Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Review – Can You Really Trust It?

If you were looking to find a solid affiliate marketing course online you have probably run across Affiliate Secrets 2.0 by Spencer Mecham.

It is a very popular online course that is promoting people like you to start making passive income by promoting affiliate products. In this Affiliate Secrets 2.0 review you will find very interesting things about this product like is Affiliate Secrets 2.0 a scam or legit and many more.

My name is Daniel and I am a full-time blogger and affiliate marketer for over 7 years now, I am a very happy person because I love what I do. Affiliate marketing is my passion and I gladly recommend it to people who want to start their own online business.

Making money online is not an easy process and MMO products like Affiliate Secrets are promising people easy and fast money, that is why I am doing MMO product reviews here on my website, to help you find and choose the best one for yourself.

There are endless scams out there and you should be cautious when it comes to buying online courses or programs that are supposed to teach you about making a profit online.

Let’s get to our review immediately. Read carefully because this review will help you to decide if Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is for you or not.

Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Short Overview

  • Product: Affiliate Secrets 2.0
  • Type of product: Affiliate marketing course
  • The owner: Spencer Mecham
  • Price: $997 + Upsells
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Money back guarantee: No
  • Do I recommend it: Beginners should avoid it but experienced affiliate marketers may give it a try

In short, Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is an online course that is teaching about affiliate marketing. IN side the course you will learn step by step how to choose the products for promotion and do the promotion with paid ads.

This is one of the expensive products made by a successful affiliate marketer called Spencer Mecham. Most people asked me in the inbox if this thing is a scam or if can they really invest money here without fear of getting scammed.

In this detailed review I am gonna talk about what is Affiliate secrets, is the owner legit person, and most importantly, whether should you invest nearly $1k in this online course or if there are way better and cheaper alternatives.

Keep reading to find more!

What Is Affiliate Secrets 2.0 About?

Just like I have said in the beginning, Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is an online course that teaches people about affiliate marketing. You will learn how to promote affiliate products using paid ads.

Affiliate marketing is a 100% legit online business model where you don’t have to have your own product or service but you can make money by promoting others’ products or services with your unique affiliate link.

You will learn everything about creating sales funnels and creating campaigns you will need to invest in if you plan to make affiliate sales.

This affiliate course is pretty expensive ($997) and I found it to be a little pumped. Platforms like Wealthy Affiliate offer the same and even better training on affiliate marketing for a much lower price.

I want to say that Affiliate Secrets is not a get-rich-quick scheme where you will start making money from day 1. You will have to invest hard work and patience to be able to make success.

This online course is not like let’s say Perpetual Income 365 where you get false promises and fake testimonials about affiliate marketing and I like that. Affiliate Secrets is a legit way to make money online.

Who Is Spencer Mecham And Is He a Legit Person?

The creator and the owner of Affiliate Secrets is a guy called Spencer Mecham. He is a successful affiliate marketer that is very popular in the affiliate marketing world.

I want to say that he is the real person and he is not using a false name like many MMO product creators out there.

This guy is also the owner of a company called Buildapeneur which teaches about making passive income online by doing affiliate marketing.

For me, the most important thing is that the owner is real and you can actually find him on the Internet. I like that he is not promising get-rich-quick stuff but in his courses, you will also learn that it takes time to start making money on the Internet, which is a big plus.

How Does Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Work?

Affiliate Secrets 2.0 work in a pretty simple way. It is all about learning how to promote other’s products or services on your sales pages or website.

As you can see in the image above affiliate marketing is very simple and it only requires that you have a good platform for promotion, such as a website let’s say.

So, inside Affiliate Secrets 2.0 you are gonna learn:

  1. To choose a profitable niche
  2. Create a sales funnel or website
  3. Drive traffic to your sales pages using paid ads
  4. Make affiliate sales (commissions!)

It is pretty easy to learn affiliate marketing and start working but the point is that rewards will come slowly but surely. You can not make money overnight with this online business, everything you invest now will pay off in the future, probably in 3-6 months.

The important thing to say when it comes to Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is that you will learn how to use paid ads, in that case, you will get instant traffic to your sales pages but you will spend a lot of money on the ads. That is why I don’t recommend Affiliate Secrets 2.0 to beginners.

First, you need to learn how to get traffic for free, without investing in ads. You will get free traffic if you implement SEO optimization on your website and Affiliate Secrets will not teach you that.

What Do You Get Inside Affiliate Secrets 2.0?

I really want to say that the training inside Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is great. You will learn things that will help you make money with affiliate marketing.

You will get 8 modules that will teach you about many different strategies when it comes to making money by promoting affiliate products.

Here is what will you get inside:

– Module 1: Your Game Plan

In this model, Spencer will talk about the basics of how will you make money online. You will learn what is affiliate marketing, how it works, and many other basic things related to affiliate marketing.

– Module 2: Finding a Profitable Niche (Finding Hot Buyers)

This is maybe the most important module because it talks about finding a profitable niche for affiliate marketing. The truth is that not every niche is profitable so you must pay close attention to this module.

In the past, I was failing with affiliate marketing primarily because I have chosen the wrong niches. Spencer is teaching you legit ways how to find a profitable niche that will make you money.

– Module 3: Getting Traffic (Traffic Legion)

Traffic is the root of all your success. If you have traffic (audience) you will make a bunch of money, if you don’t you will make nothing.

Spencer will teach you here about using paid ads to get traffic. I am not a big fan of that, I am more about organic traffic using SEO techniques because paid ads can suck your money pretty fast.

You will learn how to use:

  • Facebook Ads
  • Solo Ads
  • Google Ads

Besides this, you will also learn how to get traffic from social media platforms like Pinterest, Quora, Instagram, and YouTube.

What I think is the bad here is that you will learn nothing about SEO and that is actually the most important traffic source you should learn because traffic from SEO converts the best.

Sure, you can get traffic and sales with paid ads but the point is that you might spend thousands of dollars on paid ads and earn nothing, it all depends on how well you convert.

– Module 4: Make More and Spend Less

When it comes to this module you will learn here everything about the value. The point is that you give people as much value as you can so that they actually buy something from you, in this case, an affiliate product.

As I have said Spencer is teaching here about using paid ads and the focus should be on spending less money on ads and getting more sales. You can spend thousands of dollars on ads but still not get even one sale and that is very bad.

That is the mission of this module, to help you spend less money on ads and get more affiliate sales ie convert better.

– Module 5: ClickFunnels

I am sure you heard about Clickfunnels so far. In this module, you will learn how to use it to maximize your success with affiliate marketing.

Spencer is No.1 Clickfunnels affiliate so you can be sure that you will get quality information from him.

– Module 6: The Perfect Product

To be able to make money with affiliate marketing you must choose the product for promotion. But not every product but the most quality one. That is exactly what will you learn in this module.

Many people today choose garbage products for promotion and because of that they are losing money instead of earning it.

When you chose a product that will convert well you have already done half of the job.

– Module 7: Making a Long-Term Business

In this module, you will learn everything about other methods you can use to make affiliate sales. That is email marketing. You will learn how to choose and get an autoresponder and make email campaigns that you will send to your audience.

In this way, you will definitely convert much better as email marketing is still the king of converting when it comes to sales.

The truth is that all this takes time but you will definitely learn the legit methods and I like that.

– Module 8: Creating a Team

Module 8 is all about automation. You will learn how to automate this online business by hiring people that will work for you. You will see that Spencer mentions legit platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and others.

When you put everything on automation you basically made it, in that case, you are a great affiliate!

Keep in mind that this will not come overnight, there is a big and long way until the automation process, you will need to learn to do all things yourself before you start hiring people to work for you.

How Much Does Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Cost?

I must say that Affiliate Secrets is a pretty expensive MMO product where you will need to cash out more than $1k if you want to learn all these things about affiliate marketing.

You can get Affiliate Secrets 2.0 for $997 one-time but you will also need to invest in many things like Clickfunnels, autoresponder, and paid ads.

Spencer says that you need to use Clickfunnels and the basic plan will cost you $97 per month which is not small at all.

Paid ads could cost you up to $1k alone so all in all, you might need to invest up to 2k in all of this which is crazy.

That is why I don’t recommend it for beginners, there is a platform called Wealthy Affiliate where you can learn everything about making online business with affiliate marketing for a way cheaper price.

Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is a legit and trustful online course but honestly, I would not spend such a lot of money on it.

Is Affiliate Secrets 2.0 a Scam Or Legit?

Affiliate Secrets 2.0 is not a scam. It is a legit way to learn how to make money with affiliate marketing. The creator of this online course is also a legit and trustful person so I don’t see a problem getting into this course.

If you are planning to become a successful affiliate marketer then this online course is for you. If you plan to make quick money and get rich overnight this will be a waste of time for you.

There is no way that you can become rich overnight on the Internet.

Affiliate marketing is a legit way to make money online and Affiliate Secrets 2.0 will teach you the right things. What I don’t like is that it is pretty expensive and because of that beginners should avoid it.

TIP: My alternative for teaching things about affiliate marketing that is much cheaper and even of better quality is the Wealthy Affiliate platform which member I am for over 7 years.

Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Pros

  • Legit way to create a business online

That’s right, Spencer is talking here about a legit way to make money on the Internet and that is affiliate marketing. There are no false promises or unethical ways of earning money and I like that.

  • The creator is a legit and trustful person

This is a big plus as you can find many scams online where owners are hiding their real faces and using false names. Spencer is a very successful affiliate marketer and he is real which is a big plus.

  • Comprehensive training and videos

Training inside is pretty easy to understand and it is mainly created to help beginners who are interested in making money with affiliate marketing. Lessons are plain and simple and you will find them very useful.

Affiliate Secrets 2.0 Cons

  • Very expensive

This is the main thing I don’t like about this online course and this is primarily why I would not get it. You will spend a lot of money here, not only paying $997 one time but also spending money on many tools like an autoresponder, paid ads, Clickfunnels, and others.

  • There is no money-back guarantee

That’s right, if you buy the product that’s it, there is no money back. That is why you need to think twice before making a decision.

  • Training does not teach about free traffic (SEO)

This is a big minus as you will not learn how to get free traffic from search engines like Google. You will only learn how to spend money on paid ads which is not a great thing.

With SEO traffic you can make a passive income online and that is why many people actually want to start affiliate marketing. Without learning SEO you can’t achieve that.

Should You Get Inside Affiliate Secrets 2.0? Is There Better Alternative?

If you are a beginner who wants to start making money with affiliate marketing you should definitely avoid this online course. Not because it is not quality but because you will burn your wallet by spending thousands of dollars on many things I talked about above.

Instead of losing money on paid ads and Clickfunnels, you should invest in a quality training platform that is gonna teach you proven methods of creating an online business with affiliate marketing but for a much lower price.

My recommendation for you is the Wealthy Affiliate platform, a platform that changed my life for the better when it comes to making money online.

It is a platform that will teach you step by step how to create an online business by creating your own website where you will be doing affiliate marketing.

I have been doing affiliate marketing for over 7 years and thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate platform I am making a full-time income online.

If you want to know why the Wealthy Affiliate platform and not some other, just click on the link below and learn everything about it!

Number 1 Platform For Affiliate Marketers – Learn Everything Here!

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