Is Stay Home Profits a Scam? – One Thing You Should Be Aware Of!

Have you ever wanted to start making $500 right away? By just posting affiliate links on the Internet? Yeah, there are online programs that are offering this method of online earning but the real question is this even possible?

Stay Home Profits is that online course that is promising everyone fast and big income but only when you buy the program.

You should always look for legit ways to make money online, remember that there are no shortcuts and anyone who is promising you fast and easy money is trying to scam you, that is for sure.

So many people lately asked me is Stay Home Profits a scam and if should they trust this online course where even the owner is not known.

My name is Daniel and I am a professional blogger and affiliate marketer who has tested hundreds of MMO products that promise many things but the most important thing that they promise to you is that you will start making money from the first day you buy their program or course, which is a pure lie.

To be able to start generating a decent income online you must have a proper education, have patience and be consistent. That is what those programs like Stay Home Profits do not mention.

Continue to read this article to discover the truth about this online product and see for yourself if is this for you or not.

Stay Home Profits Short Overview

  • Product: Stay Home Profits
  • Type of product: It’s about affiliate marketing
  • The Owner: Does not exist
  • The Price: It costs $47 + upsells
  • Money back guarantee: Yes but be very cautious
  • Is it a scam: Probably yes
  • Do I recommend it: No

First things first, although you have a 30-day money-back guarantee you should know that this online product is 95% a scam.

Many people even said that they have not received money back although they reach support. It is obvious because you will barely learn here anything.

What Stay home Profits teach you to make money on the Internet by pasting affiliate links. As the owner claims you can start earning $500 per day with this method. It is BS in my opinion.

Affiliate marketing is for sure a great way to make money online but just pasting links on the Internet will not work. If it was so easy everyone would do it.

Based on my research I have concluded that Stay Home Profits is definitely a scam but let’s see what is this program about and why you should avoid it.

TIP: If you want to learn how to make real money online by doing affiliate marketing I can recommend you a top platform that I use and that changed my life completely when it comes to online income. Find more about my recommendation at the link below.

The Best Platform To Make Money Online In 2024 – Click Here!

What Is Stay Home Profits?

All the work around Stay Home Profits is simply pasting links on the Internet. In this online product, you are gonna learn how to use affiliate marketing methods for earning online income.

The owner of this program claims that you can start making even $15 per link so you can basically start making serious money from day 1.

The problem with all of this is when you see the sales video upon going on the Stay Home Profits page you can see how fake those testimonials are. You will see many people claiming that they are making decent money just by posting links on the Internet, which can’t be true.

Just imagine that you get $15 for every affiliate link that you post on the net. It is definitely possible BUT only if you are doing affiliate marketing techniques like posting on your own blog.

The sad truth is that the owner of this online program actually pays people for doing fake reviews (testimonials), if you go on Upwork or even Fiverr you can see how many people offer this type of job.

I can simply pay a person on Upwork $10 and he will do a positive review about my product. I don’t approve of that but people are doing it.

That is the main reason to suspect that Stay Home Profits is a scam.

When you join you are promised to get a link database and your only job would be to copy-paste affiliate links so that you make decent money.

I must say that affiliate marketing is a legit method to make money online but you should use it as it should be. You can’t just grab some affiliate links and paste them on the Internet, that will not make you money and that is exactly what Stay Home Profits promise to its clients.

Let’s see how exactly this thing works and why you should avoid it at all costs.

How Does Stay Home Profits Work?

The first thing you should know is that Stay Home Profits will cost you $47 but that is not all. You are made to believe that you will only pay those $47 but there are many upsells that will literally suck your wallet.

What is strange is that you don’t know what you get inside this online program until you pay those $47. That is something I don’t like at all.

Just like I have mentioned above, Stay Home Profits work in the way where you get access to the link database which links you should promote IE paste on the Internet in hope that someone will click and buy a thing you promote with those links.

Honestly, I believe that this is a ”trap”, especially for newbies because you will be offered to buy those upsells right from the beginning.

You will discover that inside Stay Home Profits you will get nothing more than some PDFs and video lessons teaching about affiliate marketing.

The point with this product is all about the owner making money from you, you will certainly not make any money by doing this method he or she is teaching you. I say he or she because the actual owner is unknown which is one more reason to avoid this.

You will learn some things about affiliate marketing but NOTHING that will make you rich or help you to start earning. As I said, it is all about the owner making money and not you.

Affiliate marketing works like that, you need to use affiliate links to make money but you need to have a platform (like a website) where to put links, you can’t just paste them on forums and social platforms, and you will be banned.

I am a full-time affiliate marketer and I can help you to start this online business that can make you a passive income online, you only need the right training platform and mentorship.

Who Is The Owner Of Stay Home Profits?

When it comes to the ownership of Stay Home Profits I must disappoint you because I don’t know who is the owner and creator of this online program. Why? Because he or she is hiding his identity, that’s the point.

I tried to do some research about the owner but you can’t find him on the Internet which is a big red flag. Most products like this use false names and the real creators just don’t want to reveal themselves in most cases because they are offering scammy products.

A similar thing is with the Affiliate Cash Club product where its owner uses a false name just to trick people.

When someone is using a false name or doesn’t reveal his identity in the video of the product he promotes you should definitely avoid that product.

Unfortunately, that is the case with Stay Home Profits.

Is Stay Home Profits a Scam?

Unfortunately yes, Stay Home Profits is a scam where the owner tried to make money from you, only he will earn because you will need to spend hundreds of dollars on his program without learning anything that can help you.

You will certainly not start making $500 per day by just posting some links on the Internet and you should know that. This is in my opinion a trap that owners use to attract newbies and make earnings from them.

You probably ask yourself why I think this is a scam, well, because of this:

  • The owner does not show his identity
  • There are fakes testimonials and reviews
  • False claims and promises
  • Unethical way to do affiliate marketing
  • Nothing quality inside of the program

Yeah man, if you plan to make serious cash online and start making a passive income you will not succeed with Stay Home Profits.

I even think that the official site is shut down. That is the proof that this thing does not work.

The Pros Of Stay Home Profits

Honestly, there are no pros when it comes to this online product. Okay, I can say that it is teaching about affiliate marketing which is a legit method to make money online BUT you can’t make money this way Stay Home Profits teaches you.

This thing costs $47 but you can spend even more with their upsells. You will invest your real money and you will get nothing, simple and easy.

The Cons Of Stay Home Profits

It is very strange that every scammy MMO products are using the same techniques when it comes to tricking people into buying their products.

You can literally immediately recognize if some product is a scam or not. If someone promises you fast and big earnings without doing too much work in 90% that is a scam.

I have already pointed what are the cons above and those are the things you should take in mind when you choose to apply or buy some product that promises you to get rich.

That is exactly what Stay Home Profits do, they claim you can start making thousands of dollars from day 1, and unfortunately, that is not possible.

Some Final Words And My Recommendation For You

I assume you are now sure that you should avoid Stay Home Profits if you don’t want to lose your money. Especially if you are a beginner who is looking to invest some money to start making income online.

You must know that there are no easy ways to make money online, you should invest in education on how to make money on the Internet instead of wasting your money on this kind of MMO product which uses false names and testimonials to attract potential buyers.

There ARE legit and quality platforms online where you can learn how to start your own online business and one of those platforms is the Wealthy Affiliate platform. I am a member for more than 7 years and I am working with people from all over the world.

It is a platform that teaches you how to create your niche website and do affiliate marketing by promoting niche products on your own website.

Just take a look at how much money I make by promoting just one affiliate product on my site:

Everyone can do it but only if you invest your time in education!

Click on the link below and let me show you the best platform that can help you to become independent when it comes to money.

The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Platform For Beginners – Click Here!

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