5 Ways On How To Avoid Make Money Online Scams!

You are a person who wants to start making money online? Do you want the freedom and all the positive things an online business can give you?

I don’t blame you, I am a guy who is making a full-time income online for nearly 7 years and my dream became the reality. The Internet is a great place that can give you the freedom you want in terms of money but I can’t forget the scams that are swirling on the Internet.

That is why I want to show you the ways how to avoid online scams that can definitely help you to choose the best online business for you without the risk of losing your money.

I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer and I have started this blog primarily to help folks like you choose the best online job for yourself and make decent money online.

If you were looking to start your own online business I know that you have stumbled upon many scams out there that promise you big earnings in a short period of time,

Beginners in the online world are an easy target because you want to make fast money and MMO (Make Money Online) products are actually offering you that and you are getting into a trap.

In this article I will give you the best tips on how to avoid these online scams and in the end, I will give you my top recommendation if you are interested to make a real online business, so keep reading!

First Things First, What Is Actually a Make Money Online Scam?

It is not easy at all to describe what is a scam but let me use the words that Wikipedia says about scams, Wikipedia calls it a confidence trick:

”A confidence trick is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their trust”.

That is exactly what are those ”gurus” do. They first want to get the trust of people like you and me and then sell them some garbage staff.

Let me give you one example when it comes to the food, this can be pretty interesting. You have probably seen many times those juicy, nice-looking burgers in pictures but when you go to buy one, you actually get some pretty ugly non-attractive burgers.

That is also some sort of scam but eventually, you just eat that burger although it is not the same as it is in the picture. But the owner of that burger just made money, and that is important! He attracted you, he knows the business.

I was scammed so many times, especially at the start of my online career as a blogger and affiliate marketer. There are thousands of shiny objects that are attracting you and that are promising you a fortune where you just need to invest a couple of hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

Just take a look at the image below and see what statistic says about the online scam:

Image Source

As you can see most scams are around investment and that is where we are. You and I want to invest in online business but you have so many products out there that ”want to teach you” how to do that. Which one to choose and how to know if is it real or is it a scam?

Just take a look at some of the reviews I have done regarding the MMO products, you can easily see how attractive they are in terms of making money but they are simply not worth it.

You have probably heard about Affiliate Lab by Matt Digitty or Your Income Profits, those are the online products that promise you to earn a decent income with their courses when in the end, you are gonna only lose your money instead of earning it, silly but true.

So, when you know all this and you know what is actually an MMO scam let’s see how can you avoid this from happening to you and how to know what is good and what is a ”run from it” product.

5 Ways How To Avoid Make Money Online Scams

I always tell my clients and folks with which I am working that if something is too good to be true it probably is that. We all want instant results and that is actually how we function in the offline world.

You want to go somewhere, you just go, you want a burger, you will get it immediately, etc. But when it comes to making money online you can’t get instant results.

To beginners, it is strange that they can’t make money today, you are working today online and you want to make money based on that work BUT that is not how online business work.

Let’s start! Keep your attention to what I am gonna talk about, this is very important.

1. They Say You Are Gonna Start Making Money In Minutes

This is what will you see in 90% of all online scams related to making money on the Internet. You should know that when someone says you will start making money in minutes, or even seconds that is definitely not gonna happen.

Earning online income is a not-so-easy process. Imagine that we all can start making money in minutes, we all would be millionaires by now.

Let me give you some examples of how this scam actually works:

  1. Step 1 – Join, set up an account, and log in
  2. Step 2 – Use this Done For You system
  3. Step 3 – Start making $$$ in minutes or in your first day

This is typically how most of those scams work. When you see something similar like this you should immediately avoid it as the only person who will make money would be the creator of that product and not you.

Every online business takes time to produce good results. I am doing affiliate marketing and I know how things work. Most of those scammy online products that are teaching about making money online are actually teaching about affiliate marketing.

I am shocked when those ”gurus” claim that you are gonna make thousands of dollars on the same day you start doing affiliate marketing, it’s absurd.

Like you just invest $100+ in some DFY (Done For You) system and automatically you start making hundreds of dollars, come on man, don’t believe in such things.

2. They Don’t Tell You What The Process Is

Do you know how many people spend their money on online products that promise them fast and easy money? A lot!

What is strange to me is that people are paying for something although they don’t know what they are actually paying. Someone just promised you quick money and you would spend a couple of hundreds without thinking can it really work?

The main point with MMO products is that owners will not tell you HOW you will be making money but they first want you to pay for their product and after that, you will learn ”the secret”.

Let me tell you something, there is NO secret to making money online, it is a process that takes time and patience and you would better invest time and hard work instead of throwing money on some garbage products that only keep promising you something.

True and legitimate programs will explain everything in detail so you would know the process of making money online.

3. Keep An Eye On a $1 Free Trial And Money Back Guarantee

This is very important to know as here is about your personal information like a credit card. You have probably seen those sales pages where it says that you just need to pay $1 (or even less) to be able to test things inside the program or platform.

It can be dangerous because many of those scammers want to know your credit card number and your personal information. Maybe they can’t harm you or take all your money from your card but they want to know your status as a buyer.

I don’t wanna say that you should never buy anything on a free trial or similar but please be very cautious and do deep research on everything before buying it.

The other thing is a money-back guarantee. With MMO products you will often see that they are offering a money-back guarantee but the truth is that many people actually don’t see their money back.

4. Watch Out For Fake Product Testimonials

True and legit testimonials are okay but I hate those fake ones you can see on nearly every MMO product out there. Those gurus think that they will attract buyers by making fake testimonials and I can say that they are succeeding in that.

When beginners in the online world see a positive review of the product they immediately think that it is a legit product tried by real folks.

Guys, did you know that you can pay for testimonials? Yes, just go on Fiverr and you will see that there are people who offer such type of job. For only $10 you can have a great (positive) review on nearly every product.

This is exactly what those internet gurus are using to make their products positive and increase conversion when it comes to buying.

Sure, not every product review or testimonial is fake, you will recognize them when they are promising you big earnings in a short period of time.

Most of those fake testimonials claim that they are making $10.000+ per month and that they started making income from day one, which is not possible at all.

Trustpilot is one of those great sites where you can check the real reviews of people who actually tried and tested the product. You will know if it is garbage or a worthy one.

5. The Owner (Creator) Simply Does Not Exist Or He Uses False Name

This is also a very common reason why you would think that an MMO product is a scam. You can’t believe how many products out there, especially on Clickbank have a false owner.

One of those products is Affiliate Cash Club. The ”owner” is Jordan Matthews but the point is that you can’t find anywhere that person, no social profiles, absolutely nothing. You know that his name is Jordan and that’s it.

It is very important that you know who is the creator of the product you want to invest your money in, so you should always check the social profiles and YouTube for that information.

So, How Do You Know If Something Is Legit?

Plain and simple, do the research before buying anything! That is the best advice I can give you.

Like I have said above, most people run to buy MMO products when they see the promises like ”Make your first $1.000 today!” and similar things.

It is so attractive and I understand those people who believe in that. We are in need of money and we would do everything to get it fast.

But if you work like this, if you spend your money on garbage and scammy products you will actually be in a minus.

The most important thing you should check for when it comes to this is who is the creator of the program and whether is he a real person or not.

The second thing you should do is to go on Trustpilot and check the program or company that sells it. There you will find a bunch of reviews from real people.

One more thing that will certainly tell you is a product a scam or not is how long it is active online. If it is less than 1 year and it promises big earnings you should be cautious.

The Best Way To Make Money Online – My Recommendation

I honestly hope that this article helped you to understand how to scam product work online and what you should look for when choosing the right product for yourself.

Now I want to present you with an online business that changed my life for the better and that is affiliate marketing. If you are regularly on my blog you already know that I am a big fan of affiliate marketing and that I am promoting it to anyone who wants to start working online.

With affiliate marketing, you can easily achieve a passive income if you work hard and consistently.

On the link below you can learn everything about how to start following my steps! I can be your personal mentor and support!

Learn About Legit Method How To Start Making $$$ Online! Click Here!

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