Is The Warrior Forum a Scam? – Why You Should Avoid It?

If you wanted to find a place where you can learn to make money online or simply share experiences with others when it comes to internet marketing you might stumble upon Warrior Forum.

There are many comments about this online forum and many people are asking me is the Warrior Forum a scam or if is it a legit place to join and learn things about making money online.

I will share with you my personal experience with Warrior Forum but I will also share the reviews from other people who had experience with this forum.

From the very start, I want to say that it is not for beginners and I simply don’t recommend it. Keep reading this Warrior Forum review to find out why.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time affiliate marketer who has vast experience in making money online but also with the programs and products that promise fast and easy money.

I am also doing reviews related to MMO products and my mission and goal are to inform you and help you find the best platform that can help you make a true online business without getting scammed or anything similar.

Let’s start with our review on Warrior Forum! Keep reading carefully.

The Warrior Forum Short Overview

  • Product: The Warrior Forum
  • Type of product: Online forum where you can learn things about making money online
  • Price: It’s free to join but you also have an option to pay $97 for a premium package
  • Owner: Allen Says
  • Is it a scam: I can say yes
  • Do I recommend it: Definitely not, you have way better alternatives

What Is Warrior Forum About?

Warrior Forum is an online forum where you can chat with many ”gurus” and ask questions about making money online, doing product reviews, and everything related to digital marketing.

I can say that is a platform for digital marketers. Although it is a communication platform it is also a marketplace where you can sell or buy products related to making money online niche.

You probably heard how you can make money here on this forum and that is right.

You will need to join this ”War Room” for $37 to be able to sell your affiliate offers or even your own products to the entire community.

One more good thing is that you can actually post blogs on the forum and engage with other members who can potentially become your customers if you are selling something.

The social group is another perk on Warrior Forum. Just like Facebook, you can create your group and attract the people who are interested in what you offer to join the group.

The point is that you must join the War room to be able to make money on this forum, it is not that expensive but does it really pays off?

Although this online forum exists since 1997 and is still popular, people are mostly not satisfied with it. I am not too and I will talk about it in a couple of seconds.

My Experience With Warrior Forum

I firstly joined Warrior Forum a couple of years ago, way before I started doing affiliate marketing full time and I was looking actually to join some forum that is quality and would direct me in the right direction when it comes to making money online.

At the first hand, it was not bad as you will find many people who are ready to give answers to you but the negative side is that you are gonna get many different answers and everyone will point you in different ways.

As a beginner, I was very confused and I even wasted money on some products members recommended to me inside of Warrior Forum.

That is why I urge you to not join here if you are a newbie and a complete beginner in the making money online field. You will get misleading opinions and answers and there is a risk that you waste your money instead of earning it.

Also, if you plan to join here you must be oriented to the MMO niche and products related to that niche. You will not sell anything that is not related to the products in making money online niche.

My advice is that if you are a beginner who wants to start an online business by doing affiliate marketing is that you find alternatives like the Wealthy Affiliate platform I am currently on.

Wealthy Affiliate platform helped me to start my own website and monetize it by doing affiliate marketing, now I am happy to say that I have a six-figure website that brings me a passive income online, thanks to the WA platform you can read more about below.

How Wealthy Affiliate Platform Helped Me To Start Making $$$ Online – Click Here!

How Much Does Warrior Forum Cost?

When it comes to the price of Warrior Forum it can be a little tricky. You are made to believe that you can make a success by joining free but that is not the case.

Sure, you can join Warrior Forum completely for free but you will be pretty limited on that forum.

With a free plan, you have access only to discussions and nothing more.

If you decide to get full access to this forum you will need to pay a War room premium membership of $97 per year, it is not that expensive based on yearly payment but still, I think that you can’t get value and quality to be able to make money online.

Inside the War room you will be able to:

  • participate in discussions with other members
  • get access to the digital marketing courses
  • get the tools and resources you would need to make money
  • and some premium benefits that are not mentioned

The important thing to say is that you will also get a 30-day free trial where you can test the things and see how it works. If you, in any case, decide to cancel the subscription with Warrior Forum I recommend removing your credit card as some members reported that WF keeps taking money from the card although they canceled the subscription.

Is The Warrior Forum a Scam? (Real Reviews!)

Although I don’t want to say that Warrior Forum is a scam many people online are telling a different story. I always use TrustPilot for my reviews and I can say that this online forum did not qualify to be legit, unfortunately.

Let’s take a look at some pictures from TrustPilot.

is the warrior forum a scam

Trustpilot is a trustworthy site where you can see people’s reviews about many products online and this is the case with Warrior Forum.

Based on the reviews I can say that Warrior Forum is not trustworthy and definitely not worth your time and investment.

Let’s take a look at one more picture that tells us about this online forum.

I am pretty surprised that there are many scammers on this forum but it is pretty logical as many people are selling garbage products here and after they get their money, they just disappear.

Keep in mind that these people who review companies on Trustpilot are REAL people and not some bots, I believe them 100% and when they are not satisfied with this, you will not too, that is reality.

Just like I have said above, Warrior Forum is not a 100% scam because you still can learn some things there and get honest and quality answers but nothing more than that.

There are people who ”haunt” newbies like you and some of them just want your hard-earned money and they have strategies that can trick you and make you buy something of low quality.

My advice is that you should stay away from this online platform, if you are a more experienced affiliate marketer you can test it and see how it works.

What Do I Like About Warrior Forum?

The truth is that if you are not an experienced affiliate marketer or you are just starting in the online world, the Warrior forum will not do much for you.

I have found that this online forum is good for research and you can still find some interesting things. Like, let’s say how to make money fast, how to sell your own products and the like.

Warrior Forum has thousands of members and there are people who are actually making money with it. Not so bad thing is that this forum exists since 1997 so it can be a big plus.

I have encountered some successful and experienced marketers inside and people are making success, like it or not.

What I Don’t Like About The Warrior Forum?

Honestly, I think and I have seen that many things are fake here. Let’s say, product reviews. You can see that there are people who sell products related to making money online BUT they are actually making fake testimonials.

You are made to believe that you are gonna make fast money in a short period of time. You will not make money overnight, especially online, that is the cold truth.

Another thing is those negative reviews on Trustpilot. You can see how many people are unsatisfied and that tells a lot about this online platform.

I understand that this is perfect but the truth is that people are getting scammed on this forum and you can find a lot of people who will confirm that to you.

Warrior Forum Pros:

  • Not a bad place to learn new things about making money online
  • You can get valuable advice from more experienced online marketers
  • If you have your own products you can easily promote them on Warrior Forum and make sales

Warrior Forum Cons:

  • It is not recommended for beginners in affiliate marketing and general, those who want to learn how to make money online
  • Too many misleading answers and opinions from WF members
  • The platform is full of people who promote and sell garbage products
  • Potential of being scammed
  • Many negative reviews on the Internet

Should You Join Warrior Forum? Is There Any Alternative?

I can only say that if you are a beginner who just wants to learn more about making money online and starting an online business, you should definitely avoid Warrior Forum.

It is not for you for many reasons and you probably concluded that after reading this review. Many people are not satisfied with it and the negative reviews you can see on Trustpilot are trustworthy and real.

If you have a budget and you are more experienced in making money online you can give it a try and check how things work inside.

When it comes to making money online it is very important that you have a proper education and training and even mentorship. I know when I was starting how hard it was.

Luckily, I have stumbled upon a Wealthy Affiliate platform that literally changed my life for the better.

Wealthy Affiliate is an online community that offers training about blogging and affiliate marketing. With their training, you can easily learn how to make a profitable website in any niche and make money by doing affiliate marketing.

I have been a member of WA for nearly 7 years and I can say that you will get VALUE and QUALITY with their training.

My recommendation is that you click on the link below and learn everything about the platform that changed my life and it can also change yours, only if you commit and give yourself time to succeed.

Wealthy Affiliate Platform – Your Path To Online Success!

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