Do Personal Blogs Make Money In 2023? Brutal Truth!

You want to create a personal blog but you wonder if can you actually make money with a personal blog. Well, you have come to the right place.

Blogging is very popular today and it will keep rising in popularity as more and more people are online. I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer and I can say that blogging changed my life in a financial sense.

Let me answer you right away, yes, a personal blog can make you money and even make you rich, if you know what you are doing, and I will show you in this text what you should do to make money with a personal blog.

Before I get to the topic I want to make sure that we know what is actually a personal blog, you know, many people don’t know much about blogging and I want to explain this in a couple of sentences.

What Is Personal Blog?

A personal blog is a blog that focuses on an individual’s life, experiences, and interests. I can freely say that a personal blog is actually a lifestyle blog where people are sharing their interests and experiences on some topic.

Many people start personal blogs and they are making great success with it primarily because they are targeting the audience that is interested in what they are writing about.

You also have many popular influencers who are writing everything from their life and people like to read that.

Of course, for you to be able to make money from your blog you should focus on a niche blog but if you want to make a personal blog, it’s okay, you can make money too.

Can You (And How To) Make Money With Personal Blog?

I already said that but I will say it again. Yes, you can start making a lot of cash from your personal blog, you only need to have an audience, the traffic that is coming to your blog and you will be good.

In the past, I had a blog where I was sharing my interests and experience with losing weight and people were interested to read that. Although I am not a famous person people wanted to read about my success with weight loss.

I was writing about what I eat throughout the day, when and how I exercise, and many more things related to that. Guess what? That blog was making me a full-time income because I monetized my content and people were buying things and staff through my blog.

So, yes, it is very possible to make money with a personal blog but you should implement proper strategies and most importantly, you must be patient.

Success and money do not come overnight, you will have to work for months on your blog to be able to see great results.

Now let’s see which techniques you should start implementing to make money with your personal blog.

1. Start Using Affiliate Links (Affiliate Marketing)

If you run a personal blog you will want to start using affiliate marketing if you want to make money. I can even say that there is no better way to monetize your blog than affiliate marketing.

I am making a full-time income from my blog by just doing affiliate marketing and I can’t explain how happy I am with my earnings. Of course, my blog is not personal but a niche blog but you can start doing the same with a personal blog.

Depending on what are you talking about on your blog you can start applying to affiliate networks like Amazon and get the affiliate links you will put in your content.

Every time someone clicks on an affiliate link and makes a purchase you are going to make a commission from the sale.

In my case, when I was working on my personal blog about how I lose weight, I started promoting many products and even services that could help people with losing weight. I was recommending many fat burners, nutrition plans, and even gym equipment.

Believe it or not, people were making a purchase through my blog and I was making regular commissions. No matter what are you talking about on your blog, if you have traffic coming to your blog you can monetize it with affiliate marketing as the best source of passive income.

If you want to learn step-by-step how to start affiliate marketing you can click on the link below and read my article on that topic. I can guarantee that if you start affiliate marketing today you are going to see amazing results even next month!

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – Learn More Here (Step By Step)

2. Start Getting Emails

Email marketing is not dead. Many bloggers don’t want to do email marketing today because they think it is not worth their time and effort. Let me tell you that email marketing is still one of the most profitable ways to monetize your personal blog.

To be able to make money from affiliate marketing you will need to rank high in search engines but if you are using email marketing you only need emails from your visitors.

Of course, not everyone will give you an email address just like that, you must offer them something on a blog in return for their email.

Let’s say ebooks are very popular, you can offer a free ebook on some topic (your blog topic) and when they enter the email address you will send them through the email. Simple and easy.

Once you have at least 50 or 100 emails you can start making campaigns where you can send them affiliate links and offers through email messages. This is a great way to monetize a personal blog because you will greatly boost your traffic when you send emails to your subscribers.

You can even notify them every time you publish new content on a blog, that is a great way to be connected with your readers.

3. Use Google Adsense

Yeah, famous Google Adsense. This is the most common way people are making money from their personal blogs. You just open an Adwords account and you can start putting ads on your blog, every time someone clicks you are going to earn a dollar, more or less.

To be able to make money from Google Adsense the most important thing is traffic, you should have a great deal of traffic coming to your blog every day if you plan to make significant money from ads.

This is not the best monetization option for blogs that are new, this is good for those more established, who have big traffic.

New personal blogs should primarily focus on affiliate marketing as the main and primary method of monetization.

4. Content is KING

This is probably the most important thing you should focus on if you want to make your personal blog profitable. In a blogging world, you can always hear how content is king and that is very true.

You will not make any money with a blog if you don’t have a blog full of content. I can freely say that when you have 50+ quality blog posts on your blog, you can start thinking about monetization and money staff.

When it comes to content it is very important that you are consistent with publishing, if you can stick to publishing 3 times per week you are going to see awesome results even in your first 2-3 months, that is a fact.

Unfortunately, most bloggers are publishing once a month or even less which is getting no results. If you have a personal blog and you are talking about yourself or the staff you are interested in, just publish consistently and you will be fine.

5. Be Very Patient and You Will Succeed

Many bloggers give up in their first year and that is a big mistake. You know, if you are doing everything as it should you must see results.

People want to get rich overnight, they heard how making a blog is great and it can make you a fortune but when you start you see that things are different.

You are working for months and you are not seeing what you would like to see and the easiest way is to give up. No! You should actively work on your blog even if it takes one whole year.

If you give up too early you will never see success and money. Listen, I am a full-time blogger ad I am working with many people who are starting blogging.

Patience is the key and if you can keep working and keep going for over 3 months you are beating 90% of your competition because many give up in their first month or two.

Every blog can make money and be profitable but you need to give it time. Once it starts it will never stop, that is the nature of blogging and blogs.

If I gave up in my first 3-6 months of blogging I would never see how my blog delivers me a full-time income where I can quit my regular job and go full-time online.

Related: How Much You Can Make With Affiliate Marketing as a Beginner

Final Thoughts On Making Money With Personal Blog

I honestly hope that this article helped you to understand that it is very possible for you to make money with a personal blog, it will take time and effort but it will be worth it, only if you don’t give up.

Just take a look at the images below and see how much I am making from my blog on a monthly basis, it is a pure profit by doing only affiliate marketing, I am not doing Google Adsense or anything, only affiliate marketing.

Every blog out there can make a great deal of money but you need to know what you are doing and how you do it. If you are using proper monetization strategies you are going to make a living from your personal blog.

Sure, there are bloggers who are not making a dime even with great traffic coming to their site but that is because they don’t know how to properly monetize blogs and make money.

If you want to learn how can you start making money with blogging and affiliate marketing even today, click on the link below and I will show you my formula, you can start making my steps and become a super-profitable blogger and affiliate marketer!

My Money-Making Formula For You! Learn Everything Here!

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