Wood Profits Review – Real Truth Exposed!

Hello everyone, Daniel here, bringing you an in-depth look at Wood Profits. As someone who has dabbled in various online ventures, I understand the allure of turning a hobby or skill into a profitable business.

Woodworking, with its blend of artistry and craftsmanship, holds a special appeal for many. That’s where “Wood Profits” comes into play, promising to transform your woodworking passion into a lucrative business.

But how realistic are these promises? In the world of online moneymaking schemes, it’s crucial to separate fact from fiction. I’m here not just as a reviewer but as a guide to help you navigate these waters.

While I’m not a master woodworker, my expertise lies in dissecting online marketing opportunities and identifying what truly works.

In this comprehensive review, we’ll dissect “Wood Profits,” analyze its claims, and explore whether it’s a genuine opportunity or just another online mirage.

Let’s dive in and uncover the truth behind this program.

About Reviewer (Me!)

Hi, I’m Daniel, the voice and experience behind makemoneywithdaniel.com.

With a rich background in affiliate marketing and blogging, I’ve spent years mastering the art of online income generation.

My journey has been filled with exploring numerous online courses and strategies, giving me a well-rounded perspective on what truly works in the digital marketing world.

My expertise isn’t just theoretical; it’s grounded in real-world successes and challenges. As an affiliate marketer and blogger, I’ve learned to discern the value of online courses, separating the practical from the purely theoretical.

This review of Wood Profits comes from a place of experience and genuine intent to guide others in their online career pursuits.

What Is Wood Profits?

Wood Profits presents itself as a comprehensive guide aimed at helping individuals start and grow a successful woodworking business from the comfort of their home.

Created by Jim Morgan, it’s marketed as a step-by-step blueprint for those aspiring to convert their passion for woodworking into a profitable enterprise.

The program primarily consists of an eBook and an accompanying MP3, providing insights into the nuances of establishing a woodworking business with minimal upfront investment.

The essence of Wood Profits is to teach you how to set up a home-based woodworking business with an initial investment of less than $1000, and then scale it to earn substantial profits.

The guide comprehensively covers various facets of the business, such as identifying profitable niches, effective sourcing of materials, crafting distinctive products, and employing strategies for effectively marketing and selling your creations.

While Wood Profits appear promising, especially for woodworking enthusiasts, it is critical to thoroughly examine such programs.

Is Wood Profits genuinely a pathway to achieving financial success through woodworking, or does it fail to deliver on its grand promises? As this review progresses, we’ll delve deeper into these crucial questions.

Is Wood Profits a Scam?

Yes, Wood Profits appears to be a scam. The program’s promises of high earnings with minimal investment are unrealistic and potentially misleading.

Additionally, the lack of verifiable information about the creator, Jim Morgan, and the reliance on generic content available elsewhere for free or at a lower cost, cast further doubts.

The use of stock images and fictitious testimonials, combined with undisclosed upsells, suggests a focus more on revenue generation from buyers rather than genuinely assisting them in starting a successful woodworking business.

Therefore, caution is advised for potential buyers considering this program.

Who Is Jim Morgan?

Jim Morgan, the figurehead behind Wood Profits, is presented as a successful woodworking business owner who transformed his life from financial struggle to prosperity through woodworking.

According to the narrative on Wood Profits, he started his business in a small garage and grew it into a lucrative venture, offering these insights through his program.

However, upon closer scrutiny, the authenticity of Jim Morgan’s identity becomes questionable. There is a notable lack of verifiable background information or digital footprint linking him to a real-world woodworking business.

The absence of independent testimonials, professional endorsements, or external business records raises significant concerns about the genuineness of his persona.

Furthermore, the images of Jim Morgan used in the marketing materials for Wood Profits are identified as stock photos, a common tactic in online marketing scams to create a relatable but fictitious character.

This revelation casts doubt on the entire narrative presented in Wood Profits and suggests that Jim Morgan may be a fabricated persona designed to add credibility and relatability to the program.

In summary, the lack of concrete evidence supporting the existence of Jim Morgan as a successful woodworking entrepreneur, combined with the use of stock imagery, points towards the likelihood that Jim Morgan is not a real individual but a marketing creation.

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How Does Wood Profits Work?

Wood Profits works by offering an eBook and an MP3 audio guide that purport to teach you how to start and run a successful home-based woodworking business.

The program is designed to provide information on various aspects of the woodworking business, including how to start the business with a small investment, identify profitable woodworking projects, and market and sell your products effectively.

However, the effectiveness of Wood Profits is questionable. The information provided is quite basic and can often be found freely available online.

The eBook, while covering some general aspects of starting a woodworking business, doesn’t appear to offer the in-depth, practical guidance needed to navigate the complexities of such a venture successfully.

Furthermore, the program employs a sales funnel strategy, where the initial purchase price is relatively low, but buyers are then faced with a series of upsells offering additional, more expensive products.

This approach suggests that the primary goal of Wood Profits might be more focused on generating sales through upsells rather than genuinely helping individuals establish a profitable woodworking business.

In essence, while Wood Profits promises to be a comprehensive guide to starting a woodworking business, the content and the sales approach raise concerns about its actual value and effectiveness.

Can You Make Money With Wood Profits?

Realistically, it is unlikely that you can make significant money with Wood Profits.

The program’s main issue is the exaggerated promise of high earnings with minimal effort or investment, which is not reflective of the typical experience in starting a woodworking business.

The content provided in Wood Profits, primarily an eBook and an MP3, is basic and similar to information that can be accessed freely or at a lower cost elsewhere.

This kind of generic guidance is insufficient for someone to learn all the intricacies of setting up and running a profitable woodworking business.

Additionally, the program’s focus on upsells suggests a primary intent to generate revenue from buyers rather than truly helping them succeed in woodworking. Such a sales strategy can lead to more spending rather than earning.

Therefore, while woodworking can be a profitable venture, Wood Profits does not seem to offer the necessary tools, insights, or unique strategies that would enable an individual to achieve the level of success it claims.

How Much Does Wood Profits Cost?

The initial cost of Wood Profits is set at $37. This price grants access to the primary materials of the program, which include an eBook and an MP3 audio guide. These resources are designed to provide the foundational knowledge for starting a home-based woodworking business.

However, the $37 is just the beginning of the expense. Wood Profits employs a sales strategy that includes multiple upsells – additional, more expensive products offered after the initial purchase.

These upsells significantly increase the overall cost of the program beyond the advertised price.

While the exact number and cost of these upsells can vary, they typically include more in-depth guides, advanced training materials, or supplementary resources.

These are marketed as essential for achieving greater success in your woodworking business, but they represent an additional financial commitment beyond the initial $37.

It’s important for potential buyers to be aware of these additional costs upfront. The full investment required to access all the resources offered by Wood Profits can be substantially higher than the initial low entry price suggests.

What Do You Get Inside Wood Profits?

When you purchase Wood Profits, you receive the following primary materials:

  1. Wood Profits eBook: This is the centerpiece of the program, a guide that aims to provide the basics of starting and running a woodworking business from home. The eBook covers topics like identifying profitable woodworking projects, setting up your workspace, sourcing materials, and strategies for marketing and selling your products.
  2. MP3 Audio Guide: Accompanying the eBook is an MP3 audio guide. This component is designed to offer the same information as the eBook but in an audio format, which can be convenient for those who prefer listening to reading.

In addition to these main components, Wood Profits often includes a series of upsells, which are additional products offered after the initial purchase. These can include:

  • Advanced training modules or webinars
  • Detailed guides on specific woodworking techniques or projects
  • Marketing and sales strategies for expanding your business
  • Tools and resources for business management and growth

It’s important to note that while the eBook and MP3 provide a basic overview of starting a woodworking business, much of the detailed and potentially more valuable content is locked behind these upsells, which come at an additional cost.

Wood Profits Pros and Cons

To give a balanced view of the program, here are the pros and cons of Wood Profits:


  1. Basic Introduction to Woodworking Business: The program offers a fundamental overview of starting a woodworking business, which might be beneficial for absolute beginners.
  2. Convenience of Format: The availability of an eBook and an MP3 audio guide provides flexibility in how the content can be consumed, whether through reading or listening.
  3. Low Initial Cost: The entry price of $37 is relatively affordable, making it accessible for those looking to explore the idea of starting a woodworking business without a significant financial commitment upfront.


  1. Overhyped Earnings Claims: Wood Profits makes exaggerated promises about potential earnings, which can be misleading and create unrealistic expectations.
  2. Lack of Depth and Originality in Content: The information provided is quite basic and similar to what can be found freely available online, lacking the depth required for serious business planning and execution.
  3. Hidden Additional Costs: The program relies heavily on upsells, which means the actual cost of obtaining comprehensive information is much higher than the initial price suggests.
  4. Questionable Credibility of Creator: Doubts about the authenticity of Jim Morgan, the supposed creator, due to the use of stock photos and lack of verifiable information, undermine the program’s credibility.
  5. Unsubstantiated Testimonials: The use of what appear to be stock images for testimonials raises concerns about the legitimacy of the success stories presented.

In summary, while Wood Profits offers some basic information that could be a starting point for beginners, its cons, particularly in terms of cost transparency, content depth, and credibility issues, are significant factors to consider before investing in the program.

The Best Way To Make Money Online

One of the most accessible and potentially lucrative ways to start making money online is through affiliate marketing. Here’s why it stands out as an excellent choice:

  1. Low Startup Costs: Unlike many online businesses, affiliate marketing requires minimal initial investment. You don’t need to create products or invest in inventory, which significantly lowers the entry barrier.
  2. Flexibility and Scalability: Affiliate marketing allows you to work from anywhere and choose products that align with your interests or expertise. As you grow your audience and refine your strategies, your earning potential can scale up significantly.
  3. Diverse Income Sources: It enables you to earn commissions from various products and brands. This diversity can lead to multiple streams of income, providing financial stability.
  4. Learning and Growth: Starting with affiliate marketing offers a practical learning experience in digital marketing, SEO, content creation, and customer engagement, skills that are valuable in numerous online ventures.
  5. No Customer Service Hassles: As an affiliate marketer, you promote products but don’t handle sales transactions, shipping, or customer service, which simplifies business management.

While affiliate marketing is highly competitive, it remains one of the best ways to make money online due to its accessibility, scalability, and relative ease of starting.

However, success requires patience, consistent effort, and continuous learning to stay ahead in the dynamic digital marketing landscape.

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