What Is 1 Page Commissions And Should You Trust It?

If you were looking for a way to make money with affiliate marketing in an easy way you have probably stumbled upon many programs and courses that teach you how to make money fast by using done-for-you pages.

I suppose you know what I think, you don’t need to build websites, drive traffic to the blog, waste time by producing high-quality content, and similar things related to affiliate marketing.

One of those online courses that promise you these things is 1 Page Commissions, this is basically the app that already has pre-made templates that guarantee you making money with affiliate marketing.

So, in this article, I am gonna talk about what is 1 Page Commissions about and how it actually works. Is it some sort of scam and should you really trust this online system that promises big earnings?

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who is enjoying doing product reviews that can (or can’t) help people to make real money online.

I don’t need to say to you how many scams are out there and many ”gurus” just want your hard-earned money and that is why you need to read and look for reviews when you look for ways to make money on the internet.

Keep reading this review so that you can find if 1 Page Commissions is really worth your time and effort.

1 Page Commissions Short Overview

  • Product: 1 Page Commissions
  • Type of product: App that has pre-built DFY pages you can make money from by doing affiliate marketing
  • Owner: Andrew Darius
  • Price: $17 but you also have Upsells
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Do I recommend it: No

Simply said, 1 Page Commissions is an app that is creating DFY (Done For You) review templates that you can use for promotion and make sales when someone buys a product through your sales page.

Although you can make money with this method 1 Page Commission is not giving you or guaranteeing you a traffic source, so you will have to spend time and effort on getting quality traffic.

This software app is selling through the JVZoo marketplace and you can get it pretty cheap, for only $17 but I must mention upsells that you will have to pay if you want to unlock the full potential.

The product is safe for use but honestly, I would not recommend it for beginners who are looking to make an online business with affiliate marketing. You will find much better alternatives than this.

My alternative for you: If you want to make real money online and start earning passive income on the Internet I recommend that you read more about the Wealthy Affiliate platform, a platform that changed my financial life!

The Best Platform For Making Money Online in 2023 – Learn More Here!

What Is 1 Page Commissions About?

Just like I have said above, 1 Page Commissions is an app that has pre-made DFY sales pages in terms of review websites.

So you already have a website with 27 products you can make money from. You don’t need to worry about anything except getting traffic to that website. You will also get hosting so that website can be live on the internet.

This product is claiming that you will start making money from this method as soon as possible as already everything is done for you.

Honestly, I am not a big fan of these methods but it can actually work if you know how to get targeted and quality traffic.

The point with 1 PAge Commissions is that you don’t need to bother with buying a domain name, creating content, and doing SEO, and all that stuff, you get made review website where you need to choose 1 out of 27 high converting products to promote.

It is also focused on beginners as you don’t need to know anything about coding, web design, and all that stuff about creating a website.

One of the main downsides of this product is that it will not give you a traffic source, you will have to pay for traffic (paid ads) or you need to have a big following on social media to be able to sell anything.

How Does 1 Page Commissions Work?

Based on my research it is pretty easy to use the 1 Page Commissions app and you will only have a couple of clicks to get your review website ready.

There are actually 3 stages and I will try to explain to you how it actually works:

Step 1 – Just choose the product you want to promote and get your unique affiliate link

1 Page Commissions is giving you 27 ready-to-promote products where you just need to apply for which one you want to promote and get your affiliate link and that’s it.

I want to emphasize that these product reviews are done professionally and it is like a marketing expert was creating them, and I believe it is because the owner of 1 Page Commissions is a pretty successful and popular affiliate marketer.

Step 2 – Put your affiliate link inside the review page

This is pretty simple, you just need to take your affiliate ID and put it on the product review page. In that way when someone clicks and buys the product, you will get a commission.

The commission rate depends on the product type and it can be anywhere from 5% to 75%

Step 3 – Start sharing your review page and make money

This is much easier said than done but the point is that you should take your website link and start pointing traffic to it. You can have the best product and the best review but if you don’t have quality traffic that will come to your pages it is all in vain.

It’s a big plus if you already have some social media that has a big following but still, that following needs to be relevant, you can’t promote fitness equipment to anyone, you need people that are interested in that.

Who Is The Owner Of 1 Page Commissions?

The owner and the creator of 1 Page Commissions is a guy called Andrew Darius. He is a pretty popular affiliate marketer and he is primarily working on JVZoo marketplaces.

You can find him on his Facebook profile. 1 Page Commissions is not his only product but he has made many products related to affiliate marketing and teaching people to make money online.

What I like about this guy is that he is a real person and you can be sure that you will not get scammed with his product.

Although it is not a scam it is not for beginners in affiliate marketing as you will probably not convert the best.

I will talk about why I don’t recommend it for beginners in a few seconds.

What Do You Get Inside Of 1 Page Commissions?

It is very important to know what are you getting with the product and here we will see what can you expect to get inside 1 Page Commissions when you buy it.

As I have already said, you don’t have to worry about building a website or creating sales pages and product reviews, you are getting everything done for you.

1. Software (App) That Has Done Everything For You

It can be time-consuming if you try to build a profitable website for yourself but with the 1 Page Commissions app, you will not need to worry about that.

This app is easy to use and complete beginners can start using it immediately. The primary mission of this app is to make it easy for you to promote product reviews that are also pre-made.

2. Done-For-You Product Reviews

This is also the main thing when it comes to 1 Page commissions, You will get even 27 products that you can promote and it is up to you to choose the one.

You just need to make a few clicks, add your name and some of your information and you are ready to promote. It’s important to say that those reviews are professional and are made to convert as best as possible.

3. Hosting For a Website

You can’t have a live website without a hosting package and with 1 Page Commissions, you will get hosting which helps your review website to be live and ready for visitors.

Many people are thinking that you can do affiliate marketing without a website but in 99% you will need to have a blog if you want to make money with affiliate marketing.

4. Some Special Bonuses

When it comes to bonuses, yeah, you will get them if you decide to buy this product. The owner does not say directly what are those bonuses about but from my research, I have found that it has to do with getting traffic to your sales pages.

It is very important to know techniques for getting traffic to your website because traffic is the root of the success and the sales you will make.

How Much Does 1 Page Commissions Cost?

I have found that this product is not cheap at all and you can get it for a pretty affordable price of only $17.

You will get all the mentioned above but honestly, I think that it is not worth it. Do you really think that you will learn and even make money if you only invest $17? I think not, everyone would be millionaires by now.

But that’s okay, it’s up to you to decide whether would you buy it or not.

When it comes to the price there are upsells too and you will need to get some of them, if not all of them to be able to make money with this.

Those upsells are actually the bonuses and here is what you will get:

  • OTO 1: Page Commissions App PRO ($17)
  • OTO 2: 1 Page Commissions Club ($24)
  • OTO 3: Resell Rights ($39)
  • OTO 4: 1 Page Commissions Editor ($27 per year)
  • OTO 5: 1 Page Commissions Editor Pro ($67)
  • OTO 6: 1 Page Commission Editor Club ($27 per month)

As you can see you will not only need to pay $17 but much more. Honestly, I think that these upsells are not worth it and they are made just so that owner makes some extra money, he is not teaching you the right methods of getting quality traffic to sales pages and that is what I don’t like.

1 Page Commissions Pros

  • It is easy to use, especially for beginners
  • You have a 30-day money-back guarantee
  • It is a 100% DFY system
  • It is about affiliate marketing which is the best online business model
  • You get hosting

The primary thing about 1 Page Commissions is that you will get a product that is focused on beginners who want to make fast and easy cash online.

I can’t say that I don’t like a money-back guarantee, you have the option to test the things and if you are not satisfied you can get your money back. Simple and easy.

Sure, the great thing is the hosting package that you will get. Quality hosting companies are not cheap at all and you would need to invest at least $100 but here you are getting hosting with the product so you don’t need to worry about that.

1 Page Commissions Cons

  • You are made to think that you will make money fast
  • There are upsells that are not so cheap
  • You will need to work hard to get traffic to sales pages

When it comes to affiliate marketing, traffic is everything. If you don’t have QUALITY traffic you will not make a dime.

By quality traffic, I primarily mean targeted traffic. You can’t sell anything to anyone. People must be interested in what you are offering and that is why it is important that you have a target audience.

Even if you have a big following on social media like Insta or Facebook or any other, it will not help you much because I doubt that anyone will buy something.

That is the main and the most important con of 1 Page Commissions.

Another thing is making money. On the sales pages, you can see that the owner is promising you that you will make a nice amount of money but keep in mind that with affiliate marketing it can take up to 6 months before you see even a single sale.

Is 1 Page Commissions a Scam?

Based on my research I would not say that 1 Page Commissions is a scam. You will definitely get and learn quality things about affiliate marketing and you will see how it actually works.

An owner is a legitimate person who is a public figure and you can be sure that you will not get scammed. There is also a 30-day money-back guarantee that will make it easy for you to test things and see if this is for you or not.

I primarily like 1 Page Commissions because it is talking about affiliate marketing and for me, it is one of the best ways to make a real business online and make a passive income, and most importantly, it is legit!

Do I Recommend 1 Page Commissions For You?

If you are looking to try things with affiliate marketing and you are just a beginner, then you should avoid this online product.

You firstly need to learn the basics of affiliate marketing and learn how to promote affiliate products in the right ways, by getting organic traffic to your website.

Also, it is not enough to just have review pages on your website like 1 Page Commissions is giving you, you need to have quality information on your site to be able to monetize it.

If Google or Facebook see that you are spamming people with your sales pages you can easily get banned and that’s it, you are finished.

You definitely can try things with 1 Page Commissions but do not expect to start making money in your first 6 months because you do not have targeted traffic coming to your sales pages.

Honestly, I would invest that time and money in something much better, like creating and building your own online business that will make you rich, and I really think that.

How I Make a Full-Time Income Online?

I have a special recommendation for you today. Instead of wasting your time and energy on 1 Page Commissions you definitely should try MY method of making money online and that is a platform called Wealthy Affiliate.

I am generating a full-time income from my website thanks to this platform.

Wealthy Affiliate is teaching about creating your own niche website and doing affiliate marketing by promoting products in your chosen niche.

You will learn great things inside of Wealthy Affiliate and many more with my PERSONAL help and support.

Click on the link below and make sure to read about my top recommendation for you! If you are a serious person who wants to make a living by working online this is for you!

Read About The Platform That Changed My Financial Life! – Click Here!

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