Commission Jumpstart Review 2023 – Join Or Avoid?

Getting started with affiliate marketing can be pretty hard if you are a complete beginner without any experience. That is why you can find so many programs and courses online that can teach you how to start and make money.

Affiliate marketing is definitely one of the best ways to make money today and it will stay like that at least for 10 years.

Now, we have here the Commission Jumpstart course that promises to teach you the basics of affiliate marketing so you can start making passive income online.

My name is Daniel, I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer and in this Commission Jumpstart review you are going to discover what is it, how it works and maybe the most important question, is this online course a scam or you should invest your time and money in this?

Let’s get right to the point.

Commission Jumpstart Short Overview

commission jumpstart review

  • Product: Commission Jumpstart
  • Type: Online course about affiliate marketing
  • Owner: Ross Minchev
  • Price: $297 + upsells
  • Money back guarantee: Yes
  • Is Commission Jumpstart legit: Yes

Based on my deep research and experience with this online course, I can say that Commission Jumpstart is a pretty effective online course that is meant to teach you how to start an affiliate marketing business but most importantly, to teach you the fundamentals about it.

Affiliate marketing is not complicated, I can even say that it is the easiest online business model you can opt for but there definitely some tips and tricks you should know before jumping into it.

Although Commission Jumpstart is a good course I think that it is not the best option for complete beginners in affiliate marketing because this online course primarily teaches about using paid ads such as Google or Facebook ads.

Alternative for you: Wealthy Affiliate is the platform that I recommend for all of you who want to start making passive income online using affiliate marketing. It is the best-rated training platform you will find on the Internet. Click on the link below to learn more.

The Best Way To Start Making Passive Income Online – Click Here!

What Is Commission Jumpstart?

As I said above, Commission Jumpstart is an online course dedicated to teaching people how to start one of the most lucrative online business models today, affiliate marketing.

This program is created by a very successful guy called Ross Minchev and he did a really good job I must say when it comes to promoting and teaching affiliate marketing.

With this online course, you are going to learn basic things such as using paid ads to get affiliate sales, creating affiliate campaigns, and many others.

Definitely, the biggest con of Commission Jumpstart is learning about paid ads, using this you are going to lose a lot of your money if you don’t do it in a smart way.

I am a big fan of SEO and getting free traffic to my affiliate offers but Commission Jumpstart is not going to teach you about that.

How Does Commission Jumpstart Work?

I can say that Commission Jumpstart works pretty simply and easily. The main thing you are going to learn here is how to use Facebook ads, IE paid ads to make sales via affiliate offers.

Creating ad campaigns is not an easy task at all and that is what you are going to learn in this online course. To be able to make money from affiliate marketing you will need to start making affiliate sales and with paid ads, you are going to see fast results.

This means that you need to be willing to spend money on paid ads and yes, you will first need to invest your money to be abler to get results and be profitable.

What is not a bad thing here is that with Commission Jumpstart you are also going to learn a psychology part of this online business model where you will learn more about user decisions and their mindset. This will definitely help you to make more affiliate sales and optimize your affiliate offers in the best way.

Who Is Ross Minchev?

Ross Minchev is a very popular and successful affiliate marketer who is also the creator of Commission Jumpstart and many other successful courses.

Ross Minchev

Ha has a YouTube channel of over 50k subscribers and you can easily find him on YouTube. I like to say that this guy is not a scammer or anything similar and you can be sure that you will get quality from him.

I must say that many online gurus today use clickbait and similar things to get people into their programs but Ross is not doing it which is a big plus.

What Do You Get Inside Commission Jumpstart?

While I was researching this online course I found that you are going to get not-so-bad things inside the program.

Here is what you can expect to find inside Commission Jumpstart:

  • In-depth information about promoting Clickbank affiliate products
  • How to create landing pages to maximize your affiliate sales
  • How to find affiliate offers on Clickbank that are worth promoting
  • Creating and investing in paid ads, mostly Facebook ads
  • Generating more profit by optimizing campaigns

And here you can see what training lessons you will get once you step inside the online course:

  • Lesson 1: Fundamentals
  • Lesson 2: Offers To Promote
  • Lesson 3: Spying – Google Operators Free
  • Lesson 4: Spying – Paid Tool
  • Lesson 5: High Converting Landing Page Creation
  • Lesson 6: Hosting And Domains
  • Lesson 7: Logo Creation
  • Lesson 8: Business Manager And Fan Page Creation
  • Lesson 9: Fan Page Hacks
  • Lesson 10: Domain Authentication
  • Lesson 11: Pixel And Tracking
  • Lesson 12: Targeting – Ad Sets and Campaigns
  • Lesson 13: Facebook Ad Policy
  • Lesson 14: Facebook Ads Creation
  • Lesson 15: Statistics
  • Lesson 16: Ad Account Longevity

As you can see you are going to get pretty interesting things inside the Commission Jumpstart and I can say that you are really going to get the quality you deserve.

How Much Does Commission Jumpstart Cost?

Although Commission Jumpstart is a good course I must say that I am not so satisfied with its price. It can be pretty expensive for people who are just starting and who want to give it a chance.

So, if you want to invest in this online course you will need to pay $297 but that is not all, you are also going to need to invest in Clickfunnels and paid ads and that will cost you $500 because you will definitely have to invest in Facebook ads to be able to generate traffic.

All in all, Commission Jumpstart can cost you up to $1k so you must think about it before joining. I recommend it to advanced affiliate marketers and those who want to learn more about using paid ads but I do not recommend it to beginners who are looking to start making money online with affiliate marketing.

And when it comes to refunding policy, yes, you can have your money back if you are not satisfied with the course but before you can get your money back you will need to pass all the Modules and you will need to use Clickfunnels.

Is Commission Jumpstart a Scam?

Based on my personal experience with Commission Jumpstart I can say that it is not a scam but it is a legit online course that is focused on helping people like you and me to create an online business by doing affiliate marketing and paid ads.

But remember that not everything that is legit is meant to be great and perfect. You can get quality from Commission Jumpstart but you will also need to spend your money and I can say not a small amount of money.

Yes, it is an easy course to follow and I am sure many beginners will understand it well but if you are not experienced with paid ads you should definitely avoid it. First, you should learn how to start getting free organic traffic from search engines before using paid ads.

Commission Jumpstart Pros

  • It is a legit online course
  • Ross Minchev is the real person behind Commission Jumpstart
  • It is teaching about making money through affiliate marketing
  • You have a refund policy

Commission Jumpstart Cons

  • It is not suitable for beginners
  • It is expensive in my opinion
  • You will need to spend a lot of money on paid ads
  • It is not teaching about getting free traffic
  • There are not many reviews about it from real people

Final Words and My Recommendation For You

I hope that this review helped you to discover what is Commission Jumpstart and how it works, it is a completely legit online platform where you can learn how to make online business by doing affiliate marketing and making affiliate sales.

The course is easy to understand and it brings results but if you are a beginner in affiliate marketing I recommend that you avoid it because you will spend a lot of money on ads and Clickfunnels.

Making money with affiliate marketing is easy and simple but you must have proper education and training before you start making passive income with it. Also, I am a big fan of free organic traffic that is coming from Google than paid ads.

Because I don’t want you to waste your money on paid ads I want to introduce you to a Wealthy Affiliate platform, it is a training platform that can help you to start an online business with affiliate marketing but using free traffic sources such as SEO and social media.

I am making a full-time income online with affiliate marketing thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate training and its support. You can take a look at some of my earnings in the images below. It is pure profit from doing affiliate marketing here on my website.

So, if you want to learn everything about how to start with the best online business model today, I recommend that you click on the link below and read about Wealthy Affiliate and the earning potential it has for you.

The Best Way To Start Making Passive Income In 2023 – Click Here!

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