What Is Commission Hero By Robby Blanchard? – Honest Review 2024

If you are asking yourself what is Commission Hero by Robby Blanchard and how does it work, you are in the right place. The more important question is I think is this thing even legit and how much money can you earn with it?

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer for nearly 7 years. I have vast experience in making money online products/services so you can be 100% sure that I will give you proven and trusted information about this type of product.

I will be honest and say that I have not bought this product and actually I discovered Commission Hero by Robby Blanchard not so long ago.

I did not want to write a review about it but many folks have contacted me to actually make a review because believe it or not there are many people who are interested in Commission Hero.

Many marketing gurus say that Robby can make you rich with Commission Hero but in this review, we will see if is it even possible and how accurate it is.

Stay till the end of this article and make sure to read everything!

Let’s start!

Commission Hero Short Overview

  • Price: it is $997 one time and you have the option to pay $597 two times
  • Type of product: it is the affiliate marketing course
  • The Owner: Robby Blanchard
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Does it have complaints: Yes
  • Does it have a money-back guarantee: Nope
  • Do I recommend it: Read the review to find out

I must be honest and say that I am a big fan of affiliate marketing and you already know that if you regularly read my blog.

That is exactly what is Commission Hero about, it is a step-by-step course about affiliate marketing and Facebook ads.

It is a little bit expensive course and that is just one of the reasons I don’t recommend it to folks (especially beginners) who are looking to start with affiliate marketing, there are way betters opportunities.

Sure, you are maybe interested in this program so you are certainly asking yourself if is this a legit thing you can invest in so keep reading to find out.

What Is Commission Hero About?

Just like I said, the Commission Hero is an affiliate marketing course that will teach you how to properly choose products on Clickbank and promote them with the help of Facebook ads.

It’s not important if you don’t have an experience with Facebook ads, you will also learn everything about that in this step-by-step course.

That means that your main source of traffic will come from Facebook ads, which I am not a big fan of.

A very interesting thing about this program is that the owner, Robby Blanchard claims that you can start making even $1000 per day which is pretty crazy. Do you think that you can make that amount of money per day?

Sure it is possible, affiliate marketing is one of the best methods of making a passive income online BUT you must be an experienced affiliate marketer and you must be ready to invest a lot of money at the start, there are no instant results.

If you are a beginner you should know that those $1000 per day will not happen soon. This is why I don’t like Robby promoting how it is possible to make such big money in a short period.

Who Is The Creator of Commission Hero?

The creator of the Commission Hero program is a man called Robby Blanchard. I must say that this guy is pretty popular and very successful as a ClickBank affiliate.

If you are asking yourself if this guy is a legit person or nope I can say that it is. He is a real person who created Commission Hero to help people to start making an online income by doing affiliate marketing.

I have found that he also owns a pretty successful gym in Massachusetts as well. He said that opening a gym was a reason to create the Commission Hero course.

This guy also has a YT channel so you can follow him easily and you can learn some interesting things when it comes to making money online.

The most important thing for me (and for you) is that Robby is a 100% legit person with a great reputation. I really like that.

How Does Commission Hero Work?

You will understand how Commission Hero works pretty easily. What Robby teaches you is to find products on Clickbank, create sales funnel, and start promoting by doing Facebook ads.

Affiliate marketing is a very popular online method with which you can make a full time online and I actually like that Commission Hero is focused on teaching affiliate marketing.

You can actually see how affiliate marketing work in the image below.

The main goal of affiliate marketing is that you sell (recommend) to people some products or services and when they buy through your affiliate link you will get a commission.

Sure, you need to have an audience to promote, without a target audience you will not make money.

Commission Hero teaches you how to do Facebook ads, which will be your main source of traffic. I am not a big fan of Facebook ads because they can be super expensive.

Robby is making affiliate marketing sound pretty easy but you will actually need to invest a lot of money to start generating traffic to your sales funnels.

My advice is that you definitely should avoid investing in Facebook ads.

Commission Hero is not bad but Facebook ads are super bad. Facebook is constantly changing its algorithm and there is a big possibility that your ads account will not be approved as you don’t have a website.

It would be a big plus if Robby and his program teach you how to build a website and actually make money through affiliate marketing WITH a website.

It’s true that you will learn inside Commission Hero how to do FB ads but Robby doesn’t say that you will have to invest a bunch of money (+ Commission Hero course) to start running those ads.

There would be a way better option if Robby teaches you how to get organic traffic which is free, in that way you would not need to spend extra money that you will give on ads.

What Do You Get Inside Commission Hero?

I must say that you will get a bunch of things when you buy Commission Hero. As you have already read, this course will teach you how to make money online by promoting Clickbank products by doing affiliate marketing.

Robby says that he will reveal 3 secrets that helped him to be a successful affiliate marketer and gain that reputation:

  1. The first secret he is talking about is how to find popular products on Clickbank that will make you as much money
  2. The second of his secrets is FB ads, he will teach you how to use your FB profile to do paid ads
  3. The third and last secret is about ”forcing” people to buy what are you promoting

Besides those secrets you will also get pretty quality training inside Commission Hero which includes even 10 modules:

  1. Getting Started
  2. How To choose the right products to promote
  3. How to find ad images
  4. How to create and setup landing page
  5. How to create a Facebook account ( we all already know this)
  6. How to install a Facebook Pixels
  7. Tracking your FB campaign
  8. More advanced FB tracking
  9. How to scale your sales
  10. Some tips and tricks

I must say that I like module 1 as there Robby will teach you what is affiliate marketing and how it works, you will learn some basic things that will help you to understand how it works.

In the second module, you will learn how to choose the right products because if you choose the product that will not convert and get sales you will fail. That is the main purpose of module 2.

You probably already know how Ad images are important for marketing and that is what module 3 is teaching about. You will learn how and where to get those attractive ad images that will convert people to buy the product.

You actually want to get those clicks so the ad image is a very important part here.

In module 4 you will learn how to create landing pages that will convert people to buy what you are offering. This is very important because you want that landing page to be as good as it can because you don’t want to lose that precious traffic you gonna pay for.

Module 5 is talking about creating a Facebook profile and ads and I assume that you already know how to do that. If still, there are people who don’t know how to do that they will learn it in this module.

I want to tell you that those paid ads will probably cost you about $500-$1000 just to get started so be careful.

Module 6 will teach you how to install and use Facebook Pixels so that you can track your sales and conversions.

Modules 7 and 8 are all about tracking your campaign and understanding the data inside your dashboard.

And this is not everything, you will also get some nice staff with Commission Hero like:

  • Access to private FB group
  • Commission Hero support
  • Full affiliate program access where you can promote Commission Hero
  • + many bonuses that Robby will give you (Live weekly coaching, Snapchat training, Email marketing guide)

How Much Does Commission Hero Cost?

Believe it or not but Commission Hero will cost you $997 one time. It’s not cheap at all and it is one of the most expensive affiliate marketing courses out there.

You also have the option to pay two times, actually to split it but it will be more expensive because in that way you will need to pay $597 two times.

I can understand the creator for giving these prices as course really offer value but still, you can find many cheaper affiliate marketing courses out there, one as the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

With the Wealthy Affiliate training platform you will pay only $19 for the first month and then $49 per month. You also have the option to go Yearly paying only $495 which is way cheaper than Commission Hero.

Watch Out For Extra Costs!

Although you will need to cashout $997 for Commission Hero you will also need to pay some extra money for:

  • Autoresponder
  • ClickFunnels
  • Facebook ads

Those costs are NOT INCLUDED in the course and you will need to buy them separately.

Keep in mind that you will only need to invest up to $500 in FB ads as Robby suggests investing at least $10-$20 daily in FB ads, so all this will probably cost you MORE than $1000 which is not a small investment at all.

Is Commission Hero Legit? (Or Maybe Scam?)

Commission Hero is definitely not a scam. When you actually buy this course about affiliate marketing you will get quality training and lessons.

Robby Blanchard is not a scammer, he is a pretty successful affiliate marketer and he is rated as the #1 Clickbank affiliate.

Sure, there are many things that I don’t like about Commission Hero (like the price of $997) but that does not mean that this course is a scam.

One more thing that I have found is that some folks are not satisfied with this course and even tell that it is a scam.

I checked Commission Hero in TrustPilot and it is pretty low-rated:

As you can see in the image above there are men who are definitely not satisfied with this course. I can’t just imagine paying such money for a course and then not being satisfied. Keep in mind there is no money-back guarantee!

All this does not mean that Commission Hero is a scam, there are many folks who are earning money with this but you should be cautious as there are people who claim that this course is not working compared to the money you need to invest.

The Pros Of Commission Hero

Although we saw those claims about Commission Hero being a scam I can say that this course offers pretty good things:

  • It’s About Affiliate Marketing

I am a very passionate affiliate marketer and I know how profitable is this online business model. You can make a fortune by doing affiliate marketing and I like that Commission Hero is focused on promoting and teaching this model.

  • An Owner is a Real Person

That’s right, most of the time we can see fake gurus and people who are promoting themselves under false names and personalities. This is not the case with Robby Blanchard, he is the real person and he is very popular on the Clickbank marketplace.

  • It Is a Step By Step Training

If you have no experience in Facebook ads or affiliate marketing you will be fine. This course is step by step and you will see how easy it is to follow the lessons. It is for beginners and those who are more experienced.

The Cons Of Commission Hero

  • It’s Not As Easy as Presented

Yeah, you are made to think that you will make thousands of dollars in a day and even six figures per month, this is crazy because it is not possible.

Even if you perfectly know how paid ads and affiliate marketing work you simply can’t make much money in a short period. Robby claims that you will make $1k per day but it is just one more marketing trick to make you buy his course.

  • It Is Pretty Expensive

You can definitely find cheaper affiliate marketing courses than Commission Hero. The price of $997 is not small at all and there is no guarantee that you will eventually make some money, you just need to believe the owner that you will earn..

  • There Are Extra Costs

You already saw those extra costs that you will need to pay if you decide to buy this course. You will need an autoresponder, you will also need to invest in paid ads which can cost you up to $500. All in all, you will need to invest more than $1k in Commission Hero which is a lot.

  • You Don’t Get Money-Back Guarantee

I really don’t like this. It would be much better and easier if you at least have a money-back guarantee. For me, it is a big red flag because many courses of this kind usually have a money-back guarantee.

So you could just waste $1k here just like that.

  • Doing Facebook Ads Is a Bit Risky

Robby is an expert in doing affiliate marketing and FB ads but he did not say how risky is to do paid ads on Facebook. There is even a possibility that you will not get approved for doing ads and in that case you are doomed.

Even if you get approved, if FB changes its rules you can easily get banned from their system, especially because you are doing affiliate marketing without owning a website.

Is Commission Hero For You?

If you are a beginner in affiliate marketing I would say, no!

You will pay $997 for this course and I am sure you will get lost although it is step-by-step training. You can find many other cheaper courses that will help you to make your online business by doing affiliate marketing.

Of course, if you have extra money to spend you can easily try commission Hero for yourself and see if it will work for you.

Based on TrustPilot reviews there are complaints about this course and I can understand that. It would be okay if Robby give a money-back guarantee but you will just pay and there is no guarantee that you will make a profit.

On the other hand, if you are a more experienced affiliate marketer and you know how FB ads work, then yes, you can give it a try because I am sure you will know how to get ROI with paid ads.

Alternative For You: Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform

The number 1 program that I recommend for teaching affiliate marketing is a platform called Wealthy Affiliate.

It is a platform that helped me to achieve my dream of earning passive income online.

With this platform, you will learn how to make money online by doing affiliate marketing on your own website which you will create inside the WA platform. It offers is a step by step lessons for both beginners and those more experienced.

I am earning a full-time income thanks to Wealthy Affiliate and that is the primary reason why I promote this awesome platform.

You can click on the link below to learn everything about the Wealthy affiliate platform.

Wealthy Affiliate Platform – Why You Should Join? – Click Here!

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