What Is Learn Build Earn – Biggest Scam Of The Year?

Update 2022: The official site does not accept new members anymore.

When it comes to making money online there are endless opportunities for you to make money. Definitely, the best way to start earning decent money on the Internet is to create your own online business.

That is exactly what Learn Build Earn product claims. It is created by a very successful online entrepreneur called Mark Link, you probably heard about this guy as he is the creator of one of the most popular internet marking courses, Affilorama.

As a very large number of people asked me about Mark’s new product I decided to do this review where you will find what is Learn Build Earn, how it works, whether is it a scam and do I recommend it to people who plan to start making money online.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer who is enjoying reviewing digital products just like this one.

My income is coming primarily through affiliate marketing and that is the way I promote when it comes to starting an online business.

You probably know that there are many scams online and many online gurus are charging thousands of dollars for their programs and courses and a vast majority of them are not offering the quality we deserve as customers.

So, let’s see what is the case with Learn Build Earn.

Learn Build Earn Short Overview

  • Product: Learn Build Earn
  • Type of product: Teaching about affiliate marketing
  • Creator: Mark Ling
  • Price: $2.497 one time or $497 ten times
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Money back guarantee: Not available
  • Do I recommend it: No

In short, Learn Build Earn is an online course that is supposed to teach you how to start your own online business by doing affiliate marketing.

This is a pretty expensive product created by very popular and successful online marketer Mark Ling. He is the creator of Affilorama and he decided to help people who want to start online businesses by creating a course that will teach them step-by-step how to do that.

From my point of view, this is not a scam but this is also not recommended for beginners in the affiliate marketing field or even for those who plan to start an online business.

This is rather for those who already have experience in creating online businesses but they just want to go on a higher level with their business.

Alternative for you: If you want to learn how to make a real online business by doing affiliate marketing my recommendation is the Wealthy Affiliate platform. This platform helped me to achieve my dream which is working full-time online and making a passive income. Learn more about it at the link below.

How Wealthy Affiliate Helped Me Become Full-Time Affiliate Marketer! Learn More Here!

What Is Learn Build Earn?

Learn Build Earn is an online platform that provides training on making an online business. This is something similar to Affilorama but from my experience, I think it is way better.

Affilorama is pretty outdated today although it is made by the same creator Mark Ling. He is a pretty popular guy in the online marketing world but that does not mean that his training is of top quality.

What is interesting about Learn Build Earn is that you have the option to choose from the 3 online business models you want to learn about.

  1. Digital Product Creation
  2. Physical Product Bootcamp
  3. and Affiliate Success Bootcamp

You can choose only one training or you can choose all three, it is up to you. Mark says that this online training is focused primarily on beginners in the online world but I would disagree with that.

I say that primarily because of the price of Learn Build Earn. If it is for beginners then the price should be affordable and there should be some type of trial but there is not.

Let’s continue with the review where I will talk more about the price and other things.

How Does Learn Build Earn Work?

I was very surprised to see that Learn Build Earn training works pretty simply and easily. You just need to follow the lessons and you are ready to start creating your own online business.

That is actually the purpose of this online training. It is focused on beginners and you don’t need to have experience in the online world when it comes to affiliate marketing.

So let’s see how this program actually works. You have 3 types of online businesses to choose from.

  • Digital Product Creation

This is all about researching and finding a good digital product for promotion. This course contains 14 modules where you will learn everything you need to start selling digital products to your audience.

You will be also learned how to create your OWN digital product that will generate sales. Keep in mind that although you have training about this it is hard and you will need to invest a bunch of money into creating your own product.

There is also another option and it is that you can start promoting Mark’s products that he is gonna offer you if you don’t want to create your own. You will get 100% commissions and I think this is the better option than creating your own product.

  • Physical Product Bootcamp

Inside this Bootcamp you will get even 12 modules that will explain to you how to sell physical products online by creating an online store, it is actually about eCommerce.

If in any case, you don’t want to sell digital products you can choose this course instead. Mark will teach you step by step how to choose the niche and create a process that will work for you.

  • Affiliate Success Bootcamp

This is probably my favorite course that Learn Build Earn offers. Inside this Bootcamp, with 12 modules, you are gonna learn everything about promoting other people’s products or services, which is called affiliate marketing.

When it comes to affiliate marketing the most important thing is that you have your own niche website so inside this Bootcamp Mark will teach you how to choose a profitable niche and create a website where you will do a promotion.

The important thing that you should know is that tools and builders are not included in Mark’s course so you will need to invest money in things such as hosting, domain, and other tools.

What Do You Get Inside Learn Build Earn?

When it comes to the features you are getting inside Learn Build Earn I can say that there are pretty straightforward.

Here is what you will get when you buy the course:

    • Digital Product Success Secrets
    • Physical Product Bootcamp
    • Affiliate Success Bootcamp
    • DFY (Done For You)
    • Traffic Mastery Academy
    • Website Creation Software
    • Support & Community

I am sure you will like the things you get in this online course but now I must discuss the most important part of this and that is the price. Actually, the price is the main thing why I am not recommending this online platform to beginners.

How Much Does Learn Build Earn Cost?

when it comes to the price I can say the Learn Build earn is a very expensive online product. Compared to what it offers I think that price is a bit overpriced.

So, here is what you will need to pay if you decide to invest in this:

  • You have Standard pay which will cost you 10x $497 which means $4970
  • Instant Discount which will cost you $2497 one-time
  • and PayPal Credit which will cost you $2497 and it is only available in the USA

As you can see Learn Build Earn is a pretty expensive product and you need to have a big budget if you plan to invest here.

In my opinion, this price is overpriced because you can learn everything about affiliate marketing and online business for a much lower price at Wealthy Affiliate platform which member I am for nearly 8 years.

If you are a beginner in affiliate marketing you will not see immediate results, probably in 3-6 months. Investing such a lot of money is completely unnecessary and I think Mark wanted to earn here some quick cash by selling high-ticket products.

Keep in mind that there is no money-back guarantee and there is no free trial at all which means that once you invest your money and pay for the course that’s it, there is no coming back.

Is Learn Build Earn a Scam?

You will probably find many people talking about how Learn Build Earn is a total scam. The truth is different, it is not a scam but it is a legitimate way to learn how to make online business with affiliate marketing.

My favorite way of making money online is affiliate marketing, it is a 100% legit way to start making passive income online, only if you are willing to invest your time and money into creating it.

Learn Build Earn have great training on that topic and its creator Mark Link is a trusted and real person. He created Affilorama, one of the most popular online marketing training although it’s pretty outdated now.

The most common reason why would people say that Learn Build Earn is a scam is that it takes time to start seeing results and money coming in.

Most people give up in their first month or two and that is too early to see any results in terms of money or affiliate sales.

Learn Build Earn Pros

  • Mark Ling is a trustworthy and legit person who is behind this online platform
  • You have the option to choose either one online business course or all three
  • Support and help inside the platform
  • Legit ways to make money online
  • Bonuses inside the platform

All in all, Learn Build Earn platform is not bad, you have the option to choose between 3 different online business models and each one of them works.

Most important thing is that Mark is a popular online entrepreneur which means that this is not something about ”stealing” people’s money and similar.

Still, there are some cons you should be aware of.

Learn Build Earn Cons

There is no platform or online course that is perfect and that is also the case with Learn Build Earn. Although it has great training about creating an online business from scratch, this platform also has its cons.

One of the greatest ones is definitely its price.

Investing up to $3k or more into this is really crazy for me. I don’t want to say that training is not quality, everything is fine but it is obvious that the owner wants to take as much money as possible.

I already said that you can find way cheaper alternatives than this and you can even find more quality training platforms. Sure, if you are an experienced online entrepreneur and you have a big budget and want to test things and learn something new, you can give it a try.

BUT, if you are a beginner who wants to start an online business and make passive income WITHOUT investing thousands of dollars, you should avoid it.

Is Learn Build Earn Recommended? – Alternative For You!

Learn Build Earn is a legitimate platform where you can learn how to create an online business, especially focusing on affiliate marketing.

I can recommend this online training platform for people who have a big budget and I do not recommend it to people who want to start an online business with low investment.

Let’s be honest, the price is brutal and if you ask me, I would not give that money to Learn Build Earn. It is up to you to decide but my task is to recommend you a way better and way cheaper alternative.

An affiliate marketing training platform that changed my financial life for the better. It is Wealthy Affiliate and I am actively promoting that platform here on my website.

Why? Just take a look at some of my earnings that I am achieving thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate training.

Everyone can achieve online success but you must have great training and great education with awesome support. Sure, Learn Build Earn can give you great training but you will need to invest thousands of dollars.

With Wealthy Affiliate training, creating your own online business will cost you only $49 per month!

Just click on the link below and learn everything about the WA platform that changes the lives of millions of people across the world.

Learn More About The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Platform Here!

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