iPoll Survey Review 2024 – You Should Know This!

If you are following my website regularly you can conclude that I enjoy reviewing those sites that claim that you can earn money just by doing some work on their platform.

I primarily review those sites because as you know, there are a lot of scams online and there are people who want your money, like it or not but that is the truth.

My reviews are well-researched and you can be sure that all information is legit and proven because I would never recommend something to my fellow readers that would harm them, precisely harm their wallet.

Today you literally have a thousand sites where you can do simple surveys and make some extra cash, something like Swagbucks, I am sure you heard about it already.

Although I am a person who prefers real online business there is nothing bad with survey sites. You just need to be cautious and spend your priceless free time on worthy sites, not some low-quality sites where you will lose your time, and pray that you will earn a dollar.

But today I wanna talk about a site called iPoll.com and actually do the iPoll survey review so that you can be sure is this for you or not.

That is a popular site where many people go to earn some cash online but we will see does it actually work and how much can you earn if you dedicate yourself to this.

What Is iPoll And How Does It Work?

iPoll is a pretty old website when it comes to a year. It was launched back in 2008 and it is working pretty well till now.

Registration is completely free so there is no cost to join. You don’t need to invest any money which is great.

In 2016, it was owned by Survey Sampling International. I must say that iPoll became pretty popular over the years and many users claim that they are earning real cash with this platform.

What is interesting when it comes to the iPoll is that owners are publishing how much money have they paid their users from the start of working till today. I will tell you that sum of cash is not small at all.

They say that their users till now earned over $24 Million dollars which is crazy I must say.

When it comes to earnings you can earn money in multiple ways. By doing surveys, watching ads, playing video games, etc.

If you have tried Neobux or Swagbucks you will know what am I talking about.

But, what I am worried about iPoll is in the next section of this article and it is about whether it is legit or not. Let’s talk a little about that.

Is iPoll Legit Or a Scam?

If you follow me regularly you will know that I am a big fan of the TrustPilot website. It is a website where real people are reviewing companies and apps, saying their own experiences and how satisfied they are.

Although iPoll is increasing in popularity and it has a nice amount of users, I see that on Trustpilot many folks are not satisfied with this platform. You can actually see the image below.


As you can see in the image above even 58 people reviewed this platform and 83% of them (bad + poor) said that iPoll is bad IE they are not satisfied with it.

I have read every negative review people give and most of the time it is about iPoll shutting their account after they earned some money. Also, there are cases where people would complete a survey but would not get a reward.

There is only 17% of people (if we calculate excellent + great + average) who said that platform is good and that they are somehow satisfied with how it works.

Based on all this I can’t 100% say that iPoll is a scam because there are still some folks who are good with this platform and making some extra cash. But I would definitely say that you should be cautious.

After all, It is good that you can’t lose your own money here because you don’t need to invest anything except your own free time.

Now let’s see some pros and cons of this platform.

What Are The Pros Of iPoll?

Every platform out there has its pros and cons, so it is the case with the iPoll platform. Although I am not impressed with the reviews of people on Trustpilot I have the luck to find some pros of this company.

Not everything is so black so you should take in mind those pros if you plan to join iPoll:

  • Payment through PayPal – This is my favorite one because I enjoy using PP. PayPal is one of the best and simplest methods to cash out your earned money. Not so many survey platforms have this option so this is a big plus for iPoll
  • Easy and simple registration – Yeah, it is pretty easy to register with iPoll. You just need a valid email address and password and you are ready to go.
  • You can use a mobile app – This is great because our mobile phones are always with us and you can make some cash wherever you are.
  • If you have 17+ you can register – I found this pretty good because at this age you should already know what you are doing and where you register. I am glad kids are not allowed to register here because you can have problems with the payments if you earn some cash.
  • There are many ways in which you can earn money – That’s right, you don’t have just one method of earning money but you have plenty of them. It is up to you which one will you choose or maybe you want to do it all at once, why not.
  • The app interface is user-friendly and easy – This is also a big plus because you will not get confused while interacting through the platform. I found out that many platforms out there have a complex interface that can make you just leave the platform. This is not the case with iPoll.
  • iPoll is available in even 32 countries – It is not a small number but it is not a big either, so if you are from one of those countries where iPoll is allowed you are happy. On their page, you can see which countries are allowed and which are not.

Now let’s see what are the cons of iPoll, if there are any, hm?

What Are The Cons Of iPoll?

Well, although there are many pros of this platform I can’t forget the cons about iPoll. It would be unfair to my readers to mention these things. In the end, it is up to you will you join or not.

  • Many folks say that they get disqualified after completing several surveys – This is bad because you can’t do anything to prevent that and these folks don’t know why they get shut down just like that.
  • A very bad reputation on Trustpilot – You already saw this above. Those are the real people that are saying their experiences so there are no scams or lies. I trust Trustpilot users and I am not satisfied with how iPoll is rated there.
  • Some people said that they had a problem with their payment – This is a more frequent problem people encounter with iPoll, when they just need to receive their earned money some problems come and payment is delayed.
  • Based on the reviews of people it can take weeks before you receive your earned gift cards after you request them – Honestly, I am not a patient person so I find this a big minus for iPoll, yeah, sometimes delays happen but if it happens more often then it is bad.

As we can see here there are more benefits than cons but still, you will need to think twice before you join iPoll.

Sure, there are things I enjoy about this platform like PayPal payments, user interface, and many ways of earning money.

But still, I am worried about those cons I mentioned above. What if I invest my free time on the platform and everything goes in vain?

One more pro that I like about iPoll is that they are online for 10 years if they are any sort of scam they would be shut down a long time ago. This means that they are not a scam but they definitely should improve their work and pay more attention to their customers IE users.

In the end, you will need to see for yourself if this work for you or not.

For Whom Is iPoll Survey?

Honestly, iPoll is for those people who want to make some extra cash online. You already should know that this will not make you rich or make you pay your monthly bills. You will need to work hard and dedicate yourself if you want to earn some free cash.

If you don’t want to start your own online business and make some serious income online then iPoll may be for you. I am not a person who enjoys doing this kind of survey but there are people who like this.

If you are a young man or woman who is just starting to look for some income online, in this case, you can give it a try, you have nothing to lose except your time.

And if it works for you great, just go for it, and if it does not work just quit, and that’s it.

How Can You Join iPoll?

The process to join iPoll is pretty simple and easy. You just have to be 17+ years old and iPoll must be allowed in your country and that’s it. Registration is completely free.

You will need to have a valid email address and password that you will create while register. After you successfully register you will be asked to fulfill your profile by adding a name, your demographics, etc.

After that, you will need to answer a couple more questions because based on that iPoll will give you available surveys to complete.

You can literally start earning in a couple of minutes after you register successfully.

The iPoll app is pretty easy to use and I am sure you will like it. When I first joined and successfully registered I was given a survey worth $5 which was nice I must say.

You will not have any technical issues because they made it easy.

In Which Ways You Can Earn Money With iPoll?

Just like I said above you have multiple sources where you can earn money with the iPoll app. It is mainly a survey app but there are many other ways in which you can make extra cash online.

Surveys – You Already Knew That!

Simply put, surveys will be your main source of income on iPoll.

There are many companies and platforms out there that want to hear a user experience with their products and services. Those companies use platforms like iPoll to see how people would interact with their products.

This is where YOU get in action. Based on your demographics iPoll will give you surveys to complete, as I can see it is most about shopping habits and similar things to that.

Every survey is different, some may take 5 seconds to complete and some will take you up to 10 minutes to finish. And when it comes to earning it also varies. Sometimes you will get $0.50 and sometimes $1 or $5, it all depends.

Missions – Not So bad

Missions are similar to surveys and this is something you can get some more extra cash. You will need to enable GPS on your mobile phone so that you can always get relevant missions based on your location.

Those missions are usually related to buying some products or testing them.

Honestly, I have ever completed a single mission but I have seen that people are reporting that missions usually take to accomplish about 5-10 minutes and earnings are in the range from $1 to $10, which is not bad at all.

Keep in mind that missions have a time frame period when you have to accomplish a mission, it is usually 1-3 days.

What I don’t like when it comes to missions is that they are super rare. You will not find them every day.

My Final Words About iPoll

When it comes to iPoll things are not bad but they are also not great.

You certainly can make some extra cash with them but you will not get rich overnight. You will need to dedicate your free time or full time to achieve something greater.

What is important is that iPoll is definitely not a scam, it has maybe millions of users across the world who are working with them.

Based on Trustpilot we can see that users are more and more unsatisfied primarily because of payments and their support.

But can you really make money with iPoll? – Yes you can!

You eventually can’t know that until you try it. If you have some spare time just try it and see for yourself how is it working.

If you would ask me should you join or not, honestly I would not spare my free time on such things as earning pennies. I am a business guy and I teach people how to earn by creating online businesses which can give real money and not dollars for a coffee.

If you want to learn my method of earning a passive income online you should click on the link below and with my personal help, you will achieve passive earnings online that can free you financially.

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12 thoughts on “iPoll Survey Review 2024 – You Should Know This!”

  1. Hi, daniel I had never heard of iPoll before reading your article. Your article helped me a lot. I was always looking for something you gave me here. I found it very good to read how detailed you wrote your article. And that you also put a lot of focus on the cons. This is important. Thanks!

  2. I don’t even know why people even continue to bother to try to earn money with these types of websites. When I started to investigate ways to make money outside of my daytime job, I stumbled upon one of these websites. When I saw that I was doing only 1 ct per task, I understood that it was a huge scam. So I stopped getting into this. And iPoll reminded me of this kind of so-called opportunity. So I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone.

    • Yeah, I completely understand you. Usually, it is not worth spending free time on these things, primarily because earnings are so small. That free time should be invested in creating a true online business that can generate passive income for years.

  3. Hi Daniel,

    It is an excellent review of the poll which I have not heard of before. 

    You have many pros as easy and free registration without paying a penny. Ease of payment through PayPal. It doesn’t need much training or expertise to do a survey or watch videos etc. So possibly millions can use this platform. If you have a lot of free time and you like to use it it might be good for you.

    Is it possible to the evaluation of this platform based on a bigger sampling of people? 58 looks small to me. 

    Survey stopping in the middle or just before complete it happens in Swagbucks. It is terribly frustrating. 

    I care for every money but I do care for how I am using my time in a day. I have trust in your review as well. I am sure it is not for me. I am sure it is benefitting many who can make it happen in their life.

    • Thanks, Anusuya! Yeah, these sites are usually for people who have some extra time and want to earn some free cash but realistically, nothing serious can be earned here.

  4. I have not come across the iPoll survey site before, so it was very interesting to find this detailed review on the iPoll. Completing surveys to earn cash, is often not worth the time and effort that you take to complete it. It looks as if with iPoll it is the same, that the small amounts that you might earn, are not worth it.

    Looking at all the bad reviews from Trustpilot certainly would put me off joining the platform, even if it is free to sign up. Thank you for sharing your findings. 

  5. Hi Daniel 

    I have to say I wouldn’t trust iPoll merely because of the terrible support and payment difficulties. I always use Trust Pilot as well. She’s typically a given on the feedback front at TP, especially if the negative feedback is so bad. Even if it is easy to activate your account. What’s the point if you may not get paid?


    • Well, yeah there are many folks who say that they have problems with getting paid. I really hope they will fix that soon so that people can work without problem.

  6. Thank you very much for this detailed iPoll review. Honestly, I didn’t know about this ipoll before. But such survey sites have been seen before. And I have tried them. But I didn’t get to earn that much money. But I spent a lot of time doing them. I do not recommend this kind of survey site to anyone. Because we get paid less for the time we spend. Keep posting reviews like this.

    • Thanks, man! Yeah, this kind of sites doesn’t give much money but if someone wants some extra cash aside it can be good. Although it cant pay monthly bills it is good to use that cash on some small things.


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