Is Product Launch Formula a Scam? – Discover REAL Truth!

If you ever wanted to learn how to create your own digital product you probably stumbled upon a program called Product Launch Formula.

This is a program that is supposed to teach you how to create your own digital product from scratch and do it even if you are a complete beginner.

But how safe is this online course? Is Product Launch Formula a scam? That is the most common question I am getting in my emails and I wanted to answer this question for you here on my blog.

If you do not know who the heck I am let me tell you in short. My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who is making a living from doing affiliate marketing. My website is my online business, let’s say it like that.

Here on my website, I have reviewed hundreds of online courses and programs that promise to teach you to start your own online business. Some are legit but the vast majority are pure scams.

Let’s see what is the case with the Product Launch Formula.

Product Launch Formula Short Overview

  • Product: Product Launch Formula
  • Type of product: Online course about creating your own digital product
  • Price: $997 one time
  • Owner: Jeff Walker
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Money back guarantee: 30 days
  • Do I recommend it: No

In short, Product Launch Formula is an online course where you will learn how to create your own digital product from scratch and sell it to be able to make money.

I actually like this course and the idea to learn to make digital products because digital products sell like crazy and you can make niche cash by creating it and selling it.

Sure, Product Launch Formula has its own cons that I will talk more about below but you should know right from the start that I am not recommending it for beginners because it will cost you a lot and you may lose yourself in the whole process.

What Is Product Launch Formula?

Product Launch formula is an online course created by a popular digital marketer called Jeff Walker. This program is focused on teaching you how to create a digital product all by yourself and make money from selling and promoting it.

The great thing about Product Launch Formula is that it has a step by step training on how to create a digital product and Jeff, the owner will even show you his own strategies and tricks on how to promote the product successfully and make money.

Doing digital marketing today is very important and if you even have your own digital product to sell, your success is literally guaranteed.

That is why this online course is a great option for you but ONLY if you have some experience in digital marketing, if you are a complete beginner I would not recommend investing in this, and in the text below you will discover why.

Related: How To Start an Affiliate Marketing Business?

Who Is Jeff Walker?

If you are in the online world you have probably heard about Jeff Walker. He is the creator of many online programs related to digital marketing and one of his products is also a Product Launch Formula where he is teaching about creating a digital product.

He is also a very successful online entrepreneur who is making a living from his online businesses. I have done research about this guy and found that he started his online career back in 1996 which is a very long time.

When it comes to trustworthiness you should not worry about that, Jeff is a real and legit person who is not trying to scam people or anything similar, you will definitely get what you pay for.

In the end, Jeff is giving a 30-day money-back guarantee so at any time you can get your money back if you don’t like the program or the training.

How Does Product Launch Formula Work?

I can say that the Product Launch formula works pretty simply. Because this is a huge topic Jeff decided to put it inside the 6 modules so you will have 6 modules to watch and follow to be able to succeed in creating your own digital product.

Your tutor and mentor will be Jeff personally and I want to say that this guy knows what he is talking about, you will see how easy is to follow the steps he will be showing you in his training.

So let’s see what modules you are going to get inside the platform:

  • Module #1 – Your Launch Foundation
  • Module #2 – Your Launch Plan
  • Module #3 – Pre-PreLaunch
  • Module #4 – Prelaunch Content
  • Module #5 – Open Cart
  • Module #6 – Internal & Seed Launches

Each and every Module will be explained in detail by Jeff and I can say that he is explaining it so well that it is impossible that you to fail or don’t understand. I am not a big fan of creating digital products so the training was not so interesting for me but if you are passionate about this you will like it.

Keep in mind that this is a long-term investment and you will not see instant results in terms of money, it will take time to complete the training in these modules so you must be patient and consistent in the work.

How Much Does Product Launch Formula Cost?

If you want to invest in Product Launch Formula and start the training you will need to pay a fee of $997 one time. In my opinion, I think that this price is high and that training is not so much rated for this price.

Many things inside the training you can actually get free on the Internet and giving nearly $1k to Jeff is not something I like.

The program is overpriced because of Jeff as he is a very successful online entrepreneur and you should be honored to have him as a mentor. I think that price is because of that.

Good thing is that there are no upsells and you have a 30-day money-back guarantee, which is a big plus.

So, if you ask me if I would invest $1k in Product Launch Formula my answer is no, you have a way cheaper alternative that can teach you how to start your own online business. I will recommend you my top alternative when it comes to making money online in the text below.

Related: The Best Way To Make Money Online In 2023

Is Product Launch Formula a Scam?

I can freely say that the Product Launch Formula is not a scam. This online program is actually a legit course that can help you to learn how to make your own digital product and make money by selling it or even creating it for others.

Many people online are saying that this training is a scam but you should know that these people even did not try to make an online success, they usually want instant success and with this, you MUST be extremely patient.

The biggest problem here is the price because I first would not pay $1k for this course when I have a Wealthy Affiliate training for only $49 per month and the training itself is of much better quality than Product Launch Formula.

I should not forget to mention that Jeff Walker is a very popular guy in the digital marketing industry and that is one more reason why this course is not a scam. Jeff would be on the ”blacklist” if he creates scammy products.

Product Launch Formula Pros

  • It is a legitimate online course
  • Jeff Walker is a very popular online entrepreneur and he is not a scammer
  • Training is easy to follow and it is step by step
  • There are no upsells
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Product Launch Formula Cons

  • I think that the training inside is for more advanced digital marketers and not for beginners
  • It is overpriced, paying $1k does not pay off
  • It takes a lot of time to make a success with this method Jeff promotes

Maybe I did not say this above but I honestly think that if you are a complete beginner this training will not suit you best and that is maybe one of the cons I didn’t like the most.

I think that every online training or course must be made for both complete beginners and those advanced ones. You will pay $1k for this training and it could easily take you years before you make a success and by that, I mean making a full-time income online.

Is Product Launch Formula For You? Is There Cheaper Alternative?

If you have an experience in digital marketing and you have a budget of $1k in your pocket then Product Launch Formula is for you.

You can learn amazing things about creating digital products and you can actually make online business by doing it, but only if you are patient and consistent.

For those who are beginners in the online world and would like to invest a small amount of money in their online business, I would recommend Wealthy Affiliate training. It is a training platform that changed my life for the better and it can change yours too, only if you give it a chance.

Inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you are going to learn how to create a niche website and monetize it by doing affiliate marketing, I am doing it and millions of people are doing it inside the WA platform.

Just take a look at some of my monthly earnings thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate training.

If you are tight on a budget but you want to invest in your own online business then the Wealthy Affiliate platform is the right choice for you.

Click on the link below to learn everything about this amazing platform and how to start!

The Best Way To Make Money In 2023 – Learn Everything Here!

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