Kindle Publishing Income Review – Pure Scam or Legit?

You were surfing the Internet and you stumbled upon something called Kindle Publishing Income. Yeah, I know because I saw that ad so many times on the Internet and I was wondering if this is real and is it actually possible that you can make money by selling ebooks online.

In this Kindle Publishing Income review I will try to explain to you what is this thing about, how it works, and most importantly, is Kindle Publishing Income a scam or it is a legit way to start making passive income online.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who is making a living by doing affiliate marketing here on my blog. I have tried and tested so many online business opportunities and I know exactly what works and what does not.

Let’s see is Sophie Howard’s Kindle Publishing Income course legit and if should you invest your time and money in this or you should avoid it at all costs.

Kindle Publishing Income Short Overview

kindle publishing review

  • Product: Kindle Publishing Income
  • Type of product: Course about selling ebooks
  • Owner and creator: Sophie Howard
  • Price: $2.485
  • Money back guarantee: yes, you have 180 days
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Do I recommend it: Not for beginners who want to make money online

In short, Kindle Publishing Income is an online course that is created by a very popular online marketer called Sophie Howard. She created this course with a focus on learning people how to sell ebooks on Amazon by doing paid ads.

Although her method is legit and brings results I would not recommend to beginners in the online world to start with this because selling ebooks on Amazon can be hard if you don’t have prior experience in it.

Alternative for you: Kindle Publishing Income is pretty expensive and if you are a beginner you can waste a lot of money on this. That is why I recommend that you try a way better alternative and that is the Wealthy Affiliate platform, a platform that will teach you (with my help and support) how to start your own online business doing affiliate marketing.

The Best Way To Make Money Online in 2023 – Learn Everything Here!

What Is Kindle Publishing Income?

Kindle Publishing Income is an online course that is focused on teaching people like you and me how to create ebooks by outsourcing them and promoting them on Amazon with paid ads.

This course is created by Sophie Howard, she is very popular in this niche and obviously, she has vast experience in selling ebooks.

You don’t need to write ebooks yourself which is a great thing. Sophie is going to teach you how to outsource that so your precious time should only go on creating paid campaigns and earning money.

I must say that this is a very interesting course and you could certainly learn a lot of things but how effective is this method that Sophie teaches you? How much money will you need to spend both on her course and paid ads?

Also, Sophie says that it is an automated method of making money online but I would not agree with her. You will need to spend a lot of time and money to see what works and what does not, I primarily think on paid campaigns because you will need to invest real money and not everyone will convert.

Who Is Sophie Howard?

I can say that Sophie Howard is a very popular ebook seller and you probably saw her on YouTube ads. At least, I was seeing her every time I was surfing YouTube.

sophie howard

She is from New Zealand although she is born in the UK. Sophie is the creator of many popular and successful ebooks and courses, one of which is Blue Sky Amazon.

The great thing about Sophie is that she is the real person behind Kindle Publishing Income so you don’t need to worry about getting scammed or anything similar.

Although her course is not bad I must say that she is also a marketing expert because she is promoting herself and its course for a pretty expensive price.

Yes, you are going to learn how to outsource ebooks and sell them on Amazon but the money you would need to invest in all of this is not small at all.

How Does Kindle Publishing Income Work?

Kindle Publishing Income works pretty simply and easily, you will need to follow 3 steps to be able to start successfully.

1. Step – Choose a Niche – In this step, you are going to learn how to choose a niche that is profitable and without too much competition. If you choose a super low competitive niche you are going to be successful.

2. Step – Creating an ebook – The great thing here is that you will not need to make an ebook yourself but you will pay others to do that for you. You will outsource ebook creation so you don’t need to waste your time on that. Sophie explained it well.

3. Step – Promote and Make Money – Once your ebook is finished you will need to start promoting it on Amazon by using paid ads and then you will start making money when someone buys the ebook you recommend.

It is very easy to follow the training that Sophie created but keep in mind that you will need a lot of budgets to start with this type of online business. You will need to invest more than 2k in Sophie’s course and you will need to invest at least 1k in paid ads.

That is why I would avoid this if I were a beginner in the online world.

Wealthy Affiliate Platform – A Great Way To Start Making Passive Income Online!

How Much Does Kindle Publishing Income Cost?

I can freely say that Kindle Publishing Income is a high-ticket course that is very expensive. If you want to give it a try you will need to pay $2,485

You will agree with me that it is a lot and there is no guarantee that you will sell even one book. Besides that, you will need to invest in paid ads because Sophie does not teach about SEO and other sources of free traffic but only paid ones.

All in all, you will need to spend more than $3k to be able to start with this which is not a small amount at all. If you are a beginner who wants to start making money online, I recommend that you avoid this because you will end up losing your money and not making a dime, trust me.

On the contrary, if you are an experienced online marketer who has a budget you might want to try this because it can give you good results if you are doing paid ads in a smart way.

When it comes to the refund, yes, you have a 180 days refund policy so you can ask for your money back if you are not satisfied. To be able to get your money back you will need to send them proof that you have created an ebook and published it on the Kindle.

Is Kindle Publishing Income a Scam?

I definitely can say that Kindle Publishing Income is not a scam but also it is not a perfect way to start making money online.

Sophie Howard is a 100% legit person and she is very successful with her online business but I think that her online course is pretty expensive.

Beginners who would like to learn more about this may not have a budget to start doing it. Her method is definitely legit and you can make money with Kindle Publishing Income but you will need time to make it work for you.

Definitely, a great thing is that you have a 180 days refund which means that this thing is not a scam. You can ask for your money whenever you want and Sophie will return it to you.

Also, a thing that I should not forget to say is that Kindle Publishing Income has a pretty good rate at TrustPilot which means that people are making success with it. You can take a look at the image below and see it for yourself.

is kindle publishing income a scam

You can also go on TrustPilot and read reviews from real people who had an experience with it.

Kindle Publishing Income Pros

  • It is a 100% legit online course about making money by selling ebooks
  • Sophie Howard is the real person behind the course
  • The earning potential is high
  • You get quality training and features inside the course
  • You have a 180-day refund policy
  • Kindle Publishing Income has a high rate on Trustpilot

Kindle Publishing Income Cons

  • It is too way expensive
  • It is not for beginners
  • It will take months before you see the actual sale
  • You will need to invest $1k+ in paid ads
  • You are not learning about free ways to get traffic
  • You will need to send them proof before you can get your money back

Final Words and My Recommendation For You

I honestly hope that this Kindle Publishing Income review helped you to understand what is this course about and most importantly, whether is it a legit way to start an online business or not.

Yes, it is legit and you can make money with Kindle Publishing Income but it will take a lot of time and patience because you will need to learn the basics, and honestly, you will have to lose money at the start so you can learn how it actually works.

If you are a beginner in the online world who just want to start making money online without too much complexity you can start following my No.1 recommendation for you and that is affiliate marketing.

You can start making money with Kindle Publishing Income but when it comes to affiliate marketing you have a better chance to start earning faster and the earning potential is much higher.

I am a full-time affiliate marketer for over 8 years and here on my website, I am recommending the best platform that can teach you how to start generating passive income online.

You will have my full support and help during the process so make sure that you check it out on the link below!

The Best Way To Make Money Online In 2023 – Click Here!

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