The Digital Payments Revolution Review – Is It a Pure Scam?

Welcome to a straightforward and insightful review of The Digital Payments Revolution, a course that’s stirring up conversation in the realm of online income generation.

If you’re navigating the crossroads of curiosity and skepticism, wondering whether this course is a key to passive income or just another online labyrinth, you’ve arrived at the right place.

In this review, I will delve deep into the heart of what The Digital Payments Revolution offers. Is it the treasure trove of knowledge it claims to be, or a maze leading to nowhere?

I am here to dissect its contents, costs, and claims, offering you an unvarnished perspective. My goal? To empower you with information, not just persuasion, as you decide if this is your next step in the digital income journey.

Stay tuned as I unravel the truth behind this much-talked-about course.

About Reviewer (Me!)

Hi, I’m Daniel, the voice and experience behind

With a rich background in affiliate marketing and blogging, I’ve spent years mastering the art of online income generation.

My journey has been filled with exploring numerous online courses and strategies, giving me a well-rounded perspective on what truly works in the digital marketing world.

My expertise isn’t just theoretical; it’s grounded in real-world successes and challenges. As an affiliate marketer and blogger, I’ve learned to discern the value of online courses, separating the practical from the purely theoretical.

This review of The Digital Payments Revolution comes from a place of experience and genuine intent to guide others in their online career pursuits.

Is The Digital Payments Revolution a Scam?

No, The Digital Payments Revolution is not a scam. It’s a legitimate course offering insights into the world of digital payment processing. However, it’s crucial to navigate this with an informed perspective.

The course provides foundational knowledge about becoming a digital payment agent, a legitimate and growing field in the online business landscape.

The creators, recognized for their expertise, bring a wealth of experience to the table. However, like any educational offering, it’s not a magic pill.

Success in this field requires more than just course participation; it involves dedication, strategic implementation, and continuous learning.

While The Digital Payments Revolution opens doors to understanding the merchant service business, it’s important to recognize that it’s just the beginning.

Real success in this arena demands practical application, networking, and perhaps further investment in advanced training or mentorship.

In conclusion, while the course is not a scam, potential learners should approach it with realistic expectations and a readiness to actively engage in the learning process.

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What Is The Digital Payments Revolution?

The Digital Payments Revolution is an online course designed to educate individuals about the burgeoning field of digital payment processing.

This course is tailored for those aspiring to become digital payment agents, a role gaining traction in the online business world.

At its core, the course introduces participants to the concept of earning passive income through the sale of payment processing packages, also known as merchant accounts, to businesses.

It’s a gateway to understanding how to secure residual payments, where you earn a commission each time your client processes a transaction.

The essence of the course lies in its focus on the merchant services industry, offering a blend of theoretical knowledge and insights into practical application.

It’s structured to provide a foundational understanding of the industry, empowering learners with the basics needed to start exploring this niche.

In summary, The Digital Payments Revolution serves as an introductory platform for those interested in diving into the digital payment processing world, promising a mix of educational content and potential income opportunities.

Who Are David and Patricia Carlin?

David and Patricia Carlin are the creators of The Digital Payments Revolution course, bringing a rich blend of experience and expertise to the digital payments arena.

Patricia Carlin, with over two decades of immersion in the online payment service industry, stands as a seasoned veteran. Her deep-rooted knowledge and experience form the backbone of the course’s credibility and depth.

David Carlin, on the other hand, complements her with his substantial background in the eCommerce and retail business world. This duo’s combined expertise offers a comprehensive perspective on digital payment processing.

Despite their impressive profiles, it’s important to approach their course with a critical eye.

While they have been featured in reputable publications and platforms, like Forbes and Medium, and interviewed on notable podcasts, success in their course will depend on your application of their teachings.

In essence, David and Patricia Carlin are established figures in the digital payment space, offering their insights and experiences through this course.

Their guidance is a key component, but as with any educational program, the value you derive will largely depend on your engagement and implementation of the material.

How Does The Digital Payments Revolution Work?

The Digital Payments Revolution course is designed to demystify the process of becoming a digital payment agent, a role that involves selling payment processing services to businesses.

Here’s how the course and the business model work:

  1. Introduction to Merchant Services: The course begins by introducing you to the concept of merchant services, where you learn how businesses handle digital payments. It covers the basics of credit card processing and other payment methods.
  2. Earning Through Residual Income: The core of the digital payment agent’s role is to earn residual income. This means that once you set up a business with a payment processing solution, you receive a commission for each transaction processed through your setup. This setup offers the potential for ongoing earnings from each client.
  3. Setting Up Clients: The course guides you through the process of acquiring and setting up clients with payment processing solutions. This involves understanding the needs of different businesses and offering them the appropriate merchant services package.
  4. Sales and Networking Skills: To be successful, you need to develop strong sales and networking skills. The course touches on these aspects, teaching you how to reach out to potential clients, pitch your services, and build a client base.
  5. Understanding the Market: The course also covers the broader market of digital payments, helping you understand where your services fit in and how to position them effectively.
  6. Advanced Training Options: For those who wish to dive deeper, the course offers advanced training modules. These are designed to provide more comprehensive knowledge and strategies for growing your business in the digital payments sector.

In essence, The Digital Payments Revolution offers a foundational understanding of how to become a digital payment agent, emphasizing the residual income model.

However, the true effectiveness of this course will rely heavily on your ability to apply its teachings in the real world, requiring dedication, networking, and continuous learning.

What Do You Get Inside The Digital Payments Revolution?

When you enroll in The Digital Payments Revolution, you’re not just signing up for a course; you’re unlocking a portal to understanding the intricacies of the digital payment industry.

Here’s a breakdown of what you’ll find inside:

  1. Module 1: Introduction and Expectations
    • This initial module sets the stage, providing an overview of the merchant services industry and what you can expect to learn and achieve through the course.
  2. Module 2: Your Instructors’ Journey
    • Here, you get to know David and Patricia Carlin, their backgrounds, and the experiences that led them to create this course. It’s a blend of personal insight and professional wisdom.
  3. Module 3: Basics of Credit Card Processing
    • Delve into the world of credit card processing, understanding how transactions work and the role of a digital payment agent in this ecosystem.
  4. Module 4: Lucrativeness of the Business
    • This module highlights the financial potential of the merchant service business, offering insights into possible earnings and the affordability of starting up.
  5. Module 5: Understanding Residual Income
    • Learn about the recurring revenue model that is central to the digital payment industry, with real-life examples and case studies.
  6. Module 6: Market Potential
    • Explore the size and scope of the digital payment market, understanding future trends and how you can position yourself for success.
  7. Module 7: Identifying Potential Clients
    • Gain knowledge on who your potential clients could be and how to target them effectively, a key aspect of building a successful digital payment business.
  8. Module 8: Acquiring Your First Client
    • This practical module guides you on strategies to land your first account, sharing techniques and approaches used by the Carlins themselves.
  9. Module 9: Planning Your Next Steps
    • The concluding module focuses on how to transition from the course to real-world application, setting the foundation for your journey in the merchant services industry.

Each module is crafted to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the digital payment business, from theoretical knowledge to practical application tips.

However, remember, while the course lays the groundwork, your success will largely depend on how effectively you implement these teachings in your personal business endeavors.

Are Students Getting Results?

When it comes to the results of students who have taken The Digital Payments Revolution, the picture is cautiously optimistic.

While there are testimonials and success stories of individuals who have leveraged the course to make strides in the digital payments field, concrete evidence such as verified data or comprehensive case studies is limited.

Here’s what we know:

  • Positive Testimonials: Some students report success, citing improved understanding of the merchant services industry and the development of a residual income stream. These anecdotes suggest that for some, the course has been a valuable stepping stone.
  • Lack of Verifiable Proof: However, the absence of detailed success metrics or verifiable proof means we must take these testimonials at face value. As with any educational program, individual results will vary greatly depending on personal effort, market conditions, and the application of the course’s teachings.

In summary, while there are indications that The Digital Payments Revolution has helped some students, prospective enrollees should approach it with realistic expectations, understanding that success in this field requires more than just course participation.

How Much Does The Digital Payments Revolution Cost?

Enrolling in The Digital Payments Revolution involves a clear understanding of its cost structure.

Here’s a breakdown of the pricing and what each plan entails:

  1. Basic Course Fee: The entry-level fee for the course is $17. This one-time payment grants you access to the introductory modules, providing an overview of the digital payment processing industry and the role of a digital payment agent.
  2. Advanced Course Option: For those seeking deeper insights and more comprehensive training, the advanced course is available at a cost of either $197 or $297. This course dives into more detailed strategies and practical steps for establishing and growing your digital payment business.
  3. Private Coaching Upsell: Beyond the basic and advanced courses, there’s an option for private coaching with David and Patricia Carlin. This personalized coaching is tailored to help you accelerate your journey in the digital payment field but comes with a significantly higher price tag, often amounting to several thousand dollars.
  4. Additional Materials: Occasionally, there may be other materials or programs offered as upsells, aimed at complementing the main course content. These could include specialized guides or tools, each with its own pricing.

It’s important to note that the initial low price of the basic course is an introductory offer, designed to give you a taste of the digital payments world.

The real investment comes with the advanced courses and especially the private coaching, where the costs escalate.

As with any educational program, weigh the potential benefits against the investment required to determine if it aligns with your financial and professional goals.

Can You Get a Refund?

When considering an investment in The Digital Payments Revolution, it’s important to understand the course’s refund policy.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for the Basic Course: The course offers a 30-day money-back guarantee for the initial $17 basic course. This means if you’re not satisfied with the content or don’t find it useful within the first 30 days, you are eligible to request a full refund.
  • Advanced Course and Coaching Refund Policy: However, the refund policy does not extend to the advanced courses or the private coaching sessions. These higher-priced offerings, once purchased, are generally non-refundable. This underscores the importance of being certain about your commitment to these more substantial investments.
  • Refund Process: To initiate a refund within the eligible period, you would typically need to contact the course providers directly through their designated support channels. It’s advisable to check the specific terms and conditions detailed on their website or within the course materials for the exact refund procedure.

Understanding the refund policy is crucial as it offers a safety net for your initial investment in the basic course.

However, the non-refundable nature of the advanced offerings demands a more careful consideration before proceeding with these higher-cost options.

The Digital Payments Revolution: Pros and Cons

When evaluating The Digital Payments Revolution, it’s essential to weigh its advantages and limitations.

Here’s a concise overview:


  1. Foundational Knowledge: The course provides a solid introduction to the digital payment processing industry, suitable for beginners.
  2. Experienced Creators: David and Patricia Carlin’s extensive experience lends credibility and depth to the course content.
  3. 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee: The basic course comes with a 30-day refund policy, offering a safety net for your initial investment.
  4. Potential for Residual Income: It opens opportunities to earn passive income through the merchant services business.


  1. Limited Depth in Basic Course: The $17 course primarily covers basics, which might be insufficient for starting a business.
  2. High Costs for Advanced Training: Comprehensive understanding and practical application require investing in the more expensive advanced courses and private coaching.
  3. Niche Specific: The merchant service business model may not suit everyone, particularly those lacking in sales and networking skills.
  4. No Guarantee of Success: Success depends on individual effort and market conditions, with no assured outcome.

Digital Payments Revolution Review Conclusion

In concluding our review of The Digital Payments Revolution, it’s clear that the course offers a foundational entry point into the digital payment processing world.

While it brings valuable insights, particularly for beginners, its true effectiveness hinges on the learner’s commitment and willingness to invest further, both financially and in terms of effort.

The course, spearheaded by experienced industry professionals, provides a basic understanding of the merchant service business.

However, the real depth and application skills necessary for success in this field require advancing to the more costly modules and potentially engaging in private coaching.

It’s not a one-size-fits-all solution and may not suit everyone, especially those not inclined towards sales and networking.

Moreover, success in this field is not guaranteed and varies based on individual capabilities and market dynamics.

In summary, The Digital Payments Revolution could be a stepping stone for those interested in exploring the digital payments industry, but it should be approached with realistic expectations and an understanding of the additional investments required for significant progress.

The Best Way To Make Money Online

My journey in the digital realm has led me to a simple yet effective strategy: creating straightforward affiliate websites that bridge the gap between consumers and the products they seek.

This method, known as affiliate marketing, has proven to be an exceptionally viable way to earn money online.

It’s not just about selling; it’s about connecting and adding value, aligning people with solutions they’re actively searching for.

Affiliate marketing, in my experience, stands out as a highly rewarding path to online income generation.

Its flexibility, scalability, and potential for passive income make it an attractive option for anyone looking to establish a foothold in the digital marketing world.

If you’re intrigued by the prospect of starting your own journey in affiliate marketing, I encourage you to explore further.

For those ready to take the next step, I offer a comprehensive free training program. This training is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in the dynamic world of affiliate marketing.

Remember, the journey to successful online earning is a learning process, one that is as rewarding as it is challenging.

Feel free to share your thoughts on this review and your own experiences in affiliate marketing in the comments below. Let’s embark on this exciting journey together!

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