Is OMG Machines a Scam? – Truth Revealed!

So many people heard lately about the OMG Machines program that is teaching people how to make money online by doing affiliate marketing.

I am really surprised how many folks are using this program although the price is very expensive. Honestly, I have never used the program but I have done good research on it so you can be sure that you will get a top-quality review.

Definitely, one of the most popular questions about this is OMG Machines a scam or it is a legit way to make passive income on the Internet.

I have done my research and I hope that this review will help you find out if this is for you or not.

If you already don’t know me, my name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who is informing and teaching people about creating online businesses but also reviewing online products that are supposed to teach you how to make money online.

Let’s start with our review and discover what is OMG Machines about.

OMG Machines Short Overview

  • Product: OMG Machines
  • Type of product: SEO and Affiliate Marketing training
  • Owner: Gregg Morrison
  • Price: $7.999 one time
  • Money back guarantee: No
  • Is it a scam: Read below to find out
  • Do I recommend it: No

In short, OMG Machines is an online program that is teaching people how to start making money by using SEO and affiliate marketing. In my opinion and based on my research OMG Machines is a legit way to start making money although the price is brutal.

I will talk about the price below but you should know that this is not for everyone, especially not for beginners in the online world.

The great thing about OMG Machines is that you have an opportunity to make real money online if you follow the process but it will take time and patience. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme, if you think that you will start making your first cash in 30 days you are wrong.

What Is OMG Machines?

OMG Machines (One Man Gang Machine) is an online training platform created by a successful online entrepreneur Gregg Morrison. This online community was created way back in 2012 and it only keeps evolving.

The main mission and focus of OMG Machines is that teach you how to start making money online by implementing SEO strategies and affiliate marketing.

Inside this online platform, you are getting an online community but also full training that is meant to prepare you for making money in 90 days.

As I already said, this is not a get-rich-quick scheme or anything similar, you are learning here proven methods of making money but it will definitely take time and effort.

I am a big fan of SEO and especially affiliate marketing because all of my earnings come from it.

The training inside is plain and simple and anyone can understand it, it is also created for complete beginners but at the end of this review I will share my opinion about why I think you should not use this online platform if you are a beginner.

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Who Is Gregg Morrison?

Gregg Morrison is the creator and owner of OMG Machines and he is a very successful SEO and online entrepreneur. I heard about this guy years ago but honestly, I have never researched him.

He claims that with his training he can get any website on the top of Google doing proven SEO strategies.

I agree with him and I know that it is possible but it takes time. You will not make success with SEO overnight, you will need months and months of hard work to be able to make money through SEO.

The interesting thing about OMG Machines training is that you will not only hear Gregg but you will stumble upon many other coaches inside that training. I think it is a big plus because Gregg can’t tell everything alone about such important themes as SEO and affiliate marketing.

Gregg Morrison is a legit person so you should not worry about getting scammed or anything similar.

That does not mean that you should run into the program and buy it.

How Does OMG Machines Work? (Watch Out!)

OMG Machines works pretty simply. Its training is focused to teach you everything about making money using SEO and affiliate marketing.

But it is not only a training platform but it also has a large community of online marketers with whom you can spend time and share experiences.

From my point of view, everything is okay with the training but I must say that there are many false testimonials about this online platform and that is primarily because of getting people inside.

You should not believe that you are going to make money fast and easy. It will take you a couple of months before you see any positive results.

OMG Machines works very simply, there are a few steps you are gonna learn before you are able to make money:

  • How to choose a profitable niche
  • How to find low-competition keywords
  • How to create a WordPress website

This is all okay and it works BUT the problem I saw with their training is that you are going to learn grey-hat SEO strategies and that is pretty risky if you want to rank high in the Google search engine.

I don’t know why is Gregg even using those shady techniques when it comes to SEO but the point is that you should be very cautious because you can easily get banned from Google.

This is definitely one of the reasons why I would not recommend people who are beginners to get inside OMG Machines.

100% legit alternative for you: making money online is not easy but if you have proven and tested training you will achieve the results you want. That is why I recommend the Wealthy Affiliate platform to all my readers who want to make passive income online completely legit.

Click Here To Get Access To The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Platform!

How Much Does OMG Machines Cost?

I can freely say that OMG Machines is one of the most expensive online products I have come across when it comes to SEO and affiliate marketing training.

If you decide to get into this you will need to pay $7.999 one time or $699 per month during 12 months period.

If you ask me do I think is it worth the price I will tell you NO, it is not worth it. Come on folks, that training is not a golden one so you spend all your money on it.

Yes, it is quality and it offers training about SEO and affiliate marketing but you have a way cheaper alternative that I am using for nearly 8 years now. It is called the Wealthy Affiliate platform and you can get even more quality training there for only $495 per year.

Bad thing is that there is no money-back guarantee so when you pay those $8k that’s it, if you don’t like the program or the training money is lost.

Related: How To Start Affiliate Marketing Business For Free

Is OMG Machines a Scam?

Based on my experience and my research I can say that OMG Machines is not a scam but you should be very cautious while deciding whether to join it or not.

The owner of this online platform is a legit person and he is teaching you a legit way to make money online but you will give him $8k to only learn how to start getting money in 90 days.

There is even no guarantee that you will be creating any success because that is how SEO work, you don’t know if will Google rank you or not although you may have perfect content and a website.

Besides that, I should not forget to mention that you will learn shady SEO techniques and with that, you risk getting penalized by Google.

I really don’t know why Gregg is charging $8k and still learning shady strategies, for that money you should be learning the best SEO techniques possible.

OMG Machines Pros

  • Teaching about proven methods for making money online (SEO + Affiliate Marketing)
  • Gregg Morrison is a legit person
  • The big community inside the platform

Although I would like to mention more pros of this online platform I could not find more. Besides, it offers good training on SEO and affiliate marketing I could not find anything else, not even positive reviews from the clients.

OMG Machines Cons

  • Brutally expensive
  • Not suitable for beginners in the SEO world
  • It teaches about not-so-good SEO strategies
  • There is no money-back guarantee
  • No free trial

Do I Recommend OMG Machines?

Honestly, no. I don’t recommend OMG Machines primarily because it is very expensive and I think that you will not get the quality you should get for that price.

Many online ”gurus” will recommend you this online platform because they are affiliates and they will make big commissions when you join OMG Machines and buy their training.

You can learn the basic things about SEO and affiliate marketing inside but you can learn all of that and more with Wealthy Affiliate training for only $49 per month or $495 per year.

Of course, if you want to spend those $8k on this just go ahead, it’s your decision but again, I do not recommend it. I am sure you will only waste your hard-earned money.

OMG Machines Alternative: Wealthy Affiliate Training Platform

If you really want to invest your time and money into a high-quality training platform that could teach you how to make a full-time income online than the WA platform is definitely for you.

I am making a passive income online for years thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate and their training. You are going to learn how to create a six-figure website in any niche you want and make money by doing affiliate marketing.

With Wealthy Affiliate you are going to get:

  • Full training on affiliate marketing and SEO
  • Full support and mentorship
  • Great hosting and domain name
  • Access to the community of over 2 million affiliate marketers
  • and many more

This and many more for only $49 per month or if you choose their Yearly membership that will cost you only $495 per year.

I am a WA member for over 7 years and I am there with awesome people just like you who are making a great success online.

Just take a look at some of my earnings thanks to the WA training and their community!

If you want to learn everything about the WA platform and learn how can you make money online with their fantastic training just click on the link below to learn everything about it.

If you decide to join me inside I will be your personal mentor and support!

The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Platform – Join Me Inside!

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