What Should You Avoid in Affiliate Marketing? – #6 Is a Must!

You have probably heard how affiliate marketing is so powerful online business that it can change your life and make you go full-time income. Well, that is right, you can start making a fortune with affiliate marketing but that is not so easy.

It is easy said than done but if you follow the right training and avoid the most common mistakes people make, you will succeed.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time affiliate marketer who is making a living from a website you are currently reading.

As more and more people ask me about affiliate marketing as they want to start it, I wanted to dedicate this article to what should you avoid in affiliate marketing so that you can start making success as soon as possible.

Below you can find the most common mistakes people are making when they are starting affiliate marketing and you will also learn what to avoid, so let’s begin!

1. First Help and Then Sell

This is probably one of the biggest mistakes people are making and you definitely want to avoid this if you plan to make real money by doing affiliate marketing.

You know, we all need money and we want to make it as fast as possible but we forget one very important thing, our job as affiliate marketers is to HELP people and educate them about something they are looking for.

I know that you want to make money fast and you want affiliate sales fast but if money is your number 1 priority you will most likely not succeed with affiliate marketing.

This means that you want to put a customer in the first place (your reader). You want to create high-quality content that will help your readers to get more information about what they look for.

Let’s say I am writing about the best fat burners and that I am promoting a few fat burners on my website. I first want to help people by educating them on that topic and then I should sell them a fat burner. I hope that you understand what I am talking about.

Also, people are using so many ads and banners on their websites hoping that in that way they are going to make quick cash, no, you won’t! You will only waste your time instead of giving value to the people.

So, make sure that you avoid this most common mistake that 90% of affiliate marketers make and give your readers value and quality first and then you can start selling them.

Related: How To Start Affiliate Marketing In 2023 (Easy Guide)

2. Publishing Low-Quality Content

Like it or not, creating high-quality content on your website is a must if you want to succeed with affiliate marketing. I am seeing most of the time that people who are just beginning are creating poor content and that results in failure.

The click you are getting and the affiliate sales you are getting are the results of your content. That is why you must put focus on creating valuable content and not some crap.

Everyone today is doing affiliate marketing and for you to be able to beat the competition you must have amazing content that will answer the search query people are typing in the search engines.

Here are some basic things you should consider while creating great content:

  • average blog post on the first page of google has 1.900 words so make sure you consider that while writing
  • every blog post should have at least 1 image for better rankings
  • you should use a lot of internal links to your old content and at least 1 external link to some authority website
  • properly using SEO techniques
  • etc

The point is that you should avoid creating fluff content and thinking that it will rank high in Google, your online success as an affiliate marketer depends on creating high-quality and valuable content for your readers.

Also, don’t think that writing 2 pieces of content per month or even per week will make you rich, you are going to work every day on your website and on your content to be able to become a successful affiliate marketer.

Most people publish 2-5 blog posts in a month and they pray that it will somehow ”work”, no, it won’t until you put daily work into content creation.

3. Not Checking Website Speed

Your website must be fast, plain and simple. We are living very fast and we all want instant results, the same is with website speed.

When people are doing research on something they want to find out about it instantly.

That is why website speed is crucial not only for your readers but also for search engines and SEO. Google wants to see your website load fast, ideally under 2 seconds, if it loads more than that you are going to lose rankings and revenue.

GTmetrix is a great online tool that can help you to discover the website speed and also recommendations on what should you improve to make your site load faster.

Most of the time your website will load slowly because of too many images or images that are not compressed before being inserted into the content. There is also CSS problem, Java, and other that can slow your website and you must pay attention to them if you want to keep your rankings and get affiliate sales.

You can definitely have the best content out there but if your website is slow people will avoid it in a high range.

4. Avoiding Evergreen Content

This is so true, I am seeing a lot of people writing about many topics on their websites but avoiding writing about evergreen content that ranks the best and stays there forever.

That’s right, look at my website, I am writing about making money online and doing affiliate marketing, it is evergreen content that will always be popular.

If you don’t know what is evergreen content let me explain it to you in short. Evergreen content or evergreen niche is a niche that will never run out of popularity, it will be popular today and 5 or 10 years from now on.

I always recommend to beginners in affiliate marketing to choose an evergreen niche and stick to it. It is true that it ranks a little harder because of competition but you will see later how it will pay off.

When you write about the evergreen niche you only need to update content from time to time but your website will never get old and unpopular.

Some of the greatest evergreen niches are:

  • Health and Fitness
  • Wealth and Finances
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Human relationships
  • Pets
  • etc

If you want to learn more about choosing the perfect niche for affiliate marketing I recommend that you click on the link below and read my text on how to choose the perfect niche that will help you to start making a great deal of revenue with affiliate marketing.

Remember, the evergreen niche is great for making money with affiliate marketing.

How To Choose a Profitable Niche For Affiliate Marketing – Learn More Here!

5. Not Doing (Properly) SEO

Doing affiliate marketing and writing content without doing the SEO part means that you are not gonna see any success, you will only waste your time on creating content, believe me, it is true.

You must know the basics of SEO if you plan to start making affiliate sales through your website. When I was starting my first website a couple of years ago I did not know anything about SEO and I was not doing it.

You can have the best content on your website but if it is not optimized for search engines like Google, it will only stay in place until you give up.

Here is some basic SEO stuff you should know:

  • Doing keyword research and choosing a keyword with low competition
  • Using the keyword in the permalink
  • Using keywords in the meta title and meta description
  • Using keywords in the first 100 words of your text
  • Keyword in the alt image tag
  • Internal link to your other content
  • external link to some authority website in the same niche as you are

SEO is not hard at all but it requires time and patience to master the basics and implement them in your content. Doing SEO properly will ensure that your website ranks high in search engines and attract organic traffic that will convert to affiliate sales.

Related: How To Get Organic Traffic To Your Website

6. Giving Up

Yeah, definitely the worst thing you can do is give up. I did not see anyone not succeeding with affiliate marketing who was not giving up.

I know that you want instant success and you want those affiliate sales now but that is not the way affiliate marketing works. What I can promise you is that if you keep working you are going to see great results in terms of affiliate sales and money.

I am a full-time affiliate marketer who has been doing this for nearly a decade and I know that there are struggles and it is hard, let’s not lie to each other. You will need to give yourself time to make a success and that is not easy at all.

The point is that if you stick to your plan and your wishes you are going to become very successful and you will see big earnings just like me.

My affiliate earnings, it is a passive income:

If I gave up in the first 6 months of doing affiliate marketing I would never start making this nice, passive income online. You simply don’t know what is waiting for you in the corner so it is a must that you keep working on what you do and stick to your plan.

So, What Should You Avoid in Affiliate Marketing?

1. First Help and Then Sell

2. Publishing Low-Quality Content

3. Not Checking Website Speed

4. Avoiding Evergreen Content

5. Not Doing (Properly) SEO

6. Giving Up

I honestly hope that this article helped you to see what you should avoid when it comes to affiliate marketing. You need to keep working and you need to be consistent if you plan to make online successful.

Affiliate marketing is definitely one of the greatest ways to make passive income online but it requires patience and dedication.

If you want to learn how to start affiliate marketing and be super successful I advise that you click on the link below and read my step-by-step guide on how to start doing it even if you are a complete beginner.

The Best Way To Start Doing Affiliate Marketing in 2023 – Check It Here!

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