How Do I Get 1000 Views On My Blog? – 3 Fastest Ways!

If you have landed here that means that you have started your own blog or you plan to start one but you have doubts about getting your first visitors and views.

I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer and I am working with many people online who are interested in blogging and affiliate marketing. Definitely one of the most frequent questions I am getting is ”How do I get 1000 views on my blog” and that is actually I wanted to write this article.

Getting your first 1000 views to a blog is not so hard but honestly, it is either not so easy. In this blog post, I will share with you proven methods you should follow and implement to be able to get your first 1000 views.

When you get your first 1k views everything becomes much easier. If you know how to get 1k views you will also know how to get 10k, 100k, and more because everything is up to scaling.

So, let’s begin with our article, read carefully and I guarantee you that if you follow those steps you will make it with your blog!

How To Get 1000 Views On a Blog? (Quality Views!)

Before I get to the steps you should follow to get your first views on a blog I want to say that you should not expect instant results.

Your blog will start making money and getting views if you actively work on it and to work actively on it you should know HOW to work on it because if you are doing things wrong you will never get even one single view.

Now let’s see what you should do to start getting views and clicks to your blog. If you follow the steps I will mention below I can guarantee you can expect your first 1000 views in your first month or two!

Related: Can Blogging Be a Full-Time Job?

1. Start Creating Great Content On Your Blog (This Is a Must)

Believe it or not but the thing that attracts views and readers is actually content. If you ever heard that CONTENT is KING I must say that it is very true.

From the moment you created your blog, you should start producing high-quality content, at least 2-3 times per week. But that content should not be any content, you must write what is your audience looking for.

Forget about general topics and put your focus on a micro niche or micro topic. You want to become an expert in one specific topic because in that way you will get much more views and clicks and money of course.

Another thing that is very important when it comes to content is that you should focus on quality instead of quantity. I am seeing many new bloggers publishing every single day but the point is that if you are writing and publishing daily you will publish fewer quality articles.

Remember, it is way better to publish 2,3 times per week an article that is 2.000 words long than publishing every single day an article that is 500 words or less.

Discover High-Volume Keywords With Less Competition

Keywords are the root of your online success if you plan to create a blog and make money out of it. I am a full-time blogger and I know how important the keywords are but not every keyword, only the ones that have small competition.

If you want to get your first 1000 views on a blog you must target keywords that have a high search volume and literally no competition.

This is not so easy but if you have the right keyword research tool you will succeed sooner than later. I have also seen that starter bloggers are not using keyword tools and that is a big mistake.

There is a keyword research tool called SEMrush so you can start using it completely for free but you should know that will have limited access. If you want full access you will need to pay for using it.

Another keyword research tool that I am personally using is the Jaaxy tool, for me, it is the best keyword tool because it will give you the REAL competition state so you will know how to target the right keywords for your article.

If you target the right keywords from the start it is very likely that you will start seeing those 1000 views in your first month of blogging. That was the case with me.

Work Hard On Your Headline (Title)

A headline is what people will first see before they land on your blog. That is why you should have an amazing title if you want to achieve high CTR (Click Through Rate).

Sure, you should never mislead people with your title but that must be something that will intrigue them and make them click on your blog title and not others.

A good rule is that your title should have numbers, that is what attracts people the most.

Let me give you a good example: 10 Best Keyword Tools For Your Blog

Can you see how attractive it is, imagine that there is no number, it would look simple and boring. Of course, not every headline needs to have numbers but where you can put them just put them.

Related: Is It Worth It To Start a Blog In 2023? Learn More Here!

2. Use SEO Optimization To Start Getting Views and Clicks

If you plan to get your first 1000 views on your blog you definitely don’t want to skip SEO.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a way to get free traffic to your blog instead of paying for traffic. There is a method called PPC where you invest money and pay Google to get targeted traffic.

You as a blogger should always focus on SEO because that traffic is priceless! You don’t need to be an SEO pro to be able to get views and clicks, you only need some basic knowledge to start getting views.

Always Optimize your Blog Post (Keyword)

If your blog does not have an SEO plugin it’s time for you to install one inside your WordPress. You can choose between Yoast and the All In One SEO plugin, I am using the second one.

This plugin will help you in your SEO process and can definitely point you to how to properly optimize your blog post.

Every blog post you publish MUST be optimized and that means:

  • You should have your keyword in the permalink
  • Keyword in the title
  • Keyword in the first 100 words
  • Keyword in the alt image tag
  • You should have at least one internal and one external link

Many bloggers, especially beginners underestimate the power of SEO and how it can bring you visits and clicks. As I have already said, SEO is the best source of free and quality traffic you can get on your blog.

Optimize Your Whole Blog For Search Engines

Search engines like Google and Bing simply love a well-optimized blog and they will reward it by giving it rankings that will translate to views and clicks. And that means more money opportunities for you!

That is why you should also optimize your blog and not only blog posts or keywords.

What does that mean exactly? Well, take a look below!

  • You should have HTTPS and not HTTP
  • You should have an About Me page and a Contact page
  • Your blog must be mobile-friendly
  • You should never have duplicate content on your blog
  • You also should fix broken links if you have some
  • Your blog speed should be on max level
  • The blog should be user-friendly

Those are some of the most important things you should pay attention to if you want your blog to be ranked high in the search engines. People often think that it is enough to just create a blog and only publish new content.

The truth is a little different, you should monitor your blog every day to see if everything is fine and look for errors if there are some.

Related: Increase CTR By 18% By Creating Great Blog Titles

3. Use Social Media and Online Forums

If you really want to start getting views fast on your blog then you might want to consider implementing social media into your strategy.

Social media can bring you literally instant views but the problem we have with social media is that traffic is not converting so well. Yeah, you will get views but the point is that you will not get money.

Still, getting views and clicks from the social platform is a plus because Google will notice that someone has read your content and he might consider ranking it higher.

You can start promoting your blog on platforms like:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • YouTube
  • Quora
  • TikTok
  • etc

When it comes to online forums I have noticed that the best one is Quora, it is an online community platform where people are asking questions and getting answers.

Let’s say that you are talking about fat burners on your blog. You can easily go on Quora and find the questions related to fat burners and give an answer to the people where you will also insert a link pointing to your blog post.

Quora is an active online forum that has millions of visitors and you can definitely get your first 1000 views from there.

It is important that you know you can get views and clicks to your blog from social media and forums but if you plan to make money your main source of traffic should be SEO and Google, that traffic source is priceless.

Some Final Words and My Recommendation

I honestly hope that this article helped you to discover how can you get 1000 views on a blog. Remember, getting traffic to a blog is a marathon and not a sprint. It takes time and effort and if you just created your blog you will have to take the steps I wrote above.

Put 90% of your focus on SEO and you will start seeing great results even in your first month. Beginners tend to focus only on social media and forget about doing SEO and that is a big mistake.

Your earnings from your blog will come mostly from search engines like Google and Bing and that is why it is crucial that you do SEO.

I am not an SEO pro and my blog delivers me a full-time income thanks to the SEO because I am getting a relevant audience who is ready to buy things through my blog.

At last, I want to recommend you a training platform that can help you to achieve massive success with your blog and it is called the Wealthy Affiliate platform. It is an online platform that is created for bloggers and affiliate marketers of all levels.

With their training you will learn everything about:

  • Creating a niche website in WordPress
  • How to rank in search engines using SEO methods
  • Finding golden keywords that will help you rank fast in Google
  • How to monetize your blog with affiliate marketing
  • and many more

I am a Wealthy Affiliate member for over 7 years and this platform and its training helped me to become financially independent and make a passive income online.

If you are interested to learn how to make a six-figure website or even better if you already have your blog and want to make it super profitable, Wealthy Affiliate is for you.

You Are a Blogger? Wealthy Affiliate Platform Is For You!

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