Is The Super Affiliate Network Legit? – Read an In-Depth Review!

Affiliate marketing is an industry that is worth billions of dollars and it is not strange that you can find endless online courses or programs that want to teach you how to make money with the help of affiliate marketing.

One of those programs is definitely the Super Affiliate Network created by Misha Willson. Many people are asking me through email messages is the Super Affiliate Network legit or is it one more scam created by those online marketing gurus who only want your money?

In this review, I will try to answer that question and many others related to this online course.

My name is Daniel, I am an ordinary 27-year-old who is making a full-time income online by doing affiliate marketing and my primary mission is to inform people like you about the best online programs and courses related to making money online.

Especially when it comes to blogging and affiliate marketing.

I have done numerous reviews on programs that teach and promise you big earnings and you can freely take a look at the products I have reviewed so far, you will find many quality programs you can use to make a full-time income online.

You might ask why am I doing this and similar reviews. Because I want folks like you to avoid those scammy products that only want your hard-earned money but do not give you the quality you deserve.

Let’s begin with our review! Read carefully!

The Super Affiliate Network Short Overview

  • Product: The Super Affiliate Network
  • Price: Free access but limited + upsells
  • Type of product: An online course about teaching you affiliate marketing
  • The Owner: Misha Willson
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Does it have complaints: Here and there
  • Do I recommend it: I can say yes

The main goal of this online course is that you learn how to do affiliate marketing and make money by promoting other products or services.

Affiliate marketing is a legal online business and it is a great way to make passive income online, that is why I support the super affiliate Network, it is promoting a great way to make money online.

The course has divided opinions and some people think that it is not worth it while some are making money with it.

The point is that it is a little pumped up so you might think that you will start making millions by tomorrow. It will take some time before you actually see any results.

When it comes to affiliate marketing and making money from it, my recommendation is the Wealthy Affiliate platform which has full, step-by-step training on how to make a six-figure website.

The first thing you should look for when it comes to this kind of online course is QUALITY, it can cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars but if you are not getting the quality just avoid it.

What Is Super Affiliate Network?

As I have said above, the Super Affiliate Network is a training company that teaches you how to make money online by doing affiliate marketing.

The company is owned by Misha Willson who is also the creator of this online course. Inside this course, you should learn the things related to affiliate marketing like:

  • email marketing
  • getting traffic
  • creating sales funnel
  • product promotion
  • how to actually earn commissions
  • etc.

I must say that it is a great thing that you will learn the basics of email marketing here as it is one of the proven ways to increase conversion and get sales.

Besides this, you will also get a personal mentor inside Super Affiliate Network but be careful as this mentor will aim to get you into buying higher membership of this course. Yeah, there are upsells which I am gonna talk about later.

All in all, affiliate marketing is legit and proven way to make online business and make serious money. It can’t happen overnight and you should know that it will probably take a couple of months before you see a sale from your efforts.

I should not forget to mention the Facebook group you will have access to when you join Super Affiliate Network, it is a big plus for me when the training platforms have a such group where you can ask questions and share experiences.

Who Is The Creator Of Super Affiliate Network?

The creator of SAN (for short) is a guy called Misha Willson.

From my research, this man started his online journey as an affiliate marketer at 22 and today he is one of the most popular and successful online entrepreneurs.

As he said, he decided to create Super Affiliate Network (in 2016) as he saw that people are constantly failing with affiliate marketing, and his course offer quality information about this online business.

What I like about Misha is that he is the real guy and not some scammer who is hiding behind a false name. You can find this guy on his Twitter profile but also on Facebook which is good when it comes to checking identity.

Although I respect this many I don’t like that he is teaching his students to make overhyped sales pages when it comes to affiliate marketing.

Other things are paid ads, Misha is teaching how to get sales by doing paid advertisements and that costs a lot of money. So, besides spending money on his course you will also need to spend money on ads which I am not a big fan of.

How Does Super Affiliate Network Work?

The actual thing that you will learn with this online course is to do affiliate marketing, more precisely, make sales pages and do the paid ads to drive traffic to those sales pages.

That is the point of doing affiliate marketing, getting quality traffic to sales pages and whenever someone buys a product through your link you are getting a commission.

But let’s see how things work inside Super Affiliate Network. I will try to break it down for you to understand how it actually works:

  1. Choose the niche and the products
  2. Create websites and sales funnels
  3. Drive traffic with paid ads
  4. Earn commissions whenever someone buys a product through your sale page

Maybe you are wondering if should you buy the products before promoting them? Nope! That is the great thing about affiliate marketing, you don’t need to buy products to be able to promote them, everything is done through the affiliate program you register.

That is the main reason why I started doing affiliate marketing in the first place, your only job as an affiliate marketer is to do a great promotion and make sales.

You can also become an affiliate of Super Affiliate Network and anyone who joins through your link and buy the product you are gonna make a commission.

What I don’t like when it comes to Super Affiliate Network affiliates is that they are making overhyped videos and testimonials making you believe that you will make instant money without hard work. It’s a big minus for me.

What Do You Get Inside Super Affiliate Network?

If you decide to join Super Affiliate Network and actually buy their course you will get many things inside. The most important is that you will get lessons about doing the basic and more advanced affiliate marketing.

That is not all, you will also get some bonuses and learn extra techniques that will help you in your affiliate marketing journey.

Let’s see a little deeper what you will get:

1. The Profit Boosting Bootcamp (Price: $7)

This Bootcamp will cost you $7 and inside of it you will learn step by step how to do affiliate marketing and you will also learn the basics and strategies of properly doing digital marketing. It contains even 15 modules of step-by-step training.

Profit Boosting Bootcamp is the main (starter) package of this online course and when you see the sales page it will say that 90% of things are done for you. Honestly, I am not a fan of Done For You systems but there are folks who like that.

All in all, here is what you will learn with this Boosting Bootcamp:

  • the basics of affiliate marketing and digital marketing
  • how to get traffic, leads, and sales
  • how affiliate marketing will bring you financial freedom
  • it will also cover how you can work whenever you are (yeah, it’s an online job!)

2. Solo Ad Formula (Price: $297)

This package is pretty expensive and I can say that this is actually the core of the super Affiliate Network.

In these lessons, you will learn about getting leads that will convert to potential sales by using email marketing and Solo Ads Marketing.

Email marketing is a great way to earn money through affiliate marketing and it converts the best. Solo Ad Formula has 11 modules where you will learn things like:

  • how to start email marketing and gets leads and sales
  • how to write ad copy that converts
  • how to successfully track your leads and conversions

All in all, this is not bad but it is pretty expensive and you will probably need to spend more money besides those $297 as you will need to pay for ads too. It can literally suck your wallet if you don’t know what you are doing.

3. The Super Affiliate Inner Circle (Price: $297)

This is one more expensive package where you will get 12-month access to the Profit Boosting Bootcamp and you will also get your own mentor.

This package is all about getting a mentor and talking with coaches who will lead you to the right path.

Honestly, I am not happy with this package as the price is high and you can find way better and cheaper courses with top mentors, like the Wealthy Affiliate platform.

Let’s now take a look at how much will cost you to get all these things. Do you remember those $7 from the start? Well, you will need to pay much more if you want to start making any money!

How Much Does Super Affiliate Network Cost?

Super Affiliate Network is free to join and you can get easy access to the starter training but honestly, if you plan to make any money and learn advanced things that you will need you must buy packages that are more expensive.

Here is what will you need to pay:

  1. Profit Boosting Bootcamp that costs $7
  2. Solo Ad Success Formula that costs $297
  3. The Super Affiliate Inner circle costs $297

You can buy Profit Boosting Bootcamp for only $7 but you will not learn anything that can help you make real money, those are only the basics.

Solo Ads Success Formula is a must as here you are going to learn how to use ads and convert potential traffic to sales.

Keep in mind that you will not only spend money on these packages but you will also need to invest in paid ads and let me be honest with you, it can cost you between $500 and $1000 only for tools and ads.

I think that Misha did good marketing where he makes people believe that his program is cheap but in reality, everything will cost you probably more than $1.000 It’s a lot of money and there is no guarantee that you will make a dime.

And now, we are getting to the crucial thin here, pay close attention.

Is The Super Affiliate Network Legit?

From doing my research on this online course I have found that The super affiliate Network is not a scam. Yeah, you have read it right.

Misha is teaching you here how to make a legit online business by doing affiliate marketing and you can actually start for only $7 which is great.

Of course, you should keep in mind that you will need to invest more money if you plan to seriously start making a profit from this. Many people are making money with Super Affiliate Network and Misha is one of them too.

He is a very successful online entrepreneur with a real name and you can find him on social platforms like FB and Twitter.

The key with affiliate marketing is getting quality traffic to your sales pages and website and that is exactly what you are gonna learn here but only if you invest more than those $7.

And yeah, this online program has a money-back guarantee of 30 days so it is a big plus when it comes to trust.

When you have a chance of getting your money back you can at least try it and test it.

Let’s now take a look at the pros and cons of this online course.

The Super Affiliate Network Pros

Sure, there are many pros I can say about this online course but let me introduce to you one of the most important ones you should know:

– It has beginner-friendly training – This is great for me because most of the people who want to start an online business or affiliate marketing are beginners. You will not have problems when it comes to learning as lessons are primarily focused on beginners.

It has a money-back guarantee – A big plus I must say. You can test the things and you can get your money back. Not many online courses give this feature so you should use this to your advantage.

The owner and creator is a legit guy – It is very important that the creators of these programs are legit and not some scammy people who just want your money. Misha Willson is a successful guy who lives from doing affiliate marketing.

It’s about affiliate marketing – Affiliate marketing is my love and I appreciate those online courses that teach about this online business model. You can definitely make a living from affiliate marketing but you need to know to do it properly.

Let’s now see the even more important things and that is the cons of this online course.

The Super Affiliate Network Cons

Although I like this online course about doing affiliate marketing I must be honest and say that there are cons that you should be aware of.

It’s not free and cheap as Misha claims on the sales page – That’s right my fellow friend, you will need to invest more than $1000 if you plan to succeed with this. There are Solo Ads, email marketing, and other things you will need to invest in.

– Paid ads are ”dangerous” – I am not a fan of doing paid ads as they can be very expensive and not convert. You should be cautious while investing in paid ads as you can pay hundreds of dollars for ads and not get a single sale.

There are many negative reviews about this on the internet – I understand that there are negative reviews as people won’t invest patience and money into this but you can find many people who claim that this training is not bringing any results and that you should avoid it.

– It is overhyped and pumped – That’s right, when you land on The Super Affiliate Network landing page you will see that it is pretty easy to make huge money in a short period and that’s not true. Misha did a great job at marketing but you should not fall into that trap. Making money online takes time and patience and you see results in 3-6 months, not overnight.

Based on all this you will decide whether will you join or not. I am not saying that it is a scam but you should be cautious when it comes to investment in such things. Just think and check if there are much cheaper alternatives than this.

Is The Super Affiliate Network For You?

Plain and simple, if you have a big budget and you would like to try things and test this online course, then go for it. You also have a money-back guarantee that will make things easier.

On the other hand, if you are a beginner who just wants to learn how to make real money with affiliate marketing you should probably avoid this thing as it will suck out your money.

You might think that it is cheap but in reality, it is expensive and it has extra investments like autoresponder, paid ads, and others. So I recommend it for folks who have money to invest and beginners should avoid it.

Let me introduce to you a platform worth your time and money!

Wealthy Affiliate Training Course – Top Platform For Affiliate Marketers Of All Levels

That’s right baby, if you wanna make a serious business online with affiliate marketing this platform is my recommendation for you.

No matter if you are a complete dummy when it comes to online business and affiliate marketing, or you are an experienced affiliate marketer, Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

It is a 100% legit, step-by-step training platform that teaches about making your own profitable website and doing affiliate marketing, you can literally make a six-figure website with their training.

The best thing is that I can be your mentor and coach inside the platform so you can freely contact me 24/7 and you will get my response in a couple of minutes.

WA platform has changed my life for the better in terms of making money online and I am making a living thanks to this platform.

Just click on the link below and learn everything about this awesome platform that certainly can change your life.

Wealthy Affiliate – Start Online Business Today With My Help!

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