How Profitable Is Affiliate Marketing In 2024? – Is It Still Worth Starting?

Affiliate marketing is truly one of the best ways to make money online but many people are asking me how profitable is affiliate marketing and if is it still worth starting this online business model.

I must say that it depends only on you how profitable will affiliate marketing be for you.

If you were looking to find how to earn money on the internet I am sure you have heard everyone is talking about affiliate marketing.

I am a full-time affiliate marketer and all my income is coming from it by doing it on my blog you are currently on.

What most gurus are saying is that affiliate marketing is dead and that you should avoid this business model if you want to be profitable online.

I must tell you one thing, as long as there is internet you will make money with affiliate marketing. It is not dead and it is not some outdated method of making money online.

Let’s see in this article why you should start doing it even today and why affiliate marketing will be profitable for years to come.

When Is Affiliate Marketing Profitable?

The Internet is full of misinformation on many things and the same case is with affiliate marketing.

Just like I have said above, many marketing gurus will say that affiliate marketing is ”dead” but the fact is that thousands and thousands of bloggers (and not only bloggers) are making millions by doing affiliate marketing.

I am the first guy that will tell you that you should start affiliate marketing because you can make a decent passive online income by doing it properly.

But let’s first see when is it worth starting affiliate marketing because not everyone should just like that start doing this business model.

1. When You Have Experience With Affiliate Marketing

It is very important to say that not everyone who starts affiliate marketing today will make decent money tomorrow. If you are a newbie who is just starting you will have to have basic lessons on how affiliate marketing actually works.

If you are more experienced and know the basics you can start making money pretty easily and fast. I remember when I was starting I did not know anything about affiliate marketing until the Wealthy Affiliate platform helped me to understand the whole process.

Keep in mind that for newbies it will be harder to start making money instead for those who are more experienced. That means that affiliate marketing will not be profitable for you in the early days of starting it.

2. When You Have a Nice Amount Of Traffic

Doing affiliate marketing without traffic is pointless. As an affiliate marketer, you will have to have a nice amount of traffic, depending on what platform you use for doing affiliate marketing.

The best platform for doing affiliate marketing is definitely a blog. When you have your own blog you will there attract a target audience and you can make literally millions by doing affiliate marketing.

So, if you already have a good following on your blog or some social media you can start making nice money right now.

But if you have 0 traffic then you must learn how to build a website and start getting visitors to it.

Traffic is the root of all success for an affiliate marketer.

3. When You Know How To Do Product Reviews

Let me be clear with you. It’s okay to write ”how to” articles IE informational blog posts but if you plan to make serious money with affiliate marketing you will need to do product reviews in your niche.

I know, many folks are saying that they can’t buy every product in their niche, and you SHOULD NOT do that.

Imagine that we must buy every product and then write a review, it would suck our wallet.

It is more than enough that you know how to do research on the product on the internet. I am sure you have heard about the Affiliate Lab course by Matt Diggity. Click on that link and see for yourself how product reviews should be done and I must tell you that I did not buy that course.

It is enough to do deep research about a product you plan to review and just write it in your own words, just like when you talk with your best friend.

So, doing affiliate marketing without product reviews is not worth it.

Many Affiliates Are Making 6 Figures But Many Also Fail

It’s not a secret that many affiliate marketers are making six figures by only doing affiliate marketing. What is sad is that nearly 95% of affiliate marketers are not making even a dime.

You ask why? – Because they give up too early. You are maybe one of those people who gave up on affiliate marketing as you did not see the results as fast as you expected.

I am that lucky person who is making full time by doing affiliate marketing but it did not come overnight. It took a lot of hard work and patience before made serious money.

If you are interested in affiliate marketing I am sure you have heard about Pat Flynn, he is a guy that has made millions by doing affiliate marketing and he is a pretty successful and popular affiliate marketer.

Persistence is the key! If you are willing to invest patience and hard work it will be profitable for you.

Sure, you will not start making 6 figures by tomorrow, you first must earn $10, $100, etc. to be able to scale. Most affiliates start making the first couple of hundreds pretty fast but they give up because they think that they can’t make a big amount of money.

How Much Can You Expect To Earn As An Affiliate Marketer?

No one can exactly tell you how much can you earn as an affiliate marketer but there are some predictions made by Authority Hacker that tell how much money can you expect:

  • Beginners from $0 to $1000 per month – this is pretty real and this is what you should strive for as a beginner. You should forget about making millions per year at the very start of your journey.

If you are doing things well you should expect this amount of income even in your first year of doing affiliate marketing.

  • Intermediates from $1000 to $10.000 per month – this is also pretty real for those with more experience in affiliate marketing. I am making money in this range for most of my niche websites.
  • Advanced affiliates from $10k to $100k per month – those are people who are truly experts in affiliate marketing and they are also doing a great job on social platforms like Facebook or Instagram where they do affiliate marketing too.
  • Super affiliates $100k+ per month – Those are extreme cases where you are already an authority in your niche and you have become a brand and expert.

If you are a beginner and you are looking to make money with affiliate marketing your first goal should be to achieve that earning of $1.000 per month which is more than achievable, but only if you put the work in.

I have seen many folks starting affiliate marketing with goals of $100k per month and even higher. Man, you first must learn the basics and strategies on how to make money by doing affiliate marketing.

You must learn how to make a profitable website because without it you can’t make much if anything at all.

I want to present you a survey that did on how much affiliate marketers actually earning as of 2022:

  • 3.78% said that they are making more than $150k annually in affiliate income.
  • 7.94% is making between $100k and $150k
  • 5.15% makes between $50k and $100k
  • 16.21% is making between $10k and $50k
  • and 57.55% are making less than $10k

As you can see from the stats above nearly 4% of affiliate marketers are making more than $150k which is not bad at all. Sure, not any survey can be 100% correct and proven because there are many people who are making millions without saying about it in public.

57% of those are making less than $10k which is not bad at all as it is still a full-time income online.

The potential is vast and there is no fixed income you can make with affiliate marketing, depending on how much you work you will know how much income you can expect.

The most important thing is to be persistent and not to give up!

Start Affiliate Marketing With My Help – Click Here!

How Do You Earn Affiliate Commissions?

Definitely, the best way to get affiliate sales is by making a niche website and getting traffic to a website, and getting affiliate sales from that traffic. It is that simple and easy.

Traffic is all you need but keep in mind that you need quality traffic that will be interested in what you are promoting. That is why we are making niche websites.

Let’s say, I am making a website in the blogging niche, my audience is people who are interested to find everything about blogging. In that way, I can monetize my blog with affiliate marketing by promoting tools for blogging that people could use to make their blogging journey easier.

Blogging is very profitable but only if it is done with affiliate marketing. Sure, you can make money by putting ads on a website but REAL money lies in affiliate marketing.

When it comes to affiliate marketing it all comes to quality traffic! Remember that. I am making affiliate commissions daily on my blog because I am promoting platforms and tools that can help affiliate marketers and bloggers.

So let’s sum up the process of getting affiliate sales:

  1. You build a niche website
  2. You attract visitors to a website
  3. You monetize a website with affiliate marketing
  4. You start making a decent income by achieving affiliate sales

Building your own website is super easy today, Wealthy Affiliate platform made it easy for you, you will have your own niche website in minutes.

When it comes to getting visitors to a website it is all about SEO. You must learn the basics of SEO to bring quality traffic to your blog and make affiliate sales.

Keyword research is a must as you want to target low competition keywords with high traffic if you plan to rank high in SERPs.

Pros Of Doing Affiliate Marketing

Let’s talk a little about the benefits of affiliate marketing and why should you start this very profitable online business model that can make you go full-time online.

1. You Will Not Need To Create a Product Or Course

That’s right my fellow friend. Affiliate marketing is great primarily because of that reason. Many folks think that they need to make or buy products to do reviews but you don’t need to do that.

I have already explained above that you only need to do good research on a product or a course you plan to promote and write in your own words. That’s it.

This is the magic of affiliate marketing, you could spend up to a year or two before you create and finish a product. Your job as an affiliate marketer is only to do a great promotion, without buying anything.

2. The Best Way To Monetize a Blog/Website

This is my favorite one. I tried to monetize my website with many things like sponsored posts, paid ads, native ads, et. but nothing worked like affiliate marketing.

Just take a look at those images below!

Those are passive earnings from my blog thanks to affiliate marketing. I am literally making affiliate commissions while in my sleep, that is the true power of this online business model.

That is why am I actively promoting affiliate marketing here on my blog. Anyone can achieve this and more than this, you only need to have the motivation and never give up.

3. It Is a Low Start-Up Investment

When it comes to affiliate marketing you only need to have a website and that’s it. Sure you can go without a website but in that case, you should pray to start making anything.

Website is a Godly thing that will make you rich, I guarantee you that. Because of that, your only investment would be a hosting and domain name for your blog.

Just like I have said, the Wealthy Affiliate platform is all you will ever need if you plan to start making money with affiliate marketing. It is both a hosting company and training platform that teaches about affiliate marketing, you will not regret joining in.

4. You Can Make As Much Money As You Want

That’s right baby, once you start getting quality traffic to a website the sky is the limit. Affiliate marketing is pretty scalable and you will find that there is no fixed salary like on your regular offline job.

You can make as much as you want BUT you will need to work for that, it will not fall from the sky.

$100 per month, $1.000 per month, $10.000 per month, $100.000+ per month? No problem, with affiliate marketing it is more than achievable. Just keep working!

Affiliate Marketing Success Rate?

Listen, I don’t want to scare you but I want to show you what found out with their survey and it is generally true.

95% of affiliate marketers aren’t successful while only 5% achieve success.

This could be scary if you plan to start affiliate marketing but don’t get discouraged by this. There are endless reasons why people fail but one of the most important is that they just give up.

I could give up many years ago when I did not achieve a single sale in 3 months after starting affiliate marketing. If I gave up I would not be here today, enjoying my affiliate commissions.

In the end, why would YOU not be in that 5%, what prevents you?

So, Will Affiliate Marketing Be Profitable For You?

You decide on that. If you plan to work hard and invest your time into this, then yes, it will be profitable and you could make a living from it in the next 6 months or a year.

Just take a closer look into Neil Patel’s affiliate income. He is an affiliate marketer and he is making millions, does it not tell you how profitable is affiliate marketing?

Sure, you should not strive to be Neil Patel but you should strive to make a decent income from affiliate marketing that will give you a chance to go full-time and leave your ordinary job from 9 to 5.

Affiliate marketing will stay profitable as long as there is the Internet and people buy online. It is the best thing you can do for yourself, to start affiliate marketing today!

And below you will learn how to become an affiliate marketer! Just click on the link below.

How To Make Money Online As An Affiliate Marketer in 2022! – Click Here!

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