What Is The Future Of Affiliate Marketing? Should You Even Start It?

If you have wondered if should you start affiliate marketing today but you have some doubts about affiliate marketing being dead, you have come to the right place.

Most people today ask themselves what is the future of affiliate marketing and whether is it even worth starting this online business.

I can say you, YES, you should and you must start doing affiliate marketing if you plan to live the life you always wanted and get freedom.

I am a full-time affiliate marketer and blogger and I am making a full-time income online thanks to affiliate marketing.

If you were researching the Internet about affiliate marketing you probably have run into some people talking about how affiliate marketing does not work anymore. I bet those people never had success with this online business model.

From my personal experience, I can say that one of the best ways to make money online today is to start affiliate marketing, I guarantee that.

So, in this article, I want to discuss and prove to you that affiliate marketing is NOT dead and it will never be. As long as there is Internet affiliate marketing will work perfectly!

What Is The Future Of Affiliate Marketing?

I can say that the future of affiliate marketing is very bright. I started doing affiliate marketing in 2016 and it is only getting better.

Affiliate marketing is an industry worth Billions of dollars and in the coming years, it will only continue to rise. You should not believe those ”gurus” who are saying to you that this is dead and that you should start another online business.

The point is that the number of blogs and bloggers is also rising and with that affiliate marketing too. You have millions of blogs online today and 95% of them are doing affiliate marketing.

Why? – Because they are making millions with affiliate marketing. I have tried many things online but to make real money on the Internet you must at least try affiliate marketing.

Let’s see some statistics that prove that affiliate marketing is a beast when it comes to making money:

  • Over 80% of brands have an affiliate program, which is so crazy
  • The USA has the biggest affiliate industry with a share of over 39%
  • 65% of all bloggers are generating revenue through affiliate sales
  • Affiliate marketing is responsible for 16% of eCommerce global sales

If you don’t believe me you can check the affiliate marketing statistics and see for yourself.

Based on those statistics you can conclude how powerful affiliate marketing is and I don’t know how some people can say that it is dead. It is not dead but the truth is that the way you make money with it has changed.

The point is that affiliate marketing is getting harder because of competition but that is not the reason to not start doing this very profitable business. I remember when I started it was so easy to make money with it because there was less competition than today.

People who say that affiliate marketing has no future or that it is not working anymore are simply afraid of competition and nothing else.

Today you need a good strategy to be able to make money with affiliate marketing, you can’t just grab affiliate links and start sharing them in hope that someone will click and purchase something.

Top Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing IS The Future

Not only affiliate marketing is not dead but I can freely say that affiliate marketing is the future because there are some very important reasons I want to share with you:

People Are Buying Online Like Crazy

You are probably one of those folks who enjoy shopping online, just like me. Millions of people across the world are buying things online and that is an enormous opportunity for affiliate marketers.

Great thing is that you don’t need millions of people coming to your sales pages, you only need a piece of the pie and you can become literally a millionaire.

Big Brands Have Affiliate Programs

More and more companies are opening affiliate programs for people who want to work with them. Some of those programs are Amazon. They have an amazing affiliate program where you can promote literally everything.

You can join them completely free and your only job is to do a great promotion and you will see how your account will flood with money.

It Is So Easy To Start With Affiliate Marketing

it is true that it was never easier to start affiliate marketing. You basically don’t need any prior experience or anything similar, you only need goodwill and education to succeed and that’s it.

The most important thing when it comes to starting affiliate marketing is that you have a niche website where you will be doing it. Sure, you can start without a website but in that case, money will come harder.

I even think that people who say that affiliate marketing is dead were only doing copy/paste methods with affiliate links and they have not seen any results. You need good education and training on how to start affiliate marketing.

The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Platform – Check Here!

Now that you know what is the future of affiliate marketing and that it is not dead, you want to see my checklist on how to succeed with this extremely powerful way of making money online.

Make sure that you follow the rules and you will thank me later.

Important Checklist For Affiliate Marketing Success

Starting affiliate marketing is not easy. Many people just grab affiliate links and start pasting them through the whole Internet. There are some very important things that you should know before you start your affiliate marketing journey.

I want to share with you a quick checklist that will help you to achieve great success with affiliate marketing. It will take time and effort but it definitely pays off.

My blog you are currently is making me a full-time income mostly from affiliate marketing and I can say that I have vast experience in what you need to do to start making success with this online business model.

1. Choosing a Profitable Niche Is Everything

If you choose a profitable niche you have already done half of the job. A niche is a group of people interested in a specific thing.

Let’s say we have a make-money-online niche. That is a niche where people are looking for ways to make money on the Internet.

It is very important that you choose a niche before you start doing affiliate marketing. You have heard that every niche is profitable and that you should choose a niche that you are passionate about. I would not agree with that!

Why? Because you need to choose the niche that would bring you as much profit as possible.

That is why I have an in-depth article on how to choose a niche specifically for affiliate marketing. You can check it on the link below.

How To Choose a Profitable Niche For Affiliate Marketing – Learn Here!

2. Choose The Right Products/Services To Promote

You will be making money by promoting products or services in your chosen niche. That is why it is very important that you choose quality products to promote to your audience.

You want products that are expensive but also of great quality, you don’t want to promote garbage to your potential customers, you will only lose money in that way.

Also, keep in mind that you must stick to the niche you have chosen. If you are talking about fitness on your blog you want to promote fitness equipment and not cat food.

3. Make a Niche Website and Start Doing SEO

Making a niche website is a must, I always say that to my clients who want to start affiliate marketing. You simply cannot succeed without a website.

Today is pretty easy to make one and you definitely should invest in it, it is basically your virtual real estate.

Many people don’t want to lose time by creating a website but just take a look at the pictures below, those are affiliate sales that are coming through my website.

Affiliate sales that my blog generates on a monthly basis:

Maybe you don’t know but the reality is that 95% of all affiliate marketers are making money through their websites. That is why I highly recommend that you create one in a niche of your choice.

On the link below you can see step-by-step how to make a profitable website in less than 30 seconds, completely free.

The Best Platform For Making a Profitable Website – Check It Here!

4. Start Doing Product Reviews On Your Site

Doing product reviews on your site is a crucial thing if you plan to make serious money with affiliate marketing. Depending on your niche you will want to start doing product reviews so that people interested in those products can decide to buy or not to buy them.

You will use affiliate links in your reviews so that everyone who buys through your link, you will get a commission.

You can check my reviews so that you can see how it looks and how it should look. You will need to point out the pros, cons, specifications, and everything that readers should know about the product or service.

5. Become An Expert (Authority) In Your Niche

People trust and people buy from experts. You will want to become an expert in your chosen niche and you will achieve that by regularly writing product reviews and informational articles on your website.

Just look at my site, I have become an expert in making money online niche and I achieved that by constantly updating my blog and giving people endless information on that topic.

Whatever niche you are in, you will want to do the same.

Now that you know how to become a profitable affiliate marketer let’s see some of the most frequent questions asked related to an affiliate marketing business.

The Future Of Affiliate Marketing – FAQ

1. Is affiliate marketing a legit online business model?

Yes, affiliate marketing is a legal way to make money online and everyone who looks to start an online business should invest in affiliate marketing.

It is important that on your site you have an affiliate disclosure that will say that you are using affiliate links on your site so that people know that.

2. How much can beginners make with affiliate marketing?

I only can say, A LOT! Not immediately but in time. It is very real to start making from $100 to $800 per month if you are a beginner in your first 8 months of doing affiliate marketing.

How much you will make depends only on you, how much are you willing to invest in education, and how much time you invest in work.

3. Does affiliate marketing really work today?

YES, it works perfectly. It does not work for people who are not willing to invest time and effort into it but if you are working hard you can definitely make a living only doing affiliate marketing.

One of those folks who make a full-time income with affiliate marketing is me, so everyone can do it!

4. Is the website a must or can I start affiliate marketing without it?

It is not a must but it is highly recommended. You definitely can make money without a website but it will be even harder. You need a base, a foundation and that is a website.

You can use affiliate links on some forums, or groups but you will hardly make any sales from doing it. You need relevant traffic coming to your sales pages and affiliate links, and the best way is to drive them to your niche website.

The most important thing with a website is that with time you will become an expert and you will probably become a brand in your niche. When you achieve that, you are a FREE person!

Training That Helps Affiliate Marketers To Become Super-Profitable

If you want to start making passive income online with affiliate marketing, you will need to invest in a training platform that will teach you everything about making a six-figure website and making money with affiliate marketing.

A platform that changed my financial life and it can change yours too, only if you commit and give it a chance.

It is called the Wealthy Affiliate platform. It offers step-by-step training on how to start making money with affiliate marketing by creating a profitable niche website.

You can learn everything about it on the link below where I did an in-depth review!

Start Affiliate Marketing With The Platform That Is Made For YOU! – Start Here!

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