platforms available that offer better opportunities for success.

The Best Way To Make Money Online

My journey in the digital realm has led me to a simple yet effective strategy: creating straightforward affiliate websites that bridge the gap between consumers and the products they seek.

This method, known as affiliate marketing, has proven to be an exceptionally viable way to earn money online.

It’s not just about selling; it’s about connecting and adding value, aligning people with solutions they’re actively searching for.

Affiliate marketing, in my experience, stands out as a highly rewarding path to online income generation.

Its flexibility, scalability, and potential for passive income make it an attractive option for anyone looking to establish a foothold in the digital marketing world.

If you’re intrigued by the prospect of starting your own journey in affiliate marketing, I encourage you to explore further.

For those ready to take the next step, I offer a comprehensive free training program. This training is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in the dynamic world of affiliate marketing.

Remember, the journey to successful online earning is a learning process, one that is as rewarding as it is challenging.

Feel free to share your thoughts on this review and your own experiences in affiliate marketing in the comments below. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

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