What Is Traffic Ivy And How Does It Work? – Full Review Of 2024

If you are wondering what is Traffic Ivy and how this thing works you have come to the right place.

I must say that Traffic Ivy is getting extremely popular between people who are starting digital marketing and those who are in a hurry for clicks and traffic.

Can this software really get you the traffic you want or there is someone who just wants your hard-earned money? Most people were asking me is Traffic Ivy a scam so I decided to make this review and reveal the truth.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time affiliate marketer who is reviewing online products related to making money online industry. I primarily do that because there are endless scams out there that you should be aware of.

Let’s be honest, most of those online ”gurus” just want your hard-earned money without giving you any quality information or training. You should always do deep research on something before investing your money.

I have tried Traffic Ivy personally and I will try to explain to you how this thing work does it actually work or is it software that you should avoid at all cost?

Keep reading to discover all information.

Traffic Ivy Short Overview

what is traffic ivy

  • Product: Traffic Ivy
  • Type of product: Traffic exchange software
  • Owner: Cindy Donovan
  • Price: $20, $47, $97
  • Money back guarantee: Yeah, 30 days
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Do I recommend it: No

In short, Traffic Ivy is a software created by Cindy Donovan that is supposed to help you to get views and clicks on your website or landing page in hope that you make money.

I have personally tried this software and honestly, I am not satisfied with how it works. I noticed many bugs like many other members who decided to leave the software.

It is a legit way to get clicks with Traffic Ivy but the point is that you can’t make money only from clicks, someone needs to buy from you, through your website or landing page for you to be able to make money.

This software is not relevant because you are not getting targeted and quality traffic.

In this review, you will find many things about this online software and discover whether is it for you or not. Although it may be for more advanced online entrepreneurs I would not recommend it to beginners.

What Is Traffic Ivy?

The point of Traffic Ivy is to help you get more visitors and views to your website or landing/sales pages in hope that you make some money.

If you have a website in any niche you need the traffic to be able to make money. That is exactly what Traffic Ivy offers you, it is an online platform/community where you can share your content to reach the potential audience.

I always say to my fellow affiliate marketers that traffic is the root of all your online success. You can have the best website in the world but if you are not getting traffic to a website you will be only wasting your time.

You don’t need specifically to have a website, you may have an online store, but you can still use Traffic Ivy to get clicks and shares.

The good thing about this online community is that you will not get only clicks but you can also get backlinks, comments, and shares on your content.

If your website is new you can easily get a boost in terms of SEO because there is a possibility that you will get shares, comments, and even backlinks from the Traffic Ivy community.

It may sound great but we will see if this is really something you should invest in and how quality the Traffic Ivy is.

How Does Traffic Ivy Work?

Traffic Ivy works pretty simply. Even if you are a total beginner you will find it easy to use and implement things they teach you.

Basically, your job is to gather points so that you can exchange those points with other members and share your campaigns.

You need to share other people’s content so that people can share yours too. In most cases, your content will be shared on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and others.

What I don’t like about this is that social media traffic does not convert so well so you might keep getting clicks and traffic but you will mostly not make many sales, if any at all.

Certainly, you will get social exposure and backlinks which is not bad in terms of SEO but when it comes to the profit you will definitely not get rich.

So basically we are talking here about traffic exchange, you are sharing my content and I am sharing yours, and both members are happy.

When it comes to the points you need them to be able to get your content shared. You can earn them through sharing others’ content or you can buy them through Traffic Ivy plans.

Before I get to the point about getting clicks on your content let’s first meet the owner and creator of this online community.

Who Is The Owner Of Traffic Ivy?

The owner and the creator of Traffic Ivy is an Australian woman called Cindy Donovan. She is a very successful online entrepreneur that has made several others programs to help people start an online business.

Believe it or not but the number 1 reason why most online business does not make a profit or success is that they lack traffic. Cindy knew that and so she wanted to make something that would help people like you and me to get the audience to our websites.

The most important thing for me is that I have found that Cindy is a real person who is behind Traffic Ivy and she does not use fake names.

One of the biggest problems when it comes to the MMO platforms or programs is that owners are not real, they are usually scammy persons who only want your money and that is not the case with Cindy.

How To Get Clicks On Traffic Ivy?

Getting organic clicks and views to your website can be hard, especially if you are a beginner in the online world. Traffic Ivy makes it easy and simple but I want to emphasize that you will get pretty low-quality clicks from them. That means that you will not be able to make money online.

You need to follow some simple steps to be able to start getting your content shared on Traffic Ivy:

  1. Create your campaign
  2. Start getting shares and comments
  3. Rate and view your traffic

To create your first campaign you will need to click on ”My traffic campaigns” and from there follow easy steps. You will need to fill out your name, description, image, category, etc.

Now we get to the most important step and here is where you will need to invest money. You will need to buy points to be able to share your content on the platform.

Let’s say that you want to spend 20 points, in this case only 20 people will be able to share your content on their social profiles.

When you make a payment your content will be live on the platform and other members can share it so that you can get more exposure in terms of views, clicks comments, and others.

Again, I don’t recommend this if you are a beginner and if your goal is to make money from your website or landing pages. You will get clicks but you will literally make no profit.

How Much Does Traffic Ivy Cost?

When it comes to the price I have found that Traffic Ivy is not that expensive but still I don’t like it as there is no point in investing in something that will not bring you any money.

Everything on Traffic Ivy is about getting and paying for those points because without them you can’t make your campaign and share your content with other members which are supposed to also share your content after you publish it.

So, here is the price:

  • you can get 2.000 points for $20
  • you can get 5.000 points for $47
  • and you can get 10.000 points for $97

When you buy the points you can use them whenever you want, they don’t have an expiry date so you don’t need to hurry to spend them all, and test the things.

If you don’t want to invest money and buy the points you can EARN them completely for free if you start sharing other members’ content. The problem is that in that case you will lose time to earn points and that will reflect on your clicks and views.

There is also an option where you can get the Traffic Ivy Pro plan and with that, you will get:

  • The Gold plan costs $27 per month – you will get 5.000 points per month
  • The Platinum plan costs $47 – you will get 10.000 points per month

As you can see Pro members can earn much more traffic than regular members. You are probably thinking WOW look at how many points I can get for not-so-big money but let me tell you something.

The main point is that you will not convert with all that traffic. You can spend hundreds and thousands of points in Traffic Ivy but you will barely see any successful sales or profit. Why? Because you are not getting RELEVANT traffic, simple as that.

Is Traffic Ivy a Scam?

All in all, Traffic Ivy is definitely not a scam but still, it is not a method to use to get quality traffic to your sales pages.

Sure, you can use it to test things and see how people react to your website and your sales pages but you should not hope that you will be making any serious money from their traffic.

I did not have positive results with them and I also found that there are people who have done a review on their YouTube channel explaining how they are not satisfied with Traffic Ivy too.

It’s important to say that the creator of this online community, Cindy is a legitimate person who does not try to get people into her program and make money from them, you get what you pay for but unfortunately, she does not say that you will barely make anything with that kind of traffic.

To start making money online the most important thing you will need is relevant traffic. And relevant traffic is traffic that is interested in what you offer on your website or interested in what you are promoting.

The bad thing with Traffic Ivy is that you will not get any relevant clicks and views but your content will be shared with people who do not care about what you offer on your website.

It’s like you shared a piece of content on a Facebook group, you will get a view and click here and there but nothing special that will make you a profit.

Do I Recommend Traffic Ivy?

Although many people are using Traffic Ivy for getting clicks on their content I would not recommend it, especially to people who are just starting online and looking to get some traffic to the website.

My opinion is that there is no point in paying for something that will not make you any money. Traffic Ivy can get you a boost in terms of clicks and views but nothing special.

What should you strive for is getting organic traffic from search engines like Google. That traffic will make you rich.

If you want to start making serious money online I would recommend that you learn more about the platform that changed my life for the better, it’s called Wealthy Affiliate.

It is a training platform that will teach you how to make a six-figure website and get organic traffic from Google and other search engines that will make you a passive income.

If you click on the link below you will learn everything about starting the best online business today! With my help and support.

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