Can You Do Affiliate Marketing Without a Website in 2024?

Building a profitable website and monetizing it with affiliate marketing can literally make you a millionaire. Did you know that affiliate websites are sold for even x40 its monthly income?

Yeah, that’s right my fellow reader, the potential is enormous. But the question is can you do affiliate marketing without a website? Well, the answer is YES, you can!

Affiliate marketing beginners are questioning me all the time about that and because of that, I decided to do this article and help you to start an affiliate marketing online business even without a website.

Before I get to the point let me tell you what are the disadvantages of starting affiliate marketing without a website today:

  • You will not get any quality traffic from the search engines like Google
  • Most of your traffic will come from social media which does not convert well
  • You will get rejected from many affiliate programs as they require that you have your own website
  • Your success and profit will depend on the social platform’s algorithms
  • You will not be able to sell your website for up to x40 of its monthly income

These are all cons of starting affiliate marketing without a website BUT you definitely can start doing it without a website and still be very profitable and successful.

Things You Need To Become An Affiliate Marketer

Many people think that they can’t start doing affiliate marketing without owning a website but that is not true. It is a big plus but it is not mandatory.

Take a closer look at the image below and see how affiliate marketing actually works:

You see that in step 2 it says ”Your Site” but it can be any other platform or landing page, not only the website. It can be Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Pinterest, and others.

Basically, what you need to have is:

  • Group of people (your audience) – folks that will be interested in what you have to offer
  • An offer they will be interested in – services or products you want to promote to people
  • Source of traffic – it can be a website but it can also be a social platform or even some forums

In the next steps, I am gonna reveal to you the ways you can use to start promoting affiliate offers to the people who would be interested in buying from you. Completely without a website!

TIP: I encourage you that you click on the link below and see for yourself how much money can you actually make online if you have your own niche website. You will be surprised I promise!

How Having a Website Can Make You Millionaire – Learn More Here!

Landing Page Is a Must

That’s right folks. Although you can start doing affiliate marketing without a website you must have a landing page where you will be pointing the traffic ie your audience.

You can’t just grab affiliate links, paste them and send the traffic directly to the product checkout. You will need to have at least a one-page website (landing page) where you will be doing the promotion.

Take a look at my landing page here (<<= an example) when it comes to the promotion of one of the Make Money Online products. You can see that I talk about the Commission Academy platform, it is a review page and it is also my landing page that has affiliate links.

If someone reading that review decides to invest in the platform I will make a commission. As you can see on that page I did not point people directly to the product page BUT I informed them about the product BEFORE decision of buying.

Whatever you want to promote you MUST have a landing page (with affiliate links of course) that will firstly inform and educate people about the product or service before they decide to buy it.

The most popular sites you can use for creating landing pages are:

Now let’s see some of the most popular and legitimate ways to do affiliate marketing without owning a website.

5 Ways To Do Affiliate Marketing Even Without Having a Website

Now that you know that you can do affiliate marketing without a website and you know you need a landing page let’s see the top ways you can start affiliate marketing.

1. Start Posting On Forums And Online Communities

Definitely one of the best ways to start affiliate marketing even without a website is to start sharing affiliate links on forums and online communities.

One of the most popular ones is Quora and Reddit. Those are the online platforms that have millions of users on a monthly basis and they are YOUR potential customer.

Just take a look at the image below, it is about a question posted on Quora recently:

affiliate marketing on quora

As you can see some folk is questioning the best kind of dog food. It is a great question where you can give an in-depth answer and insert your affiliate link where you will point a person to a landing page that talks about dog food.

If a person decides to buy the products from that landing page through your affiliate link you will make a commission. Congrats, you have made a sale without owning a website. But remember the landing page? Yeah, you will need to create one where you will be sending those people.

Quora and Reddit are extremely popular when it comes to affiliate marketing and I see many people are actually using it but what you should avoid is spamming.

You can easily get banned from the platforms if you are spamming with affiliate links without giving people quality and in-depth answers.

2. Start Using The YouTube Platform

Affiliate marketing on YouTube can be very lucrative and successful if you know how to do it. You can literally make millions in affiliate sales on YouTube.

You can start doing affiliate marketing on YouTube pretty easily. You just need to create a YouTube channel and talk about the products in the niche you chose.

Many people are afraid of starting a YouTube career because they think they need to show their faces on the camera. No, you don’t! You just need to talk about the products or services you are promoting or you can even do the presentations without a voice.

YouTube is a massive traffic source and you can start getting views and clicks immediately after creating your channel and your first published video.

The most common video styles you will want to do on YouTube when it comes to affiliate marketing are:

  • Single product reviews – this is a kind of video where you are doing a single product review, like let’s say Herbalife shake
  • Product comparison – here you will be comparing products and tell people which one is the best one.
  • How to guides – your mission here is to inform the audience about how to use something, product or service, or something other
  • Best of videos – you want to focus here on the best product or service in particular niches

The question you might ask is how you will make money by promoting products or services on YouTube. Well, you will be inserting affiliate links in the description of every video you make.

You probably watch YouTube videos every single day and I suppose that sometimes you check the description of the video and you see affiliate links there. When you click on that link and buy something the owner of the YouTube channel will earn a commission from that sale, plain and simple.

The point is that you don’t need a website to start making affiliate sales with YouTube but you will need a landing page where you will be sending your audience.

3. Start Using Paid Ads On Google (PPC Marketing)

Traffic from Google is one of the best sources of free organic traffic but you can’t get it without having a website. That is why you should rely on paid ads ie paid traffic.

You have probably seen some of the paid ads while you were searching for something on Google. You usually see those paid ads at the top of the search results. People actually paid Google to show their site or landing page at the top.

How much you will invest in paid ads depends on the keyword you choose. The more competitive the keyword the more money you will spend.

I am not a big fan of paid advertisements because it can suck your wallet pretty quick, especially if you are a beginner. I can’t lie, on the other hand, paid ads are also a great source of traffic but it is not converting so well, as SEO traffic.

When you start using paid ads you will get instant results in terms of traffic and clicks and based on that you will see what works and what does not work.

You should be cautious about investing in paid ads because it can happen that you invest let’s say $100 and your average commission from affiliate sales is around $5, just imagine how many sales you need to make to be in profit.

A very small percentage of people will actually buy from you but they will click and spend your investment. Watch out while ”playing” with paid ads.

That is why I am a big fan of free traffic and you can get it only with a website.

Learn How To Become a Successful Affiliate Marketer in 2024 – Click Here!

4. Start Using Social Media As Affiliate Marketing Platform

Social media became today a true gold when it comes to traffic. There are many affiliate marketers that are not using websites as their promotion channel but they are on social media.

It’s not important if you want to use Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, and other social media platforms, the most important thing is that you keep producing quality content on those platforms that will engage the audience.

When it comes to affiliate links on Instagram and TikTok, you can’t use them on your posts BUT only in your bio description, so you must be careful to not break the rules, otherwise, you might get banned.

Facebook is a great social platform where you can use affiliate links but if you don’t have a large audience it can be a waste of time. That is why it is important that you create a group in a niche you plan to promote and start gathering members.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is still one of the best-converting methods when it comes to affiliate marketing. Although some say that it is dead it is definitely not.

You can use free tools like Mailchimp to start creating the email campaigns that will be sent to your audience. The point with email marketing is that you need to have emails and not everyone will give you his email address simply because you want it.

You will need to create a landing page in this case too because first, you must offer something valuable to your traffic before they give you their email address. You can give them a free ebook or something similar for their email in return.

You Can Start Affiliate Marketing Without a Website BUT…

Yeah, you can definitely start doing affiliate marketing without owning a website but you should know that it will be hard.

In this article, I presented you with the 5 most popular ways how to start an online business with affiliate marketing without a site but if you plan to really become a successful online entrepreneur you will want to make your website as soon as possible.

Like it or not but website will be the root of all your success online. I know that because I am a full-time affiliate marketer for over 7 years now and I know how important is to have a website today.

Yes, you can definitely make sales on social platforms and post on Quora, do email marketing, etc. but you will not make a living from it because it will not be a passive income.

When you have your website and you start doing SEO techniques you will start getting free traffic from the search engines on your website and even while you sleep, you are gonna make sales.

Creating your own website is not hard at all, you can actually have your own profit-ready website in just 30 seconds, the hardest part is getting organic traffic but if you learn the right strategies you will never repent creating a site, I guarantee that.

If you want to learn how to become a profitable and successful affiliate marketer I encourage you that you click on the link below and learn how can you start doing it even today.


How Much Money Do You Really Need To Start With Affiliate Marketing – Learn More Here!

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