Push Button Profits Review – You Need To Know One Thing!

Would you like to start making thousands of dollars per month just by pushing a button? Imagine making millions per year by just pushing buttons?

That is exactly what Push Button Profits promises you! And I am not surprised people fall on this trick because who would not like to make a big passive income online by doing literally nothing?

In this Push Button Profits review, I am gonna talk about what is this thing and whether should you even give it a chance or not. Many folks in my inbox say that Push Button Profits is a scam but I have done my research and we will see if is it accurate or not.

If you are a beginner in the online world and affiliate marketing, you can be an easy person to attract into buying a program or system that will bring you millions overnight.

My name is Daniel, I am a full-time online entrepreneur and I enjoy blogging and doing reviews on this kind of thing. I have been scammed online a thousand times and I will never forget getting some systems for a high amount of money.

Trust me, this and many similar things can suck your money pretty easily and fast if you don’t know what are you doing.

That is why you need to be cautious and do research before buying anything that ”promises” you instant money online.

So. let’s start with our review, pay close attention, and be ready for my alternative for you at the end of this article. You will learn how I am making passive income online.

Push Button Profits Short Overview

  • Product: Push Button Profits
  • The owner: Pretty misleading
  • What is it about: making money by referring people to Traffic Authority
  • Price: Starter Pack $47 and Top earner Pack for $144 + invested money into buying traffic
  • Is it a scam: Pretty misleading
  • Do I recommend it: No, especially not for beginners

Push Button Profits is an automated system that promises you a massive amount of money by just pushing a button. You are supposed to refer people to Traffic Authority. So you will need to send traffic to Traffic Authority and people should buy its packages if you plan to make money.

Like I said it’s all about an automated system that is supposed to make money for you. Honestly, I don’t like it as it sounds too good to be true.

Do you really think that you can make money by doing nothing? just pushing a button? It’s not possible man.

What Is Push Button Profits?

Push Button Profits is a one-page website that promises you a big amount of money by referring people to the website called Traffic Authority.

The site is launched in 2011 and although it has been alive for so long it does not mean that it is trustworthy and worth your money.

What I have found is that Push Button Profits is actually a promoter of Traffic Authority and you should point people to its package plans of $47 per month and $144 per month.

Traffic Authority is an MLM website that sells traffic to website owners or companies that are in need of traffic. So, your job would be to get referrals to the Traffic Authority to be able to get commissions from successful sales.

Honestly, I am not a big fan of MLM as that system is known to not work pretty well. Push Button Profits is great for those people who think that hard work is not needed to make a decent income online.

If you think that you will make a big profit by just pushing a button you are wrong.

Let’s continue with our review.

Who Is The Owner Of Push Button Profits?

When it comes to the owner of Push Button Profits there are actually two of them. One is called Jeff Gardner and the other is Kit Elliott.

Those two guys are famous as they are pretty successful affiliate marketers and product creators on marketplaces such as Clickbank.

It is true that those two are successful and that their products are selling but does it actually bring any results? In my opinion, it is pretty hyped and pumped. If you are a beginner you will believe in such things as making money overnight but the truth is different.

Jeff and Kit want to make money as fast as possible without giving quality training and education to their buyers and that is a big minus for me.

Although those guys are real it is pretty strange that they are not so social and you can’t find them on social media like Instagram and Facebook. It would be nice if you could contact them privately but that is not possible.

How Does Push Button Profits Work?

Although this product is called Push Button Profits I think that we are more discussing about Traffic Authority website. And that is because your main job is to promote package plans for Traffic Authority.

Before starting you must choose the package to buy:

  • Starter package for $47 per month
  • Top earner package for $144 per month

The thing is that when you buy the package you will be transferred to the Traffic Authority website where you will find lessons and tutorials on how to successfully promote Traffic Authority.

It’s all about sending traffic to the Traffic Authority. And imagine if some days this website gets shut down, everything that you have learned will be pointless.

So, you will learn inside the techniques of promotion, and any referral that buys the Starter package, you will get $16 in commissions. And if the referral buys the Top earner package you will get $40.

What is important to say is that you can’t get a commission of $40 if you did not buy that Top earner package yourself.

That is tricky because you must buy those $144 to be able to earn a commission of $40 and I think this is the way owners use to make as much money as they can.

Is Push Button Profits a Scam?

Honestly, I think that it is some sort of scam because owners are not teaching you some successful method of earning real money online but they teach you how to promote their product to make them more money.

Those commissions that you can potentially earn are nothing. This is all about MLM and I can’t say that MLM is a scam but it is not worth joining.

You are made to believe that you will make money by just pushing a button and it is so misleading. You will need to work hard to attract referrals to Traffic Authority and not only that, you will need to have a quality audience that is seeking such services as Traffic Authority.

You will need to pay Push Button Profits $144 per month to be able to make some money IF someone decides to buy the same plan as you did.

Can You Make Money With Push Button Profits?

Definitely not! Especially when they say that you can make nice money with a push of a button, that is not possible my fellow friend.

I am an affiliate marketer and I know how hard is to get high-quality traffic to a website. Traffic Authority claims that you can get traffic easily with just a click.

The point is that if you don’t have a website with a big following you can buy traffic from Traffic Authority and you can see the prices in the image below:

As you can see on the image above you would also need to invest in buying traffic but I worry about converting that traffic, what if no one even buys the plan you are promoting? You would just waste your money. Similar thing with the 1 Page Profits system.

The most expensive traffic package plan is $8.397 which is crazy, you would spend a lot of money and there is no guarantee that you will earn even a dime.

I can say that the traffic you could get from Traffic Authority is low quality because they don’t say from where they are getting this traffic.

Not so long ago I bought traffic for one of my websites from one company and I have not achieved even one sale. That traffic was pretty expensive and people were spending less than a minute on my pages, it’s like they were forced to click on my site and leave it immediately.

I think that is the thing with Traffic Authority too. Imagine that buying traffic is so easy, we would all be millionaires by tomorrow.

Alternative: If you want to make real money online I recommend that you click on the link below and read my story about how I started my online journey on the Wealthy Affiliate platform that has changed my life completely, and it can change yours too if you are willing to work and let me help you!

The Best Way To Make Money Online in 2022 – Click Here And Let Me Help You!

The Cons Of Push Button Profits

When it comes to the pros of this product I can’t really find even one trustworthy pro that could make you buy this system.

I am really not satisfied with how it works and I would not recommend it, especially to beginners. You will waste a lot of money here when you don’t know what you are doing.

So, let’s see some of the main cons I have found about Push Button Profits:

1. It’s Misleading – I think that you could agree with me if you are a more experienced internet marketer. When you arrive on their sales page you will see endless money-making proofs about how people are making thousands of dollars and some earn millions. When you see those numbers you should immediately avoid such products.

2. You Will Need To Do More Than Just Pushing a Button – I really don’t like that owners are misleading people by telling them that they just need to push a button and that’s it. You will have to buy traffic and work on conversion because someone must pay for a package so that you can earn a commission.

3. It Is About MLM – I am not a big fan of MLM because you depend on those under you IW those you referred to the system. For me, it is a waste of time. MLM is usually not so trusted by people.

4. You Will Have To Invest Money – And I am not talking about some small investment, if you don’t have traffic and a website you will need to buy traffic from Traffic Authority and you already saw how much it can cost you depending on a plan you choose.

5. You Are Not Getting Quality Traffic – That’s right if you think that you will just buy traffic and start getting daily sales you are wrong. Who knows from where that traffic comes and are those clicks real or by some bots? The point is that you will get very poor conversion and you will pay it pretty expensive.

As you can see there are many cons to consider before buying this product. Although it was launched way back, in 2011 it does not mean that it is a quality platform for making money online.

It is obvious that you will not get what you pay for and that is why I do not recommend this system.

Still, if you have a nice budget and you would like to give it a try then do it BUT first think, does it really pay off to spend money on this when you can have a better alternative like Wealthy Affiliate.

Is Push Button Profits For You? What Is the Alternative?

If we wanna talk honestly I can say that Push Button Profits is not for you. Especially if you are a beginner who wants to make extra money online, no matter if you wanna do that by doing part-time jobs or working full-time online, this is not for you.

First things first you will need to buy a package of $144 to be able to earn commissions of $40 per sale. also, you will need to actually buy the traffic from Traffic Authority if you don’t have a high following. That is even more money to invest.

The worst thing is that you don’t have any money-back guarantee or some sort of guarantee that you will make money.

Affiliate marketing is a great method of making passive income online and that is not a basic business, it is a business you can live from and make full-time, just like me.

Instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on Push Button Profits why would you not invest money into a high-quality training platform that can teach you how to make a profitable business online?

I present you the Wealthy Affiliate platform, a platform that changed my life for the better and help me achieve my dream of working full-time online and making a passive income.

Click on the link below to find out everything about this platform that will teach you how to make a profitable website from scratch and monetize it with affiliate marketing.

It has worked for thousands of people, it has worked for ME and it WILL work for you, only if you give it a chance!

Click Here And Start Profitable Online Business With My Help!

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