Is 1 Page Profits a Scam? – Why You Don’t Need It!

I suppose you are trying to make money online fast by doing nearly nothing, did you try to find those ways of making money? I am sure you did because 1-Page Profits is promising just that.

This product is launched in 2020 and it is still popular because people are buying this product like crazy thinking that they will start making money overnight.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who enjoy doing reviews on this type of product and any product that promises you fast and easy money.

Is 1-Page Profits a scam? Can you really make any money by following this product training? Is the price worth it and is there any upsells? Is this really for you?

You will find answers to these and many other questions you have in this 1-Page Profits review. My inbox is full of questions related to this product and I will try to give you my opinion on this and give you my recommendation for you.

Let’s start right away!

1-Page Profits Short Overview

  • Product: 1-Page Profits
  • Type of Product: DFY (Done For You) system on how to make money with affiliate marketing with pre-build pages
  • Price: $13.11 with Upsells (+$665)
  • Is it a Scam: Maybe?
  • Do I Recommend it: Nope, there are way better alternatives

1-Page Profits is a system that promises you that you will make money fast by doing affiliate marketing with their pre-build pages and unlimited traffic.

I enjoy affiliate marketing and I know that it is a 100% legit and most powerful way to make money online but what 1-Page Profits promises are a bit scammy.

You simply cannot get unlimited traffic, that is the first red flag of this product. In my opinion, it is pretty hyped I must say.

Sure, the owner definitely wants to make quick money by selling this product and that is why those claims are unreal.

You will possibly find people who are making some money with 1-Page Profits but it will be very rare because there is no instant success. We would be all rich and happy if we start today and by tomorrow we make millions.

Nope, my fellow friend, you will need months of hard work to start making any decent income online.

The Way I Make Passive Income Online – Click Here!

What Is 1-Page Profits?

Simply said, 1-Page Profits by Brendan Mace is a system that teaches you how to make money with an unlimited source of traffic and their pre-build pages that will bring you income while doing affiliate marketing.

As the owner says you can simply set the system to do things for you and forget about it and yet you will keep making money, without doing anything.

It is pretty attractive, primarily for beginners but can you really start making money this way?

What is also interesting with this system is that you will also get 5 ”converting offers” that you only need to copy-paste and that’s it.

And that’s not all, you will hear from the owner of 1-Page Profits that you will not do any of these things:

  • building email lists
  • creating videos
  • creating high-quality content
  • doing paid ads
  • etc.

He even claims that paid ads and email marketing are not working anymore and that it is a waste of time. If you are an experienced internet marketer you will know that it is not true!

My personal opinion is that 1-Page Profits is a misleading product that only wants to ”catch” folks into buying this system.

I don’t want to say that it’s a scam because you can actually get some knowledge here but you should be cautious.

Who Is The Creator Of 1-Page Profits?

The owner and the creator of 1-Page Profits is a guy called Brendan Mace.

I must be honest and say that there is not much information about this guy online but I have found that he is a pretty popular product creator on a marketplace called WarriorPlus, you probably heard about it.

He is known for creating products that could help people to make money online but the real question is does those products actually help people or just help Brendan make nice money by selling them?

This product was launched in April 2020 and it is a registered product of the WarriorPlus marketplace.

The point is that Brendan is a real person and I appreciate that. You probably know how many guys online are presenting a product under a false name and Brendan is definitely not one of those scammy persons.

When it comes to the 1-Page Profits we will see if is it a scam or not. Keep reading.

How Does 1-Page Profits Work?

I am very surprised at how 1-Page Profits work. What you only need to do is copy-paste affiliate links and start earning with free traffic, simple and easy.

When you get inside the 1-Page Profits dashboard you will see an option in the menu where you can create and send offers. Those offers are mostly products from Clickbank so I assume that you know about that marketplace too.

So, the point is that you will promote offers that are available on Clickbank, you will use affiliate links and you will use that ”free traffic” Brendan claims will get you money.

What I really don’t like about this system is that you do not have your own blog or website where you can do the promotion and affiliate marketing but you depend on other platforms and you can be shut down anytime.

And What Is About That ”Free” Unlimited Traffic?

You should already know that without traffic you will mostly never make any money by doing any type of marketing.

Blogging is very profitable and you can get unlimited sources of free traffic by writing and publishing high-quality articles on your blog.

But how you will get the traffic on 1-Page Profits? You will simply share your affiliate link on social media.

This system teaches you to publish and share your affiliate links on social media like Facebook.

That means that you will need to have a pretty big following to start generating any money. I don’t like this because you will primarily need to work on increasing your following.

It is free traffic but if you don’t have a big following on social media it is all in vain.

One more thing is that it is not enough to just have a big following on FB, those followers should be interested in buying digital products and affiliate marketing so that you can earn money.

The best and unlimited free traffic comes from SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and you will not learn that method inside 1-Page Profits.

How Much Does 1-Page Profits Cost? (+ Upsells)

When it comes to the price of 1-Page Profits you may not find it expensive but watch out for upsells!

If you think joining this system you will need to pay only $13.11 which is nothing I must say.

What is very strange is that you will learn how to make a decent income online for only $13.11. Does it not sound strange to you?

Do you really think that someone will reveal his method of making nice money online for only $13.11? If you know such a person please let me know below in the comment section of this article.

Just like I said, you will not pay only $13.11 because you will ”be forced” to get those upsells as you will need them to start making money.

When it comes to those upsells, there are 5 of them:

  • OTO1 costs $37 – This so-called ”Platinum Edition” will remove any restrictions that you will have as a person who bought the system for only $13.11
  • OTO2 costs $197 – With this upsell you will get better DFY (Done For You) pages that will increase the sale conversion. This is not included in that price of $13.11
  • OTO3 costs $67 – Here you will get landing pages and recurring software.
  • OTO4 costs $197 – This is all about Unlimited Traffic. Honestly, this is BS as you will promote your affiliate links on social media like Facebook. You should be happy to even get some traffic on your sales pages.
  • OTO5 will cost you $167 – This upsell actually gives you the right to own the course so you can sell it by yourself and keep the 100% commission.

If we sum up all of these upsells you will actually invest $665 instead of only $13.11 and that is not a small amount of money compared to the low quality you will get with 1-Page Profits.

Is 1-Page Profits a Scam?

I can say that 1-Page Profits is not a scam but it definitely has misleading information and I don’t like it.

First, you are said that you will make at least $300 with this system but no one says you that you will need to invest even $665 in 1-Page Profits if you wanna learn methods like getting Unlimited Traffic.

What Brendan teaches here is okay but if you are a beginner you should know that you will not make any money soon, you will need to invest money and time in this to start working for you.

Affiliate marketing is a legit and proven method to make serious money online but only IF you are doing it on your own website or blog.

With 1-Page Profits, you learn how to do affiliate marketing on social media and that is a little bit risky I must say.

It is also important to say that you need to have targeted traffic, you can’t promote to everyone, you need targeted traffic that will be interested in what you offer.

My opinion here is that Brendan is trying to earn as much money as he can from this and similar products that he is creating.

You actually don’t get any real value here and even if you make to earn some money it will be short-term because it is not a real online business that can generate you a passive income.

Who Is 1-Page Profits For?

My opinion is that 1-Page Profits is for those people who think that it is possible to make income online fast. Those people I think already wasted their money on such low-quality products that promise them instant money.

This is for people who are not willing to invest time and hard work into creating something big, I primarily think about creating a real online business that will generate you passive income even while you sleep because it is possible.

If you have some extra budget and you would like to give a chance to 1-Page Profits, go ahead. I warn you that you will not achieve what this system promises you, at least not in a such short period.

How I Make Money Online? (Passive Income) And Alternative For You!

Making money online is not easy, if you ever tried that you already know that it is true. And if you know that how can you imagine that a 1-Page Profits product that costs only $13.11 will help you to make real money online from you could live?

I have tested hundreds of products like this and honestly, nearly no one has worked like it was promised. That is why am I doing these reviews so that I can help you decide on which product you should choose to invest money in.

If you regularly follow my blog you know that I am a big fan of affiliate marketing and blogging, those are the two ways you can make literally millions. But it is not enough to just start blogging and affiliate marketing, you must have a plan and you must have training!

Wealthy Affiliate is the platform that changed my life for the better when it comes to making money online. It is a training platform that teaches about blogging and doing affiliate marketing on your own blog.

Wealthy Affiliate is 100% legit, it does not promise you that you will become rich or something similar, it teaches you to make real online business by doing affiliate marketing on your own website.

If you want to learn everything about the Wealthy Affiliate platform and how can I become YOUR mentor inside of the platform, click below on the link and read my story!

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