Lazy Commissions Review 2024 – Can You Really Make $100 Per Day?

Hello folks and welcome to my Lazy Commissions review where I will talk about this very popular program today that claims that you can earn up to $100 per day very easily.

Here, you will find if this is true and is a Lazy Commissions scam, or is it legit, and many more.

The internet is nowadays full of such programs and information where many gurus claim that you can make easy money online without too much effort.

If you are not experienced in an online world you can easily fall for those ”traps” because making money online is not easy and it is not happening overnight.

Lazy Commissions are one of those programs where it says that you can earn $100 per day pretty easily, stay until the end of this article and see if this is for you or not.

Lazy Commissions Short Overview

  • Product: Lazy Commissions
  • Owner of the product: Tim Ikels
  • What is the price: It costs nothing ($0) but there is upsells
  • Is it a scam: Keep reading to find it out
  • Do I recommend it: Honestly nope

I simply enjoy doing these reviews as I want to reveal to people what actually works and what doesn’t, where you should invest your hard-earned money, and where not.

Lazy Commissions are focused on people who want to earn big money on the internet, more precisely $100 per day, which is a great sum of money you must admit.

It is primarily focused on teaching you how to make that money by creating your own website, generating traffic through that website, email marketing, and many more things when it comes to getting traffic to a blog.

What is pretty interesting is that you can get this product for only $0 but you will also run on the upsells where you will need to pay.

Honestly, you will need to spend a lot of money to start generating traffic to your website and earning that income that they promise.

So let’s see a deep review on Lazy Commissions and how it actually works.

What Is Lazy Commissions and How Does It Work?

Lazy Commissions is a product that is created by two guys, Tim Ikels and Paul Neidig.

Their program is focused primarily on teaching you how to earn through affiliate marketing by creating your own blog and promoting products/services to your audience.

I want to say that they are talking about making $100 per day but you should know that you will NOT make that money any soon, be lucky to even earn $10 in your first month although it is impossible too.

Those $100 per day they claim you will earn seem like misleading information to me because it is used as good marketing that will make people actually buy the product.

The program is not bad I must say, it is beginner friendly and you will certainly learn something that will help you to make money on the internet by doing affiliate marketing.

Inside Lazy Commissions, you will get interesting stuff, like audio lessons, text lessons that are focused on the basics of affiliate marketing, video lessons, etc.

All in all, you will learn those basics of affiliate marketing that are supposed to bring you more than great online income. But is it really as easy as they claim?

Who Is The Creator Of Lazy Commissions and Is He Trustful?

While doing my research on this guy I have found that Tim Ikels is a real person and he is not some imaginary guy like it is usually with this type of product.

He is a successful online marketer from Germany that earns a lot of money by selling products on the Clickbank marketplace. As he said, he always wanted that freedom in life to not work for anyone but just for himself and he succeeded.

That is the dream of all of us who want to work online and make that passive income. It is truly a dream and it is achievable.

Although there are many ways to make money online he decided to choose affiliate marketing as the best method of earning online income. And I agree with him because it is truly the best way to make money online and most importantly, it is a passive income.

Tim decided to make a Lazy Commissions product for all those people who want to make extra income online, to teach them how to start an affiliate marketing business.

So, the owner is a real person and I can say that he is pretty successful in his job but we will see what I actually don’t like about this program and why am I not recommending it to beginners.

What Do You Get Inside Of Lazy Commissions?

What is a good thing is that Lazy Commissions can teach you how to make money by affiliate marketing step by step. You don’t need to be an expert or have some experience, it is beginner friendly which is a plus for me.

You will mostly get text-based lessons that you should follow, there are also audio lessons and videos.

Let’s see what will you actually get:

  • Welcome lesson – this is the lesson where you will learn more about the owner (Tim) and how will you actually make money online, what will you learn in Lazy Commissions and the things related to the beginning.
  • Getting Started lessons – just like the name says, you will learn your first steps here
  • The Foundation – here you will learn things like why 99% of affiliate marketers fail in business, how affiliate marketing actually works, how to choose the niche for your website, and things related to the affiliate marketing
  • Email Marketing – you will learn things related to email marketing, the basics and what mistakes should you avoid.
  • Traffic Lessons – in these lessons you are going to discover how to attract organic traffic to your website and many other things when it comes to content marketing
  • Many Bonuses – when it comes to the bonuses here you will learn interesting things about affiliate marketing and selling online.
  • Help and Support

As you can see you will get a lot of lessons inside of this product, just like said, Tim put everything he learned from his experience into this product.,

I already said that but you will not only get text-based lessons but also videos where you will actually see how it is explained, which I really like.

How Much Do You Need To Pay For Lazy Commissions? (Watch Out For Upsells!)

Would you believe me if I say that Lazy Commissions cost is only $0


Yes, that is true, it is completely free but do you really think that you will get all of those lessons for free? Of course not, there we have those famous Upsells!

Although you said that it is completely free, when you go to the checkout page you will be asked to pay $7 for their Rapid Implementation Kit where you will get some email templates, squeeze pages, and other material for better promotion.

We have another Upsell here and its cost is $27. With these upsells you will get Secret Affiliate Insider where you will get private coaching and messages, live chat and voice chat, and other support staff.

You are tired of Upsells? Here it goes another one! Its cost is $47 and it is called License Rights. Here you will earn $100 commissions by promoting Lazy Commissions on your website to your audience.

Finished? Not yet! The last one is called Special License Rights and it cost $97, with these upsells you will get all above mentioned upsells plus some new things like client’s data and more.

So, when we calculate it you will need to pay around $130 and not $0. Again, I don’t like this as for me, it is misleading information. In the beginning, you are said that you will pay $0 and in the end, you will need to pay around $130 to start making money with this product.

Can You Actually Make Money With Lazy Commissions?

Sure you can but you will need to buy all those upsells if you can even think about making money with this system. It’s important to say that not only you will make money but the owner of this product will too earn from your purchases.

When you buy Lazy Commissions and its upsells the creator will also earn a commission from you. That is how it works.

You can earn money with this but you will need time and more money investment because you will need a website, traffic on that website which is the most important thing. And traffic will not come until you pay for it (paid ads).

Getting organic visitors to your blog requires a lot of time and patience.

Is Lazy Commissions a Scam?

Based on my research Lazy Commissions is not a scam! There is misleading information about how you will earn $100 per day but that is more in a promotional way.

We affiliate marketers use that ”click baits” to attract an audience and make a commission.

One more thing that I found pretty interesting is that they claim that it is all done for you and that you just need to put the system to work and that’s it.

I prefer doing things manually than relying on done-for-you systems.

It is good that I have not found anything that is illegal here or is some sort of scam, you will get what you pay for and that’s it.

Lazy Commissions Pros

  • Done-For-You system
  • You will learn the basics of affiliate marketing
  • Not bad commissions by promoting the product
  • It’s not a scam
  • The real owner

Although I am not very much satisfied with this product I can’t ignore the benefits it offers. You will certainly learn some things when it comes to marketing and the lessons are pretty user-friendly which is a plus.

Lazy Commissions Cons

  • There is no money-back guarantee
  • Hidden upsells
  • Misleading information
  • You will need to invest more money

That’s right my fellow readers, you will need to invest not only in buying this product but also in building your website and promotion.

The traffic to your blog will not come overnight and if you want instant results you will need to invest a bunch of money in paid promotion.

It does take time to start earning money online, affiliate marketing is for sure a great method but earning $100 per day will take a lot of time and patience.

Do I Recommend Lazy Commissions?

If you have a lot of money to invest in promoting your website and getting traffic then you can give it a try.

I definitely do not recommend it to beginners who want to start their own online business because here you will not learn those basics that you need to succeed online. You will mostly learn how to promote Lazy Commissions to people and with those hidden upsells folks would not trust you and will ignore you.

Sure, affiliate marketing is a legit online business and you can make millions doing it but you would need proper and real training that will teach you step-by-step how to create a website and do proper techniques like SEO optimization, content marketing, and similar.

Lazy Commissions is definitely not a scam but it is not recommended for beginners who want to earn passive income online.

I simply don’t like that they promote that you can make $100 per day when it is not possible to make that amount of income even in your first year of doing affiliate marketing. So, it’s up to you to decide.

Proven Way To Start Affiliate Marketing Business – Join Wealthy Affiliate!

I must say that Wealthy Affiliate is my favorite platform when it comes to affiliate marketing. I am a member of this platform for more than 6 years and I highly recommend it to my readers who want to make real passive money online.

This platform will give you full training that is created primarily for complete beginners in online business, step-by-step video lessons that will show you how to make your own website in less than 30 seconds and monetize it by doing affiliate marketing.

The best thing for you is that I am going to be your personal mentor and I will be there for you 24/7, with no scams, no misleading information no BS. You can contact me privately on the WA platform and because of it, I love the platform.

Click below and read my full and honest review about the Wealthy Affiliate platform and why you should join today!

Wealthy Affiliate – My Favorite Platform For Making Passive Income Online!

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