What Is The Best Keyword Research Tool For SEO In 2024?

If you are a blogger or affiliate marketer and you write content on regular basis you probably look for the best keyword research tools that can significantly help you in your online job.

I am a full-time affiliate marketer and I know how hard is to write content and even rank in Google if you are not doing proper keyword research. It is vital that you are choosing the right keywords in your niche to be able to rank.

Keyword research tool will be your best friend in this process and in this article, I am gonna share with you what is the best keyword research tool for SEO you should use.

I will actually give you the best keyword tool that I personally use and it is of high quality, I am sure you are gonna love it.

You should also know how keyword research tools are important for SEO optimization because you will easily see who is your competition and how much ”powerful” they are.

So, let’s start with our topic, read carefully and choose the best keyword tool for you!

First Off, What Is Actually Keyword Research Tool?

Like the name says, a keyword research tool is a tool that will help you to discover trends and competition for the topic you want to write about on your website.

You can actually see your true competition in the search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. It is very important to use a tool because without it you will probably never rank, it’s a cold truth.

I have seen many people finding keywords ”from the head” which means they are not using any keyword tools, especially beginners are doing that and later they ask themselves why are they not ranking and not getting traffic.

With the help of a keyword tool, you will discover long tail keywords that are crucial for good ranking in search engines and you will find endless ideas and in that way, you will not stay out of content ideas.

I say it again, the most important reason why we want to use keyword research tools is COMPETITION. You can have the most quality and the best article but if there is a bunch of competition there you will not succeed.

Every tool out there should tell you about your competition but keep in mind that not every keyword tool is accurate and quality.

That is why I am gonna talk today about the tool that helped me to increase my organic traffic by more than 40% and that is primarily because I knew about my competition.

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool – Definitely The Best Keyword Tool Out There

Jaaxy is a keyword tool owned by the Wealthy Affiliate platform. Wealthy Affiliate is an online platform that is teaching people like you and me to start their own niche website and monetize it with affiliate marketing.

This keyword tool is integrated into the Wealthy Affiliate but you can also join completely free of joining the WA platform. If you go to jaaxy.com you will find a free registration form.

Jaaxy has many features which I am gonna talk about but the most important thing with this tool is that Jaaxy is giving you the exact number of competitors and it also finds low-competition keywords for you.

It is a free keyword tool but keeps in mind that as a free member you will only have 30 searches when it comes to finding good keywords and if you want to research more you will have to upgrade and I can tell you that price is more than worth it.

Let’s now see the main features of Jaaxy and how can you use this amazing keyword to find low-hanging fruit keywords and rank high in search engines.

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What Jaaxy Offers?

The Jaaxy really has many features but just like I have said the most important thing that you will be using is the Keywords part where you will be discovering new keywords and checking your competition.

You will find that it is pretty easy to use this keyword research tool even if you are a total beginner and you never used a keyword tool before.

On the image you can see the basic interface, that is what will you see when you successfully register on Jaaxy. It has a bunch of things in the menu and I will talk about each one but most importantly what we will need is Keywords.

So, let’s check how Jaaxy works and how can we find many quality keywords, depending on what niche you are in.

1. Keywords

This is where we are gonna look and research keywords for our chosen niche. I will give you an example based on my niche which is making money online.

As you can see in the image above the main keyword I wanted to target is ”how to make money online”. I want to see the information about that keyword so that I know if should I write a topic based on this keyword or not.

Jaaxy gave me the result based on what I am looking for but it also gave me some ideas on other keywords I could target that is a bit different from my original keyword.

You can see that I got other ideas like:

  • how to make money online free and fast
  • how to make money online training
  • tips on how to make money online
  • steps how to make money online
  • etc.

But how will I know which keyword is good and quality? Well, I am gonna look at the info Jaaxy gives me when it comes to the quality.

AVG, Traffic, and QSR are the most important parameters you should look into in the Jaaxy. They will tell you how quality the keyword is and whether should you target it or not.

  • AVG – This column will show you the estimate of how much is the keyword phrases researched on the monthly basis. The higher the number the better. You should look for the keywords that have an AVG of at least 50+
  • Traffic – Here you can see the number that will tell you how many clicks you can expect to your website IF you rank under the keyword in the search engines.
  • QSR (or Quoted Search Results) – This is the most important parameter that you should look and it represents your true competition in Google. The higher the number the higher is competition.
  • KQI – This shows the quality of the keyword and if it says ”Great” that means that you should go for that keyword, if it says ”Medium” or ”Poor” you should avoid it.

Let’s say that you have a QSR of 50, which means that there are 50 sites ranked in Google for this particular keyword. You should look for QSR lower than 100, keywords under 100 QSR will be easier for ranking.

You will get the QSR in Jaaxy when you click on ”Get QSR”.

Let’s see one more example of how can we find a great keyword for our website that is sure to be ranked.

This time I have used a different keyword phrase in the fitness niche.

My main keyword is ”how to drink whey protein”. Let’s check what Jaaxy says about this keyword and if there more ideas that Jaaxy will give us.

As you can see, Jaaxy is telling me there are not enough searches per month for the keyword I was looking for but there are more ideas based on Jaaxy.

Keywords that are not bad at all are:

  • can women drink whey protein (AVG 24 and QSR 14)
  • when is the best time to drink whey protein (AVG 64 and QSR 14)
  • the best time to drink whey protein (AVG 48 and QSR 9)

All these keyword ideas are great and have the potential to rank high on Google if you do great content.

Keep in mind one more thing and that is the keyword must make sense and must be grammatically correct.

Jaaxy tool sometimes may show some keywords that are not grammatically correct and you should avoid those keywords.

So, what should you look for in Jaaxy while finding a great keyword for your content:

  1. AVG should be more than 50
  2. QSR must be under 100
  3. and the keyword must make sense and be grammatically correct

If you respect these parameters I have written above you can be sure that you will rank under the keyword you have chosen. This is the same way I am making a success in the search engines.

The point is choosing a low competition keyword, which is crucial if you want to rank fast!

Let’s check now other features this keyword tool gives us and which you can use to find even more ideas about keywords.

2. Alphabet Soup Technique

This is an awesome feature that Jaaxy gives you because here you can find a bunch of long-tail keywords that have pretty low competition and that is what we are looking for.

This method is called alphabet because you can go through the whole alphabet to discover keywords

I have used the same keyword ”how to make money online”. And just look below at the picture.

Just look at those ideas that Jaaxy is showing me, I have a bunch of keywords from only one search! Imagine the potential of how many keywords you can find.

If I move a cursor to ”b” Jaaxy will show me the keywords (related to my main keyword) that starts on ”b”. That is why this is called the alphabet technique.

You can just see how many keyword ideas you will get. You can check all these keywords to see their AVG and QSR under the ”Keywords” section.

Let’s check for example this keyword ”how to make money online by making videos

As you can see I have found a great keyword that meets the standards of QUALITY keywords. It has an AVG of 64, QSR of only 5, and the keyword is grammatically correct.

Just look at that awesome QSR, this means that there are only 5 websites ranked in Google for this EXACT keyword. That is my true competition.

I can easily beat them if I have great content on that keyword. If you go through the whole alphabet you can find endless keywords that are of high quality.

3. Search Analysis

This is one more great feature of Jaaxy where you can check the sites (your competition) that are on the first page of Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Under ”position” means that the sites are on the first, second, third, etc. place in Google.

You can see the information like:

  • word count
  • the number of backlinks
  • do they use AdSense or not
  • and other

As you can see on the image above you just need to type in the keyword you wanna check the competitors for and Jaaxy will give you some information about those sites.

It is definitely a great way to find the number of backlinks and the word count that a competitor has so based on this you can write better content and beat him in the SERPs.

I can freely say that if you use the Keywords and Alphabet Soup technique for getting keywords you can easily beat 90% of your competition but of course, it all depends on how great your content is.

How Much Does Jaaxy Cost?

When it comes to the price you will find that Jaaxy is actually one of the cheapest keyword research tools on the internet. That is one of the main reasons I am using it.

Jaaxy actually has 3 plans and we will see now how much each one costs:

Free Plan ($0)

This is basically it, you will not pay a dime after you register for free but you should know that you will be limited. As a free member, you will only have access to the 30 searches.

The alphabet soup technique will be also limited and you will only see 5 results from the search instead of 20.

The free plan is for those who wanna just test things and see how the tool actually works. If you are serious about getting a keyword tool you should definitely upgrade to the PRO version.

Jaaxy PRO ($49 per month)

This plan is for you! If you plan to do a lot of keyword research for your website you can use this plan. You will not have any limitations and you can use Jaaxy 24/7.

I am using the PRO version and I am more than satisfied. Compared to some other keyword tools that will cost you a few hundred dollars Jaaxy is definitely the winner.

Jaaxy Enterprise ($99 per month)

My opinion is that you don’t need this plan as you will not get anything special except faster searches and getting faster results while researching your competition.

In this plan, you also get automated QSR so you don’t need to click on the QSR to see it but it will automatically show up.

As I said, if you want the full potential without limitations, Jaaxy Pro is for you.

The Advantages Of Using Jaaxy

You have a free plan

This is something that I like about this keyword tool. You have a free plan where you can test how things work and see if Jaaxy is for you or not.

Many keyword research tools don’t have a free plan or test period so this is a big plus for Jaaxy.

Great long-tail keyword ideas

If you want to rank high in Google in any niche you must learn to use the long tail keywords. Those are the keyword that has 3+ words and they rank the best.

Gone are the days when you can easily rank for 2-word phrases like affiliate marketing let’s say. Jaaxy will give you great long-tail keyword ideas you can use for your content.

It is a cheap keyword tool

Compared to some other keyword tools Jaaxy is definitely a winner. For only $49 per month, you will be able to research tons of keywords and save the lists of keywords you find.

Pretty easy to use

You will see for yourself how easy it is to use the Jaaxy tool. You will discover awesome content ideas in just a few clicks.

Complete beginners can use Jaaxy without worries. Tools like Ahrefs and Google Keyword planner are not bad but they are difficult in terms of usage and I always avoid those tools when it comes to keyword research.

Who Can (and Should) Use Jaaxy Keyword Tool?

I can say that the Jaaxy keyword tool is for everyone who plans to start blogging and affiliate marketing or already have an online business but he needs a keyword research tool.

If you are doing SEO or you want to see positive results with SEO you definitely should target long-tail keywords you can find in Jaaxy, no matter what niche you are in.

The truth is that Jaaxy beats a lot of competitors because you will have a clear image of how your niche competitors are doing and what should you do better to beat them in SERPs.

Here on my website I mainly promote blogging + affiliate marketing, to anyone who wants to start his own online business, and content creation is crucial here.

No matter what you do online you can’t succeed without quality content and before content, you should focus on researching the target keyword people are searching for.

I honestly hope that this article helped you to discover the best keyword research tool out there and I hope that you will give Jaaxy a chance. Just start with a free plan and see for yourself.

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