My Wealthy Affiliate Complaints – Read This Before Joining!

You have probably wondered do people really make success with Wealthy Affiliate and what are the things that are ”bad” inside the platform.

In this article, I am gonna talk about my Wealthy Affiliate complaints, things that I think should improve, and help people make even more money.

Let’s make it clear, WA is a 100% legit platform and they have amazing training on affiliate marketing and creating an online business. I am a Premium member for more than 7 years but I must say that it is not a perfect platform.

Perfect does not exist, you can’t find any platform or program that will be perfect. I honestly hope that this blog post will help you to see the main cons of the platform and why people are suspicious about it.

Before you keep reading about the complaints inside WA I suggest that you click on the link and read my honest Wealthy Affiliate Review, I am sure it will help you to start your own online business.

10 Biggest Wealthy Affiliate Complaints I Have

I will focus on the biggest complaints people are talking about when it comes to the WA platform but I will also share what are my personal Wealthy Affiliate complaints and what would I do to make them better.

1. FREE Plan is a Crap

That’s right my fellow friends. The biggest complaint the WA platform gets and what I personally don’t like is their Free plan, you basically can’t do anything with it.

You can join the platform completely for free but when you get inside you will see that you must become a Premium member of the platform if you want to learn everything and start making money.

I will be completely honest with you, the Free plan is totally okay and every training platform should have a free plan but you should get at least something inside the starter membership.

When it comes to Wealthy Affiliate, you will only have access to the video lesson for beginners and you will have access to the Level 1 training which consists only of 5 lessons.

Of course, when you join the Premium membership and become a paid member you will unlock the full potential of the platform and you will be amazed at how great the training and community are.

But for starter members, the Starter plan can be very confusing and discouraging.

Related: Is Wealthy Affiliate For Beginners?

2. Too Many WA Promotion By Beginners

You may not know this but the fact is that too many people inside Wealthy Affiliate promoting this platform, even beginners who have not started the training yet.

It is okay that someone who is an experienced affiliate marketer promotes WA but when I see people who just joined and they start the promotion of WA, it sucks.

It is also true that WA ”forces” people to start promoting their platform because they have the whole training about it, it is not something bad but when you google Wealthy Affiliate review you can see so many positive reviews about the platform and most of those people are promoting it only because of great affiliate program WA has.

You basically can’t find a negative review about WA on the Internet because folks are doing positive ones to be able to make money through the affiliate program.

This does not mean that WA is bad or that you should avoid it, I am a member for nearly a decade and I am also the one who is promoting it as a great way to learn to start an online business but keep in mind that I am an experienced affiliate marketer who knows what is he talking about.

Starter members should put focus on OEC training that teaches about creating a niche website in any topic you want.

3. You Can’t Find a Phone Number

I can say that Wealthy Affiliate has great Support, both technical and the community but having a phone number for emergency cases would be a big plus.

If you want to contact them you can only do that through their Support Ticket system inside the platform and that’s it.

Recently happened that my server broke and my website was not live for hours, I contacted Support and they answered me a couple of hours later I have lost thousands of visitors and potential revenue.

That is why I would like that they have a phone number for Support so that any problems can be fixed as soon as possible.

4. WA Community is Like a Facebook (Boring!)

I can honestly say that Wealthy Affiliate is a great community of wonderful people all across the world but what I definitely don’t like about it is that you have a feeling like you are on Facebook, which is a little distracting for me.

Literally, people are blogging inside WA about everything, many folks share their life stories and their private problems which is not interesting at all.

I think that WA should somehow filter the blogs that are published and only allow things related to the online business and the staff that they teach about. I want to see business stories and not how someone has a problem today with their pet, etc.

That is the thing I would like to change because you will lose much time reading useless blogs and stories inside WA which will cost you your online business. In one word, you are going to be DISTRACTED instead of focusing on creating your business and profit.

5. WA Send a Lot Of Emails

When you join the platform and start getting your business rolling you will also start getting many emails from the WA platform. Those emails are not spammy or anything similar but they will fill your inbox which I don’t like.

How many emails will you be getting depends on the number of people you are following inside the platform. The great thing that you can do is manage your preferences inside the WA so that you get only important notifications from WA.

You don’t need to know when someone blogs inside the platform about ”I am happy today and you?”, it will only take your precious time so make sure that you change that inside that platform.

6. There Is No Refund Policy

This is something I see many people complain about too. You know, you are going to pay either a monthly fee of $49 or yearly of $499 and it would be great if you can get your money back if you are not satisfied with the platform and the training.

Unfortunately, Wealthy Affiliate does not offer a refund policy so when you decide to pay that’s it.

People always look for a refund when joining some programs or platforms and when there is no refund it is a big minus for the company.

I must say that I am very satisfied with the WA platform and I would never ask for a refund but new people who are coming to the WA would like to have a chance of getting their money back if they are not satisfied.

Great thing is that registration on WA is completely FREE and with the Starter plan inside the platform, you can see if it is for you or not.

If you like it and you think that you can make success with WA (and yes YOU CAN) you are going to move to the Premium membership to unlock the full potential of the platform.

Related: How Much Money I Am Making With Wealthy Affiliate?

7. The Core Training Is a Little Bit Outdated

Let me be clear with you, Wealthy Affiliate training work and I can say that it is maybe the best training you can get about affiliate marketing and creating an online business with your website.

It is a proven training that brings amazing results only if you stick to it and follow the steps they are showing you. I am making a full-time income only thanks to the WA training.

Still, the training is having its cons and that is it is NOT updated on a regular basis.

While you are doing the training you are going to see that some lessons have a statement they are going to be updated but just look at the image above, it says that fresh training is coming in 2020/2021 and we are now 2023 so everything is clear.

I can say that 90% of the WA training is awesome and it is evergreen, it will always work but there are definitely some important lessons that should be updated.

Kyle, the owner of Wealthy Affiliate says that it will be soon but they obviously don’t have time to solve it.

8. You Are Not Allowed To Go Back To The Starter Plan

This is maybe one of the biggest complaints people are talking about when it comes to the Wealthy Affiliate and I can’t blame them.

Once you upgrade to Premium membership you will not have the option to go back to the Starter plan so you must keep paying for Premium or if you want to quit you will need to cancel the subscription and your account will be deactivated.

You can come back at any time you want but you will need to pay for Premium and ask the Support to renew your account.

It is okay to work as a Premium member, I am a Premium member for nearly a decade but people often times have some problems, private or health and they can’t continue paying and the only option is quitting.

It would definitely be great if you can go back to the Starter without losing your work but we are not writing the rules, unfortunately.

Related: How Long Until You Start Making Money With WA?

9. The Keyword Tool You Get Is Not So Good

Once you become a Premium member of the platform you are going to get access to the keyword research tool called Jaaxy.

It is not a bad tool but the point is that you are probably not going to see the true results while doing keyword research. I like to use but I always check the competition and volume in Google before I decide to use the keyword Jaaxy showed me.

I must say that SEMRush and Ahrefs are one of the best keyword research tools but you must pay additionally to be able to use them as they are not free.

10. Getting Answers From Community Can be Difficult

Wealthy Affiliate has a great system integrated into the platform where you can ask any question inside and you can get the answers from the people IE other members of the WA.

It is okay and it is nice that everyone wants to help you and give you an answer but the problem is that those people are not experts and you will most likely get many different answers to the same question.

WA also has a Live chat where you can get answers and I think that is a better option than asking questions inside the community.

With time you will learn who is the expert and who is not, there are many beginners inside that like to give answers although they don’t know what they are talking about.

Also, the great thing is that as a Premium member you have the option to contact privately anyone you want and it is always a good option that you write to your personal mentor that you get when you successfully register on the platform.

Some Final Words On Wealthy Affiliate Complaints

I honestly hope that this article helped you to discover the biggest complaints about the WA platform, there is no such platform or program that is perfect and the same case is with Wealthy Affiliate.

The complaints I talked about are the ones that both people and I think should improve and I would like if Wealthy Affiliate would accept them as positive feedback.

You are maybe asking me why am I still with Wealthy Affiliate if I don’t like the things I mentioned above. Well, let me tell you one thing, this platform changed my financial life and I will be thankful to them for the rest of my life.

Wealthy Affiliate helped me to start to achieve passive income on the Internet and that is why I am their Premium member for more than 8 years and that is why I am actively recommending it to people who want to learn how to make serious money online.

So, if you want to check it out and see if WA is for you, I recommend that you click on the link below and read my HONEST review about Wealthy Affiliate where you can also see some amazing results from the members of the platform.

I am sure you are going to be surprised how much you can achieve with their training and support.

Read HONEST Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 – Click Here!

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