What Is The Easiest Way To Do Affiliate Marketing in 2023?

I am sure you have heard how affiliate marketing can make you rich. And yeah, that is true my fellow friend, affiliate marketing can and WILL make you rich if you give it a chance.

But if you landed here you are probably asking yourself what is the easiest way to do affiliate marketing today because everyone is doing it and the competition is huge.

Yes, I must admit that it is hard to make money with affiliate marketing but if you follow the steps I will show you below you are going to enjoy your earnings from affiliate sales.

You know, I am a full-time affiliate marketer and blogger who is making a living from doing affiliate marketing here on my blog. I have vast experience in affiliate marketing so I can teach you what you should step by step to make success with this great online business method.

Let’s get to the point, here is what you should do to make affiliate marketing easy for you:

  1. Choose a profitable niche
  2. Choose a platform where you will be creating your website
  3. Create a niche website
  4. Start driving quality and relevant traffic to your affiliate pages
  5. Enjoy your revenue and scale

Yes, this is the easiest way to start doing affiliate marketing that will bring you a full-time income online if you put up the hard work and be consistent.

Before I explain in deep these processes I wrote about I first want to explain the basics of affiliate marketing and how it works.

What Is Affiliate Marketing About?

Affiliate marketing is an online business model where you are doing a promotion of products or services in a niche you choose and earn affiliate commissions whenever someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys the product.

This is a very simple method of making money online, you only need to register on the affiliate programs you want and you will get affiliate links and all promotional material you can use to promote the product or service and earn money.

Affiliate marketing is so powerful that it can actually replace your job and make you go full-time online.

You can see in the picture below how affiliate marketing is working in a nutshell:

how does affiliate marketing work

  1. We have a reader who is doing research on something in search engines like Google
  2. There is a (your) website where reader land to read the information
  3. The reader makes a purchase through your website by your recommendation
  4. You make affiliate commission $$$

This is a very simple and straightforward process of doing affiliate marketing. It is not hard but you must have a plan and a strategy from the very start.

Related: What is The Future of Affiliate Marketing?

Now that you know the basics and you know how affiliate marketing actually works I want to explain what are the best and the easiest steps you should do to start making money with affiliate marketing and become a very successful affiliate marketer.

1. Step – Make Sure You Choose a Profitable Niche

This is the first thing you should do if you plan to start doing affiliate marketing and if you want it to be easy for you. When I say profitable niche I mean choosing an evergreen niche that will never ”die”.

Take me for example. Here on my blog, I am doing product reviews in the make money online niche and that is the niche that will always be popular and people are always going to look for it.

Some other evergreen niches that you can use to make money from affiliate marketing are:

  • Health and Fitness
  • Relationships
  • Food
  • Finances
  • Wealth
  • Pets
  • etc

I hope you understand what I am talking about, you want to choose a niche that will be making you money for years to come, you don’t want to choose some seasonal niches or something that is not interesting to people IE they are not looking to find information about it.

The great tool you can use and which is completely free is Google Trends where you can check the popularity of the tropic in which you want to start doing affiliate marketing.

This amazing tool will show you if the topic is popular and if people are searching for it or if there is no interest in it.

Many folks often ask me if the evergreen niche is a must and I always say YES, it is a must if you want to make money with affiliate marketing. Do not look for excuses but choose the evergreen niche and you will not repent.

Big mistake people make when choosing a niche is that they often decide to write about their life. You must know that only the evergreen niche is going to make you a ton of money when it comes to affiliate marketing.

Related: In-Depth Article on How To Choose Profitable Niche For Affiliate Marketing

2. Step – Choose a Platform For Website Creation

Like it or not but you must know that having a website today is a golden thing.

Listen, you can start doing affiliate marketing on many different platforms such as YouTube, Pinterest, Quora, Facebook, Instagram, etc but if you want to really make success with this online business you will want to use a WEBSITE as the main platform for doing affiliate marketing.

I can freely say that having a website is the easiest way to make money with affiliate marketing, it will take some time and work but trust me, it will pay off.

That is why I want to present you here the Wealthy Affiliate platform, the ultimate training platform for affiliate marketers that can change your financial life.

You probably know that there are endless courses and platforms out there where you can learn about affiliate marketing and website building BUT Wealthy Affiliate is the king and this platform will help you in your process of creating a profitable niche website that will bring you passive income for years to come.

Wealthy Affiliate is a hosting company that also offers complete step-by-step training on how to:

  • create a niche website
  • to bring visitors to the website through SEO
  • monetize a website with affiliate marketing

I am a member of the WA platform for more than 8 years and I am making a full-time income online thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

You don’t need to use some other platform, you have absolutely everything inside WA and the best thing is that it is focused on beginners in affiliate marketing.

To discover everything about Wealthy Affiliate and how to create a website in less than 30 seconds, I suggest that you click on the link below and read my article about this amazing platform that changed my life financially and it can change yours too!

Related: Honest Wealthy Affiliate Review

3. Create a Niche Website

Let me be clear with you. To be able to make money easily with affiliate marketing you will need t to create not a simple website but a niche website.

A niche website is when you are talking about some specific topic on your website and you just stick to that topic.

Let’s say I create a niche website in the affiliate marketing niche. That means that I will only write about affiliate marketing here on my website and I will not cover other topics.

Later when your website becomes the authority and you start getting significant traffic you can start writing about broader topics in your niche.

I often see bloggers choose to write about everything on their blogs thinking that they will start getting traffic faster, it is a big mistake to think like that.

Google and other search engines like to see the experts and you can become an expert in your niche IF you write about one specific topic. At least in the beginning.

With the Wealthy Affiliate platform, it has never been easier to create a website, you will have your own niche website in less than 30 seconds, believe me, or not.

You don’t need to be a coder, web developer, graphic designer, or Java and CSS expert, Wealthy Affiliate is doing everything for you and your only job is to follow the training and with their help, you are going to create a 6-figure website, believe me.

This website you are currently on is created thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate training and their amazing hosting service and you know what? This blog makes me six figures annually thanks to the affiliate marketing I have learned about inside the WA platform.

Learn How To Create a 6-Figure Website With a Wealthy Affiliate!

4. Start Getting Quality and Relevant Traffic To Your Website

You should know by now that traffic is the root of your online success. It is not important if you are a blogger, affiliate marketer, or something other, traffic is what will get you money.

So, this is the crucial step and this step usually takes most of the time.

There are many free ways to get traffic to your sales pages and your website but definitely, but one of the best ones is called SEO.

Search Engine Optimization is a method of driving traffic to your website through Google and other search engines, this type of traffic is priceless.

The main thing that will get you traffic is CONTENT, you have probably heard that content is king and that is very true. When you create a website and do the technical things, your next and most important job is to pump out as much content as you can.

The content you are going to write must be in your niche and you must do keyword research if you want to target a specific audience and get relevant traffic to your affiliate pages.

I mentioned here SEO as the best source of free and targeted traffic but I should not forget to mention other sources of free traffic you can use to get a great deal of quick traffic:

  • Quora
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • Facebook
  • and other social media

All this traffic is completely free and so it is not a bad idea to use social media to give your website a boost but I recommend that 90% of your efforts go into doing SEO because that traffic will give you the best results.

SEO traffic converts the best so you will see literally instant sales and revenue compared to social media traffic where you will get traffic but you will most likely NOT make any sales or money.

Again, I want to put focus on the Wealthy Affiliate platform here because this platform will also teach you the best SEO strategies you can use to see a great deal of traffic coming to your website and ultimately make money.

WA training is one of the best in the industry because they are doing frequent updates so you will always learn about fresh strategies you can and should use when it comes to driving traffic to a website.

I am getting thousands of visitors per day on my website thanks to the WA training and their step-by-step lessons where you can learn amazing things even as a complete beginner.

Remember, you cannot make any money online if you are not getting relevant traffic, it’s no matter if it is affiliate marketing or any other online business, without traffic you will make nothing.

Learn How To Get Quality Traffic To Your Website (Step By Step)

5. Enjoy Your Revenue and Scale

Congrats! Once you have quality traffic coming to your sales pages you can sit back and enjoy your affiliate sales. This is the dream we all want to come real and that is making passive income online.

Once you build your website, start writing content and start getting traffic, you basically made it.

From now on your only job should be to scale your revenue and sales and you will do that by writing MORE content and getting MORE traffic.

The Easiest Way To Do Affiliate Marketing – Conclusion

I honestly hope that this article helped you how to start doing affiliate marketing in the easiest way and that you will actually start doing it.

You know, affiliate marketing is not hard at all but you must have a plan and most importantly you must do affiliate marketing on your website. Forget about social media at least at the start of your journey.

Later when your website starts getting daily affiliate sales you can start using social media traffic to boost your conversions but focus on building a niche website first and foremost.

As I said at the beginning of this article, I am a full-time affiliate marketer and I am making a passive income thanks to my website. If I decided to do affiliate marketing without a website I would certainly not start getting amazing affiliate sales as I am getting today.

In the images below you can see some of my affiliate earnings I am getting through the website you are currently reading.

I am actively promoting affiliate marketing here on my website as the best source of online income so I want to recommend that you read about my number 1 recommendation when it comes to learning affiliate marketing and getting started with it.

The platform that changed my life, Wealthy Affiliate is gonna teach you how to easily start with affiliate marketing and start getting sales even in your first month of launching a website.

Just click on the link below and start your affiliate marketing journey today!

Start Affiliate Marketing Today and Make Passive Income! Learn More Here!

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