5 Most Popular Blog Hosting Sites in 2024

When it comes to blogging one of the most important things is definitely the hosting service you choose. Without hosting your blog can’t be visible on the internet, no one can find it and of course, you can’t make money. To be honest, we all blog to make money online and there is no shame in that.

I work with many clients on a daily basis and I have an experience with beginners who want to start blogging. The first mistake they make is building a website on free hosting.

Let’s be clear, you can make a website on free hosting but that website won’t be successful. To be able to make money you must upgrade to a paid hosting service because of many reasons I will talk about below.

In this article, you will find even the 5 most popular blog hosting sites that you can use to build a very profitable website. Those are the sites that I personally researched and you can be sure that you will get the most from them.

I know that there are many folks who just want to start blogging for free, to pay nothing but that will cost you too in the terms of website traffic and earnings. Just invest in super-quality hosting for your website and you will thank me later.

You will find in this article that I am talking about paid hosting services, so this is for those folks who want to invest in their future if they want to commit to blogging full time.


Key Features You Must Look For When It Comes To Choosing Blog Hosting Sites

There is a million blog hosting services that you can choose from. Most people just look at the price of the hosting and they even do not look at what the features offer the hosting. If hosting looks nice and is cheap it does not mean that it is good for you.

You want to offer your readers a great website where they can read information, buy from you through a website, engage with you through comments, etc. and without good hosting, it is hard to achieve that.

Let’s see what you should pay attention to while choosing a hosting service for your blog:

1. Check For Customization Options

It is very important that you have full control over your blog/website. You don’t want some templates that poor hosting offer and which prevent you from fully customizing your website when it comes to the design, coding, CSS, etc.

Most paid sites should allow you this but still, pay attention before buying hosting because there can be some hidden things.

2. Easy and User-Friendly

Keep in mind that you should be a professional coder or something similar to make a profitable website. Every hosting should have that feature where you can easily build a blog, publish and edit posts and many more.

It is important that it is beginner friendly and it does not require coding skills for using and customizing. It is okay if you are a professional website builder that has experience in coding, Java, CSS, HTML, and similar but if you are a beginner it should be as simple as possible.

3. Easy To Monetize

If your blog can’t be monetized it is all in vain. It is okay if you are building your blog just for the hobby but if you plan to make real and serious money doing it your hosting service must provide it.

Many free blog hosting services does not have a feature where you can monetize your blog by ads, affiliate marketing, and other. That is why you must use a paid hosting service.

I see people often create websites on free hosting and later they ask me why they can’t monetize it and earn money from it. Just invest in good hosting and enjoy.

4. Free Emails, SSL Certificate, and Other

It is important that hosting offer something more and not just hosting where you will host your website. If it has bonuses it is great. Don’t just pay for a minimum.

Look for things like SSL certificates, email domains, and even free domains. Most sites offer free domain with hosting packages and those hosting services are usually quality.

5. It Offers Plugin Installation and It Has Room for Growth

It’s very important that you can install the necessary plugins on your website so that you can maximize the success of blogging. We simply cannot work without those plugins.

I am very mad when some hosting service does not allow the installation of plugins inside of WordPress, they just give you some basic plugins, and that’s it.

Okay if you are a new blogger, you will start slowly but as your website grows and it has more and more articles you will need to use many plugins, for speed, optimization, forms, etc.

So pay attention that you get the most for what you pay for. Don’t throw your money on some garbage hosting sites that will slow down your website from becoming a real online success.

Now that you know what should you be looking for when choosing a blog hosting let’s see what are the most popular and trusted blog hosting sites that you should try. Not all of them but choose what suit you best.

1. Wealthy Affiliate Hosting (My Recommendation For You!)

The Wealthy Affiliate platform is definitely my number 1 recommendation when it comes to hosting sites. I am using it for more than 6 years and I am more than satisfied with it.

This is all-inclusive hosting that is powered by WordPress and it is integrated inside of the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

WA hosting offers everything that a blogger needs:

  • Website builder where you can build up to 10 websites in any niche you want
  • Awesome support
  • The fastest website speed
  • Up to 500.000 monthly visits
  • Free SSL
  • Daily backups
  • Free domain
  • Free cashing
  • Unlimited email accounts
  • Website security
  • Spam blocking
  • Your personal mentor
  • and many more

Wealthy Affiliate is not only the hosting service where you can host your site and get all these mentioned above. It is also a training platform and that is why I like it the most.

Inside of WA you will learn how to build a website in any niche from scratch, how to monetize it by doing affiliate marketing, how to do SEO, attract visitors to the blog, and many more.

It is both for complete beginners in blogging and for those more experienced. You don’t need to have any experience as you will learn everything step-by-step.

WA has great video lessons and when you register you will be offered to start following the Level 1 training where you will start learning the basics about creating an online business by doing blogging + affiliate marketing.

Other Features You Get With WA Hosting

Wealthy Affiliate offers all you need for successful blogging and we will now see what you get that I think is most important for one successful and profitable website:

  • SitePlus SiteSpeed – did you know that speed of your website is crucial for better rankings on Google? Of course, it is. WA offers you the option to maximize the speed of your blog by just simply clicking on a button that will do things for you.

They use sophisticated technology that will make your website load very fast when readers are surfing through your site. Keep in mind that the load speed of your website is very important if you want the highest rankings in Google and other search engines.

  • Site Protect Spam Blocker – I am sure you are aware of how many hacks per day are happening when it comes to hacking blogs. WA is great at preventing spam and hacks to your website so you can be sure that your website is safe and secure.

  • Site Health – When it comes to site health here you will find about the health of your website. Here you can see if your website is indexed, how many blog posts and pages you published, how many comments your blog receives, and many more.
  • Support – Support is one of the best things when it comes to WA hosting. You will not have any problem contacting them and the average response time is about 5 minutes. I found it very difficult on other hosting to contact the support and some even replied after 10 days which is bad.

The Price of Wealthy Affiliate Hosting

When it comes to the price, WA is pretty affordable and for the price you pay you will get amazing things.

We have a starter membership where you are for free and it cost nothing ($0). another membership is Premium and it costs $19 for the first month and then $49 per month. Compared to some other hosting services that cost $100+ per month and give no value WA is excellent.

So, after the first month of $19, you will pay $49/per month. There is a better option and it is the Yearly Premium membership that costs $495. I am personally a Yearly member and I am more than satisfied because with the help of WA I am earning a full-time income online doing blogging and affiliate marketing.

Wealthy Affiliate Hosting – Read My Full In-Depth Review Here!

2. SiteGround Hosting Service

SiteGround is another great hosting blog service that offers WordPress builder and it is very popular nowadays when it comes to blogging.

With this hosting, you can have up to 100.000 monthly visits to your blog which is great. With that amount of visitors are gonna probably earn a full-time income.

You will not worry about losing your content because SiteGround will do daily backups, your only job is to keep producing quality content!

What I especially like about SiteGround is that you will get free SSL on whatever plan you chose.

This hosting site is not expensive at all and you can buy it for $6.99 but my recommendation is that you go yearly because you will spare some money but also you will not think about monthly payments.

The con with SiteGround is support, I have found that some folks didn’t get answers to their questions and I think that support must be supreme when it comes to these things.

3. Bluehost

I am sure you have already heard about Bluehost hosting, it is pretty popular among new bloggers abut also for those more experienced.

What people like the most about this hosting is it’s price, it is very cheap but doesn’t allow the price to fool you.

Bluehost also offers managed WordPress hosting which I like because it is pretty easy to work with WordPress.

You will find 3 options while choosing a package: Shared, Dedicated and Virtual plan. You should focus on Shared because that is important if you plan to do blogging.

When it comes to the price Bluehost is very cheap and you can start with as low as $3.95 per month which is not bad if you want to start low.

With the Basic plan, you will get even 50GB of storage which is great.

What I don’t like about Bluehost is it’s price. It is attractive to see $3.95 but when you are on the checkout page you will need to pay upfront for 36 months to get it for that monthly price. It’s a tricky marketing technique for me.

4. Hostgator Hosting Service

It does not matter if you plan to build a big or small website Hostgator might be for you.

What I especially like about Hostgator is that in some of it’s plans it offers free SEO tools that can actually help you in SEO optimization and ranking your website higher in the search engines.

Its price is pretty cheap, you can start with $2.75 per month but here we have a trick like with the Bluehost. You will need to pay for 36 months and I am not a big fan of this method.

A free SSL certificate is included and one more thing that is great is that you will also get $150 for free for Google Ads when you spend $150 on paid advertisements. If you are a beginner I don’t recommend it as paid ads are not a joke.

In the terms of traffic, you will not get any restrictions on how much you can have monthly visitors. You can grow your website as much as you like.

5.DreamHost Hosting

DreamHost is pretty easy to use and most people like it because you don’t need to have any coding experience or something similar. You will have your WordPress website in seconds.

I like it because it is primarily focused o beginners in blogging and the user experience is great.

All plans will include unlimited traffic to your website, a free SSL certificate and my favorite thing, you will get a 97-day money-back guarantee which is awesome.

Hostgator has a 45-day money-back guarantee and Bluehost only 30 days. DreamHost beats them for sure.

Not so great thing when it comes to DreamHost is that you will not get a free domain, I find it a little bad because you will need to spend extra money on getting your own domain.

There are also no email accounts, you will need to pay for a more expensive plan to get it.

Some Final Words And My Recommendation

I honestly hope that this article helped you to see and choose one of the most popular blog hosting sites today, you will need super-quality hosting if you want to make your website super profitable.

Avoid free hosting services as they will not help you in the long term. There are folks who are using free hosting sites but they are barely making any money because of so many restrictions.

Google also ”hate” free hosting websites because when you use paid, quality hosting that tells Google that you are serious and professional and that you are giving your readers the best experience.

If you ask me, go for Wealthy Affiliate hosting. You will not only get a hosting service but you will also get full training about blogging and affiliate marketing that can help you make a six-figure website, just like me.

Every hosting service I mentioned above offers host for your website but Wealthy Affiliate offers much more.

Keep in mind that I am a member of WA for over 6 years and if you decide to join I can be your personal mentor that will guide you in the process of making a 6-figure website from scratch.

It doesn’t even matter if you already have a website but you just want to move to another hosting, you can easily move to WA hosting and start the training with my personal help.

Click on the link below and read my honest review and opinion about the Wealthy Affiliate platform and it’s hosting. It is an in-depth article that I recommend you read if you want to make a REAL online business online.

How Wealthy Affiliate Can Help You Make a 6-Figure Website? – Learn More Here!

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