Is Wealthy Affiliate For Beginners? – How They Made Me Rich!

I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer, you probably know that if you are following my blog. The point is that everything I have achieved in my financial life is thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate, believe it or not, it is true.

I am also working with hundreds of people all across the world inside the WA platform and they are making a great online success. But this post is meant for those who are asking me a question on a daily basis, is Wealthy Affiliate for beginners?

If you are someone who has read my full review about Wealthy Affiliate you probably already know the answer to this question but I will try to answer it here in this article.

My website you are currently on is created with the focus of promoting of wealthy Affiliate platform with a reason. Do you know why? – Because this platform is for EVERYONE who wants to make a success online.

Yes, Wealthy Affiliate IS for beginners and it is for you if you want to start making serious cash online and I primarily mean passive cash.

In this article, I will talk from my personal experience and I will show you the personal results I have achieved thanks to the WA platform so let’s start!

Related: How Much Money Am I Making With Wealthy Affiliate!?

I Started With Wealthy Affiliate as a Complete Beginner

When I was starting, WA was totally different platform than it is today. I discovered this amazing community and training platform back in 2015 and it has evolved so much during these years.

I was a young dude who was looking to start making money online and I run across WA while searching for ways to start my online business.

Just look at my starter goals inside the WA! (Image below)

I only wanted to earn a minimum. You know, I am coming from a beautiful country called Serbia and our living standard is pretty low, it is not like in the USA or other rich countries. I was happy to start making $300 per month but thanks to their training that is focused on complete beginners like I was, I started making full-time income!

Keep in mind that I didn’t know anything about creating niche websites, SEO strategies, keyword research, and all that stuff that WA teaches you about. I was a total beginner and I was thinking ”Oh this is not for me” but it WAS for me!

Do you know why? Take a look at the pictures below!

This is what I am currently achieving with the help of Wealthy Affiliate training and their community. This is on a monthly basis but you should know that this is only one source of my income.

WA taught me to make money from various sources but my primary source of income is coming thanks to the WA promotion I am doing on my website.

You already know that WA teaches you how to create a niche website in ANY niche you want and make money by doing affiliate marketing.

Amazing thing is that Wealthy Affiliate is FOCUSED on total beginners, it’s not important if you don’t have any experience in creating websites, keyword research, SEO, and all that things. Wealthy Affiliate will teach you that and believe it or not but you will have your own website in less than 30 seconds!

Related: How Long Does It Take To Make Money With Wealthy Affiliate

WA Training Is 100% Focused On Beginners In Affiliate Marketing

The training inside the WA platform is step-by-step and it offers great interactive video lessons where you only need to follow the steps they teach you and you will have your own online business in a matter of minutes.

Of course, earning part will not come yet but you will do the basics which is the most important thing.

The primary thing you are going the learn inside the WA is how to start an affiliate marketing business around your own niche website.

I started in WA as a total beginner in this field and there are hundreds of people joining inside as beginners, sure there are some people who have experience and only want to ”upgrade” their business by learning more about affiliate marketing but the vast majority of members are beginners.

Related: Biggest Complaints About WA

What You Will Learn Inside WA as a Beginner?

Wealthy Affiliate training is specialized in teaching folks how to create their own niche website and start making money by doing affiliate marketing, plain and simple.

1. Creating a Niche Website Step By Step

You should not worry if you have never created a website or you have never worked in WordPress, WA makes it easy for you because you have everything in one place.

Most of the time you will work in WordPress and WA has video lessons that will show you how to work properly and how to manage your websites inside WordPress.

Great thing is that you will never be left alone, WA support and community are there to help you and guide you!

2. Choosing a Profitable Niche

This is very important and from this depend will you make money or not with your website. You probably heard how you can make money with every niche but that is not true.

You must choose a profitable niche to be able to make a lot of money with affiliate marketing. Wealthy Affiliate training will help you with that too. You only need to follow the steps they teach you and that’s it.

When I was starting with WA I thought that I can write literally about anything I wanted but the truth is that you need to focus on evergreen niches that will be making you money for years.

Many beginners in blogging and affiliate marketing start writing about their life and their hobbies and the point is that it is not interesting to anyone. You must write about something that people actually search in search engines.

But you should not worry, Wealthy Affiliate has done everything for you inside the training and your job is only to follow the steps of successful people who already succeed with this online business.

3. Making Money With Your Website

Definitely, the best thing with Wealthy Affiliate is that you will learn how to start making passive income online by monetizing your created website with an affiliate marketing method.

As a complete beginner, you can expect to see awesome results in your first 3 months. You will definitely not get rich yet but you will have your foundation created and that foundation will start making even more success and money as time passes.

I have already shown you my results and my earnings in the images above and I say you again. I am making a full-time income online thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate training and its community. You will hardly find a platform like this one.

So, Is Wealthy Affiliate For Beginners Or Not? – Conclusion

A big yes! If you are a beginner in the online world and you want to learn how to make money online with the best method called affiliate marketing, the WA platform is for you.

I remember when I was starting, there was so much information on the Internet and you could not know where to start and how. With WA you have everything in one place:

  • Training
  • Community
  • Support
  • Hosting
  • Private Mentorship
  • Literally everything

Besides all of that, did you know that Wealthy Affiliate is rated on Trustpilot as the best online training platform not only for beginners but also for everyone who wants to create an online business.

Just like you see, it has a rate of 4.9 out of 5 which proves that this platform is giving results to people and you don’t need better proof than me. I am on this platform since 2015 and as the platform was evolving I was evolving too in terms of success and money.

I honestly think that this article helped you to understand that the WA platform is focused on beginners in the online marketing world.

If you plan to join Wealthy Affiliate I recommend that you first read my deep and honest review of this platform on the link below. It will definitely help you to fully understand how you will make money and how long it will take you.

Honest Wealthy Affiliate Review 2023 – Check It Here!

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