Is Ewen Chia Autopilot Profits a Scam? – Honest Review!

Hello folks, do you want to start making $1000 of dollars in less than 24 hours? Well, Autopilot Profits by Ewen Chai claim that it can help you achieve freedom by offering you a tool that can change your life.

I have tried his tool and I decided to create this review about Autopilot Profits because many people actually believe that they can make money with this and they simply waste their hard-earned money.

My name is Daniel, I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer, and today I want to reveal to you is Ewan Chia Autopilot Profits a scam and whether can you really become rich by automating the whole process.

Let me be clear with you right from the start. When someone promises you fast cash by doing literally nothing, run from it. Otherwise, you are going to waste money on such things, and yes, Autopilot Profits is one of those.

Autopilot Profits Short Overview

  • Product: Autopilot Profits
  • Type of product: Affiliate marketing
  • Owner: Ewen Chia
  • Price: $37 + a lot of Upsells
  • Money back guarantee: 30 days
  • Is it a scam: Yes
  • Is it recommended: No

In short, Autopilot Profits is an online program that is supposed to start making you a big amount of money in a short period of time. Your only job would be to copy-paste some things and money will flow automatically.

I am very surprised how many people actually joined this program and simply wasted their money because do you really believe that it is possible to start making money online automatically? From day 1?

Well, if you make it let me know because I doubt that you will find a such program.

From doing my research I concluded that this program only makes profit to its owner, Ewen Chian, and to one else.

So yes, I think and I can say that I know that Autopilot Profits is a scam because it is misleading people into something that is not possible and true. The point of this program is that you buy upsells so that owner can make some extra profit from you.

Alternative: If you want to learn how to make real money online without scams or fraud, click on the link below and read about my top recommendation for all those who want to make passive income online by creating a REAL online business.

The Best Way To Start Making Money Online – Learn More!

What Is Autopilot Profits About?

I will be honest with you and say that I did not try Autopilot Profits by myself for the simple reason that people are saying this is a pure scam. Even one of my best friends tried it and he said to me that there is no point in testing this program.

Autopilot Profits is an automated online tool that is supposed to get you money within 24 hours of starting. The owner of this tool says that you do not need any prior experience or anything similar, the system will do everything for you, which is false of course.

With this online tool, you are supposed to follow Ewen’s steps and in even 30 minutes you are going to have money making machine that will bring you hundreds and thousands of dollars in the same day. Such a BS.

Ewen is using great marketing techniques to make people believe that they are gonna make fast and easy cash for real. The creator of this program is a very experienced online marketer and he knows what people want to see.

He will offer you just what you want and that is an automated machine that will make you rich, but first, you must pay him a good deal of money to be able to start getting rich.

I must admit that Ewen did great marketing with this as he is actually getting people into the program but unfortunately people are wasting money instead of investing in real online business.

Who Is Ewen Chia?

Based on my research I can say that Ewen Chia is a real online marketing expert and he is also the author of many successful books and one of the most popular ones is “How I Made My First Million on the Internet and How You Can Too”.

He is a legit person and a great speaker but honestly, when it comes to the Autopilot Profits his only goal is to make some extra cash from people like you and me.

Not so good thing about this man is that he created several online programs that are scammy and promises people that they will get rich overnight.

This man is real and he is successful online but his methods are not so good primarily because he is focused on making money for himself instead of giving quality to the people who buy his products.

Ewen is overpricing his products and that is one of the main reasons why I think that Autopilot Profits is a scam, he is offering crazy upsells and not offering quality. Let’s talk a little about that.

How Much Does Autopilot Profits Cost?

When it comes to the price you will find that the initial offer of $37 is not much but once you get inside the program you are going to be offered up to 14 upsells which is crazy.

The point is that you will be forced to get those upsells because honestly, with those $37 you are going to pay you will not achieve anything.

I want also to say that these upsells will not help you to make money but it will only help Ewen to earn cash.

Let’s see what are those upsells.

  • Mega Traffic Package $67
  • Autopilot Social Profits $147
  • Instant Websites $197
  • Ultimate Free Traffic Software $297
  • Traffic Millionaire $19.97 per month
  • Shortcut to $10K $9.97
  • Super Affiliate Millionaire Online Workshop training $297
  • Cash Biz $29.97
  • Traffic Avalanche $37
  • Copy Paste Income $37
  • Complete Business Setup $297
  • My Top Tier Business $49 + $19 per month + $1997
  • Pure Leverage – $24.95 per month + $19.95 per month

I must be honest and say that I have reviewed hundreds of online products like this one but I have never seen this amount of upsells. This is definitely a clear sign that something is not okay.

So, if you plan to invest here and get those upsells it can easily cost you $3000+ which is pretty crazy. He has done great marketing so he is clearly getting people into buying upsells but I recommend that you stay out of it.

If you just want to try this program and test it, I recommend that you just pay those $37 and see for yourself how it will work, do not waste your money on upsells.

How Do Autopilot Profits Work?

Autopilot Profits works pretty simply. You are going to get an ebook of 59 pages and 20 video lessons.

As the name says, Autopilot Profits is designed to make you affiliate sales on autopilot, Ewen says that while you do your daily activities this program is going to make you money.

He even claims that you can start making a couple of $1000 on your first day which is very unrealistic. He pumped this online program so much that it is hard to believe that it is true.

The first thing you should do is to follow the training you are going to get.

1. Training – Learn The System

Here you are going to learn how you will be making money online and how this system actually works. In this training, you are also going to learn how to create a squeeze page where you will be pointing your traffic.

2. Training – Setup The System

Here you will learn how to get traffic by using paid ads. I am not supporting this because you are going to spend a lot of money if you don’t have experience with paid advertisements.

3. Training – Advanced Methods

Inside this training, you will learn advanced methods of getting traffic to your sales page.

Can You Really Make Money With Autopilot Profits?

No, you can’t make money from Autopilot Profits, primarily because you are not learning about the legit way to make money online.

This system created by Ewan is supposed to do all jobs for you but the problem is that it is not working.

Affiliate marketing is working and it is a legit way to start making passive income online but you can’t automate it by some program or software.

There is no program or tool that can do the work for you, you are the one who must work on a daily basis.

So, no, it is not possible to start making cash with this program as it is made to make money only for Ewen, the creator.

Is Autopilot Profits a Scam?

Unfortunately yes, Autopilot Profits is a scam. I know that Ewen Chia is a very popular online marketer and entrepreneur but he is using marketing strategies to promote the product and get people into a pure scam.

On his official page and sales page, he is saying that it is possible to start making thousands of dollars literally in minutes and people believe him. But when they get inside they discover the truth that it is not easy as they think it was.

You definitely can start making money online but if you think that you are gonna get rich quickly you are wrong. Also, no one will ever do the job for you, there is no such automated tool or person. You will need to work and invest your time all by yourself, like it or not.

Alternative for you: If you are tired of scams and you want to learn how to start a real online business that can generate you a passive income for years, click on the link below to learn everything about my Top 1 recommendation for you.

The Best Way To Start Making Money Online – Learn Everything Here!

Autopilot Profits Pros

  • Ewen Chia is a real person
  • You get the basic training
  • You get a money-back guarantee

Autopilot Profits Cons

  • Too many upsells (14)
  • The whole program with upsells could cost you more than $3k
  • Misleading information
  • Designed to make money only for the creator
  • I did not find any positive reviews on the Internet
  • People are NOT making money with it

Autopilot Profits Conclusion – Any Better Way To Start Making Money Online?

I honestly hope that this article helped you to discover is Ewen Chia Autopilot Profits a scam and whether can it actually help you to make money online or not.

Unfortunately, it is a scam created by this successful guy and it is very important to say that you should avoid these types of online tools and programs.

Whenever someone tells you or offers you automated things just run from it, they only want your money and nothing else.

Now, if you really want to start making money online but without being scammed or anything similar, I want to present you with my method of making money on the Internet.

It is called affiliate marketing, you are going to learn how to build your own website and start making daily affiliate sales. This is what I am doing and this is what I am promoting here on my website. For me, it is the best way to make passive income online.

But the great thing is that you will not be alone, you are going to have my full support and mentorship because you are going to work with the best platform when it comes to affiliate marketing, the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Just take a look at some of my earnings from affiliate marketing and everything thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate training.

If you want to learn step by step how to start making serious cash online, without any scams or misleading information, click on the link below and I will show you how to become successful online!

My Money-Making Formula – Learn More Here! (Step By Step)

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