Affiliate Funnel Bots Review – Should You Stay Away From It?

Do you think that you can start making money with affiliate marketing in 60 seconds? Well, I think not but affiliate Funnel Bots says you definitely can!

Making instant affiliate sales by selling DFY products for Clickbank, Amazon, and other affiliate marketplaces according to Affiliate Funnel Bots is definitely but is it really true?

In this Affiliate Funnel Bots review, I want to discuss things about this online training that is promising people fast and easy cash.

My name is Daniel and if you knew me you know that I am enjoying reviewing digital products that teach people about affiliate marketing but also those that promise easy cash without too much effort.

I have reviewed hundreds of MMO products so far here on my website and I can freely say that 90% of them are scams. Those online ”gurus” want to make some extra cash pretty fast and they are ready to sell you something without offering any value.

We will see if this is the same case with Affiliate Funnel bots.

Affiliate Funnel Bots Short Overview

affiliate funnel bots review

  • Product: Affiliate Funnel Bots
  • Type of product: Affiliate marketing bot
  • Owner: Chris X
  • Price: $27 plus Upsells
  • Money back guarantee: Yes, 30 days
  • Is it a scam: Read the review to find out
  • Do I recommend it: No

While I was doing research on this online software I find out that Affiliate Funnel Bots is actually a software that is supposed to help you to start making affiliate sales in less than 60 seconds. It sounds so attractive but is this really possible?

This software already has done-for-you templates and sales pages and your only job is to sell it and make a commission from the successful sale. It actually has 75 templates that you can use to make money by doing affiliate marketing.

Maybe the biggest problem with this online software is that you must know how to get relevant traffic and you will not learn that here.

I will also talk about Upsells you will run into because you will actually need to get them if you want to learn more from Affiliate Funnel Bots.

My alternative for you: If you want to make real, passive income online by doing affiliate marketing I recommend that you use my money-making formula and start your own online business with my help and support. Learn more about it at the link below.

The Best Way To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing – Click Here To Learn The Process!

What Is Affiliate Funnel Bots?

Affiliate Funnel Bots is an online software that is helping people like you and me to make money online by doing affiliate marketing.

You actually have 3 steps offered inside this software and that is:

  • Creating an affiliate website where you will be doing promotion
  • Creating sales pages
  • and traffic

The problem I am seeing here is that the owner of this software is promising that everything is set up for you IE everything is automated so you don’t need to do literally anything.

According to the creator of this software, you would need 60 seconds to make your first sale and start making money. I can say that this is a great offer but the truth is a little different.

Let’s be honest, have you ever made something online that is automated and works instead of you? I have not and I doubt you have too. This is something similar to the Four Percent Group where the only one who is gonna make money is actually the creator of the program.

Affiliate Funnel Bots is going to teach you how to start making money instantly by promoting digital products from Clickbank and other affiliate marketplaces giving you DFY (Done For You) templates and sales pages. The problem is that you will not have relevant traffic to whom to sell because you will not learn how to get free traffic from search engines.

In my opinion, this is pretty overhyped and misleading because you will not start making any money in your first couple of months, even if you do everything as it should.

Who Is The Creator Of Affiliate Funnel Bots?

The creator of Affiliate Funnel bots is a guy named Chris X. He is a very popular product creator on marketplaces such as WarriosPlus and others.

The most important thing that we should know is that he is a legit guy and not some scammer although many people claim that he is creating scammy products and maybe that is true.

You can’t say that his products are good because they are created to bring him money as fast as possible. Most of his online products don’t give quality to the customers and that is why people are avoiding him.

How Does Affiliate Funnel Bots Work?

In this section of the review, I want to explain to you how this thing works and what steps you should follow to make it. But let me be clear with you, Affiliate Funnel Bots will not make you any money in 60 seconds or less, as the owner claims.

He is definitely using false testimonials and claims to attract people into getting his product.

When you successfully get inside Affiliate Funnel Bots you will have 5 steps to accomplish to be able to earn money.

1. Step – Login Into Affiliate Funnel Bots

This step is very plain and simple and you all should know how to do that. Just log in with your information and proceed to the dashboard where you will have other steps to follow.

2. Step – Choose from 40 Products To Promote

Interesting thing is that inside you will get an opportunity to choose from 40 different products to promote on your website or through the sales pages.

You will mostly promote it using affiliate marketing so whenever someone clicks on your affiliate link and buys the product you are going to earn a commission.

Just choose the one you would like to promote and let’s go to the next step.

3. Step – Choose from 20 Squeeze Template Designs

It is very important that you choose how you want your template to look when you make the campaign. Affiliate Funnel Bots have around 20 DFY templates so nearly everything is made for you.

Choose the template you like most and up to the next step.

4. Step – Customize Your Template And Links

This step is maybe the most important one and here you should add affiliate links, headlines, titles, and everything that would make a potential client buy the product.

You will see how easy it is because everything is drag and drop, you don’t need to know coding or anything similar, and everything is done in a few seconds.

5. Step – Upload To Your Site and Get Traffic

The biggest problem with this software is that you are not going to get traffic immediately. You will not get traffic at all if you don’t know how to get it.

There are actually 2 ways of getting quality traffic to your website or sales pages. That is Free and Paid traffic. Paid traffic is where you are using Google ads (PPC) to get traffic and the other one is through SEO.

Inside the Affiliate Funnel Bots, you are going to get some resources on how to get traffic but that will not help you at all.

You can have the best offer possible but if you are not getting relevant traffic to that offer everything is in vain.

How Much Does Affiliate Funnel Bots Cost?

I can say that Affiliate Funnel Bots is not expensive at all. If you decide to get your hands on this you will need to pay only $27. But you should know that there are many upsells.

  • OTO 1 – Affiliate Funnel Elite which will cost you $37
  • OTO 2 – Affiliate Funnel DONE FOR YOU and this will cost you $67
  • OTO 3 – Affiliate Funnel PRO which cost $27 per month
  • OTO 4 – Affiliate Funnel EXTREME and this will cost you $97

All of these Upsells are offering advanced strategies and techniques which you can learn to start making affiliate sales with DFY templates. With OTO 3 you will learn more about traffic but mostly about social media traffic.

All in all, you will definitely need to pay more than those $27 if you want to learn everything needed for making a success. But before you go and buy the software be sure to read this review till the end because I will reveal to you if this is for you or not.

Is Affiliate Funnel Bots a Scam? (Outdated Info?)

I can’t 100% say that Affiliate Funnel Bots is a scam but I can say that this definitely doesn’t work like you think it would work.

The owner of this online software is promising people to make money in 60 seconds which is crazy and that is misleading people. I am always for honesty and Chris X is not honest here.

From my point of view, I think that he only wants to make as much money as possible in a short period of time and that is why he is using such a lot of Upsells without giving any value in return.

He is using that mindset where people would think ”Oh yeah I will start getting money in 60 seconds, I go inside!” and then you buy the software and all those upsells and nothing happens. But it’s late, you invested your money.

A very bad thing about Affiliate Funnel Bots is that on their official website you can see very outdated information like in the image below.

Making money online takes a lot of time and patience and there is no program or platform that will bring you money instantly, anyone who says that to you is lying or is a scammer.

So, Affiliate Funnel Bots is not a scam BUT you will definitely not make money in 60 seconds as the owner promised. You will certainly learn some good things about affiliate marketing and the whole process but nothing else than that.

Affiliate Funnel Bots Pros

Let’s discuss some pros of this software before I go on the cons.

  • Affiliate marketing is a legit way to make money online and I like that Chris is teaching about that
  • Chris X is a popular and successful online entrepreneur
  • You get DFY templates and designs
  • The software alone is not expensive at all

Affiliate Funnel Bots Cons

  • False promises about how you will make money in 60 seconds
  • If you are a beginner this will not work for you
  • You will not learn how to get free sources of traffic
  • You need to buy upsells to make it work
  • Chris X is famous for creating low-quality products like this one
  • There is no core training about how affiliate marketing work

Do I Recommend Affiliate Funnel Bots? (Alternative?)

Plain and simple, no. If you are a beginner who is looking to earn money online with affiliate marketing this will definitely not help you. I can freely say that you will only waste your money.

You can make money by promoting affiliate products but the problem is that Affiliate Funnel Bots is not learning the right process. You are only getting DFY templates and campaigns and that’s it.

Traffic is everything when it comes to affiliate marketing so if you don’t know how to get a relevant audience to your sales pages you are only losing time.

A much better alternative for you is definitely a Wealthy Affiliate platform where you can learn step-by-step how to create your own online business doing affiliate marketing properly.

You will not learn how to make money fast because that is not possible in the online world but you will learn how to generate passive income and make a REAL success online, just like I did thanks to the WA platform.

Some of my earnings thanks to the WA training you can see in the image below are only the parts of what I am making thanks to the affiliate marketing.

If you want to join me inside the WA platform I recommend that you first read my honest review about it and how it works. It is not important if you are a beginner and you do not have any experience in creating an online business, this platform and its training will help you to achieve whatever earnings you want.

The Best Platform For Creating Online Business With Affiliate Marketing – Learn More Here!

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