Is SEO Blueprint Legit? – Watch Out For Red Flags!

Hello folks and welcome to my blog posts where I am going to discuss what is SEO Blueprint, how it works, and much more but most importantly, is SEO Blueprint legit or it is created to suck out your money?

You have probably heard about how SEO optimization is very important for every website, especially if you plan to make money with a blog.

This online course is focused exactly on that and the owner is promising that you will start making money as soon as you start implementing SEO techniques he will teach you.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who has been doing SEO for nearly a decade, I know how all these things work. I have vast experience in SEO and thanks to that I can tell you will SEO Blueprint help you or not.

So, let’s start with our review of SEO Blueprint and see is a legit method of doing and learning SEO.

SEO Blueprint Short Overview

  • Product: SEO Blueprint
  • Type of product: Course about SEO and links
  • Owner: Glen Allsopp
  • Price: The basic will cost you $597 and the Premium $4.597
  • Is it a scam: Read this text to find out
  • Do I recommend it: No

In short, SEO Blueprint is an online course that is supposed to teach you how to optimize your content and links on a blog and make money by ranking high in search engines.

As the name says this course is all about SEO and I must be honest and say that I like this program but unfortunately, I can’t recommend it to beginners because it is expensive and without their Premium plan you are not going to learn a lot.

I can say that SEO Blueprint is for those more experienced affiliate marketers and SEOs who are already making money with their content and marketing.

Alternative for you: If you want to learn how to make a real passive income online I recommend that you click on the link below and read my number 1 recommendation for you!

The Best Way To Make Money Online – Learn More Here!

What Is SEO Blueprint?

SEO Blueprint is an online course created by a very successful online entrepreneur called Glen Allsopp. If you are an online marketer or affiliate marketer you probably know how important is SEO for making money and increasing sales and conversions.

I am making a full-time online thanks to SEO but I am not a member of SEO Blueprint but of Wealthy Affiliate platform which is much better in my opinion.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is an online method where we optimize our content and links so that search engines like Google and Bing can index our content and rank it high in the search results.

We are doing SEO so that we can rank on the first page of Google and when we succeed in that we are going to get a lot of free, organic traffic to your blog and affiliate links. After that happen, we can start making money!

So, SEO Blueprint is going to teach you how to do SEO properly, and here is what you will learn about inside the program:

  • Link building
  • Keyword research
  • Local SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Doing SEO inside the content

Interesting thing is that training is really interactive and you will find that inside you have more than 150 video lessons that will help you to learn the basic SEO but also advanced strategies.

Who Is The Founder of SEO Blueprint?

The founder and the owner of SEO Blueprint is a guy called Glen Allsopp, I can say that he is a very successful SEO master because he is very popular on the Internet when it comes to SEO.

What I like about this guy is that he is a legit person and not some scammer who is trying to get your money and disappear.

Glen is doing SEO for years and he truly has knowledge in SEO as he started at a very young age, I think he made a 5-figure income in his 20s by selling a website. I wish I started that early too lol

SEO Blueprint – What Are You Going To Get Inside?

Training About On-Site SEO (On-Site Blueprint)

On-site SEO is a very important SEO strategy that every affiliate marketer and blogger should implement because without it it will be nearly impossible to rank high in the search engines.

Inside SEO Blueprint Glen will teach you what you should focus on and what you should avoid because there are definitely those black-hat strategies that can harm your business instead of helping you. So I think that this is very important training and I am glad Glen included it in his course.

Link Building Blueprint

Do you think link-building is dead? No! It is not dead although links are not as important now as it was a couple of years ago. Still, it is a big plus for you if you have authority links coming to your website. That means Google will rank you higher than those who have 0 backlinks.

Inside the SEO Blueprint course, you will have access to a special tool that will help you to reach those influencers and authority bloggers whom you can get links from, I can say that this is priceless.

Definitely, the best way to get quality backlinks to your website is to outreach to authority bloggers and websites, it is a white-hat SEO strategy that works pretty well.

Keyword Blueprint

Keywords are extremely important when it comes to ranking high in search engines with a website. People will find you on the Internet as they search for some type of keywords. I always like to say that keywords are the root of all your online success and that is true.

With SEO Blueprint you are going to learn the importance of keywords, how to find them and how to choose a high-volume keyword with low competition because if you are targeting highly competitive keywords you will most likely not rank, no matter how great is your content.

Content Blueprint

Content is KING, this is something that every online entrepreneur knows and with SEO Blueprint you are going to learn the basics of creating high-quality content that ranks.

You know, you can have the best keyword phrase out there but if you don’t know how to create high-quality, engaging content, it will not help you.

Inside the SEO Blueprint, Glen will show you some tips and tricks you need to know when it comes to creating valuable content for your audience, I like that he is not using any automation tools but you will need to create content with your own hands.

Great Community and Support

Support is crucial whatever online business you choose because without proper support and guidance you can’t succeed. The great thing is that inside the SEO Blueprint you are going to get all the help you need.

You are also going to get access to a Facebook group where you can ask questions and chat with other members that are always ready to help. I really like it.

How Much Does SEO Blueprint Cost?

I can say that SEO Blueprint is quite an expensive online training platform and that is why I would not recommend it to people who are just starting their online journey.

If you want to become a blogger or affiliate marketer you can find way cheaper training and educational platform. One of those is the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Anyway, if you plan to invest in SEO Blueprint you will need to pay either $597 or $4.597 which is very expensive I must say.

With $597 you are going to everything mentioned above and with $4.597 you are going to get a one on one support and training with Glen personally and his staff.

If you want to give it a try I recommend that you get the basic plan of $597 because it is enough to see how the platform works and you will get full training with over 100 video lessons.

Honestly, I think that program is overpriced because there are many cheaper alternatives that give the same value and are even better.

Alternative for you: Wealthy Affiliate platform is my choice and gladly recommend it to folks who want to start making money online. Check out the platform on the link below!

Wealthy Affiliate Is My Recommendation For You – Learn Here Why!

Is SEO Blueprint Legit?

Based on my research and experience I can say that SEO Blueprint is not a scam! It is a legit online training that can teach you how to start using SEO to drive traffic and money through your website.

The owner is a legit person and he is a very successful SEO that is making a full-time income online.

Although this online course is legit and it is giving value I would not recommend it to people who are just starting their online journey because you will not learn enough information about how online business work but you will only learn about SEO.

SEO is a long-term investment and you should not expect to start making money overnight. It can take several months before you even see some results.

SEO Blueprint Pros

  • Great training about SEO
  • User-friendly platform
  • It is a legit way to start making money online
  • An owner is a real person and not a scammer

SEO Blueprint Cons

  • Pretty expensive training
  • Not suitable for beginners in online marketing
  • It can take several months before you see results from your efforts and work

SEO Blueprint Conclusion – Any Better Way To Make Money Online?

SEO Blueprint is a great training platform about SEO and you can definitely learn a lot from it but I suggest that if you are a beginner, avoid it because you will be confused about how to actually make money from SEO.

Those who are already experienced and have made their first dollar online can give it a try and test things. It is pretty expensive so you should seriously think about joining it.

From my experience, I can say that there are definitely much better and cheaper alternatives than SEO Blueprint.

I am making a full-time income online thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate platform and its training. It is an affiliate marketing training platform that can teach you how to start a six-figure website and make a passive income online.

Just take a look at the images below to see how much I am making thanks to the WA training, this is only a portion of my monthly income!

Definitely, everyone can start making these and much more, but only if you have a proper training platform and support. That is why Wealthy Affiliate is my top recommendation for all of you who want to learn how to start an online business without paying a fortune to learn how to do it.

You can click on the link below and check my HONEST review of the Wealthy Affiliate platform and its training, you will be surprised what this platform can do for you and how it can help you to start making $$$ in less than 3 months!

See you inside the Wealthy Affiliate platform, you will not regret it!

The Best Training Platform For You – Start Making $$$ Today!

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