Commission Academy Review 2024 – A Legit Way To Passive Income?

Have you heard about Commission academy so far? I suppose you heard as you landed here, many people actually are asking me about Commission Academy lately. It became a pretty popular platform for learning affiliate marketing.

In this Commission Academy review you are gonna find out what is it and how it works, is Commission Academy a scam or is it a legit method to make passive income online by doing affiliate marketing?

My name is Daniel and I have reviewed hundreds of online courses and programs that promise fast and easy earnings online but most importantly, I am revealing their trustworthiness.

I am also a full-time affiliate marketer and blogger who enjoy writing about topics related to making money online but I am primarily focused on doing affiliate marketing and teaching people to do the same.

Most online courses I review here on my website are about affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is definitely one of the best methods to make an online business and that is why you must know and learn legit methods to be able to make decent money online.

Let’s start with our review, keep reading as I will reveal to you is Commission Academy for you or not and whether should you invest in this program.

Commission Academy Short Overview

Commission Academy review

  • Product: Commission Academy
  • Type of product: Affiliate marketing training course
  • Owners: Simon and Dale
  • Price: It’s Free + Advanced training that cost
  • Money back guarantee: No
  • Is it a scam: No
  • Is it recommended: Yes

In short, Commission Academy is a new online course that is 100% free for all people (really?) and it is teaching about affiliate marketing.

With this online course, you can learn how to promote affiliate products from sites like Amazon, Clickbank, and other affiliate marketplaces out there.

It is important to say that although creators claim that Commission Academy is 100% free, it is not. You will definitely get free lessons but there is also more advanced training that you will need to pay to be able to get access.

Honestly, I like that this program is talking about affiliate marketing because it is one of the best ways to make passive income online, and is it 100% legit.

Let’s see more deeply what is Commission Academy about and how it works.

What Is Commission Academy?

Commission Academy is an online training course that is teaching about affiliate marketing. Inside this online platform, you will learn how to create a niche website and start promoting products on it by using affiliate programs and links.

I want to say that I have tested Commission Academy myself and in that case, you can be sure that this review will be real and not fake, which is very important to know.

The training inside is very simple and it is focused mostly on beginners who don’t have experience with creating a website and doing affiliate marketing.

Some interesting things that you are gonna learn inside:

  • How to choose a profitable niche
  • Creating a website (although you are a beginner and don’t have experience)
  • How to create content on your website
  • How to do keyword research
  • How to start using email marketing
  • How to attract traffic to a website (audience)
  • How to monetize website IE make money
  • and many more things related to affiliate marketing that you will need to know

I must say that I am enjoying reviewing MMO products like Commission Academy which teaches people about affiliate marketing. If you regularly follow my blog then you will know that I am promoting affiliate marketing as one of the best ways to make passive income online.

Commission Academy is similar to the Wealthy Affiliate platform where you are learning too about affiliate marketing and how to make money from it.

It is important to say that affiliate marketing is not a get-rich-quick method and Commission Academy does not promote it like that. Inside you will learn that it takes time and that you cannot start making money overnight.

Affiliate marketing is a process that takes time and effort to start producing great results.

Why Is Wealthy Affiliate Platform My Choice? – Learn Here!

Let’s check now the creators of this online platform.

Who Owns Commission Academy?

We have two creators here, Dale and Simon. Those are the guys from the UK who decided to create a course that will help people start their own online businesses by doing affiliate marketing.


They both are very successful online entrepreneurs and affiliate marketers. Before creating Commission Academy Dale was an electrician and when he discovered affiliate marketing he decided to quit his ”offline” job.

Dale is also a creator of a website that you might hear of. On his website, he is sharing his experiences with affiliate marketing and also teaches people how to start their own business online and become financially independent.

When it comes to Simon, he shares the same thoughts about affiliate marketing as Dale and he joined Dale to help people better understand online business. Simon is the owner of a very successful website called


It is important to say that both of these guys are legit and trustworthy so you can be sure that you will get quality from them.

I even personally know Dale from the Wealthy Affiliate platform, we are both members of that platform and from time to time, we chat inside Live chat or with private messages.

Compared to other MMO products like let’s say Stay Home Profits where you don’t know who is the creator and owner, with Commission Academy you know who is behind the scenes and that is a big plus for the product itself.

How Does Commission Academy Work?

how does Commission Academy work

Commission Academy works pretty simply. The point is that you create a niche website, create content on regular basis and attract visitors and then make money by making affiliate sales. Plain and simple.

What I like the most is that inside Commission Academy you are gonna learn techniques like SEO that will bring you traffic for free. You don’t need to use paid ads to get traffic to the website but you will use free strategies.

I am using the same strategy on my websites and that Commission Academy teaches about. It is completely legit and most importantly, it brings the results!

1. Step – Chose Profitable Niche

Before creating a website and earning money with affiliate marketing you will need to choose a profitable niche and that is what will you learn inside Commission Academy.

Some of the most popular and most profitable niches are:

  • Health and Wellness
  • Gaming
  • Pets
  • MMO (Make Money Online)
  • Relationships
  • Personal development

When it comes to the niche it is very important to narrow it down as much as you can and that is exactly what will you learn with Commission Academy training.

2. Step – Build a Website and Work on Content Creation

Doing affiliate marketing without a website is wasting a time and money. That is why Dale will teach you how to create a WordPress website that will bring you passive income for years.

It is so easy and you don’t need to be a programmer or coder to make a profit-ready website, you will make it in 30 seconds with Dale’s method.

Once you create your website the next step is to focus on creating high-quality content that will bring you visitors. You will learn how to do keyword research and choose high-volume keywords with low competition. In that way, you will start ranking in search engines and get free traffic.

What I like about Commission Academy is that everything is step-by-step so you will not find any problems following the training. No matter if you are a complete beginner or a more experienced blogger and affiliate marketer.

3. Step – Start Promoting Products and Make Money

When you start getting organic traffic to your website you will start monetizing that traffic with affiliate marketing. That is also what you are gonna learn inside Commission Academy.

You will earn money by promoting products or services in the niche you have chosen in the beginning. You will learn how to apply to affiliate programs that will help you to achieve affiliate sales.

Inside the affiliate program, you will get your unique affiliate link, and whenever someone clicks and buy the product you will make a commission from the sale.

You can apply and register for free on some very popular affiliate networks like:

  • Amazon Associate affiliate program
  • ClickBank
  • CJ
  • Commission Junction (or CJ)
  • Awin
  • ShareASale
  • and others

You will also learn many things that you can use to make your job as an affiliate marketer even more simple:

  • Outsourcing content creation
  • Using properly affiliate links in the content
  • Putting traffic on autopilot
  • Using proven strategies for getting traffic from search engines like Google
  • and many more

Commission Academy has done a great job by presenting and teaching affiliate marketing, you will definitely have a chance to learn how to become rich online because successful affiliate marketers will teach you that.

What Do You Get Inside Commission Academy?

I must say that you will get awesome things inside Commission Academy. The first step is to register for free and then you are gonna get access to all material you need to start building your own online business.

– Setup Wizard With 3 Videos

When you register successfully on the platform you will meet Dale inside his video tutorial and you will immediately learn how to choose a profitable niche for your website.

After you chose the niche you will also learn how to create a website using a free SiteRubix platform owned by Wealthy Affiliate platform.

You should know that you must complete these starting lessons to proceed with more advanced lessons Dale has in store for you.

– Start-Up Module With 5 Video Lessons

In these videos, you will learn how to start optimizing your website from scratch. You will learn things like:

  • Customizing your website
  • Creating initial content
  • Attracting visitors to the website
  • Using email marketing
  • How will you make money

Lessons are pretty simple and easy to understand, Dale did really a great job. Most important thing is that he is teaching you 100% legit methods and he is not making it sound overpumped or anything similar.

– Make money Module With 8 Video Lessons

In these video lessons, you are gonna learn everything about monetizing your website and making money.

You will learn great things like:

  • Doing keyword research
  • Writing SEO content that will rank in search engines
  • Doing product reviews in your niche
  • Outsourcing content ie hiring writers that will do content for you
  • Making videos that will bring you affiliate sales
  • and many more

Interesting thing is that all of these lessons I mentioned above are completely free ($0), you will not have to pay for them, and still, you will learn great methods on how to make money with affiliate marketing.

When we are at the price let’s see how much really it costs and is Commission Academy completely free.

How Much Does Commission Academy Cost?

Believe me or not but Commission Academy will cost you only $0. Yeah, that is absolutely true, you will not need even a credit card or anything similar to get inside Commission Academy.

All the lessons you will get and which I have mentioned above you will get 100% for free, which is amazing I must say. It is also important to say that there are no upsells, you will not get sucked into something where you will need to pay for it.

You will get and learn great things about affiliate marketing and making money with it without paying anything but is there any catch?

Yeah, there is Advanced Training that is highly recommended.

You will start 100% for free and you will learn amazing things but if you are a serious affiliate marketer you will want to get into Advanced training with Dale as you will learn advanced techniques for ranking your website and making sales from affiliate marketing.

If you are a beginner free training will definitely prepare you for online success and I am sure you will think about getting into Advanced training (which costs) after watching those free lessons. You will simply see how amazing and interactive training is.

Is Commission Academy a Scam?

Based on my personal experience, Commission Academy is not a scam. It is a completely legit online course that is teaching about affiliate marketing.

I can even say that it is one of the best online platforms you will find on the Internet that will teach you how to create your own online business, along with the Wealthy Affiliate platform which is great.

Dale and Simon are completely legit persons and they are not like those gurus who use fake names and cheat people. You will basically get everything for free without any upsells or misleading information.

I know Dale personally and I guarantee you for him. He is a member of the Wealthy Affiliate platform just like me and as I said to you already, I am chatting with him on a nearly regular basis.

You can be sure that with Commission Academy you will get the necessary knowledge to become a successful online entrepreneur.

Commission Academy Pros

As I have said already, you will rarely find a good online platform that teaches about making money with affiliate marketing. One of those great platforms is Commission Academy.

Here is what I like about this online course:

  • The owners are legitimate persons
  • You will get everything for free
  • You will learn 100% legit methods when it comes to affiliate marketing
  • Video lessons are easy to follow and understand
  • You will learn how to achieve a passive income
  • Full support from dale and Simon
  • A community where you can share experiences with other members

Commission Academy Cons

There is no perfect online course or platform and that is also the case when it comes to the Commission Academy platform:

Here is what I don’t like about this training platform:

  • Some video lessons are pretty short which means that Dale is not covering everything in detail
  • There are hidden upsells with that Advanced training
  • You can make only one website with free membership
  • There are not so many testimonials on the Internet about the platform

These are some things I have found to be a minus for Commission Academy but nothing serious that could point you out of the platform. As I said, there is no perfect online course or platform so in this case, the pros are greater than the cons and that is something you should take in mind.

Some Final Words And My Recommendation

I honestly hope that this Commission Academy review helped you to discover everything about this great platform that can teach you how to start your business online with affiliate marketing.

I recommend this platform to all those people who want to learn more about affiliate marketing but also for those who decided to take that step and actually want to invest money and time into building something great.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to start making money online. I am doing it and thousands of people across the world are doing the same. You only need to have the right training and mentorship and success is inevitable.

Besides Commission Academy, I also recommend that you take a look at the Wealthy Affiliate platform which is my No.1 recommendation when it comes to creating an online business.

I am making passive income online for years thanks to the Wealthy Affiliate and that is why I promote this platform so much here on my website.

If you decide to Join WA I can be your mentor and support through the process!

Try Wealthy Affiliate as The Best Affiliate Marketing Training Platform – Learn More Here!

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