Online Success Apprentice Review – Not For Everyone!

If you were researching online programs to join to learn affiliate marketing then you probably run into the Online Success Apprentice course created by popular online entrepreneur Simon Stanley.

So many people asked me lately if have I used this online course and if can I recommend it to people who want to start making money online with affiliate marketing.

Because of that, I have decided to do an Online Success Apprentice review where you will find everything you should know about this course and if it s some sort of scam or if you can really benefit from it.

For you who do not know me, my name is Daniel, I am an ordinary 27-year-old guy who is enjoying making money online by doing affiliate marketing. I can say that I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who is helping people to start their own online businesses, precisely to start affiliate marketing.

Besides that, I am regularly doing product reviews here on my site related to programs and platforms that promise to teach you how to make money on the Internet.

Some are legit but some are pure scams so it is very important that you do research on the program before applying or buying.

Let’s see what is the case with Online Success Apprentice.

Online Success Apprentice Short Overview

  • Product: Online Success Apprentice
  • Type of product: Affiliate marketing course
  • Price: $19.95 + Upsells
  • Owner: Simon Stanley
  • Money back guarantee: Yes, 60 days
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Do I recommend it: No

In short, Online Success Apprentice is an online course that will teach you how to create your own digital product and start promoting it on an online forum called Warrior Forum.

You have probably heard about WF now as it is one of the most popular places for affiliate marketers and online entrepreneurs.

The whole point of this online course is that you learn how to actively promote digital products and make money by doing affiliate marketing. I am a big fan of affiliate marketing but I can say that I don’t like too much the methods you are learning here and I will discuss that later in this review.

Affiliate marketing is definitely the legit way to make a fortune online but you should know proper strategies on how to use it and make the most of the money you can. It is a passive income and you can really enjoy it if you start using affiliate marketing.

Alternative for you: I am using the Wealthy Affiliate platform which has complete, step-by-step training on affiliate marketing that can help you achieve your online dream. I am a member for over 7 years and it is my recommendation for people who want to work and earn online!

Start Making $$$ With Wealthy Affiliate Platform (Results Guaranteed!) – Learn More Here!

What Is Online Success Apprentice?

From my point of view, when you get to the sales video on their official page you will not find anything except the creator talking about his success and how online business work.

After I bought the product I saw that you will learn how to make money online by creating your own digital product and promote on Warrior Forum.

The point is that you register for free on Warrior Forum and start posting inside. You must succeed in getting the emails of people whom you will be later sending offers (your product) and if they buy it you will make a commission.

That is called affiliate marketing and it is a great way to make money online but honestly, I don’t like the method you are learning here.

So, all in all, Online Success Apprentice is an online course created by a successful affiliate marketer who is going to teach you how to do affiliate marketing on Warrior Forum by selling your digital products.

How Does Online Success Apprentice Work?

The focus of Online Success Apprentice is that teach you how to make money online with the help of Warrior Forum. If you are an online person just like me you probably stumbled upon WF for some time.

It is an online forum where online entrepreneurs and affiliate marketers gather, share experiences, share affiliate links, and many more.

Simon will teach you in his training how to:

  • Make your own digital product
  • Set up a campaign
  • Find customers on Warrior Forum
  • Make money when someone buys your product

Another important thing that Simon says and with which I do not agree is that using Google, search engines and social media for getting traffic is unnecessary.

That is absolutely not true! I even don’t like that he is not using free traffic from search engines to get customers because you know, organic traffic from search engines like Google converts the best.

Warrior Forum is a great place to find customers and get the traffic you need to your sales pages but the point is that traffic does not convert well and you will mostly stumble upon people who are scammers which is not so great when it comes to making money.

Who Can Start Making Money With Online Success Apprentice?

This online course is for everyone who wants to make money online, primarily with affiliate marketing. The core of the training is that you learn how to create your digital product and promote it on Warrior Forum.

If you are not a big fan of creating your own digital product (just like me) then this is not for you.

In that case, I would recommend you a Wealthy Affiliate platform where you will learn:

  • How to create a six-figure website
  • How to choose a profitable niche
  • How to do SEO optimization and rank high in search engines
  • How to choose great keywords without too much competition.
  • How to choose the products for promotion
  • and many more things related to affiliate marketing

I don’t want to say that you can’t make money with Online Success Apprentice but it will be hard because you will have to make your own product and it takes time.

Secondly, the traffic source from WF is not the best option as there are many scammers and people who just want to take your money and not give you.

Is Online Success Apprentice a Scam?

Based on my experience and my research I can say that Online Success Apprentice is not a scam but it is a legit way to make money online and learn about affiliate marketing.

Although it is not a scam it does not mean that it is recommended and that you should run into buying it.

Simon, the owner is a legit person and he is a very successful affiliate marketer but the thing is he is not teaching about affiliate marketing techniques as he should.

You know, today to make success with affiliate marketing you need to have a website and you should implement SEO to be able to get free traffic and convert to leads.

Warrior Forum is a good place to share your experience and ask questions but if you plan to sell through WF it will be hard and it could literally take you months before your first sale, primarily because traffic is not quality.

How Much Does Online Success Apprentice Cost?

Online Success Apprentice is pretty cheap, if you want to join in and get access to the training you will need to pay $19.95 one time.

It’s good but there are also upsells which you should pay attention to. This online course is sold through Clickbank and you only need to do a simple payment and that’s it. Good thing is that Clickbank is giving you a 60-day money-back guarantee so if you are not satisfied with the product you can ask for your money.

When it comes to the upsells, you actually have 2 of them.

One is called My Success and it will cost you $177, if you do not accept then you will be offered to buy it for only $97. Based on my research those upsells are BS and they are there just to make more money for the creator, not you.

The second one is called Accelerate My Success and it will cost $97.

You definitely don’t need to get those upsells so if you decide to join this course you can only pay $19.95, you will literally not get any value if you buy upsells.

Online Success Apprentice Pros

Let’s see what are the pros of this online course before we go into the cons.

  • Simon Stanley the owner is a legitimate person
  • Training is step by step
  • The price is okay, it’s not expensive
  • You have a money-back guarantee
  • It is about affiliate marketing which is the best method to make money online (my honest opinion)

Online Success Apprentice Cons

  • Many false testimonials about high earnings
  • It will take time before you make any money
  • Sales pages are promoting a get-rich-quick mindset
  • There are two upsells that are not worth it

Final Words And HONEST Recommendation

I honestly hope that you have liked this Online Success Apprentice review and that it helped you to decide if is it for you or not.

If you ask me, I would rather avoid this online course because you will actually not learn the core of affiliate marketing and which is creating your own niche website that will be getting you passive income in the long term.

I have been doing blogging and affiliate marketing for years and I have reviewed and tested endless programs and courses and discovered that definitely one of the best training platforms for affiliate marketing is definitely Wealthy Affiliate.

WA (for short) is my recommendation to everyone:

  • Who wants to start making passive income online
  • Who wants to learn how to build a real online business
  • Who wants financial freedom
  • Who wants to work and get paid what he deserves

Just take a look at some of my earnings from doing affiliate marketing.

Everyone and anyone can achieve this and even more, you just need to have proper training and education about affiliate marketing and everything is possible.

If you want to learn more about my top recommendation for you, that can make you real cash online without giving you false promises, click on the link below and just read it, you don’t need to accept my recommendation, just read it and decide.

The Best Way To Make Money Online Today – Learn More Here!

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