What Is 12 Minute Affiliate System About? – Legit or Not?

When it comes to making money online you can see that many gurus and bloggers and affiliate marketers are promoting fast and easy ways of making money on the internet.

Today I wanna talk about one product that is very popular when it comes to making money online fast. Yeah, it’s 12-Minute Affiliate. When it comes to such products like this, a person cannot last to ask himself is this really working as they promise, or do they just want my hard-earned money?

If you want to know what is 12-Minute Affiliate system about, is 12 minute affiliate a scam or legit, who is the creator of the 12 Minute System, and many more things that goes on your mind, you have come to the right place.

My name is Daniel and I am a successful affiliate marketer that enjoys blogging and helping people like you to start their own online businesses.

I have reviewed many products on my blog here and you can find them under the ”Reviews” category.

It is incredible how many products/services are overpriced and overthought online. You can see that today, everyone is promising you fast and big earnings, you just need to pay a little money, and BUM, earnings start falling from the sky.

We will see today is this the case with 12-Minute Affiliate system, can you really make such a great amount of money they promise you overnight?

So let’s begin!

12-Minute Affiliate Short Overview

  • Name of the product: 12-Minute Affiliate
  • Creator/Owner: Devon Brown
  • The Price: $9.95 for 14 days, $47 per month, and $97 per month
  • How it works: DFY (Done For You) affiliate marketing system
  • Is it a scam? – No
  • Do I recommend it? – Nope

Before we go into a deep review of this product I want to say a few sentences about what is it and how it works so that you can have some image of what to expect.

12-Minute Affiliate is a system created by Devon Brown who claims that you can start making money with his system literally in 12 minutes.

You just need to set some settings and the system is working for you automatically. We are talking here about doing affiliate marketing, which is the main purpose of the 12-Minute Affiliate system, to teach you how to earn dong affiliate marketing.

Let’s see more deeply what is this all about.

What Is 12-Minute Affiliate System?

Based on my research I have found that 12-Minute Affiliate is done for you (DFY) system that can help you make money from affiliate marketing.

This program is created by a guy called Devon Brown and he promises that you can earn serious money just by promoting Clickbank products.

I am sure you already know about Clickbank. It is a huge marketplace where you can find many products related to digital marketing and everything that has a connection with that topic.

I have also found that 12-Minute Affiliate is pretty popular on the Clickbank marketplace and you know why? – Because the creator says that you can start making money even in the first 24 hours, you just need to set up the system and it does things for you.

We will see is that true and can you really make any money in the first 24h.

When it comes to any form of experience you don’t need it. Devon says that it is a beginner-friendly program that does not require any previous experiences or skills which is great I must say.

So, can you really make money in 12 minutes or 24h?

Of course not, it’s impossible to make money such fast even if you do everything they say, no matter if it’s the DFY system, you will not make money in your first 24h.

You need to know that marketing gurus are doing that trick of promising people to make money so fast because they simply want to attract customers and make you buy their program.

It is the same thing with Perpetual Income 365. The owner claims that you can make money on the same day but the truth is a little different, you should not allow being fooled by such claims.

How Does 12-Minute Affiliate Program Work?

This program will show you how to make money by promoting Clickbank products online. That is called affiliate marketing and the 12 Minute system already has done for you pages and templates that will convert people to actually buy the Clickbank products they are looking for.

Sure, one of the most popular ways to do promotion is through sales funnels and websites. In this program, you will find that Devon Brown and his team already made templates IE sales funnels for you and your job is only to do a promotion, mostly through paid ads.

I can’t forget to say that this system gives you 3 categories to choose from when it comes to niche promotion:

  • MMO or Make Money Online
  • Weight Loss
  • Personal development

Those are one of the most popular niches today and with them, you can make a bunch of money. In this program, you will need to choose one and promote its products.

As Devon says you can start making money in a very short period by doing simple 3 steps after you choose products to promote.

  1. Just activate the 12-Minute Affiliate system
  2. Get ready traffic to your sales funnel
  3. Make money while you sleep

Is it that easy? well, Devon will give you ready templates and done for you sales funnels which is good but he will also teach you how to buy traffic from Solo ad vendors. Those are folks who own a bunch of email lists and are offering ad spaces to marketers like you.

So, you will need to buy traffic and spend your money. Honestly, I don’t like this method because paying for ads is risky and it is not cheap at all. You will need to spend a lot of money to actually convert people to buy products because not everyone who clicks will convert.

One more thing that you will get are email templates that you can use for promotion, those will help in doing email marketing as you will already have sales funnel.

When we are at email marketing, you will also need to buy an autoresponder because without it you can’t do email marketing, that is one more investment. Of course, you can use and find free autoresponders but you will make it much easier with a paid one.

12 Minute affiliate will teach you how to get one autoresponder which is not bad at all.

Who Is Devon Brown? Is he Trustful?

Let me say you’re right at the beginning, Devon Brown is a real person, he exists and he is a successful online entrepreneur, motivational speaker, and affiliate marketer that has sold many products on the Clickbank marketplace.

It is not a rare case where we have scam persons behind the products on Clickbank and when the owner actually does not exist everything falls into the water.

You can actually see Devon at the beginning of his video where he introduces 12-Minute Affiliate.

He is successful but I find out about his social media is a little disappointing. He has his own Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram profile but the number of followers is pretty miserable.

He sold thousands of products and based on how popular the products he promotes and sells I would expect to find more followers on his social media.

All in all, I am happy that he actually exists, he is not a scammer but I don’t like the misinformation where he is using marketing tricks to attract potential buyers.

Can You Actually Make Money With a 12-Minute Affiliate System?

Honestly, nope! They promise you that you will make money in the first 24h of starting doing it. everything is done for you and you just need to have a couple of clicks and that’s it.

My opinion is that these DFY systems are waste of time and they are there just to attract readers to buy the product.

Many beginners are looking for ways to make money online and these types of products can be very interesting for them. Maybe you are a beginner and you look to find a way to make easy and fast money online.

Do you really think that someone will do all the work for you? If it is like this we all would just buy this kind of system and start making millions overnight.

Even people with a high level of experience will find it hard to make real money with this because it is risky and you will need to invest a lot of money.

You will not just buy 12-Minute Affiliate but you will need to invest in an autoresponder and paid ads, which can be pretty expensive.

I am not saying that it is impossible to make money with 12-Minute Affiliate, it is but if you don’t have experience in affiliate marketing and email marketing and you are just a beginner who looks to find a way to make money online, this is not for you.

Is 12-Minute Affiliate a Scam or Legit?

I must say that 12-Minute Affiliate is not a scam!

It is a DFY system that actually works but you need to put in a good effort and invest a lot of money if you plan to earn profit from it.

The owner, Devon is a real person and not some scammer but I don’t like that he promises instant money and makes you believe that you can earn in just 24 hours of putting the system to work.

The 12-Minute Affiliate system is not secure and you can easily fail with this program.

I am not a big fan of Done For You systems and I don’t recommend them, especially not to beginners.

It is a legit system but just like I said, it is so bad that the owner is doing those marketing tricks on people who really want to make an online business and earn real money. Beginners can easily believe that they would make money so fast but that can’t be true.

In the real online business, you would need to work for months to see a return on investment and here with 12-Minute Affiliate we are talking about making money in 12 minutes, it’s BS.

Alternative for you: if you are a person who wants to put effort and make a passive online income my recommendation to you is that you click on the link below and read why you should join the Wealthy Affiliate platform and let me be your personal mentor that will help you to achieve an online dream.

Proven Way To Make Passive Income Online in 2022! – Click Here!

What Will You Get Inside Of The 12-Minute Affiliate Program?

When it comes to the materials and tools you will get inside of 12 Minute affiliate I can say that it is not bad.

You will get all you need to start promotion of the products you have chosen to promote to your audience:

  • DFY email templates
  • DFY sales funnel
  • Private Facebook community where you can join
  • You will learn how to choose an autoresponder
  • DFY traffic, you just need to buy it
  • Bonuses like Free traffic guide and How to promote the products

If you decide to join this system and buy it you will definitely get a nice amount of material for education and of course, for promotion.

Email templates and sales funnel are done well and they can certainly convert traffic but you will need to spend a lot of money to buy the traffic you need because getting organic traffic could take months and months.

What I like especially is their Facebook private group where you can join other members of 12-Minute Affiliate and discuss with them new ideas and opportunities for making money with this program. Those are real people just like you and me and that is a big plus.

How Much Does 12-Minute Affiliate Cost?

When it comes to the price I have found that it is not that expensive and that anyone can give it at least a try.

You can test 12-Minute Affiliate for only $9.95 but only for 14 days. After that, if you want to stay and use the system you must pay $47 per month.

Devon actually has made 2 package prices you could use.

Firstly we have 1 Niche Package where you can choose only 1 niche to promote, let’s say weight loss.

In that package, you will get a chance to test the 12-Minute Affiliate program for $9.95 and then $47 per month or if you want lifetime access you will need to pay $397.

Another package called 3 Niche Package includes promotion of all three niches and you can get it for $97 per month or if you want lifetime access you will need to pay $797 onetime.

Keep in mind that those prices are WITHOUT expense for paid ads. You will also need to pay for an autoresponder and buy traffic through their Solo Ads vendor system.

If we calculate the price of packages and the price for autoresponder and paid ads, overall it can easily cost you over $1000 which is not a small investment at all.

Let’s See The Pros And Cons Of 12-Minute Affiliate System

Like with every program or service we have pros and cons and the same case is with 12-Minute Affiliate program.

First I want to start with the pros so let’s see what advantages this program offers:

  • It is legit and not some sort of scam
  • You have DFY email templates
  • DFY traffic
  • You can test it for 14 days for a low price
  • It offers a money-back guarantee
  • An owner is a real person
  • It’s about doing affiliate marketing which is a very profitable online business

When it comes to the cons we have them:

  • Misleading information about earning money easy and fast
  • No guarantee that you will make any money
  • Overhyped sales page
  • Not for beginners in the online world
  • Packages could cost you over $1000
  • You will need to invest money in an autoresponder and pay for traffic

Do I Recommend 12-Minute Affiliate And What Is Alternative?

If you have read the entire article you probably know already that I don’t recommend this program, especially to beginners who are looking to make money online.

12-Minute Affiliate is not a scam and you should not run from it like from death (lol) but you must be prepared to invest serious money in it and there is no guarantee that you will even make any money at all.

This is looking like some get-rich-quick scheme where you will just pay for something and money will come to you automatically. Online business does not work like that. You will need to invest a lot of time and patience to be able to make a nice passive income online.

12-Minute Affiliate makes you believe that you can earn money in just 12 minutes or 24 hours which is not possible. The owner says that just because he wants to attract customers and make money as fast as he can.

My Alternative For You Is a Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Wealthy Affiliate literally changed my life for the better when it comes to making money online. It is a true and legit affiliate marketing training platform and I am their member for over 6 years and I plan to stay for decades.

WA platform will teach you how to build a profitable website from scratch and monetize it with affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is definitely one of the best online methods to make real and passive money online.

You don’t need any previous experience, you just need to follow the training on their platform and that’s it, everything is step by step.

The best thing is that I can be your personal mentor if you decide to join through my website, you can contact me 24/7 and ask whatever you want.

Read more about Wealthy Affiliate on the link below and join me to start your online journey together! I promise you will be 100% satisfied!

The Best Way To Make Online Business in 2022! – Click Here!

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