Jono Armstrong’s Ministry Of Freedom Review – Big Scam Or?

We live in an era of affiliate marketing, that is true believe it or not.

Today you find an endless number of courses and programs that claim that they can help you with affiliate marketing and make you rich. One of those courses is Jono Armstrong’s Ministry of Freedom.

It is a course that is getting more and more popular as there was never a better time to start an affiliate marketing business.

Still, folks are sending me questions inside my inbox about this course so I decided to do a Jono Armstrong’s Ministry of Freedom review so that you can be 100% sure if this thing is for you or not.

I think those scam questions are coming because Jono is talking about some unethical things when it comes to making money online. We will also check that in this review.

When you land on the Ministry of Freedom page you can see that the owner, Jono Armstrong claims that he makes even $10k per month by just outsourcing things and you can do that too if you follow the course.

How true is that and can you actually make some money with this course?

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer, I am sure you will enjoy this review as I will reveal to you whether is Ministry of Freedom a scam or not.

Let’s begin!

Ministry Of Freedom Short Overview

  • Product: Ministry Of Freedom
  • Product Type: Affiliate marketing course
  • Owner: Jono Armstrong
  • Price: $1,497 one time or you can pay $597 three times
  • Money-Back Guarantee: 45-days
  • Is it a Scam: Yes and No
  • Recommended?: Not for beginners

Ministry of Freedom is a step-by-step course that is teaching people how to start making money by doing affiliate marketing.

One more thing that you will learn in this course is a method called Launch Jacking which talks about reviewing the products that are still not launched.

So you will learn how to review pre-launched products and recommend them to people by doing affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is a legit online business and I approve of that but Jono’s method called Launch Jacking is something I really don’t like.

What Is Jono Armstrong’s Ministry Of Freedom?

Simply said, the Ministry of Freedom is one more of those affiliate marketing courses where you will learn how to do affiliate marketing and make a decent income online.

Affiliate marketing is a legitimate business where you are promoting products/services from a marketplace like Clickbank and when someone buys from your affiliate link you are making a commission.

In this course, you will also learn how to use the Launch Jacking method which I will talk more about in this review.

At first look, I thought that this course is a big scam but while I was doing research I found that there are folks who are actually making money following the lessons inside the Ministry of Freedom.

Although this course may not be a scam and there are people making money, there are still those claims about how the Ministry of Freedom is not worth the money and I want to discuss that in this review.

Who Is Jono Armstrong and Is He a Legitimate Person?

I can honestly say that Jono Armstrong is a real guy who is behind the Ministry of Freedom. He actually created this course to help people start making money with his method called Launch Jacking.

He is also a very popular vendor and affiliate marketer, mostly on WarriorPlus. The interesting thing that proves Jono’s legitimacy is that you can find him on his YouTube channel where he shares his experiences and success with people like you and me.

Although he is a real guy and he is successful I must admit that he creates crap products and courses and sell them for big money to people, that is the truth.

There is even a video on YouTube (if not removed) where he personally claims that he is making low-quality courses and sells them for high profit. It is a big minus for me because his courses will cost you a fortune, to be honest.

If you are a beginner in the online world you can easily fall into those traps where ”gurus” are making low-quality products and selling them for a high income. You should be careful about shiny object syndrome.

All in all, Jono is a real guy and not some scammer who uses false names like many gurus online. As I have said you will easily find him on his YT channel which is pretty good and gives you a sense of security.

What Is Actually Launch Jacking Method?

This method is the main focus of the Ministry of Freedom course. You will learn things about affiliate marketing but you will primarily learn how to find pre-launched products and do affiliate marketing campaigns on them.

Jono claims that he is making up to $10k per month with this method. I can say that is a legit method but I don’t like it as you will need to make positive reviews to make people actually buy the product.

You will be creating marketing campaigns on products that are not launched yet which is a little dishonest to the people who will look to buy those products.

Jono is focusing on doing this method on YouTube so you will learn how to make YT video reviews with affiliate links inside so that everyone who clicks and buys the product, you will get a percentage of that sale.

How Does The Ministry Of Freedom Work?

The Ministry of Freedom is available online and you will need to register for free on a webinar that Jono is doing. It is a nice marketing webinar that will certainly attract you and you will certainly think about getting into the Ministry of Freedom. But don’t hurry with buying yet.

Keep in mind that once you join you will have access to 9 weeks of training where you will learn many things, I need to mention some of them below:

  • Launch Jacking method
  • Mindset, tools, and applications
  • The basics of email marketing
  • Building a list with paid traffic
  • Soft launching
  • Advanced Launch Jacking method

So, once you register for this course you will have access to the nine weeks of training that will teach you how to create and launch the Launch Jacking method.

Keep in mind that you should have some sort of passion for affiliate marketing but also making videos because Jono’s training is teaching how to do reviews on YouTube.

What is not that great with this method is that you will mostly promote garbage (digital) products to the people convincing them that products are actually good. You will probably lose your reputation after some time and I suppose people will call you a scammer.

That is the main downside of Jono training, you will not be honest with people but you will use tricks to make them buy low-quality products.

Again, I say that Ministry of Freedom is a legit method but it is not fair to people who are supposed to trust you.

What Do You Get Inside Of Ministry Of Freedom?

When you successfully join the Ministry of Freedom you will get 9 modules created by Jono Armstrong that will lead you and teach you how to make money by promoting pre-launched products on WarriorPlus.

I want to take the time to explain to you each one of those 9 modules you will learn about inside this course.

First Week – Mindset

Mindset is very important and Jono knows that. If you plan to succeed online you will need to have a positive mindset and other things will eventually come, that is the claim of Jono Armstrong.

So, in your first week, you will learn things like why is mindset very important for online success and how can you must be motivated because profit is not coming overnight.

The Second Week – Tools and Applications

In the second week, you will learn everything about the tools you will need to use in this business model. Some of those tools include autoresponder which you will need for email marketing.

It’s not a big deal and you will not pay much money but still, it is an investment you will need to make.

Your 3, 4, and 5-Week – Launch Jacking Method

In those weeks you will learn the core principle of the Ministry of Freedom and that is the Launch Jacking method.

Jono will teach you and learn you how to choose the products from the WarriorPlus marketplace that are not launched yet and make positive reviews about those products.

The good thing is that Jono shows this method even on his YouTube channel so you can find and see it easily.

Just like I said above, I am not a big fan of this method as you will make positive reviews about the products that are even not launched yet.

Your 6 Week – Soft Launching

In your 6th week, you will learn how to create a product and share it with other affiliates to see how it will work on the market. If it shows well Jono will learn you a method of how to make money from it.

7th Week – Email Marketing

Email marketing is a crucial thing when it comes to doing affiliate marketing, it is still one of the most profitable ways to make money online. Nearly everyone today is doing email marketing. It goes hand in hand with affiliate marketing.

It is very important to start building an email list as soon you start with affiliate marketing.

You will learn how email marketing work and how to choose and buy the autoresponder because without it you can’t work.

Week 8 – The Product Launching

This is a very important lesson and I can say the most important one. Here Jono will teach you about product launching and creating those successful campaigns when it comes to promoting digital products.

If you ever get into the Ministry of Freedom make sure that you pay close attention, especially to this module.

Week 9 – Paid Traffic

In your 9th module, you will learn everything about paid ads and how to use them. Here you will need to be ready to invest some extra money into the paid ads.

Honestly, I am not a big fan of paid ads because they can literally suck your wallet and still do not make you any money. With paid ads, it’s up to testing things.

Of course, Jono is professional and you will get a training lesson from him on how to run paid ads but just like I have said you will need to have an extra budget just for paid ads.

Ministry Of Freedom Bonuses And Features

As you could see above you will see some great things in the training but that is not all. You will also get some quality features and bonuses if you decide to buy the Ministry of Freedom.

Besides those 9 modules you will also get:

  • Access to live calls
  • Jono’s support and mentorship
  • Access to a private Facebook group

I especially like the group because you can there discuss the experiences with other affiliates and talk about different strategies for maximizing the profit.

When it comes to the Bonuses you will get:

  • DFY (Done For You) sales page
  • 2 sales per week
  • The ultimate launch booster
  • Promo credit of $100 for paid ads

Let’s now see one of the most important things and that is the price of Ministry Freedom, can you really afford to invest money into this and what should you know, keep reading!

How Much Does Ministry Of Freedom Cost?

I must say that I was shocked when I saw the price of this course. If you ever decide to join Ministry Freedom you will need to pay $1.497 one time, to get full access to training.

You also have the second option and it’s to pay three times $597. Maybe it is not a bad option but in this case, it will cost you $1.791 which is more expensive.

I want you to keep in mind that are also extra costs with this course, you will also need to invest money into:

  • autoresponder for email marketing
  • paid ads
  • tracking software

Based on all this it will cost you more than $2.000 which is crazy in my personal opinion.

There are affiliate marketing courses like Wealthy Affiliate that will cost you only $495 per year without any extra costs and you will get step-by-step training on building a six-figure website.

Why Is Wealthy Affiliate a Way Better Option? – Click Here!

Does The Ministry Of Freedom Offer Money Back Guarantee?

Yes, you will get 45 days to test the things but keep in mind that people are not satisfied with its refund as many claims that you will NOT get back your money which is a big red flag.

There are folks who wanted to get a refund but no one was answering their emails and calls which is pretty bad.

Man, you will need to invest here more than $2k, imagine not getting a refund, you just throw away $2k, it’s crazy.

Ministry Of Freedom Pros

Before I conclude this review and say my word about whether is Ministry of Freedom a scam or not let me introduce you to some pros and cons of this course.

I am sure that the cons I will mention will be enough for you to make a decision.

But lest see first the pros:

  • easy to follow 9-week training
  • it’s about affiliate marketing which is an evergreen method of making money online
  • Jono Armstrong is a real person
  • you are getting a private FB group you can join
  • it has a 45-day money-back guarantee (despite people not getting a refund)

Ministry Of Freedom Cons

  • It’s pretty expensive
  • You will have some extra costs besides paying for the course
  • Launch Jacking method is unethical
  • You will promote garbage products to the people
  • Jono Armstrong will not give you a refund
  • People are sharing online that this course is a scam

That’s right my fellow reader, you will need to cash out more than $2k for this course as you will also need to invest money in tools and paid ads.

The most negative thing is that Jono is trying to make a high profit by luring people into buying his course where he is teaching them to promote low-quality products on YouTube.

Another minus is that although it says that you have 45 days to test things you will hardly get your money back, so if you spend $2k+ on this and you find out that it is garbage you just throw your money away, just like that.

Is Ministry Of Freedom a Scam? See For Yourself!

Hmm, if you ask me I would honestly say yes and no.

But let me first show you the reviews of REAL people who share their experiences about this course on TrustPilot.

I think that you now understand if is it a scam or not. But why do I say yes and no?

– Because Jono is teaching affiliate marketing and this method really works, I don’t want you to think that affiliate marketing is bad and is not working.

The thing is that Jono Armstrong is giving misleading information and he is actually teaching about unethical methods that will not bring the results.

It’s obvious that people are not satisfied with the Ministry of Freedom and it’s obvious that folks lost $2k+ without a chance to get their money back.

Should You Buy Ministry Of Freedom & My Recommendation For You

A big NO! I think that you should not invest your hard-earned money into the Ministry of Freedom course, it would be a waste of money just like the guy says in the image above.

This is something similar to those scams like Perpetual Income 365 and 12 Minute Affiliate.

The Internet is full of scams and as you can see there are guys who just want to make a high profit from people like you.

If you have money to waste then go and buy that course but if you don’t want to throw your money then you should choose an alternative and my recommendation is the Wealthy Affiliate platform. A platform that will teach you how to create a six-figure website from scratch and make money from affiliate marketing, just like me!

It is a 100% proven and 100% legit platform that is bringing the results to people who follow their training. I am a member of the WA platform for over 6 years and that is why I promote this platform to the world.

Click on the link below and follow my steps to becoming a successful six-figure online entrepreneur, without scams and lies!

The Best Way To Make Money Online In 2022 – Click Here!

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