How Much Is Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership?

If you landed here on this article that means that you have heard about the Wealthy Affiliate platform but you are not sure should you join and should you even pay for their Premium membership package. Am I right?

Let me say to you at the right beginning, I am a member of Wealthy Affiliate for over 6 years, and you know what? I am a Premium member for over 6 years.

If you have not read my story so far then I recommend that you actually read it on the link here.

You will understand how I began my blogging career and how Wealthy Affiliate helped me to achieve my dream and that is passive income on the internet.

Now, in this article you will find how much is Wealthy Affiliate premium membership, should you join, is the price worth it, and how WA can help you to achieve financial freedom.

Working online is hard and achieving a high passive income on the internet is not easy. We are looking to find easy ways to work online and earn money fast but that is not possible. You will have to invest your time and be patient if you want to enjoy online earnings.

I am a full-time blogger for nearly 7 years, I primarily work affiliate marketing on my website (which the WA platform teaches me) and I cannot enough thank God that I stumbled upon this platform, you will see why in the continuation of this article.

So, let’s dive in! Just focus and read carefully, I am sure this post will help you to decide is WA worth your time or not.

Wealthy Affiliate Starter Membership – Lets Start From Beginning

I will not write a lot of starter membership here but I want you to know that WA is completely free to join and you can start affiliate marketing training on the platform completely free.

You will need just a valid email address, username, and password and that’s it, you are ready to start!

So, how much does Wealthy Affiliate starter membership cost – It’s $0

When I first stumbled upon this platform I found it very good that you can join completely for free. In this free membership, you can see what WA offer and is this actually for you or not. If you found that this is for you then you should upgrade to Premium membership.

In my case, I upgraded to Premium after 3 days of being a starter member and I have never repented for that.

What You Are Getting With The Starter Membership? (For $0)

When it comes to the Starter membership, just like I said in this membership you can see is this for you or not.

– 1 out of 5 OEC (Online Entrepreneur Certification) Training – Getting Started

That’s right when you successfully register on the platform you have access to the OEC training (only Level 1 out of 5 Levels) where you will learn how to build/create your own website in the niche you want. That niche should be a profitable niche so you will learn that too in the training that is allowed to Starter members.

Other things that you will learn in Level 1 of OEC training:

  • how will you actually make money online
  • how to build 1 website in any niche
  • how to choose a profitable niche for your website
  • how to do keyword research
  • what is affiliate marketing and how you can make a 6-figure website with it
  • and many more

– WA Support and 24/7 access To The Comunity

One of the best things, when it comes to the WA, is definitely their support system. You will not only have their technical support but there are thousands of people active on WA that are ready to help you and answer all your questions.

You will not need any credit card or something similar, all these are for $0. WA community is awesome and I am everyday active on the platform, participating in the live chat and answering folk’s questions.

– SiteRubix Website Builder

Believe me or not but you can’t make serious money online if you don’t own a website. That is completely true.

In the Starter membership, you will have access to build 1 profitable SEO-ready website which is great. You will see that building a website on the WA platform will take you a maximum of 30 seconds.

You don’t need to have experience in building websites or Java, coding, CSS, etc. Wealthy Affiliate makes it pretty simple and easy, you only need to click a few buttons and your website is ready and live.

A WA website builder is very nice when it comes to the user experience, you will monitor your website performance with ease.

You can stay on Wealthy affiliate Starter membership as long as you want, you will not be taken out from the platform if you don’t upgrade to the Premium but keep in mind that it will take much more time to see results with Free training because in Premium you will become an expert with your website.

How Much Is Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership And What Do You Get?

No one can force you to upgrade to the Premium but my recommendation for every one of you who plans to join WA is to upgrade. By upgrading to Premium you are increasing the success rate by 150%.

Let’s get to the prices.

Wealthy Affiliate Premium membership costs $49 per month, so it’s recurring. When you plan to join Premium for the first time you will pay only $19 for the first month and then thereafter it will be $49 per month. That is up to 60% off savings!

There are no upsells so you can be sure that WA will not take your money except for Premium membership.

When it comes to the price I can’t forget to mention their Yearly price of Premium membership. If you want to upgrade to a yearly plan you will save a lot of money instead of paying monthly.

Premium Yearly costs $495 and I can guarantee you that if you work hard you will get that money back in just a couple of months.

Wealthy Affiliate has a Black Friday offers every year and when you take that Black Offer and get a Premium Yearly for only $299. In my case, I took that offer and became a Yearly member and I save a lot of money by doing that.

What I especially like when it comes to the WA prices is that they are straightforward and you won’t get scammed or anything similar. You will see in your settings how much does cost each upgrade and then the decision is yours.

I can’t forget to mention Premium Plus membership here. It is $99 per month and you have the option to go for the Yearly option for only $999.

Honestly, I am not a Premium Plus member because I think that I don’t need it. We will see what you can get for all of these memberships now but I truly think that Premium/Yearly Premium is more than enough for you to achieve massive success online.

Sure, there are thousands of members inside of WA that are Premium Plus members and they are very satisfied with it. It is up to you to choose will you upgrade to Premium Plus or but my recommendation is that you firstly invest in Premium Yearly membership, you will not regret it.

What Do You Get With Premium/Yearly Premium Membership?

I must say that if you like Starter membership you will simply enjoy a Premium.

With a Starter membership, you are pretty limited and you will not have access to the full platform. If you decide to go Premium you will see many benefits and your online business potential will dramatically increase.

Here is what you will get with Premium/Yearly premium inside Wealthy Affiliate:

  • Full access to the platform
  • Possibility to build up to 10 websites
  • Unlimited participation in Live chat
  • Full OEC interactive training (all 5 Levels)
  • How to get traffic to a blog
  • Free mentorship from me or any other experienced member
  • Private messages where you can contact anyone, even founders Kyle and Carson
  • Unlimited support and help 24/7
  • Full Bootcamp training (where you will learn how to make money by promoting Wealthy Affiliates)
  • 52+ expert classes per year (there are weekly live webinars for Premium members)
  • Advanced hosting package (worth $100+/per month)
  • 250.000 monthly visits to your website
  • Full security of your websites
  • and many more…

When it comes to the Premium membership, what I like the most is that you have contact with even owners. Yes, I regularly chat with Kyle on the platform. He is ready to answer all your questions in a matter of seconds.

When you are in the Premium you are not alone, you will have your own mentor who will guide you from the very beginning and you can ask him whatever you want 24/7 without any doubts.

You can see on the internet that many gurus are charging hundreds of thousands of dollars to be your mentor or to sell you some of their programs and courses. On the WA you will be charged only $49 per month and if you decide to go for Yearly membership you can get full access to the platform and training for only $495.

What Do You Get With Premium Plus Membership?

Although I am not a big fan of Premium Plus membership you can still get a lot from it. If you want to invest really well in your future and your online business then this membership is for you.

Here is what will you get with Premium Plus Membership:

  • All the above from the Premium membership
  • The super advanced hosting package which is worth $250 per month
  • Possibility to build even 50 websites in any niche you want
  • 1.000.000 monthly visits to your websites
  • Expert private help
  • 200+ expert classes per year

When it comes to the Premium Plus membership it is mainly focused on those expert classes that you can receive every single day on the platform. Many experts are doing live classes on many topics such as Facebook marketing, YouTube, Email marketing, blogging, etc. and those classes are primarily for Premium Plus members.

There is also security help and support but I have found that support for Premiums is literally the same as for Premium Plus members.

That is why I am still with the Premium Yearly membership and I highly recommend it for beginners who want to start their online journey in blogging and affiliate marketing.

Premium membership will definitely teach you how to become a successful affiliate marketer and make passive income online. You can be sure of that.

Does Wealthy Affiliate Offer Some Discounts?

Oh yeah. I already mentioned some discounts above.

In my opinion, I think that the monthly price of WA premium membership is more than awesome. $49/per month is absolutely nothing compared to what you will get on this platform. On some other platforms, all of this would cost you $200+ per month and even if not higher.

When you first join Wealthy Affiliate you will see and get a 60% discount on your first Premium membership for 7 days. So if you decide to upgrade to Premium in your first 7 days on the platform you will pay your first month only $19 and after that, $49 per month.

For just $19 you will get full access to the platform and then you will see is this for you or not. You can cancel your subscription whenever you want without any problems.

When it comes to the Yearly Premium there is a discount too. If you pay $495 for Yearly Premium membership it is like you are paying $41 per month. When you are paying $49 per month it will be $588 for the entire year. You will practically save $93 for 12 months from Yearly Premium which is not bad if you think seriously.

Is Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership Worth It? (My Opinion)

Yes, yes, and yes! If you are asking me should you invest in WA Premium membership then I would say do it and you will not regret it.

I am a Premium membership for over 6 years and I am a full-time affiliate marketer thanks to the training that WA offers.

What I like to say my fellow clients is that you are not investing in some other, you are investing in yourself and that is true, you are paying for yourself, to make your life better and financially free.

You can see my earnings from WA in the image below, WA pays me regularly every single month and they have never been late with the payments.

Join Wealthy Affiliate And Start Your Online Business Today!

Think by yourself, how much cash do you spend each month on some stupid things or unnecessary staff?

I can guarantee you that when you invest $495 (For an ENTIRE YEAR) you will be grateful to me because there is no better feeling than when you are doing something you love, sitting and home with your family.

Wealthy Affiliate platform and their training allow you that, you just need to stick to the training, follow what they are teaching and implement that, and that’s it.

Of course, the best thing with WA is having your own mentor. When you go Premium you will have your own mentor that will guide you from zero to your first million literally. I am chatting with my own mentor even today and we are pretty good friends and that is the magic of WA.

You will not have mentors but you will have friends who will be there to help you and motivate you.

Join As a Starter Member Today! – Click Here!

10 thoughts on “How Much Is Wealthy Affiliate Premium Membership?”

  1. Hey, thanks for this post!

    It actually has helped me make a decision on choosing and signing up for the next membership level, I was wondering whether I should and this post seems like I should. Going to check out your story especially since you’ve been this long with the wealthy affiliate platform.

    Thanks again!

  2. I joined Wealthy Affiliate just over three years ago and what originally attracted me, was the free Starter membership. I did as much as possible during the first week of having the free access, and learned so much, that I quickly realized that it would be worth my while to upgrade to Premium. With getting the first month at only $19, it is a very good deal. And once the Black Friday offer gave me the opportunity to lock in Premium membership at only $299 per year, I jumped on it. 

    Wealthy Affiliate Premium membership is indeed value for money, and I can certainly recommend it. 

  3. Hi Daniel,

    It is another great post from your site which I love to read and surely benefit from your details. 
    I just like to confirm the set runic website you created as a starter member is taken away after six months. I just want to make sure of that.

    Is premium membership-related mentorship anyone can get from their sponsor? I really want to make sure of that. Because I always have depended on the community for my questions. A mentorship will truly help me. I know you always have written you can be a mentor.

    I love wealthy affiliate. The structure that you provided with the cost is really attractive and the best in Industry. Start your free trial guys and take your test drive for free. A good decision on time can change your life. 

    • Thank you Anusuya! Sure, when you register on the platform you are getting your mentor automatically and he is there to guide you and help you in the process of making a profitable website.

  4. Great post, very well written and informative! Keep up the good work. I have been a wealthy affiliate premium member for a while and I find the value to be well worth it. Even just for the web development tools and hosting, it’s more affordable and has better features than most hosting providers. 

  5. Thank you very much for this valuable and detailed post about wealthy affiliate. I actually joined WA about two years ago. Since then I have learned everything about affiliate marketing from this and am making money today. The training in this is put in a way that anyone can understand. When I came, I didn’t know anything. But today I have learned a lot from this. I recommend Wealthy Affiliate to everyone.

    • You’re welcome man, I am glad that you have made it and that you are profitable. Everything is possible when you are consistent and dedicated.


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