Clickearners Review 2023 – Legit Way To Make Money?

You have probably heard about Clickearners and how it is a great platform to make money online as a freelancer. Well, I don’t want to disappoint you but you should read this Clickearners review before you join the platform.

You might think that this online platform is similar to Fiverr but there is a difference. Clickearners charge you money for the membership and that would not be bad if it is a quality freelance platform but stay till the end to discover the truth.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who is doing it for a living, I am making a full-time income online thanks to the online business.

I have also reviewed hundreds of online products that promise you fast and easy earnings, you will always get from me a proven and trustworthy review and opinion so you can be sure that you are in the right place.

So, let’s start with our review and see if Clickearners is for you or not.

Clickearners Short Overview

  • Website: Clickearners
  • Type of website: Freelance website
  • Owner: Unknown
  • Price: $27
  • Money back guarantee: Yes, 60 days
  • Is it a scam: Probably
  • Do I recommend it: No

In short, Clickearners is an online platform where you can start doing virtual jobs and get paid for accomplishing them. It is something similar to Fiverr and Upwork but the difference is that Clickearners will charge you for using their platform.

The good thing is that you will also learn how to become a virtual assistant, and you will also get an education that will help you find the best job for you.

Everything would be great if I did not do deep research about this website and discovered that people are not satisfied and not making any money using this platform.

Of course, it is very possible to make money online by doing mini jobs and tasks but the reality is that you can find those jobs completely for free, by just doing a search on Google.

Honestly, I don’t find a point to invest in Clickearners but if you are heated up to join, read the whole review first!

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What Is Clickearners?

Clickearners is an online platform where you can register and pay a fee for doing virtual jobs such as data entry, surveys, and similar. As I said, this is something similar to Fiverr and Upwork but here you will need to pay a fee to be able to get access to the virtual tasks.

This platform claims that you can be flexible as much as you want, you can choose the time you will work and you are planning your working schedule.

If you did not know already, Clickearners is a digital product that you can find on Clickbank, and honestly, I am not a big fan of Clickbank products primarily because 85% of them are scammy.

Fiverr and Upwork are much better alternatives compared to Clickearners primarily because those are free platforms where you don’t need to pay anything and yet, those are 100% legit platforms where people are making real money by doing online jobs.

Based on my opinion and experience I think that Clickearners just want to make some quick cash from the people without giving much quality and value.

in the continuation of this review, you will see the real reviews from the people who are registered on Clickearners.

How Does Clickearners Work?

Clickearners claim that the whole process works pretty simply and easily and it is true. You have only 3 simple steps to take to be able to start doing virtual jobs on this platform.

  1. Register
  2. Activate Your Account
  3. Follow the Instructions and Start Earning

This would be great if it was free but once you register successfully the unknown person will ask you to pay a fee of $27 to be able to get access to virtual tasks.

There are no free trials or anything similar so once you give your money that’s it. You would probably agree with me that price is not expensive but still, it is a waste of money because you will most likely not make any significant money from this platform.

When it comes to the online jobs you will find inside the Clickearners here are some of them:

  • Product Testing
  • Surveys
  • Typing & Writing
  • Data Entry
  • Online Research
  • Social Media Management
  • and more

What is one of the biggest problems here is that Clickearners will not offer you these jobs directly BUT they will point you to other websites where you can start finding these jobs, I am seeing it as a red flag because you will need to leave the website and look on other websites.

It is really pointless because you can find these online jobs and tasks completely free on the Internet, without Clickearners.

My advice is that you avoid Clickearners because you will definitely waste your time and money here. If you want to do virtual jobs go look on Fiverr or Upwork as there you are not going to pay anything.

Is Clickearners a Scam?

Based on my personal experience I can say that yes, Clickearners is a scam and you should definitely avoid it. In the first place, the creator and the owner of this platform is an unknown person. You simply don’t know who is behind the platform and who is getting your money.

If you regularly follow my website you know that I am using a Trustpilot website for reviews, there you can find real people’s experiences and see if the platform or product is a scam or not.

In the images below you can see that Clickearners has a very low rate and that people who registered and paid the fee are not satisfied.

As you can see from real people’s experiences, Clickearners is definitely some kind of scam that you should avoid in the high range. Although the fee is not expensive it is most likely that this is wasting of time as you can find virtual jobs completely for free on the Internet.

Most people complain about getting scammed and blocked by Clickearners workers, mostly about paying the fee and that is something I really don’t like.

Can You Make Money With Clickearners?

Honestly no. You will definitely not make any money using Clickearners primarily because the task you are going to get are paid very low and definitely the biggest concern is that there is a chance that you are going to get scammed by some workers of Clickearners.

This does not mean that you can’t make money by doing virtual jobs online, the problem here is the platform and not the jobs you can find. Instead of using Clickearners you can use Fiverr or Upwork and start doing online jobs and get paid for doing it.

Many people are complaining about this online platform and I did not find any person who was satisfied and eventually made money with them.

As I already stated before, Clickearners is some kind of scam where the owner of this platform wants to make some quick cash by driving people into the platform while people will not make a dime.

Clickearners Pros

  • You get some guides and resources
  • There is a 60-day money-back guarantee (although people claim that they do not get a refund)

Clickearners Cons

  • No jobs inside the platform
  • People are getting scammed by Clickearners workers
  • Too many complaints by real users
  • The owner is unknown
  • You will need to pay a fee of $27 to get access to the platform
  • There is no guarantee that you will make any money at all

Final Words About Clickearners and My Recommendation For You

I honestly hope that this Clickearners review helped you to discover the truth about this online platform. This is something you definitely should avoid if you are serious about making money online doing virtual jobs.

There are free platforms like Fiverr where you can join and apply for many different jobs related to online tasks.

Based on my experience and many others, Clickearners is a scam and the real truth behind that platform is to suck people’s money.

The way better alternative for you and my recommendation is to start your own online business by creating a niche website and doing affiliate marketing.

I am a full-time affiliate marketer and my earnings are great thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate platform that taught me about starting an online business.

No matter if you are a beginner or more experienced, this is for you. The best source of online income is passive income and Wealthy Affiliate is gonna teach you step-by-step how to start.

Just take a look at some of my passive earnings that my website keeps earning every single month.

Making money online is not hard at all but you need to have a proper education and guidance because you can get lost in all of that information. Wealthy Affiliate is my choice and I honestly hope that it will be yours too.

You can click on the link below to find out more about this great platform that can help you to change your financial life.

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