PWA Partner With Anthony Review – Biggest Scam Ever?

Update: The site is closed for now

I must be honest with you. So many folks lately are asking me if Partner With Anthony is a scam or if is it a great way to make passive income online doing affiliate marketing.

In this PWA Partner With Anthony review, I will try to answer that question and many others. You know, making money online with affiliate marketing is definitely possible, I know that because I am a full-time affiliate marketer for over 7 years.

The problem is that there are so many, I can say endless programs and courses online that promise to teach you making millions online. You are simply made to think that you will start making money overnight and that is not possible.

In this review, we will see if is this the case with the Partner With Anthony program or if it is a good online course that you can benefit from.

I have done hundreds of reviews on MMO products and I have got such experience that from the first look I can say what work and what don’t.

Being an affiliate marketer is not an easy job, before you start making money with it you must educate properly about how affiliate marketing works and you should have the best training platform that will teach you.

So, let’s start with our in-depth review! Read carefully so that you know if is this for you or not.

Partner With Anthony Short Overview

  • Product: Partner With Anthony
  • Type of product: Online course about email marketing and affiliate marketing
  • Price: $7 per month or $97 one-time + a bunch of upgrades and tools
  • Owner: Anthony Morrison
  • Money back guarantee: yes, 30 days
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Do I recommend it: Not for beginners

In short, Partner With Anthony is an online training platform where you have a chance to learn more about affiliate marketing and email marketing. The focus here is that you learn how to promote the product itself to others who might be interested.

In my opinion, this is something similar to MLM. Although this online course is a legit thing I would not recommend it to beginners, especially beginners because those more experienced will see that this system is made so that owner of Partner With Anthony makes the most money.

Let’s continue with an out in-depth review, you will be surprised at how this thing works in practice.

What Is (PWA) Partner With Anthony?

PWA is actually an affiliate marketing program where you have a chance to learn great things related to affiliate marketing and email marketing from Anthony, the creator of this online platform.

You can be his partner in affiliate marketing and that is the main reason why he called his system like that.

Inside the program, you will get 14 lessons where you can learn how to start an affiliate marketing business from scratch and make passive income online.

Do you remember I said that this system is made for Anthony so that he can make the most of money? Heck yeah, and you know why? Because the focus is that you become his affiliate and promote his product (PWA) to others so when anyone joins through your link and buys the plan you get a commission.

What I see as the main problem here is that once you join and buy the training you will only learn how to make money by promoting PWA and Anthony will not be there for you or you will hear anything from him anymore.

That is why I think that Anthony put himself in the first place instead of customers ie YOU.

He wants fast cash and you will earn him money by promoting his product to others but the point is that you will not make anything worth the time and effort you will put in.

I can freely say that this thing is similar to Perpetual Income 365 where you are focused on promoting the product itself and making money for the owner.

Sure, if you have read my review on PI365 you already know that it is a pretty pumped-up course with so much misleading information.

That is not the case with Partner With Anthony.

Alternative for you: Platform that changed my life for the better and helped me to make a living from doing affiliate marketing, Wealthy Affiliate platform, a platform that is made for affiliate marketers, no matter if you are a complete beginner or you have experience, this is for you! Check it on the link below.

Make a Living Doing Affiliate Marketing With PROVEN Training – Start Here!

Who Is Anthony Morrison?

The creator of Partner With Anthony is a guy called Anthony Morrison. Although he has a pretty bad reputation on the Internet I can say that he is a legitimate person who is successful in what he does.

If you have researched the Internet about ways on making money online you probably have stumbled upon this guy. He says that he is an online marketing specialist and I agree with that.

Anthony is also an owner of the MorrisonPublishing website where he shares his online courses about making money online that you can get easy access to.

The point is that this guy really exists and he is not a scammer. Yes, he makes his courses so that he can make the most money but it is not scamming.

I am not a big fan of him because of that but the reality is that this guy is a very successful online entrepreneur. And you can learn from him quite a lot.

How Does Partner With Anthony Work?

The main thing with this online course is that you become an affiliate of Partner With Anthony. Inside the course, you will learn the main thing and that is the promotion of PWA and making affiliate sales by using sales funnels.

Whenever someone joins PWA and makes a payment you will get a commission.

What I don’t like about this system is that you will need to invest money in many tools to be able to make any money. You will need keyword research tools, hosting, domain, and even investment in paid ads if you decide to speed up things.

To be able to make money as an affiliate you will need the root of all your success and that is TRAFFIC. Anthony will teach you how to primarily use paid ads to get relevant traffic and that can be very costly.

If you have never done paid advertisements this will be even harder for you compared to those who have some experience in paid ads.

Many people think that by buying this online course they will start making instant money. Nobody will do the job for you, not even Anthony.

With PWA, you will need to invest a bunch of money before you start making any sales if you even make some at all because paid ads usually bring a high number of visitors but very low click-through rates which means that you will waste your money most of the time.

Is Partner With Anthony a Scam?

Based on my personal experience Partner With Anthony is not a scam. I can say that it is a legit way to make money with affiliate marketing but not a good one.

You know, this does not to be a scam so you avoid it, there are many legit things that work online but are not good ones. I think that is also the case with PWA.

Sure, affiliate marketing is a great online method to make passive income online, and paid ads also work but if you are a beginner with a tight budget, this will simply suck your wallet.

Again, my opinion is that this online training is made to make Anthony the most cash and not yourself. You will invest a lot of money in tools and paid ads and you will not see any income for months.

PWA is not a scam but it is also something that I would avoid If I am just starting with affiliate marketing.

Making an online business is not easy and it takes time but it can definitely pay off. Unfortunately, with PWA, you will only learn how to make affiliate sales promoting PWA and most of the money will go into Anthony’s wallet.

How Much Does Partner With Anthony Cost? (Upsells?)

When it comes to the price you are made to think that you will pay only $7. Yeah, on the official site there is a price of only $7 that you need to pay to be able to get into the PWA training.

What Anthony did not say right from the start is that you will need to invest a bunch of money into the training to be able to learn to make money.

When you pay those $7 and you get inside you will see that things are not like Anthony promised.

Let’s see what else you will be offered to pay.

  • PWA Ambassador Program – It will cost you $1497
  • Digital Marketing Mastermind (membership site) – $69 per year
  • A monthly newsletter from Anthony – $9.95
  • Internet Traffic Consulting – $1197
  • Insider Newsletter – $100 per year or $10 per month

Unfortunately, this is not all. To be able to start making money you will also need to invest in a bunch of tools that are supposed to help you in the whole process.

  • You need a funnel builder called Clickfunnels – Up to $300 per month
  • GetResponse (autoresponder) – Up to $100 per month
  • Domain name and hosting – Up to $100 per year

You will learn everything about these tools and more inside PWA training and you know what? When you purchase any tool through the PWA, Anthony will get a commission because he is an affiliate marketer and he is an affiliate of those companies he promotes to you.

Just imagine how much money he will make through you. A LOT!

That is why I said that he put himself in the first place instead of you and me, his customers.

So, do you remember those $7 from the beginning? You will not pay only $7 but you will need to invest hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars into the PWA to be able to get everything in place.

Alternative for you: Instead of wasting money on high-ticket MMO products you should invest in a platform that can teach you how to make real passive income online, just like it helped me. It is my favorite training platform called Wealthy Affiliate. Just click on the link below and learn more about it!

The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Platform – Learn More Here!

Partner With Anthony Pros

It’s time that we check the pros and cons of this online course that is in my opinion overhyped. I am sure that this information will help you to decide if is this for you or not.

  • The creator of PWA is a legit person
  • You will get great training about affiliate marketing and sales funnels
  • You have 30 days money back guarantee
  • Anthony is teaching about affiliate marketing which is a legit way to make a decent income online
  • It is cheap to get inside the training

Partner With Anthony Cons

  • This system is similar to MLM
  • Only teaching about paid ads
  • Bunch of upsells
  • Total investment probably up to $1k+
  • You are ”forced” to promote PWA

What I don’t like about this online course is that Anthony is not honest right at the beginning, you will think that you will only have to invest $7 and that’s it BUT once you get inside you will be offered a bunch of things that will cost you a couple of hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

It is clear that Anthony wants to make quick cash as fast as possible and that is something I don’t approve of. He should have put QUALITY and VALUE in the first place.

Conclusion – Is There a Better Way To Make Money Online?

The point is that you can join the PWA course only if you want to learn some basic things about affiliate marketing and sales funnels.

From my personal experience, I know that you can’t make a living doing what Anthony is teaching you here.

He is primarily focused on teaching you how to promote HIS online course using paid ads and trust me, you will waste a ton of money on paid ads if you get into that.

If you have a big budget and you want to test things and see how it works then just go ahead but if you are a dude who only wants to learn proven methods of making money with affiliate marketing, you should invest in quality training first.

I want to present to you a platform that helped me to achieve financial independence thanks to the training it taught me and that is making your own niche website and generating passive income through affiliate marketing.

Just click on the link below and learn everything you will ever need to start making passive income online with affiliate marketing.

The Best Platform For Doing Affiliate Marketing! – Learn The Basics Here!

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