10 Top Rated Affiliate Marketing Programs For Beginners

If you are an affiliate marketer or you think about becoming one you probably want to know the top-rated affiliate marketing programs you can recommend and get paid for doing it.

I am a full-time affiliate marketer and I always look for those affiliate programs that will give me as many commissions as they could lol. That’s true because we want to get the most out of the affiliate program, I don’t want to recommend some product or service and get paid pennies.

You should always research affiliate programs before joining them, you must pay attention to their rules, commission rates, etc.

In this article, I will focus on affiliate programs that are great for both beginners in affiliate marketing and those who just want to find and discover some profitable affiliate program.

Just imagine you stay out of your bed, you are turning on your laptop and you see in your email that you got up to $1000 for just one affiliate sale you made. It is definitely possible and I enjoy it because it is a passive income.

I will show you quality affiliate programs in many niches so it’s up to you which affiliate program you will choose.

When it comes to affiliate marketing I want to say that you don’t necessarily need a website to start doing it but I want to emphasize that it is highly recommended that you build a website.

Many people are doing affiliate marketing on YouTube, Instagram, and other social media but if you have a niche website you will do great.

Now. Let’s start our topic and see what are the best affiliate marketing programs for beginners.

1. Wealthy Affiliate Platform and Their Affiliate Program

Wealthy Affiliate platform and their affiliate program are more than awesome.

It is my favorite affiliate program when it comes to the MMO niche or Make Money Online. So if you have a website in MMO or you plan to start an MMO niche website your number 1 choice should definitely be Wealthy Affiliate.

This platform is all about teaching people how to make money online by doing blogging and affiliate marketing. They offer free and paid lessons where you can learn how to build a niche website from scratch, find a profitable niche, monetize a blog, do the proper SEO optimization, and many more.

It is simply a training platform for affiliate marketers. It is also a hosting company that offers to host your blog if you plan to make one on its platform.

Wealthy Affiliate also has its own affiliate program where they pay people like you and me to promote their platform and get people in.

You can promote their affiliate program whenever you want but the best thing to use is definitely a blog, I say that from my personal experience.

The average commission per sign-up is $121 so you can see how much can you make if you have hundreds or thousands of visitors to your website.

WA platform offer Starter and Premium/Premium Plus membership, your job is to make people join the platform for free and when they convert and upgrade to Premium you are going to make a recurring commission.

I am a big fan of recurring commissions so I chose to promote Wealthy Affiliate because when you get Premium referrals they are your referrals forever. As long as they are paying their Premium monthly or yearly membership you will continue to get commissions which are awesome.

You can see their affiliate program in the image below:

As you can see in the image above the commission percentages are great. I want to say that if you join their affiliate program and you are a Starter member you will earn lower commissions. If you too upgrade to Premium membership which is $19 for the first month and then $49 per month, you will earn 100% more commissions from referring members to WA.

How Much Can You Earn With WA Affiliate Program?

I can honestly say that you can become a full-time affiliate marketer by promoting just the Wealthy Affiliate platform. I say that because I am doing the same. I am not ”selling” to people some low-quality platform, it is an awesome platform that will teach people how to make real online business online.

A very important thing I can’t forget to say about WA is that they also have great training on topics like Facebook ads, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, Email marketing, and many others.

Let’s say that some folks want to be a successful Youtuber, on WA you can point them to the amazing step-by-step training that can teach them how to become YouTubers and monetize their YT channel successfully.

Another example is Instagram, this platform is rocking today when it comes to promotion and making money from it. If there are folks who want to be an Instagram influencer and make their Instagram channel profitable you can promote WA to them too because there are great lessons on Instagram marketing and becoming a successful Instagram influencer.

You ask yourself how much can you earn by promoting WA? Endless! That’s right, there are no limitations on how much can you make. You just need to have a good marketing strategy and that is it.

I am earning a full-time income by promoting WA but also some other affiliate programs. Still, most of my income comes from recurring sales I am making each day with Wealthy Affiliate.

They will pay you through PayPal and that is one reason I enjoy promoting them, payments are easy to get and there are no complications. You will get your earnings every 1st of the month. They have never been late with the payments.

Click Here To Join Wealthy Affiliate For Free!

2. Fiverr Affiliate Program

My second favorite and top-rated affiliate program is definitely Fiverr. There is no one who did not hear about this platform. It is a platform where you can find or sell your skills, offer a job, or find a job.

Fiverr is a great affiliate program because you have a bunch of products/services to promote to your audience. It does not matter in which niche you are, you can promote literally anything from Fiverr.

People often look to offer a job in let’s say, web development, writing articles, programming, painting, photographing, web design, and many others. Fiverr marketplace is a great place for that. It’s like Amazon.

If you can point your audience to Fiverr and they sign up and start making you will earn a commission. It’s that simple and easy but you need traffic. You can’t promote it to no one.

Another thing is that you can promote it to the people who look to find employees for their business and they can find them on Fiverr. Let’s say that I am looking to find article writers for my website, I can go on Fiverr and find a bunch of people who offer that skill and I can give them a job.

If you pointed me to Fiverr through their affiliate program you can earn commissions from me, which is great.

Fiverr says that its affiliates are earning up to $150 CPA for every first-time buyer or even $1000 per sale with their Hybrid model with a 10% Rev share.

I said that the Fiverr marketplace is like Amazon and that’s true. It has over 250 categories and over 3 million digital services you can promote, it is crazy.

There is no limit to how much you can earn, it’s literally endless. Your main job is to deliver quality traffic to Fiverr and watch your commissions coming like crazy.

3. Bluehost Affiliate Program

If you are an affiliate marketer or a blogger you already know what is Bluehost and what it offers.

It is a great hosting service that is growing in popularity with each day. If you can point new-to-be bloggers to Bluehost through their affiliate program you will enjoy high commissions.

What I like about them is that their hosting plans are pretty cheap, starting from $2.95 per month. Anyone can afford this and make a profitable website with them. If you have or plan to have a website in the MMO niche you will do great by promoting Bluehost.

Just like it says on the image above, for every qualified referral you get to Bluehost you will get $65 which is great. Imagine getting just 10 people per day, it’s $650 each and every day, it’s $19.500 every month by just promoting Bluehost.

Of course, you will need quality traffic coming to your blog or any other platform you use for promotion. It is important that you promote it to the relevant audience who are interested in this. Let’s say if you are a blogger and you are promoting blogging on your website you can easily recommend Bluehost as your top hosting service.

With the Bluehost affiliate program, you will get banners, images, links, and other promotional material you can use on your website.

4. Elementor

Elementor is an awesome drag-and-drop website builder that can help people to make their website pretty fast and easy. You don’t need to have coding skills or some experience, everything is done in a few seconds.

What is great when it comes to the Elementor affiliate program is that they offer an amazing 50% per every sale you make. They offer even 5 pricing packages people can buy ranging from $49 to $999. Imagine how much can you make.

Their top affiliates are earning a full-time income by just promoting Elementor to their audience. Elementor claim that the vast majority of its affiliates are earning over $10.000 which is crazy.

You can trust Elementor because they are surely one of the best website builders today and they are making blogging so much easy with their drag-and-drop system.

5. Wix Affiliate Program

Wix is a very popular website builder today with over 100 million registered users.

With their affiliate program, you can earn even $100 per every sale so the potential is more than great. Again, this affiliate program is awesome for people who are in MMO niche or digital marketing, everything that includes making a profitable website.

Based on my research Wix is a very simple website builder and even beginners can use it, you don’t need coding skills or anything similar. Everything is done in a few clicks.

As an affiliate, you will get pretty good promotional material and you can be sure that your audience will convert as they have done a pretty great job when it comes to marketing.

6. Superb Themes

If you are a blogger you probably know how important is to have a well-functioning and designed WordPress theme.

This is what makes Superb Themes a great affiliate program. They are offering well-designed and optimized WordPress themes to people who want to have a nice-looking and profitable blog.

If you decide to join their affiliate program you can earn up to 60% per sale and what is greater is that you can get recurring commissions from those people who go with the yearly plan.

The WordPress themes they offer are of great quality and I am sure that folks who want to have their own website in any niche will be more than satisfied.

7. ShareASale Affiliate Network

There is no such person in the online world who doesn’t know about ShareASale. It is a massive affiliate network where you can join for free and start promoting as many products as you want.

It is an affiliate network with over 4.000 merchants and over 1 million affiliates. You can’t imagine how much those affiliates are earning with this pretty powerful affiliate network.

If you are an affiliate marketer, it does not matter if you are a beginner or you are more experienced, ShareASale is a great way to start or boost your affiliate earnings.

You don’t need to worry about is it trustworthy or not. They have been in business for more than 19 years and they are a multi-million company.

Their affiliate program is great as you will get a very easy interface and you can easily track your performance, sales, tracking, and everything you need for successful marketing.

8. Teachable

I must say that I was working with Teachable in the past I can say that they are one of the best platforms that offer selling courses.

If you are a blogger, affiliate marketer, or have expertise in any topic you can create a course and sell it on Teachable.

I know many people who teach English and they have created awesome courses and are making thousands of dollars from selling them on Teachable.

Their affiliate program is awesome and you can earn 30% for referring people to the platform. You will get great tools for promotion that will make your marketing job pretty easy.

9. SEMRush

SEMRush is a very powerful SEO tool that can help bloggers and affiliate marketers to do the SEO thing on their websites.

With this tool, you can track how you rank on Google and other search engines, how many keywords you rank, what is the competition, and many other SEO things you should follow and do when it comes to online business.

Their affiliate program is simple and easy to use, you can register for free and you can earn up to $200 per sale which is very powerful.

Their affiliate program is called BeRush and it has a nice interface and it is pretty user-friendly. I like that they put a focus on affiliates instead of just money.

Depending on your niche you can promote SEMRush to affiliate marketers, bloggers, YouTubers, and other folks who are in need of SEO tools.

10. Aweber

Aweber is a very popular email marketing tool and lately, I did not see a person who is in inline business that is not using Aweber.

When it comes to online business, especially affiliate marketers and bloggers need to use email marketing to attract and more importantly, convert people to buy something which will result in making sales.

More and more people are saying that email marketing is dead and that it is an old method of marketing but still I don’t know a person who today is not doing email marketing.

That is where comes Aweber, their affiliate program is awesome and they offer 30% recurring commissions which I simply love. Recurring commissions are GOLD. If you can promote it to the right people you will see your bank account flooded with great recurring commissions.

Some Affiliate Marketing Advice

I just want to say that you should not apply for all these affiliate programs I mentioned above, they are for sure top-rated ones but you can’t do all of them because they give you amazing commissions.

  • Promote Products That You Understand and Love

That is a must. It all depends on your niche website but you need to choose products or services that you are comfortable with and give your readers the best experience possible.

If you are in the fitness industry you can’t promote let’s say Wealthy Affiliate platform but you will choose ShareASale instead.

Affiliate marketing is growing and it will not stop growing, like it or not. It is still (and will be) one of the best online businesses you can create and enjoy your earnings.

  • Build Your Own Website (it is a must!)

If you have your website it is great but if you don’t have one and you plan to do affiliate marketing it will not be easy. Sure you can do it on platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, and other social platforms but the website is a long-term investment that has the opportunity to make you millions in passive income.

Having your own blog today is a must if you want to make serious money online.

My Top Recommendation For You

Definitely, my favorite affiliate program is the Wealthy Affiliate platform. It has big recurring commissions and I recommend that you always choose those programs that have recurring commissions because one person can make you hundreds or thousands of dollars over time.

Not only will you learn how to successfully promote WA but you will learn how to maximize your profit with their training.

This affiliate program is recommended for those who are in the MMO niche, of course, if you are in another niche you can choose ShareASale, it is an awesome affiliate network with a bunch of products to promote.

Wealthy Affiliate helped me to achieve my dream and be financially independent. It can help you too if you put in the work and be consistent.

If you don’t have a website yet Wealthy Affiliate can help you too. You will learn how to make a profitable website from scratch without needing the experience of coding and similar. Their training is amazing and it delivers great results.

Join Me Inside Wealthy Affiliate – My Top Recommendation For Affiliate Marketers!

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