What Is The Best Platform To Build a Website On?

Starting your own website today is pretty easy, there are many website builders out there where you can create a website in minutes.

I always recommend to my clients that if they want to build a profitable and successful website that will bring them a passive income online, they need to choose the right platform for that.

Sure, you have free and paid platforms and website builders but ALWAYS is better to go for the paid option instead of free because with free web builders you will be limited and you will not make serious money online.

In this article, I want to discuss with you what is the best platform to build a website on and I will recommend you a platform that literally changed my life for the better when it comes to making money online.

It is not a platform where you can just build a profitable website but this platform will offer you complete training about building a PROFITABLE website.

Remember, it’s easy to build a website but making a profitable website is a little harder than you think.

Before I introduce you to a platform that I know is the best one when it comes to building websites I wanna talk a little about things you should know before starting your own blog/website.

So let’s get started!

What Do You Need To Build a Successful Website?

First and foremost you need a plan!

If you think about making your website before a plan you are condemned to fail. Think about why are you making y website and what is the end goal? Do you want to do blogging just for fun or do you want to make serious money online from your website?

Those are important questions because your starting point will depend on them.

Other than that you will need a couple of things to think about before you start building your website.

1. A Great Hosting

The choice of a hosting platform is very important because if you choose low-quality hosting your success will suffer.

Your hosting need to be great when it comes to speed and other things like WordPress themes, plugins, etc. Keep in mind that free hosting companies are pretty limited and you will probably have limitations with your website.

Does hosting offer a free SSL certificate? It’s very important to have that certificate because if you need to pay for it separately from your hosting it’s not worth using that hosting.

The more features the hosting offers you the better, keep that in mind.

2. Domain Name

It’s okay to start a website with a free domain but if you really want to be a successful and profitable blogger you will need to have your own domain name.

Domains are not expensive and some hosting companies offer a free domain name of your choice with their package plan.

If your hosting is not giving a domain name you can buy the domain for only $15 on domain marketplaces as GoDaddy let’s say.

I want to emphasize that you should not stay on the free domain too long because Google and other search engines like it when you are on a paid domain. Free domains literally can’t rank in search engines no matter how great your content is.

So, a paid domain name is a must!

3. Platform That Will Educate You About Building a Profitable Website

It’s not only about hosting and domain name. Today you can find a bunch of hosting companies where you can host and build a website but what about creating a profitable website that will actually bring you money?

I see many people creating nice websites but they are earning a BIG $0! That’s right, 95% of people who create websites don’t earn even a dime, which is sad.

Do you think that only creating a website and making it go live on the internet will make you money? No, it won’t! you must know techniques for getting your website indexed and most importantly, ranked in search engines.

That is why I will talk below about the platform that changed my life for the better and I will show you step by step how can you create your own website in less than 30 seconds on the platform I use.

Should You Use Free Platforms For Building Websites?

A big no! If you are a person who just wants to try yourself blogging and test things in that case you can use free platforms like Wix, Blogger, etc.

But if you want to make serious money online and make a full-time income with your website then you should invest in a paid platform IE paid hosting.

Most people start with free platforms and that’s okay but in the future, you will need to move your site to paid hosting if you think to earn money from your blog.

I know many folks who used free hosting and could not monetize their website. Google Adsense will not approve you if you are on free hosting, keep that in mind.

Simply said, with free hosting and free platforms you are limited and you can’t express the full potential of a website. With paid hosting platform, the sky is the limit!

You probably ask yourself what platform would you use when there is a bunch of those platforms that offer website builders and training. I personally use one platform that literally changed my life and I am thankful to God that I have found this platform.

Not only I have created this (makemoneywithdaniel.com) site but many sites that are profitable today and making me a passive income.

Are you ready to find out what is the best platform to build a website on?

Keep reading!

Wealthy Affiliate Platform – The Best Platform For Building Profitable Websites

That’s right my fellow reader. Maybe you have heard about the Wealthy Affiliate platform so far and if yes, that’s great.

If you have not heard about this platform let me introduce you to it.

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is both a hosting company and a training platform where you learn how to build a profitable website and monetize it by doing affiliate marketing.

This platform is created in 2005. and it is only growing in popularity each and every month. The owners are two Canadian guys called Kyle and Carson. It is a 100% legit platform who have more than 2 Million active users.

Interesting thing is that you will not only host your website on this platform but you will also follow the training it offers. WordPress is intergraded inside of Wealthy Affiliate platform so you will build your websites with WordPress.

I am an active member of this platform for more than 6 years and I plan to stay there forever.

If you ask yourself do you need to have experience in building websites, the answer is NO! You don’t have to have any previous experience or knowledge in creating websites. You will learn everything inside of this platform.

Just like I said, Wealthy Affiliate does not offer website builder and hosting services but you will also get a TON of other things inside that will teach you how to be a successful blogger and affiliate marketer.

Because there are many things I could write related to this platform I suggest that you click on the link below and read my full review about Wealthy Affiliate and how it can help you to build a six-figure website!

Full, In-Depth Review Of Wealthy Affiliate Platform – Click Here

How Can You Join Wealthy Affiliate?

The great thing with Wealthy Affiliate is that you can join completely for free, you will just need an email address and password and that’s it, you are ready to go!

Click Here To Join For Free!

Wealthy Affiliate is a pretty easy platform when it comes to joining and you even don’t need a credit card or personal information, only your name, email address, and password that you will create.

When you land on the sign-up page you will see some plans, you will join as a Starter member, and later if you want to pay for more you could upgrade to Premium membership which I will talk about later.

So, choose a Starter plan, fulfill your name, email address, and password and join the WA platform for free.

Keep in mind that you should give a real email address because you will need to verify your email address.

When you have successfully joined the platform now we can make our first website! You will see how easy it is to create a profit-ready website!

Watch the steps described below and you will have your own website in seconds.

Creating Website Inside Wealthy Affiliate (Step-By-Step)

When you successfully join the Wealthy Affiliate platform you will see the interface like in the image below:

Let me clarify for you what those numbers mean I painted on the image above.

Keep in mind that I am already a member of this platform so there is the possibility that your interface will not be the same.

1. It’s the main menu of the platform

  • Home is the homepage
  • Training is where you will find the training about affiliate marketing and building a profitable website in any niche you want
  • The Websites option is where you will actually make your websites and there you will also manage your created websites, you will have an option to log in to WordPress where you will create, publish and edit your blog articles.
  • Classes is the place where you will find Live classes on many subjects related to blogging and affiliate marketing and not only that but things like YouTube marketing, email marketing, paid ads, and many more.
  • Research is where you will do the keyword research for your blog posts, it is a great platform where you can find low competition keywords in any niche that you can target to rank high in search engines.
  • Promote is a place where you can find many affiliate programs where you can apply and make money as an affiliate marketer, you will see many affiliate programs there, like Clickbank, Awin, CJ, and others.
  • Publish is where you can use the SiteContent platform that is integrated into the WA where you can create and publish articles to your blog. With this option, you don’t need to log into your WordPress to write and publish content but you can go to the SiteContent and write there, add images and other things and from there you can automatically publish posts on your website.
  • Help is of course the support of Wealthy Affiliate and there you can ask their staff if you have any questions or problems related to the website or platform.

2. It’s Your Profile Overview

Here you can see your profile image when you add one and you will also see your membership plan. As you can see on the image above I am a Premium member of the platform, for you it will be Starter.

Your rank will show how active you are on the platform. The lowest the number the higher you are ranked in Wealthy Affiliate. It Does not have any benefits except that people can see how active you are.

Below you can see where it says ”Dashboard”, this is literally the dashboard where you can see the Top 10 posts on the WA platform, Hot topics (what are other members discussing), New classes, and New Blogs from other members, etc.

3. It’s Main Activity on The Platform

Here is the main page of Wealthy Affiliate and here you can see what are other members posting, like questions, their experience with the platform, training, or others.

Whenever someone publishes something on the WA platform it will be shown here.

Keep in mind that publishing on your created website is not the same as publishing on the WA platform directly. Your website and your articles are not seen by other members of the WA platform!

4. Live Chat

This is one more great feature by WA and here you can basically chat with other members of WA. There are people who are also asking questions and more experienced WA members are answering in the Live chat.

Now that you know these basic things about the WA platform let’s create our first website for free! Watch the steps below!

Let’s Now Create Our First Website On Wealthy Affiliate Platform For Free (Step-By-Step)

Step 1

The first thing you should do to create your website is to click on ”Websites” inside of WA platform (image below)

When you click on Websites you will see the option on the right where it says Build a Website, click here and you will be moved to another place.

Step 2

When you click on Build a Website you will see the options like on the image below!

You can build a website on a free domain, a domain you own or you can buy your own domain through the WA platform.

If you in any case have your registered domain you can build a website on the ”Domain I Own”.

I suppose that you do have not your registered domain so we will be creating a website on the Free domain. Click on the Free domain and follow the next step.

Step 3

In this step, you should choose the domain name for your website and the title.

When you have clicked on the Free Domain you will see the options where you can choose the domain name for your website and the Title of your website.

When it comes to the domain name you can choose whatever you want and the title should match your domain name, you can see an example I created below:

I have decided that my website domain will be earnmoneywithdaniel.siterubix.com, it says that it is available.

The title of my website is Earn Money With Daniel, you see how the title is matched to the domain name, it’s recommended that you do the same thing with your website.

Keep in mind that your website will be created on a free domain, can you see that siterubix.com, it means that your website is built on a free domain. When you buy your own domain it will be without siterubix.com, it will be earnmoneywithdaniel.com

Now we move to the next step.

Step 4

In the next step, you will be asked to choose a WordPress theme on which you want your website built.

Based on your website niche you will find many different themes but keep in mind that as a Starter member of the WA platform you will be limited in terms of how many themes you can choose.

So just click on the available theme and follow the next and final step.

Step 5

When you have chosen the WordPress theme just click on Build My Website like on the image below and wait a couple of seconds.

When you click on Build My Website you will need to wait a couple of seconds after which you will see the interface like in the image below:

Congrats! You have created your own website inside Wealthy Affiliate for free!

After the web builder finishes your website you will see the options in the image above. You will see your admin details like password, website URL, and admin login URL.

You can just click on that button ”Login Now” and you will automatically login into your WordPress dashboard, see the image below:

Now you are inside of your WordPress where you can easily manage your website by creating content, publishing and editing, and everything related to your website.

As you have seen it is absolutely not hard to create a website inside Wealthy Affiliate and you can do it in less than 30 seconds.

Of course, after creating your website you will work on your website in terms of doing technical things like SEO, design, plugins, and other things needed to complete the website.

Again, you will not just learn how to create a website in WA, with their training you will learn how to actively work on your website and actually make money with it.

That is why I move to the next section!

What Wealthy Affiliate Offers You Except Building Websites?

1. Training

That’s right like I said you will not only learn how to create a website but you will also learn how to make that website profitable and make a passive income online from doing affiliate marketing.

You will find many things like:

  • how to choose a profitable niche for your website
  • how to buy a domain name
  • how to do SEO on your website and your articles
  • how to attract organic traffic to your website
  • how to make money by doing affiliate marketing
  • how to earn six-figure from your website
  • and many more.

I must say that I am impressed with their training because it is primarily focused on beginners, you simply cannot fail following the training.

2. Education

Most people start creating websites just like that, they heard that blogging is profitable and that you must have your own website and that is true. The point is that you need to make that website profitable if your goal is to make money by creating a website.

Do you know how to attract the target audience to your website? Do you know how to build an email list? How to properly do the SEO thing?

All that and many other things you will learn with Wealthy Affiliate training. Education is very important and you will not have to find information on other sites, everything is covered inside WA training which is why I am a member for over 6 years.

3. Support and Security

Support is one of the crucial things when it comes to creating a successful website and maintaining it.

With WA you will get top support, both technical and non-technical, I mean that you can also get support from other members of the platform.

You will never go without unanswered questions, you can always pop up in the live chat and ask a question and you will get an answer in seconds.

When it comes to the security of your website you can sleep well. Never happened that a website gets hacked or something similar, their security is awesome.

4. Mentorship

Did you know that I can be your mentor inside of Wealthy Affiliate? Sure I can!. If you join through my link I will be automatically your mentor and you will even get a welcome message inside WA from me after you register successfully.

My job is to answer all your questions and also support you through the process of building your own website and making it profitable.

You can contact me 24/7 inside of a platform and I will be in touch with you in minutes.

When you work alone it can happen that you lose motivation and give up, I am here to guide you and motivate you to keep going and never give up.

Mentorship is one of the best things inside Wealthy Affiliate!

How Much Does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

Wealthy Affiliate has 2 plans:

  • Starter plan ($0)
  • Premium plan ($19 for the first month and then $49/per month)

You will register on the platform as a Starter plan and with that plan, you have the possibility to make 1 website in any niche you want, completely free.

With the Starter plan, you will be pretty limited in terms of training and support but you can still work freely on your website.

Premium membership is $19 for the first month and then $49 per month. There is an option where you can get Premium for an entire year for only $495.

I want you to know that their Premium membership is not pricey at all compared to some other platforms that cost hundreds of dollars per month and are not giving any value.

Premium is for you if you plan to make serious money online. You will learn inside Premium training how to avoid the most common mistakes when it comes to making a website profitable, you will learn how to get your website at the top of Google in your first 2-3 months, and many more.

In the image above you can see my affiliate earnings from Amazon. I am earning this and much more thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate training.

The sky is the limit when you have a website that is ready to make money online.

I recommend that you first read my honest review about Wealthy Affiliate company and then join because you will find out how I started and how much am I earning thanks to the WA platform.

Click on the link below!

Wealthy Affiliate Platform – My Top Recommendation, Click Here!

Some Final Words

I honestly hope that this article helped you to discover the best platform for building websites but not only building websites, WA is a great training platform that offers you quality training on how to make a profitable website.

You already saw how easy it is to create a website with a Wealthy Affiliate platform, you can join for free and you can become a Premium member where you will move yourself to the next and bigger level.

If you are ready to start building your own website just click on the link above and let’s start your journey together. I will be there to help you and support you!

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