Is The Authority Site System a Scam? – Honest Review For 2024

Welcome to my Authority Site System review where you are gonna find out everything about this online course that promise to teach you how to build authority sites easily.

If you want to become an online entrepreneur and be profitable you will certainly need to build a website that in time will become an authority.

The Authority Site System is getting extremely popular today because of its training quality but still many people ask me is The Authority Site System a scam or if it is a legit method to learn how to build an authority website.

Let me tell you something, building an authoritative website takes time and it is definitely not an easy task. You will need to invest your time, patience, and even money to make it successful.

Important thing is that Authority Site System is not giving you misleading information about how you will start making millions overnight, in my opinion, it is legitimate training that is worth your time but I will talk about this product more in-depth in the review below.

If you don’t know me my name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer that is teaching people how to begin their own online business and be financially independent. I have reviewed hundreds of MMO products and courses, some of them being a scam but some are golden.

So, let’s begin with our in-depth Authority Site System review. Keep reading and find out if this online platform is for you or if you should avoid it.

The Authority Site System Short Overview

is authority site system a scam

  • The product: Authority Site System
  • Type of product: Teaching about affiliate marketing, building authority websites, and SEO
  • Owners: Mark Webster and Gael Breton
  • Price: $599
  • Money back guarantee: Yes, 30 days
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Is it recommended: Yes, for people who want to learn about making money with affiliate marketing

In short, Authority Site System is an online course that is focused on teaching people how to create an authority website in any niche and monetize it by doing affiliate marketing.

The great thing with this online training is that you will also learn SEO techniques that will help you to get massive free traffic from the search engines like Google.

What is important to say right at the beginning is that this online course is created by two legit persons I will talk more in the continuation of this review. But yeah, Authority Site System is a legit way to learn how to make real money online.

What Is The Authority Site System About?

Simply said, The Authority Site System is a step-by-step online course that is teaching about affiliate marketing and building authority websites. Besides that, you will also learn about SEO which is crucial when it comes to getting free traffic from search engines.

In the past, you could make an authority website within 3 months or so but today things are different. To succeed with affiliate marketing you must build an authoritative website and it takes approximately about 6-12 months.

What I like is that inside Authority Site System you are not made to believe that you will start making money by tomorrow, you will learn that it takes time and patience.

This online course has 15 training modules where you will learn many things like:

  • How to research market
  • How to do keyword research which is very important
  • Creating content for a website
  • What is link building and why it’s still important
  • Website monetization
  • How to follow how things work by using analytics
  • and more

The core of this online platform is that you learn how to build a niche website that will become an authority in time. The owners of Authority Site System did really a great job and you will certainly like the training if you decide to join.

I should not forget monetization, that is one of the important things inside the training because you will learn how to monetize a website with affiliate marketing which is definitely one of the best methods to make passive income online.

Who Is The Owner Of The Authority Site System?

We have here two owners, Mark Webster and Gael Breton. If you don’t know these guys then you are a complete newbie.

Mark and Gael are creators and owners of one of the most popular website in the digital marketing industry, the site is Authority Hacker.

I don’t need to mention that these two guys are very successful online entrepreneurs that are making millions with affiliate marketing and SEO.

Actually, I am using their site for education as on Authority Hacker you can find a bunch of quality information about affiliate marketing and other stuff related to making passive income on the Internet.

They decided to create Authority Site System as they wanted to help people start their own online businesses and they really put hard work into creating this online course.

The very important thing to mention and what people are asking me is, are those two legit persons? Of course, they are, you can even find them on YouTube where they are sharing advice and information about digital marketing.

There is a bunches of MMO products where there are false creators and owners, they simply use a false name and with that, you can conclude that it is a scammy product, like Affiliate Cash Club.

It is very important that you know who is behind the online course or whatever product you plan to invest in online. When you know that creators and owners are real persons it is a big plus!

How Does Authority Site System Work?

Authority Site System works pretty simply. The point of this online course is that you learn how to build a niche website and make money with affiliate marketing. It sounds easy but there is work to do.

You can’t become an authority in a short period of time, you will need to invest time and effort to start making money with this BUT it is definitely worth it.

The training is plain and simple and you will not find any problem following it.

It contains 15 modules and you will get over 180 videos teaching you about getting authority in a specific niche.

Here is what you will get inside these 15 modules:

  1. internet marketing 101
  2. Brainstorming Niches
  3. Qualifying Niches
  4. Planning Your Site
  5. Setting Up Your Site
  6. Branding Your Site
  7. Setting Up Posts & Pages
  8. Preparing Info Content
  9. Writing Content
  10. Uploading & Optimizing Content
  11. Initial Link Building
  12. Affiliate Monetization Set-Up
  13. Commercial Content
  14. Advanced Tactics
  15. Becoming An Authority

So yeah, as you can see you will learn a lot of things inside Authority Site System training and all these are legitimate lessons that will teach you how to become successful online.

When I entered the course I was pretty surprised at how interactive the videos are and how all the training work. It is so easy to follow the lesson and put into action what you learn.

The Point Of Building Authority Website?

You may be asking yourself why would you start building an authority website. The answer is pretty easy, when you have an authoritative website you will make MORE money and you will become more successful.

That is why you will learn inside Authority Site System how to choose a profitable niche for affiliate marketing and build a website around that specific niche. Mark and Gael really know what they are doing, you can be sure of it.

I created this website with a Wealthy Affiliate training platform that teaches the same thing as Authority Site System and my website is an authority in the affiliate marketing niche. Why? Because I learned how to write content only around that topic and with time I became an expert in that field.

That is exactly what you will learn with Authority Site System training, to become an authority in any niche you choose.

How Long Will It Take For a Website To Become An Authority?

Well, it all depends. If you are a newbie who is just starting and you don’t have any experience it will probably take up to 12 months before your website become an authority in a specific niche.

But if you follow the training inside Authority Site System you will probably make it in less than 12 months, I think that within 6 months you will start getting authority from the search engines.

Yeah, it may sound like a lot of time invested but man, it definitely pays off, you will see for yourself if you decide to build your own website and make money with affiliate marketing.

We affiliate marketers know that authority means success so those successful people who are making millions in affiliate sales started with $0, just like you.

The thing is that inside the training you will learn some ”shortcuts” on how to avoid waiting for a year before making a success, choosing a profitable and low competition niche is only one of those ”shortcuts”.

Is The Authority Site System a Scam?

No, the Authority Site System is not a scam but it is one legit way to learn how to make passive income online.

Honestly, I have not found any red flags when it comes to this online course and I gladly recommend it to all folks who want to learn about starting an online business with affiliate marketing.

The training is really easy to follow and most importantly, the creators of this online course are legitimate people which you can find on YouTube and generally, on the Internet.

You should also be aware that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme where you will make instant money with a click of a button. It will take at least 3-6 months before you start seeing results keeping in mind that you are doing everything fine.

It’s true, there are a bunches of scams on the Internet when it comes to online courses where the owners only want to make money FROM you, that is the case with Perpetual Income 365. It’s only one example.

How Much Does Authority Site System Cost?

When it comes to the price I have found Authority Site System to be a little bit expensive. If you plan to invest in this online course you will need to pay $599 one-time.

What I like is that there are no upsells or something hidden that will take your money but you will need to invest in more things and those things you will not get inside this course:

  • hosting company
  • domain name
  • keyword research tools
  • and other things related to the affiliate marketing

So, all in all, you will need to invest up to $1000 in this online course and that is not cheap at all.

My recommendation is a Wealthy Affiliate platform where you will get everything for only $495 per year.

Take a Look At Wealthy Affiliate Platform – My Recommendation For Affiliate Marketers!

Authority Site System Pros

There are many pros when it comes to this online course and I want to present to you the most important pros you should consider with this training platform:

  • You have 15 in-depth training modules with 180+ video lessons
  • You will get access to the private FB group where you will chat with other members
  • Mark and Gael are experts in SEO and affiliate marketing which is a big plus
  • You will get a 30-day money-back guarantee which I like the most
  • You will also see case studies inside the lessons
  • It is a legit method that talks about affiliate marketing
  • The course is constantly updated, the current version is 3.0
  • There is no BS about how you will start making money instantly but you will learn that it takes time and patience

As you can see there are many benefits why you should give a try to Authority Site System.

Definitely, there is no program or platform that is perfect so let’s check on some important cons you should know about.

Authority Site System Cons

Let’s see some of the very important disadvantages you should be aware of when it comes to this online training course:

  • It is pretty expensive – you will need to invest up to $1k
  • It will take a lot of time to see results – at least 3-6 months
  • It is not for everyone, it is for patient people who want to build an online business
  • There is no free trial

That’s right my fellow friend, it will take a lot of time to start seeing the results and there is not even a guarantee that you will see results at all because it’s up to search engines (Google) will your site be ranked or not.

This is for people who are serious about starting an online business with affiliate marketing, you can’t start today, work for a couple of months, and then give up because it bored you. Things do not work like that.

Is Authority Site System Worth It? And My Recommendation

Well, I can say that Authority Site System is definitely worth it for people who are serious about starting an online business and have time for learning and education.

Most importantly, this online training course is legit and it brings results but only if you are willing to put up hard work and dedication.

The biggest problem (at least for me) is that Authority Site System is pretty expensive. You will need to spend at least $1K on this training course because you will also need to invest in tools and hosting that are not offered on this platform.

You can learn great things about affiliate marketing here but it will take time, there will be trials and errors but if you don’t give up it will work.

In the end, I want to offer you my recommendation which is way cheaper than Authority Site System and that is a platform called Wealthy Affiliate. It is the platform that teaches you the same things as ASS but in my opinion, WA is way better in quality also.

You can click on the link below and learn everything about the Wealthy Affiliate platform and why am I its member for over 7 years!

Cheaper (and More Quality) Alternative Is Wealthy Affiliate – Learn More Here!

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