Trade Juice Review 2024 – The Truth Exposed!

I suppose that if you were looking for how to make money on the internet by trading forex and crypto you probably come across a platform named Trade Juice.

Online trading can be very profitable but you must know what you are doing and you should have proper training and education before starting this risky journey. What is good to know is that you don’t need to be a professional trader but you must know the basics if you want to be profitable.

Trade Juice is becoming more and more popular so I decided to do a Trade Juice review which I am sure will help you to decide if this is for you or not. As you probably know, there are many scams online and you should do deep research before joining somewhere or paying for something.

People often ask me if Trade juice is a scam or is legit so it comes to my mind to write about this platform and help you.

I will try to explain what is Trade Juice, should you trust it or not, and how can you actually make money with it.

Let’s get to the topic! Read carefully!

Trade Juice Short Overview:

  • The product name: Trade Juice
  • What is the website name:
  • The score I give it: 3 out of 5
  • Is It legit or a scam: It is legit
  • For whom is Trade Juice: For beginners and experts in trading online
  • Do I recommend it: hm, yes and no

What Is Trade Juice?

Trade Juice is a system, and tool that is found by Nikola Delic. It is an advanced system (algorithm) that calculates hundreds of signals when it comes to daily trading. Such as Pips, Candles, and many other indicators.

I can’t forget to say that Trade Juice is doing that in real-time so that you can be sure that your trade will be quality and with minor risks to lose your money.

What is good about Trade Juice is that you can earn with it from 60% to 75% of your profit which is crazy.

The owner of Trade Juice claims that every service that he offers is high quality and that is all based on the big experience he has in Forex, Cryptocurrencies, and other trading things.

Trade Juice can be good for beginners in trading but also for those experts who are trading every single day. You don’t need to be a pro to use Trade Juice which is good.

What I have found to be pretty interesting is that Trade Juice generated over 20.000 trades with a success rate of 68%. That is a big plus I must say.

But can you trust this system so easily and how smart is it to trade in this way? We will see…

The Creator Of Trade Juice?

Just like said above, the creator of Trade Juice is Nikola Delic and you don’t need to worry if it is a real person or some ”scam robot”. Yes, he is real.

While I was doing research on him I found that he is a pretty successful international trader who has made a nice profit from trading online.

A pretty interesting fact is that he taught over 3.000 folks to trade online and he helped them achieve a high amount of profit in this field which is very risky. Remember, you are investing here your real money!

If you are asking yourself if Nikola is a millionaire I can say that he is, he mentioned that he even created his own hedge fund of over $150 million, which is crazy I must say.

How Does Trade Juice Work?

With Trade Juice, you can create trades pretty simple and fast. I can say that it is an automatic process because Trade juice will give you automatically what should work and to you is only to put trade and that’s it. This tool will send you accurate trade signals and based on those signals you will put a trade!

This system is researching marketing in real-time so it can give you accurate info on what trades you should place and how profitable you can be with each trade.

Many folks claim that with Trade Juice you can achieve fast and big profits. You don’t need to wait for days to finish your trade, like some brokers. You will have your profit here in seconds.

Did I mention that Trade Juice will also show you a percentage of risk with each trade you are going to make? yes, it is true and with this option, you can minimize losses pretty well.

If I have seen well, this tool has over 120 algorithms that are making sure to give you accurate market research in real-time.

Which Features Does Trade Juice Contain?

Trade Juice is made to make your trades super easy and fast but not only that. Although this tool will send you trade signals it is a little more than just that.

You don’t need to worry about entry, exit targets, or profit because Trade Juice is constantly updating in real-time. It is primarily focused to make it easy for investors and traders to make the most of their trades.

One of a favorite features that Trade Juice has is that it will ”tell” you where you should put trade and where you should place a stop losses so that you would not lose your invested money.

Is It Easy To Use Trade Juice?

Of course, it is. No matter if you are a beginner or an expert you will find that you can use this tool like a pro. Primarily because it is designed without complexity and if you have never traded you will see how simple it is.

What you need to do is just follow the instructions given inside and everything is done in a few clicks.

One more thing that is great is that you can copy the information Trade Juice gives you and use it on any other broker you want. Let’s say IQ Option broker is also great when it comes to trading binary options and Forex. You can copy signal trades that Trade Juice is giving you and use it on IQ Option.

You can read below my review on IQ Option broker, it is one of the top trusted brokers today that you can use to trade and make a pretty good profit.

IQ Option Broker – 90% Profit From Trades, Click Here To Read Full Review!

Trade Juice Pros

When it comes to the pros of the Trade Juice system there are numerous pros you can take advantage of. Let’s see some of the best ones:

1. Very Simple Trading

When it comes to trading, it can be very difficult and complex. You need to know what you are doing and you should be cautious when taking the trades.

The point with Trade Juice is that it makes trading very easy and simple and you can put a trade literally in seconds. There are no complex things you should worry about.

You will get instructions from Trade Juice on how you should trade and most importantly you will get trade signals in a very simple way.

2. Minimal Risk

If you trade with Trade juice you will see that your trading risks will be minimal.

Even if you don’t have experience in trading this tool will make it easy for you because it gives you risk advice and you can also use a feature where you can prevent losing money.

3. Easy To Use

One great pro is that this tool is very easy to use. The owner, Nikola Delic said that his intention was to primarily make this system to be easy for new traders but also for those who are more experienced.

What is great is that with this tool you don’t need any other company or software or anything similar. You have everything in one place which is good because sometimes you can get confused while working with many different platforms at the same time.

4. You Will Save a Lot Of Time

With Trade Juice this is a great thing. Maybe you know and maybe you don’t but many traders are losing a great amount of time research and getting those trade signals properly. It is very time-consuming.

Trade Juice is working for you and that is amazing. You will get accurate trade signals in no time because this tool is working in real-time. Their algorithms are pretty powerful when it comes to delivering trade signals.

This will save you a bunch of time. If you are a trader you already know this.

Trade Juice Cons And The Price

When it comes to the cons there are numerous things you should know. Based on what I will write below Trade Juice is not for everyone.

1. It Is Expensive

Hell yeah. If you have a big budget you can afford this. Trade Juice will cost you $499. It is not a small sum of cash but if you work with this tool you will definitely get back your investment.

Still, many folks want to pay as little as they can so I might find that Trade Juice is a little bit expensive.

Buying this tool is very easy and you can get it from their official website. In a few seconds, you can put it in the cart and make a payment. Simple and easy.

2. It Is Not a Way To Get Fast Money

Sure it is not. This is not a get-rich-quick method where you will get money fast and easy.

Although Trade juice is promising easy and simple earnings it is not like that. You will need to invest your real money and you should be ready for losses.

If it was that easy everyone would do that.

In the end, nobody guarantees you 100% positive results with this. Although trade signals are accurate it is very possible that you still lose your money. So you should be smart and cautious.

Is Trade Juice a Scam?

If you are searching on the internet about Trade Juice you will come across many different opinions. Some people will say that it is a scam and some that it is not.

Many folks are actually losing money because they are inexperienced and they think that just by paying this tool will make them fast and easy money. That is not true, you will need to invest time and effort to make those trades profitable.

No one can promise you instant results without losing your money at all.

I have found that Trade Juice is not a scam, it is legit and it is owned by a real guy and a real company. Because you are losing money does not mean necessarily that it is automatically a scam.

Is Trade Juice For You?

If you are a trader, beginner, or more advanced and you want to take your trading to a bigger level then you can go with Trade Juice.

What is important to say is that if you are looking to make some fast and easy money and you are not ready to lose, this is not for you.

On the other hand, this tool is not so inexpensive and you should seriously think would you really invest $500 bucks in such a tool.

I just want you to seriously think before buying because if you are not serious about trading and you don’t want to do that for the long-term then don’t buy this thing.

You can invest those $500 bucks on much better things to make a passive income online and I will tell you what I think below.

Alternative For You: Wealthy Affiliate Platform

Yeah, if you have never heard about the Wealthy Affiliate platform now is the time!

I am a full-time blogger and this platform helped me to achieve my dreams when it comes to passive earning on the internet.

On this platform, I learned how to create a profitable niche website that will generate me high earnings for years.

It is a platform that teaches you how to earn with your website doing affiliate marketing. I am a member for more than 7 years and Wealthy Affiliate literally changed my life for the better.

The best thing is that you don’t need to be an expert in creating niche websites, WA will teach you this in the first lessons.

Yes, it is a training platform that also offers to host your website so you don’t need any other software or hosting company to make a website and earn through it. You have everything in one place!

If you decide to join Wealthy Affiliate I will be your mentor and I will be with you from your very start, guiding you through the process and answer on all your questions. It is a proven and 100% legit platform!

Click on the link below and read a full in-depth review of the Wealthy Affiliate platform. I promise more than great results!

Build a 6-Figure Website With Wealthy Affiliate – Click Here!

10 thoughts on “Trade Juice Review 2024 – The Truth Exposed!”

  1. Great article and these are very informative tips, and as for the merchant juices, I’m not so sure. I have been with the IQ Option platform for a long time and know that it is 100% legit. I also agree with the Wealthy Affiliate platform that it is the best option for long-term lifetime passive income and successful online business. Thank you for this article. I wish you success.

  2. Hello Daniel, 

    I am interested in learning about trades, I looked into Forex but I found it really confusing. I believe trading requires more dedication than what I am willing to do. however, I know the results could be good if you know how to do it. 

    Trade Juice sounds appealing for beginners and I agree the first investment is high. In order to use the program one has committed to using it knowing that the profits and the investment could not match the expectations. 

    Thank you for the review.

    • Hello Nel. Yeah, Forex and online trading can be very complex and confusing. One needs to invest a lot of time and dedication to actually learn how those things are working.

  3. Thank you very much for this valuable detailed review about trade juice. Honestly, I just heard about this today. But I had heard about other platforms that trade like this. But I have never traded yet. My opinion is that we should know about it well before doing it. You should study well. Also, I like to earn money from affiliate marketing. Through the wealthy affiliate that you have recommended, I learned about affiliate marketing and now I am earning money from affiliate marketing. Keep posting like this.

  4. good evening daniel
    I had heard a lot about Trade Juice but never had any decent reviews or anything. You helped me a lot because I finally got the information I was looking for. So thank you! Do you have any tips for other trading programs that are a bit cheaper but just as good? That would be great

    • Hello! Honestly, I would not recommend this kind of tool because you can never know does it actually work or not. In the end, they can be pretty expensive so you can definitely run out of budget very quickly. Cheap does not exist when it comes to such tools.

  5. Thank you, so much Daniel for this review.

    I am actually hunting for a day trading platform. I am an investor for decades. But day trading needs different skill sets.

    I am happy that this is a legit platform. However, I like IQ Option better.

    With trade juice, it is easier to lose money with a 68% profit rate. 

    First, you pay $500.00, and then, you need additional money to trade with. If you lose to start with, then you become nervous to spend more. That becomes harder.

    Is there a money-back guarantee with Trade Juice or free trials before you buy the program?


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