What Is Zend Profitz About? – Could This Really Work?

Have you asked yourself what is Zend Profitz and how this thing actually works? Can you be successful with this program and is it worth your time and money?

All this, and more, I am gonna explain this review because many people lately are asking me to do a Zend Profitz review and give my rate to it.

We humans oftentimes look to earn more money, it’s not important if is it an offline job or an online job, but we want more money and when it comes to online programs, we are an easy target to get scammed.

Ma name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who reviews make money online products and programs which promise us to make a quick buck online without doing anything.

Well, the truth is different and you will need to work hard if you want to make money online.

Without losing too much time, let’s see what is Zend Profitz and whether should you invest in this program or you should avoid it at all costs. Read carefully.

Zend Profitz Short Overview

  • Product: Zend Profitz
  • Type of product: Type of lead generator
  • Owner: Jason Fulton
  • Price: $47
  • Is it a scam: Probably
  • Do I recommend it: No

In short, Zend Profitz is an online software that claims it can help you to build your online business around email marketing.

It is actually a lead generator that can help you get a ton of emails where you will send your affiliate offers and make money.

I can freely say that this is an automated software that can get you a lot of email addresses but the question is how safe and how reliable is this software and can you really become profitable using it?

Alternative for you: Making money online is not easy but it is also NOT hard, you only need to have proper training and education, and that’s it. On the link below you can learn how to start making passive income online by creating your own online business.

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What Is Zend Profitz?

The basic idea behind Zend Profitz is that it collects emails from people and gives them to you where you can later send them your affiliate offers and make money.

Zend Profitz is an automated software that can help you make money by doing affiliate marketing and email marketing. Although many people like to use automated software I would not recommend using them because you can get a penalty from Google and other search engines.

This online software is very easy to use and it does not matter in which niche you are. I am in make money online niche but honestly, I would never use Zend Profitz primarily because it can’t deliver results as you can do it naturally.

Whenever someone tells or offers you an automated tool you should avoid it. I don’t want to say that Zend Profitz is a scam but it is not recommended for usage, especially if you are a beginner.

How Does Zend Profitz Work?

The main focus of Zend Profitz is a tool called Lead Grabber.

With this tool, you are going to collect people’s emails and use them as your affiliate marketing campaign. You can use it by installing a Chrome extension on your browser, it is super easy to use.

You will need to insert some keywords related to your niche and choose a social platform or search engine like Google and you will start collecting emails automatically.

When you collect enough emails you can stop the software and move your collected emails into your own text document or something.

As I said, this is totally okay to use but it is not recommended as Google can ”catch” you and if it does you are going to miss the opportunity to make any money from your affiliate marketing efforts.

On the other hand, Zend Profitz is quite expensive because it goes with many upsells you will want to avoid. You can pay a lot for this tool and yet, you might end up earning nothing, so try to avoid it.

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How Much Does Zend Profitz Cost?

I can honestly say that Zend Profitz is not cheap at all knowing that it comes with so many upsells you would need to pay if you want full access to this online lead generator.

If you decide to invest in this tool you will need to pay $19 and this is the first and maybe the only thing you would need to pay if you want to test the things.

You have up to 6 upsells so let’s see what are they and how much they will cost you:

Upsell 1: Unlimited ($47) – With this upsell you are going to get unlimited access to the basic version that you are going to pay $19

Upsell 2: Done For You ($197) – Here you are going to get done-for-you campaigns that you can use instead of making ones by yourself, they are making it easy for you

Upsell 3: Automation ($47)

Upsell 4: Unlimited Traffic ($67) – Well, it’s always good to have a great deal of traffic to your sales pages so you will learn here how to get more traffic that will convert into buyers.

Upsell 5: License Rights ($96) – Here you can own the full right on Zend Profitz and resell this tool and make money.

Upsell 6: Commission Multiplier With this upsell you are going to get even more access to the training lessons when it comes to affiliate marketing and increasing affiliate commissions.

So, when we get to count everything you will certainly need to pay more than $300 to be able to get the full potential of this online lead generator. In my opinion, it is definitely not worth the price because you will not make money by just using and paying for Zend Profitz.

Is Zend Profitz a Scam?

I can’t say for 100% that Zend Profitz is a scam but this online tool is definitely something that you would like to avoid. Although it can work as a lead generator you will most likely not make any money.

Also, to be able to learn about affiliate marketing and how to increase your sales you will need to pay for an upsell, in my opinion, those lessons should come with the basic plan.

It is obvious that the owner of this online tool wants to make as much money as possible using upsells and selling them to people.

Zend Ptofitz Pros

  • It is an automated tool
  • It is doing everything for you (Done For You system)
  • The basic price is pretty cheap

Zend Profitz Cons

  • There is no support
  • So many upsell
  • Not a legit way of making money
  • You don’t hear anything from the owner
  • Some features inside the tool do not work
  • There is no refund policy

Conclusion And My Recommendation For You

I honestly hope that this Zend Profitz review helped you to discover is this online tool is for you or not. In my opinion, you should avoid investing in this because you will not see the success you want to see.

There are way better ways to make real money online and get rich and one of those is creating your own online business.

I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer and that is precisely what I am recommending here on my blog, I encourage people to start doing affiliate marketing on the best platform so far, Wealthy Affiliate.

Wealthy Affiliate is a platform that is focused on teaching how to start affiliate marketing by creating your own niche blog. It is actually a training platform you can use to become very successful online.

Just take a closer look at some of my monthly earnings thanks to the affiliate marketing and the Wealthy Affiliate training!

Everyone can start making a great deal of money online but you need to have a proper education and proper training first and foremost.

If you want to learn everything about how to start making a full-time income online with affiliate marketing, I recommend that you click on the link below and read everything about the Wealthy Affiliate platform and its amazing training.

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