OPM Wealth Review 2023 – Pure Scam Or Not?

Hello folks and welcome to my OPM Wealth review where I am gonna talk about this online program and discover is this thing a big scam or is it something you should give it a try.

I want to be honest and say that you can’t find a lot of information about this product online, I had difficulties finding proven information but now I am delivering it to you.

Making money online is definitely possible but you should keep in mind that there are people who want your money without giving any quality education, and that is why you should always do deep research before investing your money.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who is doing affiliate marketing for a living, I am also teaching people just like you, to start making passive income online by creating an online business.

So, let’s start with our review right away.

OPM Wealth Short Overview

opm wealth review

  • Product: OPM Wealth
  • Type: MLM/Pyramid scheme
  • Price: From $2.000 to $27.000
  • Owner: Stefan Dessalines
  • Money back guarantee: No
  • Is it a scam: Yes
  • Do I recommend it: No

In short, OPM Wealth is an online program that promises to make you a quick buck by teaching you how to do MLM ie promoting their program to others, and recruiting new people into it.

It is funny that this program also promises people that they are going to make up to $1k very fast literally without doing anything. In my opinion, we are talking here about a scam program that is meant to take your money and nothing else.

OPM Wealth is a very expensive online program and does not offer refunds so you don’t have a chance of getting your money back once you pay.

With that in mind, I definitely do not recommend it to people who really want to learn how to create an online business and those who want to start making money online.

Alternative for you: Wealthy Affiliate is one of the best affiliate marketing training plčatforms out there and I always recommend it to people who want to learn how to start making REAL money online. Check it on the link below!

The Best Free Way To Start Making Money Today – Click Here!

What Is OPM Wealth?

OPM Wealth is simply said, a pyramid scheme or MLM system where you are going to learn how to promote the same program to others and make money once someone buys the program through your link.

When it comes to the name of this product, OPM means ”Other People’s Money”. This means that OPM Wealth is going to teach you how can you get a loan to be able to pay for memberships if you don’t have money to do so.

I must say that this is a very dangerous method of getting money because getting loans from other people is not a good option if you plan to invest online.

The good thing is that you can join OPM Wealth for free and once you register you are going to watch the video where the owner explains what is it about and how it actually works.

The bad thing is that you will be offered a bunch of offers because it is obvious that the creator of this course wants to make money fast without giving too much value.

Who Is Stefan Dessalines?

Unfortunately, I could not find a lot of information about Stefan because there is no information about him on the Internet. That means that either this person is just a spokesperson or Stefan doesn’t want to reveal too much about himself.

I can say that this is not great info because you should always know who is behind the course or program where you plan to invest your money.

In my opinion, this is all about getting you into the MLM and wasting your money because the whole point of this program is to teach you how to get as many people into it which will bring the most profit to the creator of OPM Wealth.

One thing that I also want to mention is that you can find his Facebook group which has around 250 members, the strange thing is that it has not been active since 2017, which basically means that people are not making success with OPM Wealth.

How Much Does OPM Wealth Cost?

I must say that I am not satisfied with OPM Wealth’s price primarily because it is so expensive compared to that it is a pure MLM and pyramid scheme.

You can join OPM Wealth for free but once you watch the intro video you will have to decide to join or just quit because there is no free trial or anything similar.

Now let’s see how much money you will need to invest if you decide to join OPM Wealth. Here are the packages:

  • Hermes – cost is $2,000
  • Apollo – cost is $5,000
  • Athena – cost is $8,500
  • Poseidon – cost is $14,500
  • Zeus – cost is $27,500

As you can see this online program is pretty expensive and to be able to start making high commissions from this you are going to need to buy all the packages.

Honestly, I don’t recommend it to people who are on a tight budget because there is a much better way to create an online business online without investing a such high amount of money.

And maybe the worst thing here is that you are not gonna get a refund, so once you invest your money here that’s it. There are no free trials or money-back guarantees which is definitely a big con.

OPM Wealth is a high-ticket pyramid scheme and because it is so expensive I expected to see a refund policy but no, you are not gonna get it.

If you want to learn how to start a REAL online business that will make you passive income for years, click on the link below and read my top recommendation for all of you who want to become financially independent.

The Best Way To Start Making Money Online – Click Here!

How Does OPM Wealth Work?

OPM Wealth works pretty simply I must say but I definitely do not agree with how this thing works. Namely, you are going to learn how to borrow (take a loan) from a bank to be able to invest that money in this program and make money from it.

So, because you probably don’t want to invest your money here OPM Wealth wants to teach you how can you get money from your bank (on credit) and invest money here.

But the question is how you will return the money if you don’t achieve anything with OPM Wealth.

Because yes, you are not going to make serious cash here but you will definitely invest a lot of money. And guess who will earn the most? The owner himself!

So, once you buy the first package that costs $2k you are going to get the following things that can help you to start and see what is it about:

  • What Is It?
  • How It Works
  • How To Get Started
  • Digital Franchise
  • (OPM) Other Peoples Money
  • Great Credit
  • The Truth About Money
  • Time Management
  • Crypto Basics
  • Trading Cryptocurrency
  • Paradigm Shift
  • Power of Systems
  • Compensation
  • Laws of Life
  • Keep More Money

You are going to learn many things inside the training and once you finish it, you are going to start recruiting other people and make money when they join OPM Wealth.

I must say that this is a very risky business opportunity because OPM Wealth is teaching people how to ”borrow” money from the bank and use it to invest and I don’t recommend doing that.

Is OPM Wealth a Scam?

Based on my research and my own experience I can say that OPM is a scam and that you should avoid it at a high range.

This company or online program is not registered online at all and it should be because it is giving advice on finances and getting loans from the bank and it could be very dangerous.

I think that you don’t need to get a loan from the bank or any other place to be able to start making money online. This is simply the trick to get you into the MLM and make you spend thousands of dollars on packages.

Besides that, the owner of OPM Wealth is an unknown person because you can’t find any valuable information about him on the Internet.

OPM Wealth Pros

  • It’s free to join
  • There is some earning potential but nothing worth it

OPM Wealth Cons

  • It is a Pyramid Scheme
  • It Asks You to Borrow Money
  • It Could Collapse Easily
  • No Testimonials or Any Other Proof
  • Hidden Expenses
  • Very Expensive Packages
  • Stefan the owner is not trustworthy

Final Words – Is There a Better Way To Make Money Online?

I honestly hope that this OPM Wealth review helped you to discover more about this online program and make the right decision. If you ask me I would like to say that you should avoid it at all costs because you are going to waste your money on this.

You will most likely not make any money but you will definitely waste a lot of money if you decide to invest here.

There are many other sources of making money online and I want to introduce to you a Wealthy Affiliate platform, a platform that changed my life.

Thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate training I am making a full-time income by doing the best online business model, affiliate marketing.

Just take a look at the image below and see a piece of my affiliate sales that I am making every single month, passively.

You definitely can start making serious money online but you need to have a proper education and proper training because without it you are going to fail.

If you want to discover the right way to start making passive income online without any scams or MLM, click on the link below and read my honest Wealthy Affiliate review that will change your life, if you give it a chance.

The Best Way To Start Making Money Online in 2023 – Click Here!

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