Is Four Percent Group Legit? – REAL Reviews Revealed!

If you want to know is Four Percent Group legit or is it a scam, you have come to the right place. This online platform is pretty popular nowadays especially if you are surfing YouTube where you can see this ad.

In this full review, you will find what is Four Percent group, how it works, how much it cost, and most importantly, whether should you invest your money in this or not.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who is a big fan of affiliate marketing, it is truly one of the best ways to make money online but not only that, it’s great for making a passive income.

Because affiliate marketing is so popular today many people use it to scam people by creating low-quality platforms or even courses where you need to pay thousands of dollars to be able to get access to their ”get-rich-quick secret”.

I have reviewed hundreds of digital marketing courses that promise fast and easy money.

So in this review, we will see if is it worth investing in the Four Percent Group or if you should avoid it at all costs.

Let’s start!

Four Percent Group Short Overview

  • Product: Four Percent Group
  • Type of product: Affiliate marketing course
  • Price: It’s free plus you have to pay for monthly memberships
  • Owner: Vick Strizheus
  • Money back guarantee: Not available
  • Is it a scam: Probably yes
  • Do I recommend it: No

All in all, Four Percent Group is actually an online community platform that offers training and tools related to affiliate marketing online business.

Inside the platform, you can get access to website builder, and promotional tools, and you can even become their affiliate, in that case, you will promote the Four Percent Group to others and whoever joins through your link and buy a membership, you will get a commission.

Good thing is that you will not only learn how to make money by promoting the platform itself but you will also learn how to promote third-party products and make commissions.

What I am worried about is that many people are not satisfied with this and I have found pretty disappointing reviews on Trustpilot I will talk about later in this review.

Affiliate marketing is a legit way to make a profitable business online but just like I said, there are people who just want to make extra cash from you by offering low-quality products or services.

What Is Four Percent Group About?

The main focus of Four Percent Group is to teach people how to make money with affiliate marketing by promoting affiliate products. You will learn how to use and create sales funnels so that you can convert well.

The thing this online platform teaches about is promoting ClickFunnels. You will also learn how to find and buy all the tools you will need to successfully do affiliate marketing.

The other thing you have here is the Four Percent Group affiliate program I mentioned above. You can be their affiliate and promote this online community to the people who are interested in learning about affiliate marketing business.

There are numerous online platforms that offer training about affiliate marketing, one of them that is of the best quality is for sure Wealthy Affiliate Platform.

It teaches the same thing as the Four Percent Group but people are making more success inside the WA platform than in the Four Percent group.

Why is that, we will discover in this review. As I already said, the Four Percent group has many negative reviews on Trustpilot so I don’t recommend it to people who really want to succeed with affiliate marketing.

Who Is The Owner Of The Four Percent Group? Is He Legit?

The owner and the creator of Four Percent Group is a man called Vick Strizheus. What I have found about him is not good at all and I know that you will not like it too.

Basically, Vick was (and maybe still is) a scammy person because he actually was scamming people into MOBE which was shut down by the FTC. You can take a closer look at the link here.

This is more than enough to prove that this man was scamming people and he was punished for that but should we still believe him after this?

Honestly, I think not and many people also think the same, I primarily mean those people who reviewed Four Percent Group on Trustpilot.

I don’t want to say that FPC (for short) is a scam but you know, when someone tries to scam you once he will do that again, sooner or later.

Vick is a real person, he is not hiding his name or anything similar but the guy wants to earn extra cash and instead of offering high-quality products or services he is trying to scam people.

When it comes to the owner of the Four Percent Group, it is a big minus for me.

What Do You Get Inside Four Percent Group?

The most important thing that you will get with the Four Percent Group is their Success Challenge. Basically inside this challenge, Vick will teach you the basics of affiliate marketing and you will be introduced to the affiliate program.

Besides this you will also have access to some other courses on the platform:

  • E-stage course
  • E-stage Academy
  • Internet traffic mastery

With the courses you will also have an option to get some tutorials that you will need for affiliate marketing, some are completely free but for some, you will need to pay.

    • Traffic Generation Strategies
    • SEO Mastery (PAID one)
    • InstaTraffic Mastery (PAID one)
    • Facebook PPC Secrets
    • Fan Page Domination
    • List Building Strategies
    • Ecom Entrepreneur (PAID one)
    • Wealthy Building Blueprint
    • Irresistible Influence
    • The 5 Laws
    • Taxes and Business Structure
    • and others

The great thing with this online platform is that you will have access to a group that has more than 20k members. Those are the same people like you, they want to learn how to create an online business and make money with affiliate marketing.

Those members are real people and you can be assured that the platform is completely legit although I am not a big fan of Vick. You will learn some great things and you can easily communicate with other online entrepreneurs inside.

How Much Does Four Percent Group Cost?

When it comes to the price I have found that Four Percent Group is pretty expensive. Sure, you can start for free but to learn how to make money by doing affiliate marketing and to have access to some tools you will need to pay some extra money.

So, Four Percent Group has 4 membership plans:

  • FREE plan – this is $0 per month but it is useless, you are very limited and you do not have full access to the courses and tools
  • SILVER plan – This will cost you $24 per month and still, you will be pretty limited, this plan really does not make sense to me
  • GOLD plan – This plan costs $297 per month and this is the most popular one. You will get access to everything but I think that it is very expensive taking in mind that you will not make any money for months.
  • Platinum plan – Platinum cost $1.000 per month which is insane. This is for those who want to scale their online business and get private coaching. In my opinion, wasting money.

Keep in mind that all of these plans are recurring so you would need to pay on monthly basis for your membership. In my opinion, you will only need a Gold plan because lower than that you will not learn anything valuable. And when it comes to the Platinum plan it is wasting of money.

You will get a private mentorship from the owner but I think it is not worth it. You will not make your first income probably for the first few months and you are supposed to pay $1000 per month. Avoid it!

Upsells? (Yeah!)

Yes, my fellow reader, I should not forget to mention upsells, besides that you will need to pay for the membership plan you will also need to invest in some other things like:

  • LeadPages – Up to $40 per month
  • Autoresponder – Up to $20 per month
  • Hosting company – $70 per year
  • Domain name – $15 per year
  • PPC advertisement – It depends on your budget

As you can see all of this (both membership and upsells) can cost you up to $1k and more. I don’t like that things like hosting and domain name are not included in the membership plans. You will need to invest extra money in that.

You definitely need a website if you plan to make passive income online with affiliate marketing so you will need to invest in hosting and domain.

Is Four Percent Group Legit? (REAL Reviews)

From the research I have done, the Four Percent Group is probably a scam. Based on what people said, you are made to buy the expensive membership plan and if you are not satisfied you will not have your money back.

Yeah, there is no money-back guarantee.

When doing reviews on this kind of online platform I like to use Trustpilot where you can find the REAL reviews made by REAL people who used the platform or any product.

So, let’s take some images from Trustpilot, take a closer look below:

First Review:is Four Percent Group legit

Second Review:

Third Review:

As you can see in the images above this thing is probably one of those scams where the owner only wants your hard-earned money and nothing else.

You must be cautious while deciding to buy Four Percent Group. Take seriously those reviews by real people who tested and tried this online platform.

Four Percent Group Pros

  • It’s free to get started, you can join for free
  • It teaches about the legit online business model, affiliate marketing
  • The creator Vick is a real person behind this online platform
  • The training alone is easy to understand and its step by step

Four Percent Group Cons

  • The owner has a shady history, he was scamming people
  • The memberships plans are pretty expensive, primarily Gold and Platinum
  • you will need to work hard for months to see positive results
  • There are many upsells
  • You will probably need to invest more than $1k
  • There are plenty of negative reviews on Trustpilot
  • Training is focused on using paid ads which will drain your wallet

Can You Make Money With Four Percent Group? And My Top Recommendation

Well, the business model they are promoting and teaching about is definitely legit and you can make money with affiliate marketing.

The problem with Four Percent Group is that obviously Vick, the owner wants to earn extra cash from its members by selling them basic tutorials for a huge amount of money.

I am a full-time affiliate marketer and I know that you don’t need $297 or $1000 per month to be able to start making serious cash with affiliate marketing.

Yes, you will need to invest to be able to make money BUT you don’t need to invest thousands of dollars, you only need good hosting, domain name, and training platform.

I am a member of the Wealthy Affiliate platform for more than 7 years and you know how much am I paying for their Premium membership? $299 per year, yeah you have read right! Only $299 per YEAR.

I am making a full-time income online with affiliate marketing thanks to the WA platform which offers complete, step-by-step training on how to create a six-figure website in your first year.

On the link below you can read everything about Wealthy Affiliate and why I am their loyal member for nearly a decade!

My Recommendation Is Wealthy Affiliate – Learn Why Here!

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